Hello everybody! Welcome to my first Fanfiction. It's a pretty big crossover, so the first five chapters are exposition. But it's not boring! Please read and review. (Has Over the Garden Wall, Homestuck, Gravity Falls, Steven Universe, and Star VS the Forces of Evil. Read and Review!

Chapter One

The Starting Point

Our story begins in a small town on the peninsula of Delmarva. This town is known as Beach City, ironically, for such a small town. And on the beach, there is a large temple. From within this temple, there came a cry, so loud, it shook windows across Beach City.

"Amethyst!" cried Pearl, "For the last time, this is not the way to deal with a corrupted gem!" In a bubble above her hand was a small blue-green spherical gemstone.

"Calm down, Pearl." Replied Amethyst, "I was only gonna use it to play tennis with Steven."

"If you did that, it would destroy the entire City!" Pearl exclaimed, irritated that she had to explain this so many times.

"It would do WHAT to Beach City?" Steven cried, incredibly shocked.

"Steven, calm down. If that happened, I woulda stopped it." Amethyst reassured him. "I did it already once. How hard would it be to do it again?"

"You got lucky winging it, so to speak." Pearl said, exasperated. "If you had stuck to the plan, we would have-" Her sentence was cut short by an enormous rumbling that set off car alarms all over the city. Greg, Steven's father, rushed into the beach house.

"What happened?" He exclaimed. "Is Steven allright? Where's Garnet?" Connie, Stevens closest friend from Beach City, was next to enter. She opened her mouth to speak, but before she could, the temple door glowed bright red, opened, and Garnet came rushing out.

"Bad news. Theres been a dimensional crack." She said, calm despite the emergency. "We need to head into the temple Now."

"When will you guys tell me what a dimensional crack does?" Steven asked for the fourth time. "Or at least what it is" The Gems were heading through the temple

"A dimensional crack is when something breaks a hole in space-time that is so large, it causes anomalies in multiple dimensions" Pearl explained. "as for what it does…" She trailed off at the end of her sentence, and was interrupted by Amethyst.

"She doesn't know." She said proudly. "The ever-wise Pearl doesn't know. Now you know that she can't answer everything. I'm not dragging this fact out or anything, but…".

"It's not like you know, Amethyst!" Countered Pearl. "No-one knows!"

"Wait, this has never happened before?" asked Steven. "Then how do you know about it? This doesn't make any sense!"

"Peridot came close to causing one before you were born, Steven," said Pearl. "But Rose stopped her. To this day, we still don't know how. We were unconscious."

Garnet stopped them as they entered a light-blue room with holoscreens all over the walls. "The Dimension Center." She said. "Were here."

The gems took no time getting to work. Pearl entered coordinates into a computer, Garnet was looking for errors on a holoscreen, and Amethyst was operating a machine that looked like a combination of a toaster and a blender. "I can't find anything wrong with our universe, thankfully." Garnet reported. "Pearl, search through nearby dimensions" Pearl typed in a long string of numbers, and almost immediately red dots started popping up on the holoscreen.

"My god…" Pearl said, dumbfounded "I had no Idea there could be so many anomalies! This is bad."

"There are only four of them." Observed Steven. "That doesn't seem like that much"

"Steven," Pearl replied, "Peridot said the most any crack has caused before was two. That's double. Garnet?" she asked. "What have the anomalies caused?"

"One caused two universes to combine, and the others…" Garnet paused mid-sentence. "God no. This is not good" The gems quivered. Anything bad enough to scare Garnet was especially bad news.

"What happened?" Amethyst asked.

"The other anomalies… they caused the warp pad to be cloned and sent to other dimensions. The worst part is that these pads don't need a gem to operate. This means that any monster can get into our universe.

And so it begins. Stay tuned for Over the Gravity Falls!