(Hope you all had a great week. This is the final chapter of this story. We felt it had reached the end of the story we wanted to tell. Once again, thank you for all the support. Our other two stories will be updated tomorrow and Sunday. Love to all.) Rose and Jade
John was so thankful that his lover seemed to be getting stronger by the day. It was something he had hoped for and was beyond grateful it came true. One weekend, John, Randy, and Sheamus were lucky enough to have both Saturday and Sunday off. John took advantage of the situation and invited his friends to his place for a private pool party. Seth and Dean had to work so it would be just the four of them.
"What's the chances that Randy doesn't still want to kill me?" Roman asked as he getting out a pair of his board shorts for the pool that day.
"I think he's doing better with that." John laughed as he stripped in the bedroom to put on his own swimming shorts. "When you were in the coma we had some long talks and he seems better about you now."
"Maybe he thinks Karma paid me back enough for you." Roman tried to laugh.
"Nah, I explained best I could without telling him everything and it seemed to help." John chuckled, pulling his red board shorts up. "Well, and Shea helped. I don't know if I ever told you but that guy was such a supportive friend while you were out."
"That's cool." Roman worked his hair into a bun. "Why do I bother I know it will fall out at some point?"
John bit his lip as he looked at the Samoan. "Rome...ever give any more thought to our talk some months ago about a foursome?"
"If you can get them to go along with it...I guess just once." Roman knew there was at least tension between him and Randy at one time. Maybe John was right and that was cleared and they would be cool. He felt odd telling John no without good reason since they play with Dean and Seth many times over.
John smiled with a nod. "Shea seems pretty easy going about things...Randy I may need to win over to the idea." He laughed. "He won't turn it down though. I mean, look at you!"
Roman smiled almost smirked. "Thanks, Daddy...always the charmer."
John walked close to wink at his fiancee. "Better have plenty of cold beer." He joked.
"Do we really want to do this if we need to get them drunk to agree?" Roman wondered as he also worried how Randy's temper may be if beer was added to the mix.
"I'm kidding, Rome." John tried to tell him. "You know I'd never try to force them into anything."
"Yeah, I guess...so we grilling in the pool room tonight or just using the kitchen?" Roman asked.
"Hmm..." John looked thoughtful. "We could grill in the pool room. I bought some nice steaks and shrimp to do a surf and turf meal."
"That works for me." Roman smiled. John swatted Roman's ass before heading downstairs to the pool area.
"Hey, Freshy." Roman joked as he chased after John. John laughed as they reached the bottom of the steps. He took off for the kitchen so he could make a salad to go with the grilled food. "When are they supposed to arrive?"
"Actually, any time now." John told him. He put on an apron before pulling various vegetables from the fridge. "Mind listening for them, Baby?"
"Sure, Daddy." Roman moved to kiss John's check and then headed for the front sitting area. John turned on some music on his iPod and rapped along with the hook of the song as he washed and cut vegetables, putting them in a large bowl for a tossed salad. He made a homemade vinaigrette dressing Randy enjoyed a lot. Roman tried to relax despite feeling wound up. For all he knew one or both of them wouldn't even agree. He just had to relax. It wasn't too long before there was a buzz on the intercom, signalling they had a visitor.
Roman moved to hit the button. "Hello?"
"Hey." Randy's deep voice came through the speaker, actually sounding pleasant. "Going to let us in, Big Guy?"
"John never gave you the gate code?" Roman could be heard chuckling before he hit the button.
"I keep forgetting...so sue me." Randy said with an actual laugh before driving inside. Roman moved to open the door for them.
It was a few minutes before Randy and Sheamus walked up the front walk to the house. The Irishman was already in his board shorts and a tank top. Randy was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. A ball cap was on his head. "Hey, Roman." He actually greeted the younger man like he was making an effort to be nice.
"Hey, Guys." Roman smiled, shaking hands.
"Be good seeing ya on ye feet, Fella." Sheamus told him.
"Hey...thanks. I'm feeling a lot better." Roman told them, letting them pass before shutting the door.
"Yeah." Randy glanced at Sheamus before taking a breath and facing Roman once they were inside. "Look...Congrats on the engagement...I know I was a little hard on you over what happened with John...want to um...start over?" He wanted to be on good terms with his best friend's fiancée.
"Hey, I understand, Man." Roman extended a hand. "Clean slate?" He smiled.
Randy nodded slowly and shook Roman's hand before looking around. "So...where is the old man anyway?"
"Doing his good wife impression." Roman laughed. "He's in the kitchen."
Randy nodded, his mouth going into his lop sided smirk. "Guess I'll go say hi then."
"Go have fun, Ran." Sheamus told him, looking at Roman. "Good wife impression?"
"Oh, just joking and he knows it." Roman chuckled before he walked with Sheamus. "Let's head for the pool. I need to start warming the grill."
"Sound good, Fella."
Randy walked into the kitchen, smiling as he saw John shaking his ass to music he had playing as he made salad dressing. It felt good to the younger man to see his buddy so happy. "You're so fucking corny, John. Guess some things never change."
John turned to see Randy and grinned. "You know it. Where's your other half?"
Randy walked to the fridge and pulled out a cold bottle of water for himself. "He went with Roman to get the grill started." He shifted slightly before continuing. "I talked to Roman...we decided to bury the hatchet and start over."
The older man looked relieved as he poured the dressing over the salad. "That's great to hear, Ran. He really does make me happy."
Roman started the grill then went to the small fridge nearby to pull out the marinaded steaks and shrimp. He stated the layer the shrimp on skewers. Sheamus relaxed near by. "I'm happy for ya both."
"Thanks, Man. Me too. John has been such a rock to me."
"Aye, I see that." Sheamus smiled. "So, any update if ye be coming back?"
"Yeah, they are talking about me being a 'secret' member of a Survivor Series team." Roman answered.
"That good, Fella...I am sure John misses ya greatly on the road." The Irishman offered a warm smile.
John looked thoughtful as he finished tossing the salad and turned to face his friend. "Ran...um...I need to ask you something."
Randy groaned. "I know that look, John. What are you up to?"
John knew with Randy he just had to come out and say it. "I talked to Rome...I'd like us to have a foursome...like we do with Seth and Dean at times...no feelings involved...just buddies having fun."
Randy's mouth dropped open a moment like he could not believe the older man. "You're joking, John. Right?"
John shook his head. "Nope...dead serious. We play around at times. It's fun."
"John, you're a good looking guy but we went down that road before. It didn't work out." Randy tried to remind him. "We're just not compatible like that."
John smirked. "Which is why we're not doing anything. If you'll share Sheamus I'll share Roman. Surely you have to think my guy is sexy."
Silence filled the room a few long minutes before Randy spoke. "How does Roman feel about all this?"
"He said he's up for it if you two agree." John answered, glad he didn't get a flat out no.
"I don't know how Shea will react to this...we've never shared before." Randy finally said. "Bring it up to him...if he says yes...damn it, John I guess we can try."
John looked excited as he grabbed the large bowl. "Good. Grab us some waters and beers, Ran."
Randy nodded and went to grab drinks out of the fridge. "Just so you know Shea may not be as...um rough as you like it."
"I'll take my chances." John laughed and they headed for the pool room.
Sheamus heard the guys laughing as they entered the room even over the sound of the waterfall. "Ya two sound like ye had a grand time."
"Just talking." John smiled as he carried the bowl over to a small table they had brought in and sat it down. Plastic bowls and forks were stacked on the table.
"Steaks already on the grill, Johnny." Roman told him
"Sounds good." John replied, looking at Randy more fully as the younger man sat the cold drinks on the table. "Ran, why did Shea wear his swimming clothes but you didn't?"
Randy smirked. "Because I'm wearing a speedo under my jeans."
"Not much different than your ring gear." Roman chuckled.
"These be smaller." Sheamus commented with a smile.
"Smaller?" Roman raised his brow, pursing his lips.
"Aye smaller." Sheamus gave a laugh.
Randy figured what the hell, if Sheamus agreed to John's proposal they would all see him naked soon enough. He took off his shirt and jeans to get more comfortable, laying his clothes aside. John chuckled at the tiny blue speedo his buddy had on. "Damn, Ran. Leave anything to the imagination?"
Roman looked, giving a whistle then a laugh. "Damn, Dude." He turned back to the grill.
Randy just smirked. He was never ashamed of his body. John walked over to Sheamus. He was never a patient guy. "Shea...um I need to ask you something."
"Sure, Fella, what's up?" Sheamus asked, looking over at him.
"Um...you know how Rome and I play with Dean and Seth on occasion...well, would you be interested in playing with me while Randy plays with Rome?" John asked bluntly, having no idea how the Irishman would react.
Sheamus looked over at Roman, then Randy. "Ya knew of this plan?"
Randy actually blushed, his tan cheeks tinting a cherry red. "Not until a few minutes ago in the kitchen...I told him to talk to you."
"So ye would be cool with this?" Sheamus raised a brow.
Randy cleared his throat. "Well...I've never tried anything like that before..but I told Johnny I could try." He looked at Roman briefly.
Roman faintly nodded. "Well, I guess it worth a shot...just this once aye?" Sheamus told them. "Nay me normal thing."
"Well, obviously not mine either." Randy told his boyfriend. "Guess that's a yes then, John. Maybe after we eat and swim awhile." The older man grinned happily. "Thanks, Guys."
"Aye sure...why not, maybe interesting to mix things up a bit." Sheamus laughed.
Randy glanced at Roman, licking his lips nervously. "Knowing John's preferences I take it you're a top?" He had heard stories of how rough the Samoan was.
"That a problem, Viper?" Roman smirked with a chuckle.
Randy drew a shaky breath before shaking his head no. Truth be told he preferred to bottom most times. "Just seeing where I stand."
"I am not against either side." Roman told him. "I have been in the receiving end a couple times."
Randy looked surprised by that but nodded. "We can think it over then."
Roman shrugged. "Sure, Man." He went to add the shrimp to the back of the grill.
John looked at Sheamus as he put some of the salad into each bowl. "I guess there's no question what part I like to play. The rougher it is the better I like it."
"That fine by me Fella...I sure Randy already told ye that me prefered spot anyway." Sheamus gave a toothy laugh.
John gave a nod, trying to stay cool. Sexually he loved the big, brutish men and Sheamus fit the bill perfectly. Roman finished the grilling and then the men enjoyed their meal. They relaxed awhile afterward before jumping into the pool for some fun. The air was charged with an energy as each guy knew what was coming later. Sheamus could be like a big kid when he tried to chase Randy to splash him. Randy swam to escape his boyfriend but gave a yelp as a huge wave hit him in the face. He sputtered and then chased the Irishman through the water. "Damn it, Shea!"
Sheamus just laughed before he tried to dive under the water to escape the Viper's wreath.
Randy had speed on his side and when Sheamus emerged from the water he hit him with a wave of his own. "There! How does that feel?" He laughed.
"Just dandy by me." Sheamus replied as he finished spitting water out.
"Does anything ruffle his feathers?" Roman wondered out loud.
John laughed as he swam nearby. "Doesn't seem that way does it?" He had to wonder if the Irishman would end up being too sweet for his tastes.
"That doesn't mean anything, Daddy...so stop worrying your head." Roman joked.
"Ha ha." John laughed, swimming behind Roman to wrap his arms around the man. "You know me so well."
Roman almost wanted to melt. "I do try, Daddy...but look at me...I am slow to anger and I still give it good don't I?"
John kissed the back of Roman's neck. "True. God, picturing you with Ran is too hot for words. Give it to him good."
"You like the idea of me taking him...thought you would like the rare view of the other way." Roman laughed.
"Nah, honestly I'd rather see you pound Ran. See the look on his face when he realizes you can make him feel good." John said in a husky tone near Roman's ear. "
Roman licked his lips with a shiver as John's words. "Damn, Daddy...I know I'll need to tone it down for him."
"Yeah..he doesn't like it too rough...but you mainly do that for my benefit anyway...right?" John said lowly.
"True...guess sort of how I been with Seth recently." Roman tried to find a comparison.
John finally released Roman with a smile. "Good comparison, Baby." The four men swam awhile longer before they got out one by one.
"So, were these shenanigans be taking place?" Sheamus asked John.
"Um...up to you guys." John told them. "We can play here, in my gym or even the master bedroom if you prefer."
Roman had a faint look at the idea of the master bedroom. He wasn't sure how he felt about that one. "I would say here or ye gym...we could use the mats." Sheamus pondered.
John saw the look on Roman's face. "You're right, Shea. The master bedroom is my private space with Rome...I wasn't thinking. The gym sounds good...kind of like a locker room fantasy."
"We can shower down there first." Randy suggested. "Gonna need lube though."
"Damn...yeah, we have some upstairs I think." John told him.
"I can get it. You boys head downstairs." Roman told them. He secured his towel around his waist before leaving the pool area.
John, Randy and Sheamus left the pool room and walked the distance to John's gym. Randy rinsed off first, taking only a few minutes. He tried not to be nervous as he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out. "Your turn I guess, Shea."
"Okay. I shouldn't take long even if I look like a wet rat afterward." Sheamus joked as he showered next, leaving the shorts in the corner of the wash area before he also emerged in a towel.
"Guess it's my turn." John said as he hurried off. Randy looked at his boyfriend. "The crazy shit I agree to for my best friend."
"So, what's my excuse?" Sheamus commented.
"You just like to have fun." Randy laughed. "Hope John enjoys you better than he did me...I was too light for him."
"Maybe I need to let out some of my huligan side for him." Sheamus laughed as Roman joined them in gym shorts.
Randy chuckled before looking at Roman. "I know John brags...but just how rough does he actually like it?"
"As rough as you are willing to give it." Roman replied without missing a beat.
"Damn, I have some big shoes to fill don't I?" Sheamus asked.
"I'm sure you will be fine." Roman told him
John walked out, wearing only a towel like the rest. "All finished."
"Well, I feel over dressed." Roman joked. John decided someone better break the ice. He walked over to his fiancée, grabbing the band of his shorts and pulling them down his strong legs to expose him.
"Johnny?!" Roman exclaimed, shocked. He could almost be seen blushing at the sudden exposure.
John was not shy when it came to sex. He had hooked up with a new guy nightly before Roman. He trailed a hand to grasp Roman's soft cock, stroking it while looking at his best friend. "Wouldn't you like to feel this, Ran?"
Randy licked his lips as he eyed Roman. "Guess Johnny is deciding my position for me."
Roman bit his lips with a groan. "Guess so." He panted. "Yo-you said you don't mind." Roman kicked the shorts off "The lube is in the pocket."
Sheamus went to look for it, pulling it out. "Guess we might as well show what we working with." Sheamus stated before dropping his towel.
John paused his attention to Roman so he could drop his own towel. He looked over Sheamus' powerful nude form with lust. His cock was a nice size but not as big as Roman's. "Should we move closer to the mats?" Randy slowly untied his towel to reveal his body last.
"Yeah, sounds good." Roman commented.
"Aye." Sheamus picked up his towel to bring it along as they moved to the mats on the floor.
Once they reached the mats John kissed Roman before walking close to Sheamus. "I'm all yours for now, Shea."
Randy moved to where Roman stood, seeing the man was already thickening from John's touch. Roman looked a little nervous. "So, how do you want to do this?"
Sheamus smiled at John. "On all fours with ya, Fella and I'll treat ye like the beast ye are." Roman heard the comment and luckily he knew John didn't mind a little degradement at times.
Randy was shocked by Sheamus' words, being used to the romantic boyfriend he loved but he tried to focus on Roman. "Um...I like giving blowjobs...maybe I start with that?"
John's cock twitched hearing Sheamus, loving men who made him feel small. "With pleasure." He moved to the mat in front of him, getting down on his hands and knees.
"Sure, Randy...go ahead." Roman told him. "Want me laying down or standing?"
Sheamus move to kneel behind John before he opened the tube, taking some of it on his fingers to slick himself before closing it to toss it toward Roman and Randy. He looked over John's ass, seeing faint remnants of bruises. Remembering what Roman told, him he took his other hand to deliver a firm slap to one of the cheeks.
"Standing works." Randy answered, lowering to his knees. His eyes may have drifted a moment, hearing the slap before he leaned forward, wrapping his lips around the Samoan's cock.
John gave a moan at the unexpected slap. Sheamus had a large hand and he was not gentle. "Fuck...Mmm..."
"That what ye like, John? Being beat like a hound?" Sheamus asked with a second firm swat.
Roman closed his eyes to take in the feeling. "Nice." He groaned at the moist heat of Randy's mouth.
"I...like a little pain with my sex. Especially if the guy is a big brute." John grinned, moaning at the sting to his ass. Randy sucked the thickening member, flicking his tongue over the slit from time to time as he came up.
"Oh, damn." Roman groaned, biting his lips. Instinctively he wanted to grip Randy's head but had to remind himself he wasn't John.
"A big brute ah?" Sheamus stated. He gripped John's ass in his hands with a firm grip before kneading them and exposing his hole slightly. "Guess ye ain't much of one for stretching then."
"No...fuck...just make me your bitch." John answered with a low pant. "Believe me I'm no porcelain doll."
Randy worked Roman's cock until he felt it throbbing slightly in his mouth. He then released it with a soft pop, looking up at the Samoan. "How do you want me?" He asked with a nervous lick of his lips.
"Hands and knees." Roman told Randy. Face to face felt intimate to Roman and this wasn't that case. He moved to where Sheamus tossed the lube.
"As ye be wishing." Sheamus stated as he released one cheek to take his cock to run it between John's parted crack until over the offered hole and pushed in with a groan. "Oh, fuck." He moaned out. Randy nodded with a look of relief as he moved to get on the mat on all fours. He couldn't help turning his head to glance at John and Sheamus, his cock twitching at the sounds they were making. John was an attractive man even if not compatible with him.
John groaned at the sudden stretch but he loved the slight pain, his body craving more. "Fuck yeah...good, Shea."
"Be glad to oblige ya, John." Sheamus stated with a almost faint growl as he leaned over the older man, placing a hand between John's shoulder blades. "Now, lower ye chest and be kissing thee mat." He practically ordered with a hard thrust.
Roman slicked his cock but looked at Randy before he wet a couple fingers first. "I'll start slow." He told Randy as he moved behind him and started to add lube between Randy's cheeks.
John immediately lowered his chest as the Irishman told him, his face almost buried in the mat. His body hummed with adrenaline at the younger man's almost dominate nature. The accent was hot as hell. "Use me, Shea."
Randy gave an actual moan at Roman's light touch. "Appreciate it...I know I'm not what you're used to with John."
"It's fine...John may prefer things like he is getting...but we are not always like that." Roman told him as he braced his free hand on Randy's back before pushing his fingers slowly in to stretch him.
"Aye...Ye really like being a bitch don't ya, Fella?" Sheamus almost stated more than asked as he pressed down on John's upper back as he was quick to take a brutal pace with him.
"Fuck yeah." John moaned without shame as Sheamus' thrusts rattled his body.
Randy panted at the almost gentle feeling, glancing over at his boyfriend in shock. "Damn, Shea...n-never saw this side of you before."
Sheamus gave a cocky smirk looking over at them. "Ye be a wanting a taste of it yeself?" Roman didn't really say much as he worked until he felt Randy jump as his prostate was brushed.
"Think I-I'll pass." Randy moaned as the pleasure from Roman's probing fingers traveled to his cock. "Kind of hot to watch you like that though." He admitted.
"Maybe this be a more than one time deal then." Sheamus smiled then gave a deep moan.
Roman moved his fingers out to move into position to slowly penetrate Randy. He wasn't fully sure how he felt of the idea. He guessed time would answer that. "Mmm...fuck yeah...that sounds good." John cried out, his head spinning from the pleasure Sheamus' cock gave him.
Randy gave a soft groan as he felt Roman stretch him. Roman remained silent on the subject as he just tried to focus on the feeling on the momen. A faint moan left his lips as he slowly pushed deeper. "Wel,l that a subject for another time, Fella." Sheamus stated before slapping near John's hip.
John jumped with a loud moan of approval. "You're right...fuck, it feels good."
Randy gave a groan as his muscles were stretched more than normal. "Fuck...you're hung, Man."
"Now, you see why I went slow." Roman stated as he stopped to let Randy adjust.
"Ye calling me a slouch over there?" Sheamus asked between pants.
"No...no, Shea." Randy said quickly as he took in the feeling. He kept his mouth shut about how thick the Samoan was, not wanting to hurt his boyfriend.
"Good...can make a guy wonder." Sheamus oddly admitted. "John here does sure feel good here though...not saying ye don't...just different aye?" He stated with another moan. Roman slowly started to move, taking long deliberate strokes within Randy's body.
"Y-Yeah...different but good." Randy agreed. A part of him wondered if Roman wasn't into him as the Samoan was completely silent while they all voiced their approval.
"Thanks...fuck, you feel good too." John said in a husky tone. His body jerked in pleasure as Sheamus found his sweet spot. Sheamus gave his share of heated sounds as he let his more...savage nature enjoy the moment. Sex was a matter of love and connection when it came to Randy. This was more raw and primal knowing John wanted it and he didn't mind to let it out on occasion.
Roman wasn't sure what to say in the moment. He was not much of a talker except with John. Even when they hooked up with Dean and Seth a few times since he recovered he was never overly vocal and more just in the moment. Sounds of pleasure did escape the larger man's mouth but not much else. John had no issues separating love from sex. He was vocal in his pleasure, feeling his body on fire as Sheamus fucked him.
Randy felt almost odd as he was used to hearing his vocal boyfriend during sex who fed his ego and told him how sexy he was. "John look good over there getting pounded?" He asked at last, wanting to hear Roman speak.
Roman looked over, glad no one could see the look to his face. "Yeah...they both seem to be enjoying it." A faint moan to his voice from the heated feeling to his body from his actions. Randy was not an unattractive man, far from it. Roman himself was the one that had changed. He knew that, but just wasn't sure what to do about it besides to keep pretending. It seemed once the demon left him casual hookups lost their appeal more and more. "You do feel good, Man." He tried to assure Randy of that fact.
In the middle of his lust John heard something off in Roman's voice. He raised his head back to look just for a moment and saw the truth his lover would not admit. It was written all over his face. John's heart clenched and suddenly Sheamus didn't seem enough. He wanted his Samoan. "Um...Shea...you feel good but could we trade back to finish?" He asked.
"I nay mind if they don't?" Sheamus replied, loosening up to look over at Randy and Roman. Roman's face wanted to flush red even with his dark complexion as he heard John and saw the eyes on them. He wanted to almost fade away in that moment, feeling he ruined the fun. "What say ye, Randy? Wish to switch back?"
"Uh...sure, Shea." Randy said as he looked at his boyfriend.
John saw how embarrassed Roman looked and spoke quickly. "I just want to feel my Baby."
"Guess easier for Shea and me to move?" Roman stated as he started to pull out.
"Aye, sure." Sheamus did the same, standing up as did Roman switching mats.
Roman bit his lip, looking at John. "On your back for me, Daddy?"
Sheamus knelt near Randy. "How ye wish to feel me, Love?"
John moved to quickly lay on his back, looking up at Roman with love. "I'd rather feel you anyway, Baby. Thanks for trying."
"This way is fine...we don't do it like this too often." Randy said as he stayed on all fours in a way thankful it was his boyfriend again.
"As ye wish, Love." Sheamus told Randy as he moved behind him to claim him slowly. "Aye, does feel more...natural with ya...nothing against John over there."
Roman nodded as he moved John's legs over his hip before lifting John's hips to slide in the already stretched space. A moan easily left his lips at the familiar feeling. John just felt right to him.
"Guess our bodies are just made for each other." Randy oddly admitted with a moan.
John watched Roman looking at him as he was filled, the rich brown eyes full of caring and devotion. "Yeah...I love this, Baby."
"Me too, Daddy...I did try, just wanted you too." Roman admitted. As he took John slow before leaning for a kiss.
"Was fun letting me other side out...but, aye...this feels more right. Maybe a repeat isn't so grand." Sheamus stated with a deep moan.
Randy nodded his agreement in between moans, his body tingling. John kissed his fiancée back with passion, his cock throbbing as they tasted each other. He used to think meaningless sex was fun. It still was in a way but could not compare to what they shared. Roman moved his lips to kiss and nip at John's neck as he picked up speed, deep grunt like moans came from deep in his chest. Sheamus' hands traced over Randy's shoulders and back before moving to trace the tribal tattoo that graced Randy's back.
Randy loved the sweet, worshipful way Sheamus touched his body. It was like no other man had ever done and it had won his heart. "Mmm...feels good..." He moaned in his deep baritone.
John's blue eyes almost rolled at the attention to his neck. "Damn, Baby...won't be long for me now."
"Aye...feels good on this end too, Love." Sheamus stated as he continued.
Roman moved near John's ear. "Go ahead, Daddy...let go...near myself." He let his teeth scrape near John's ear then tug on the lobe.
John's legs trembled as he gave in to his body's desires, crying out in bliss as the waves of release swept him from head to toe. "Well, he had fun." Sheamus moaned. "How close are ya, Love...think me nearly there meself." Roman's deep groans were heard near John's ear as he continued, knowing his Daddy loved the feeling of being used even after he was spent.
"Not far behind, Babe." Randy moved a hand to stroke his throbbing cock.
John began to come down from his sexual high as he watched his powerful Samoan claim him. "Yes, Baby...you look so good. Fill me up."
"So close, Daddy." Roman whispered.
"Mmm aye, Love...love how ye be feeling round me when ye get so close." Sheamus moaned, wrapping an arm around Randy's waist to pull closer to him in shorter thrusts. "Aye, right there, Love...Ohhhhh." He moaned out before he started to cum himself.
Randy felt the surge of warmth inside him moments before he hit his own climax, shooting on the mat in front of him. "Oh, fuck yeah." He panted. He glanced over at John, seeing Roman was still fucking his friend after John had cum a while back. "Damn."
Sheamus moved to fall on the mat looking up at Randy. his hair clinging to his forehead. "That was an experience." He looked over hearing noises. "Damn, talk of lasting power." He panted.
"Fuck and John got off a while ago." Randy commented as he moved to sit on the mat. "I think we're giving a show." John laughed with a pant. "This is why you ruined me for all other men."
"Why is that, Daddy?" Roman left his head to look with a smirk then a moan. He wanted to hear John's praise of him. He needed the boost of confidence or was it ego?
"Because you're amazing and can outlast me two times over." John moaned at the stimulation to his sensitive prostate.
"Good." Roman smiled before he leaned to kiss John the same time his climax hit to fill the older man up. John moaned into the kiss, feeling the familiar warmth he knew and loved. The kiss broke as Roman pulled out falling next to John, looking at the ceiling. His chest heaved as he caught his breath.
"You guys have fun?" John called to his friends as he laid his head on Roman's chest.
"Yeah, Johnny." Randy answered, his body feeling limp and exhausted.
"Aye...was interesting." Sheamus commented.
Roman took a hand to pet John's head. "Why I do I think none of us exactly feels like moving right now?"
"Because we're damn tired." Randy mumbled, causing John to laugh weakly.
"The beds would be more comfortable." Roman commented.
"Aye, but we would need to shower again before we got in them." Sheamus commented with a chuckle. Randy was silent as he was already drifting asleep. John felt his eyes shut as Roman petted him. "I think we should just stay here for now." Sheamus joked. "I slept in worse spots." John and Randy would have agreed had they not both been out and dead to the world.
Roman heard John's deep breaths. "Okay. Here it is then." He chuckled. "Night, Shea. Thanks for sharing your man and trying to make John happy."
"Aye. Twas a pleasure. A good night to ya as well." Sheamus said with a yawn as he let his eyes close.
Both men tried to get comfortable with their partners to sleep. Life went on as usual for John and Roman who eventually made a full return to the company and even got a title run within the next year. The two were married that same year with Seth, Dean, Randy, and Sheamus at their side in support. John and Roman remained close to their four buddies although they rarely had sex with any of them anymore. Roman just lost any desire to play with others it seemed and his partner was okay with that. John matured in his love for Roman and his proud husband could not have been happier. It was strange how a relationship that began over a shared love of pain had turned into something truly beautiful.