Alright… Lets have a conversation, a one-sided conversation but that is besides the point. It may or may not be completely obvious that I've abandon this fic. My apologies. When I first set out to write this story my ambition was high, everything plot point mapped out in my head and each chapter was a way for me to connect these dots. Sadly the spark I had for this story died. I'll be more than honest here; I'm never going to finish this story the way I intended. For lots of reasons and for that I am, again, sorry. I have attempted more writing that wasn't this story some that I was okay with and others that I hated, but I want to find a rhythm for writing fics that I genuinely want to write and leaving this one story here unfinished has been weighing me down. To be fair I could just take the whole story down, I'm not exactly proud of it, but there have been some genuinely nice reviews left by some of you that doing so would make me feel guilty. Instead I've decided to leave you all with this, I hope you enjoy. (Warning; this has had little to no editing whatsoever)

Years later, the air was chilly and the leaves had all changed. Sirius briskly walked down the street as dark clouds rolled in above his head. He picked up the pace slightly to make it home before getting caught in the rain.

Sirius neared the end of the street muttering a password to cross under the enchantment protecting the little house before him. He was home. A warm smile graced his face as he opened the gate and made it down the pathway to the front door. He raised his hand and gently knocked on the door.

There was some quiet shuffling before a soft, muffled voice asked, "What did you see in the mirror of erised?"

His smile turned into a grin, "My heart, My Juliet."

The was a snort and the door swung open revealing Juliet herself.

"You're such a nerd," She claimed.

"You take that back," He scoffed entering the house and leaning down to claim her lips as his own, "Hello my love."

"Hello my love," Juliet replied stealing another quick kiss from the man before her. As Sirius stepped into the house Juliet closed the front door behind him and muttered an incannation on the door itself, "How was your day today?"

"Great, I actually got to see Prongs today," Sirius replied shrugging out of his leather jacket, "You know Dumbledores got his cloak?"

"Really? Why?" Juliet asked moving to the kitchen waving her wand to put on the kettle.

"Merlin knows to be honest," He sighed following her into the kitchen, "Probably to keep him from sneaking out, but he should know better than to keep either of them locked up like this. Especially with little Harry."

"It's to keep them safe, you know that you know who is after them. I don't like it any more than you do, but its for their protection. It's the same for us only less dramatic."

Sirius sighed again leaning against the counter pulling Juliet into his arms, "I know I'm just tired of all of this. The war, the bigotry, the hiding, the not knowing who to bloody trust anymore. I hate it. I want my friends and my family to just be safe."

Juliet frowns hearing the aching in his voice and brings her hands to cup his face, "I know love, I know."

His eyes drift closed instinctively leaning into her left hand refreshed by the cold metal of the ring, his ring, against his cheek. Life after Hogwarts has been a rollercoaster for him and all of his friends. They were young, irresponsible, and living during a dangerous war but they each had found their own pockets of happiness. Some of his family members had sneered and sent hateful things to him after he had married Juliet, but the letters, notes and howlers were nothing but kindling to him because he knew who his true family was. Truthfully it wasn't so much the marriage those blood purist were angry about. It was the reasoning behind it; love, devotion, and most shockingly a baby.

Purely an accident on both parts seeing as they were both a few months away from being out of Hogwarts when Juliet found out she was pregnant. It was an emotional time for all of them but in the end they both decided that this was an obstacle they would deal with together. Neither of them regretted any of it. Not the baby. Not the marriage. They simply wished to raise their daughter without the threat of death leering over their heads.

Sirius turned his head to place a kiss into her palm, "I love you."

Juliet smiled, "I love you too."

"How was the little today?"

"Good. A little sad," She ran her hand over his cheek turning his head towards her, "She missed you like crazy. We both did."

He leaned his forehead on hers, "I'm sorry love."

Her fingers ran along his scruffy jaw, "Don't apologize. I understand why you left today. James, Lily and baby Harry are important. They're family. I only wish that we could have gone with you."

They stayed in eachothers arms for a while in their understanding silence as a storm sturred outside the safety of their home. It wasn't long until they heard the familiar mews of a cat trying to escape a certain someone. They both looked towards the kitchen doorway only to see Cooley zoom past it in a panic.

"Somebody's up," Juliet noted checking the clock behind Sirius' shoulder.

"I've got her," Sirius said rubbing her side before releasing his wife to catch his toddler.

Juliet smiled and got two mugs out of the cabinet for some tea.

"What do we have here?" Sirius questioned happily as he exited the kitchen. The response he got was a song of squeals and giggles and a very small, "da." His bundle of joy waddled unsteadily into his arms, "What have we told you about climbing out of that bed of yours?"

The only response he got was her giggles and she threw her small strong arms around his neck to hug her daddy.

"I saw kitty da."

"Yes my love but that doesn't mean you get to sneak out of bed," He barely scolded holding her in his arms walking back into the kitchen, "Besides you know that kitty doesn't like you, remember?"

"Cause I mama's new baby."

"That's right," Juliet said peering around Sirius to kiss her daughter hand.

The little girl released her grip on her fathers neck, "but I hear da too so i got up. Then I see kitty."

"Bet you were trying to be sneaky," Juliet said wagging her finger towards her daughter with mock threat. To which her response was muffled giggles as she tried to hide a coy smile with her hands and fathers shoulder.

"Oh little Abbi you're going to be way too mischievous aren't you," Sirius asked with the same coy smile.

Juliet groaned and rolled her eyes, "That's your fault and you're not the least bit sorry about it."

They both knew that was true.

The four year old let out a big yawn and looked perfectly content in her fathers arms, "I miss you da."

Sirius pressed a kissed on his daughters forehead as she rested against his chest, "Dad missed you too. We be together all day tomorrow love."

"Promise?" She asked in a small tired voice.

"Of course," He promised, "Tomorrows Halloween after all, we'll have lots of candy to eat together."

Sirius rested in a kitchen chair cradling his daughter to him with nothing but adoration behind his eyes. Juliet joined him at the table with two cups of tea and they both sat in content silence watching their sleeping daughter.

The End