I do not own Rise of the Guardians or Hellsing
(Man in the Moon)

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter 1

Jack Frost was flying over England spreading cold air in his wake when he felt something was not right. He decended until he was just adove a little village. it was early morning, but people should still be out and about. Not a sign of anyone. Jack landed in the village square and looked around himself. The only things alive were a crow and a pack of ferial dogs. The winter spirit felt sick when he saw one dog run through the village with a human leg dangling from its mouth and five more dogs chasing it.

[What happened here?] Jack wondered. He slowly walked the streets to see if he could find anyone.

The sound of a child crying reached the young Guardian's ears. He jogged to find its source. A little child huddled in the back of an ally.

"Hello there," Jack whispered as he strolled closer. The child looked up at him and shank back in fear. Jack crouched to become eye level with the child. It was then Jack noticed she had red eyes.

"I'm so hungry," the little girl whimpered.

"Well, we'll just have to find something for you to eat," Jack assured her.

"We already did," a male's voice growled from behind Jack causing the Guardian of fun to jump up and spin around. At the ally mouth was four,red eyed men. The one in front smiled showing elongated eye teeth.

[Fangs!] Jack's mind shouted. [They're all vampires!] Jack started to shoot upwards, but the vampires were faster then him. They had him pinned easily.

"Bloodmaster," the little girl whined, "please. I'm hungry."

"There is only enough blood in this one for one of us," the only vampire standing said. He was obvisly the 'Bloodmaster'.

"But you promised!" the little girl begged. The Bloodmaster seemed to ponder as he looked at the winter spirit as he stuggled to get out from under the vampires on him.

"Alright," he said. "I'll save you some."

"Thank you, Bloodmaster!" the litte girl cried as the Bloodmaster reached down and grabbed Jack by his hair. He hauled the young spirit upwards until they were eye level. The vampire's breath smelled like the death he dealt. Jack gagged.

"You could really use a breath mint," Jack said. He winched when the vampire tighted his grip.

"You know, Pitch was right," the Bloodmaster drawled. Jack's eyes popped open.

"You know Pitch Black?" Jack questioned.

"Yes, he does," the Nightmareking's velvet voice responded as he pulled himself from the shadows. A pair of Nightmares flancked the man of shadows.
They tossed their heads upon scenting Jack's fear. "It was my idea for them to kill the whole village. I knew you would have to investigate if you felt no live where life should be."

"It was a big mistake," another velvety voice said. The Bloodmaster spun around to face yet another vampire, in red. The Bloodmaster quickly put Jack in a headlock in front of himself. Pitch melted into the shadows, the other vampires tried to run, but the vampier in red shot them. They exploded into dust, not to get up again. The vampire then aimed his gun at the Bloodmaster, and Jack.

"Tell me boy," the vampire in red began. "Are you a virgin?" Jack knew that in order for vampires to reproduce, they had to bite a virgin of the opposite gender.

(He will be able to turn you,) a familiar voice said. The Man in the Moon. (You are an Immortal, so he can turn you.)

"Boy!" the red clad vampire yelled.

"Yes!" Jack called back. "Yes, I'm a virgin!"


A burning pain ripped through his chest as the bullet passed through the winter spirit and into the Bloodmaster, causeing the vampier to let go of him. As Jack fell he froze the wound, but the burn was still there. Jack hauld himself to the other side of the ally and put his back to the wall. The vampire in red now knelt beeside Jack.

"What's your name?" Jack chocked.

"I am known as Alucard," the vampire replied.

"Do what you must," Jack murmured as he felt his strenght ebb away. He closed his eyes and felt fangs enter his jugular. It actually didn't hurt like Jack thought it would. Darkness claimed all his sences and he floated in peace.

End of chapter one!

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