So I know, it's been over years since anyone has heard of me. Worst Author ever. I know. But that is okay, guess what? I'm back in action babes with a new fanfiction to give to you in honor of Soroku Day! I have been thinking about this fic for the longest time, and I thought it should be now that I share it with you guys. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do, and keeps your like/love of this ship alive ;)

~Happy Readings~




Chapter 1: Royal, meet Rebel

The lone wolf sat alone by itself with no pack to call of its own. For as far as it was aware, it was always that way. It, itself, and just...them. Isolated by all, but desired by one.


Everyone has at least one problem, Sora was sure of that. Some more severe than others, some less. That's why he always preferred to know someone first before judging them. That was his number one rule. From the openness of his personality, he had received countless friends and acquaintances over the years. It had gained him connections, and close friendships that would never die down, however, there was a time when he had to break his own rule. But the brunette had good reasons not to bother getting to know one particular person. Someone he had wished he never bothered wanting to get to know.


Three blocks away from Destiny High, a brunette traveled down the neatly paved sidewalks humming the tune of the music blasting through the his earbuds stuck in his ears. Cinnamon brown spikes bobbed as he walked; his messenger bag slung comfortably over his shoulder containing all his necessary supplies for his third year. He had heard previously from his good friend, Riku, to expect a heavier workload, which he didn't take too happily. Sora sighed, frowning deeply as he raised his arms up to cross and rest behind his head. Despite hearing the very devastating news for the rising junior, he hoped he could make the beginning of school more pleasurable for the first few weeks. He even thought that wearing his special day uniform would heighten his mood. He wore his favorite crisp white V-neck Polo shirt tucked into his dark navy blue knee high khakis. He also wore his favorite pair of bright yellow sneakers and a few accessories to match.

Sora smiled to himself as he walked, pulling out his earbuds as he arrived at the grand school. A thin pink bracelet dangled around his wrist, symbolizing a promise he had made a while back to his dear friend Kairi. Besides this, he had a very important accessory that was more important than a mere bracelet. A token that made him who he was.


Said teen turned catching a flash of red before yelping and nearly falling to the ground. "Kairiiiii!" Sora whined trying to pry the squealing girl away, the effort was fruitless since she latched herself tightly around his waist. At this point, he had only made it halfway to Destiny High's front entrance before being physically assaulted by one of his close friends.

"C-Come on Kairi! I just saw you yesterday, and you're star- ACK!."

"Oh stop that. We were only together the day before in celebration of our third year of high school." The redhead giggled as Sora struggled in her arms in a headlock, preventing him from saying more.

"St...Stop K-Kairi… I c-can't breathe." The two continued to go on like this, but neither of them noticed the silent footsteps coming behind them.

"You can stop that now. We don't want our prince dying on our first day back."

A silveret grinned then dropped his heavy shoulder bag on the girl's head, consequently forcing her to release the captive prince.

"OW! What the hell, Riku?!" Kairi shouted, rubbing the abused part of her head while Riku smiled down at her innocently.

"Thanks, Ri, I owe you one." Sora sighed in relief massaging off the slight pain and coaxing the blood to flow back to his head.

The relieved prince smiled and laughed as he watched his two best friends go at it. Kairi trying to kick the other down to her size whilst Riku evaded her every attack and teased her. The brunet couldn't help but be amused as he watched them. He had been with them ever since they were young, but neither of them really changed much since the time all three of them met. Sora could honestly say that he was glad that they were still together after so many years, and he hoped it would stay like that for the years to come.

Having enough of their foolishness, Sora called for them to stop. "Let's go. I don't want to listen to you two squawk at each other anymore."

Sora continued on towards the school with Riku and Kairi in tow. He greeted and high-fived everyone he knew or didn't. He already noticed that the number of people he didn't know versus the many he did was steadily increasing, which was to be expected since almost everyone knew of him.

Once passing through the doors, Sora inhaled the smell of a fresh start of the new school year. Like every year, the halls were clean and smelled of harsh good-smelling cleaning products, the marble floors waxed, and the hall of trophies dusted and shined. To complement the big school, it had a large foyer that opened up to many of the school offices. The walls were lined with trophies, plaques, and pictures of the many school departments; there were three staircases that went up into the second floor and separated to the West and East wing of the school. Further in the back was where all the arts and sports resided as all the other classes and departments were scattered about. Everyone inside was either chatting excitedly or telling stories of what happened during their summer break. Everything was calm and normal as far as Sora could see, but he was glad.

But for how long, he didn't know.

Sora had climbed the steps and had become too engrossed in his fascination with the school that he didn't notice Riku nudging him until he received a hard smack to the back of the head. "Wake up, your audience is waiting..."

"Huh? Oh…" Finally registering that there was a large group of students staring and waiting for Sora at the bottom of the stair cases. A nervous trickle went down his spine, but three years of this taught the brunet how to calm his nerves.

He gazed around the mass of students, then carefully made his way back down. Most of them smiling up or down at him in respect. Sora flashed a few with his famous thousand watt smile as he walked past the large group. He received a few hollers, some girls blushed and giggled when the prince met their eyes. He could tell that he was truly loved, and all his efforts from the precious years were really paying off. In all honesty, Sora felt it was a little unsettling how nearly half of the whole student body looked up to him. But then again, it was somewhat heart warming being surrounded by his supporters, and two of his best friends as his good subordinates.

This was them. The people that he grew up with ever since kindergarten to high school. These were his closest friends, his allies, his helpers, his manpower, and so, so much more. They are who contributed to making the brunette who he was today. Making him into their proud leader.

Sora quickly brushed away the invisible tears at the corner of his eyes. Riku elbowed Sora's side seeing that he often got emotional over things like this. The teary prince smiled proudly then raised a fist to the air. A symbol meaning not only their trademark greeting, but the unity of them as a whole.

"Who are we?!" The cheerful brunette shouted at the top of his lungs to the mass of students; his words echoing through the vast halls of the school.

"DESTINY HIGH ROYALS!" Said thunderous cry of a thousand replied.



There was a collective cheer from the students as they clapped and whistled. For Sora, this all in itself was a privilege to be the Prince of the Destiny High Royals. Just seeing people with smiles on their faces and sharing a commone good feeling felt worth it. Everyone looked generally happy, until, one particular student shouted the one name that sent the rest into a rage driven frenzy.

"This year we're going to destroy the Rebels!" One of the royal's voices called loud enough over the others. Almost instantly, every Royal that has previous issues, or had horrible memories that dealt with the enemy voices escalated. All ranting angrily, or already making out plans of what they plan to do as payback for their mishaps.

Sora could only frown and stared down at his group. On one hand, he was glad that they all share the same hatred towards the other group, but on the other hand he didn't want to cause a conflict so early in the year. The prince sighed deeply shaking his head then motioned for Kairi that stood to his left to quiet them down. By "quieting down", that meant a loud piercing whistle that resignated in even down the halls.

Remarkably, everyone shimmered down or jolted to attention coming to almost complete silence. Anyone seeing that for the first time would have been astonished or impressed on how one person had so much influence.

"Now, everyone," Sora started looking through his many supporters to be sure he had their attention. "You and I -as your prince- both know this is not why we returned here today."

"But my prince! Have you already forgotten what the Reb-"

"I already know that!" Sora shouted cutting off whoever dared to interrupt him. His voice becoming serious and heavy. He closed his eyes then took in another deep breath pushing back the memories of last year. Kairi's comforting hand rubbed at his back soothing away any harsh memories that remained.

"No matter… no matter how hard they may hit us, verbally, mentally, or physically. They can never touch us. We are bigger than them. We are the stars of this high school. I am with you… as you are with me." Sora paused. "For that I deeply appreciate you all. Even you, Kairi and Riku." He turned and smiled as his dear friends did the same obviously touched. "But as long as we're here they can never reach our level. They will never experience our greatness as we'll never stoop down to their lowness."

Sora straightened up squaring his shoulders and holding his head high. "So, if you all would kindly remind me. Who are we?"

"Destiny Hi-"

"What?! I can't hear you!" The prince smiled wide as he leaned his ear towards the crowd.


"And what do we DO?"

"Shine…Honor… and Win, right?" A loud clear voice rang out above all causing all else to stop and a few cringe before their cue.

All the royals on the floor turned to the entrance and spotted the source. Immediately, tension ran high as another group of students filled in the school. Scowls and glares were aimed at one another; each ready to pounce if the either made the wrong move. But from the throng of students, one particular teen stood out from the rest. Sora tensed when he heard that person's voice and wasn't at all pleased to see who it belonged to. He could recognize it miles away since he had many undesired chances to know it very well. A heated glare was set on his features as his cobalt blue eyes met with eyes seemingly identical to his own, but the other held sharpness and judgment that would cause anyone's nerves unease.

"Such a lovely speech, Sora. You always know what to say to move even my 'cold, dead heart'." The teen snickered. "Isn't that the same one you've said for the past three years?" A slender blonde haired teen questioned moving away from his group and towards Sora where he stood on the center staircase.

"I like to remind my people of our goals so they don't fall short." Sora replied, his voice even and low but all seriousness and power like the leader that he was. The Royal prince watched the blonde saunter into his group, his supporters automatically parting to make way for his personal enemy. The brunette prepared to say their traditional greetings; a silly rule made up long ago at which had to be said whenever two princes met.

"Roxas Lockhart…" The Royal prince held his head higher as Roxas, whom was currently known as Destiny High's Prince of the Rebels, came to where he stood with a sly smile on his face.

"Sora Fair… looking as sexy as ever." The Rebel prince smirked digging his hands into the back pockets of his black denim skinny jeans. "Seems like you are just as excited to start the new school year together… you and I."

Sora's lip twitched but he refrained from spitting on Roxas' face. His disgust for the other was quickly rising but hidden well thanks to the multiple encounters he had with the Rebel prince.

"There won't be any 'you and I' business that you may have hoped for this year. Only protocol, you stay with your devious group, and I with my respectable supporters."

"Devious?" Roxas repeated with a little gasp, mock hurt expressed on his face. "Sora, Sora… me and my lovely group are everything but. We are simply something special that you and your posse will never be."

"Ha!" Sora rolled his eyes. His lips curved into a smile. "You and your group are special alright. In the mental department that is." He chuckled. Riku and Kairi following suit then later the small laughter of the royals that surrounded them.

Roxas stood firm and unaffected by the jab. He was used to insults far worse than this, so his little comment was nothing but a flea bite. Instead, he laughed along with them as for his gang who leered and scowled at the royals who dared to make fun of their prince.

"You have gotten better with your pitiful little jokes, Sora. Maybe you'll get to Axel's level in twenty or so years." It was the blonde's turn to laugh. His hand went up to fiddle with the necklace around his neck. It was a shiver chain with a unique styled X on the center, similar to Sora's but his was in the shape of a crown. It was the item that marked Roxas as the leader of his group. Looking at it brought back a bitter memory for the brunet, but the subtle weight of his own reminded him of the exchange.

Sora's brows knitted together in annoyance that nearly anything negative he said to Roxas, he found amusing instead of offensive. It was one of the many things about the blonde that irked him. For him, it felt like the other lacked any feeling bone in his body. Thought it was not only him, but he had somehow gotten most of his group to become unfeeling robots. Anything done or said to them gone to the wind.

Just this was very unsettling for the royal prince.

"Well, now that we're through with being friendly, how about we start to set things straight." The blonde's smirk fell as he stepped a bit closer to Sora. The prince instinctively stepping back, but Riku reflexively stepping forward; ready to intervene when he had to.

"Riku, it's fine. I can handle him." Sora commanded as he said this still keeping his eyes on his foe. The silveret accordingly stepped off to the side but kept his eyes on him. Roxas, of course, found it amusing.

"Aw, it's cute that you trained your little puppy well, but I plan to do something this year that I hope you and your little band of idiots don't screw up." Roxas crossed his arms leaning towards the brunet.

"And what kind of idiotic proposal do you have in mind this time?" Sora muttered low enough for only Roxas to hear.

"How about this," Roxas moved to his ear. He didn't have to lean down or up since they were actually the same height. But he was sure to keep his distance, for he knew how Sora had felt about him making the smallest skin contact. "Neither of us want trouble this year, and you and I have a lot on our plates as it is." Sora knew that much, but trouble was something that was unavoidable. "There is something that I want that you have." Roxas withdrew a little from Sora to look him in the eye.

Sora stared back at him slightly confused but held his glare. "And what, pray tell, would that be?" The brunette's tanned hand was already around his crowned necklace.

"You know I don't want that." The blonde motioned towards the necklace.

"Then what?"

"Something no one else was able to attain."

"Stop with your mind games and just tell me."

"Then it would be too easy, and it would be out of my grasp before I even made the effort."

"Then it mustn't be that important if you know you'll lose it."

"Oh, it is important. Something so important that it's something I always wanted since the moment we met."

Sora narrowed his eyes at the deep blue irises. "Whatever it is, I'll make sure you'll never have it."

"Oh, I'll make sure I will. Whether you like it or not." Roxas' eyes shimmered at the challenge and was about to open his mouth to say more but the morning bell beat him to it.

Students started to disperse to their homeroom classes, but a few remained in curiosity of the private conversation between the princes.

"Hm… looks like we'll have to continue this later…" The Rebel prince trailed off glancing at his two subordinates behind the brunet. They shared a quiet, tense moment, but he didn't keep eye contact for too long or else they would have figured out his next move.

"I hope we never will…" Sora bit back turning to leave the rebel and head on his way to class. He already had enough of the insufferable blonde; however, most things didn't end in a way Sora called 'pleasant'.

The Royal prince only made it two yards away with Kairi and Riku on either side of him before being roughly grabbed by the forearm and spun around almost causing him to trip. His eyes widened in surprise, but it was already too late for him to react to what happened next.

Foreign soft lips smashed against his own with such force he was sure his teeth rattled. His heart surged in panic, but his body didn't obey his demand to move away. It had happened so quickly that his body was still in shock. At first, he couldn't quite register who he was kissing, but he did notice the odd numbing feeling that came from it. He felt it from his lips all the way to the tip of his fingers and toes. As if it was a silent wave that numbed his senses. However, it didn't stay. It was gone in an instant. By the time his mind saw the blue optics that stared right back, so close and knowing, Sora's heart sank and precisely knew who kissed him.

Muscles finally working with his mind, Sora placed his hands on the blonde's chest pushing him as hard as he could away from him. The Rebel prince laughed and dodged away just when Riku lunged for him.

"You fucking-!" Riku swore falling back when Axel, one of the blonde's best subordinates, intercepted him.

"See you later, beautiful blue." Roxas winked and sauntered off with his followers following close behind.

Sora stared after the Rebel prince until he disappeared in the cluster of students. His heart was thudding hard in his chest, and his cheeks colored a fiery red. He vigorously wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand muttering angrily as he did so; his skin prickly all over.

"Sora, are you alright?" Kairi rushed over to him and touched his shoulder and cheek lightly. The brunette slapped her hand away and proceeded onwards to class.

"I'm fine."

"You sure? You really looked li-"

"I SAID I'M FINE!" The prince shouted stunning the redhead into silence and caused a few curious glances.

"S-Sorry." It was a rare for Sora to actually yell at his friends, but he just had to make sure to apologize later for it. Like many other times, both of his best friends knew he hadn't done things like that intentionally.

Riku came beside her patting her shoulder. "Leave him alone for now. You should know he gets like this when that jackass pulls those kinds of stunts." Sora heard the silveret as he said this, but decided to shut off the rest of their conversation in his mind.

He was ashamed of himself for blowing up on Kairi, and in front of his supporters. But he was most shameful with himself for letting something like that stupid kiss get the best of him.


For the most part of the day, Sora ignored and kept to himself. It was especially horrible since he hadn't planned his first day back to be ruined like this. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get the fact that Roxas, the most disgusting, obnoxious, self-centered, manwhore, kissed him. He was glad for once that he hadn't taken his first kiss, or he would be forced to remember who had taken it whenever people asked him. He could still feel the cool ghost of his lips, which made his skin crawl to no end. He damned himself for actually getting lost in the kiss and feeling so, lost.

Riku and Kairi bothered him no further, and most of his supporters could tell he wasn't in the best spirits. His mood only got worse when he heard or spotted the Rebel prince around the area. Multiple times Sora had to fend off the offending blonde. He was absolutely suffocating for the brunet, and even Sora himself couldn't figure out he was able to tolerate him.

When the time came for lunch, Sora was a little gladdened because he would have something, other than complicated math and English to keep him preoccupied.

The Royal prince sat at his usual table. It was a table that was particularly larger than the rest on one side of the cafeteria. Dead center of the cafeteria, there was a single aisle that divided the cafeteria into two parts. One side for the Royals, and the other for the Rebels. The Rebel's side also had a large table; both used as means of only ones that of high status, and/or those who requested a special audience with their prince. But in reality, there were tables that teachers usually ate their lunch but would later be taken by students. Not only that, they were also used for one-on-one meetings between their majesties when it came to serious problems between the two groups.

Those times Sora least enjoyed.

The prince silently ate his lunch as Kairi and Riku chatted excitedly about their new assigned classes. He joined their conversation once or twice, but mostly kept to himself as he absently created mushy mountains and canyons in his mashed potatoes.

It had taken him a while to notice the constant tingling feeling at the back of his neck. He pulled himself out of his dreamlike consciousness and looked about the large cafeteria to find whoever was staring at him.

It didn't take him long to spot who it was, for it was the first set of deep blue eyes he wish he hadn't laid eyes on.

Roxas Lockhart sat on the other side of the aisle; elbows propped on the table and hands folded across his lips. Sora didn't know how long he may have stayed in that position staring at him, but it was certainly unnerving.

Sora scowled at the blonde, obviously annoyed at being stared at. Said blonde grinned behind his hands and gave a wink in Sora's direction. Revolted, the royal prince sat up straighter gripping his spork, glaring at Roxas dead on.

"Fuck… you…" Sora breathed under his breath. He ignored the slightly shocked glances from his two friends but had hoped they knew he wasn't directing the comment towards them.

Roxas heard his silent words despite the loudness of the room -or more or less read his lips- because he slowly lowered his hands and folded them neatly on the table. For a moment, Sora was slightly surprised that he could pretend to be so proper even for his improper attitude. The blonde leaned forward as if trying to get closer, then mouthed 'How hard and how?'

Sora recoiled in his seat as if his simple words slapped him across the face. His response had only made his snarl deepen, and red rise to his cheeks like before. Not only was his character repulsive, but also his mannerisms.

The Rebel prince chuckled at his reaction then turned his attention from the Royal regarding him no further. To Sora, this pissed him off immensely and he dearly wanted to ring Roxas' pale neck. The brunette growled angrily and tore his gaze away from Roxas and resumed to staring at his food.

Roxas Lockhart

The source and reason of most disruption in Sora's school life. The only person he had wished he never took the time to get to know.




-hides under the bed- How was it? I hope you liked it. Just to let you know, constructive criticism is very welcome. I want to develop this story as it grows into something greater. Your help makes a difference.

If you have any more questions, message me on my personal tumblr account or here.

Until next time,
