A/N: well people chapter VII is up.
I hope you like it
Word guide:
'Thoughts or speech inside speech'
Screaming, shouting, or talking angrily
(scene change)
Stressed out words or sarcastically said words
Disclaimer: code geass and its characters belong to their rightful owners.
Chapter 7: The Counterattack
(Avalon bridge)
"In any case I want you to prepare the Albion, Shinkirou and Guren along with royal guards division 2 for battle" he turned his attention to his latest visitor "Kallen get ready you will be joining us on this mission, Cécile will explain the details"
"What? Lelouch you are really going to allow her to join us" screamed Suzaku
"It doesn't matter who and what so long as the Zero Requiem is completed, isn't that right Suzaku? I will take any means and accept any help I am offered. Besides I like to crush my enemies completely, it sends a clearer message" said Lelouch with an evil grin but his knight could see through his act
After a moment Suzaku finally spoke "fine, I will let you be selfish again this time, but all for the Zero Requiem, if you don't fulfill your promise I swear it you will regret it Lelouch"
As he said those words Lelouch could only nod in response as he sat back down on his throne and allowed all of the operatives back in the room to prepare for the battle once again.
"Now let's continue where we left off, shall we?" said Lelouch with a grin on his face 'not only are Schniezel's forces in disarray but also without the Guren, this will be easier than anticipated; crushing the Black Knights' thought the Demon Emperor to himself optimistically.
The screen flashed to life displaying the chessboard to the battle with all the pieces on it. The enemy Knightmares were spread into a semi circular formation with the Damocles in the heart surrounding Lelouch's troops.
"Enemy fleets are in motion deploying into a wide-field-aerial formation" reported Cecile from her position to the young emperor
"He's using conventional forces? Good, stretch our left wing, assume half moon spear formation" ordered Lelouch immediately
"Yes your majesty"
"Their main wing is undermanned" stated Kanon
"Have Gino's unit advance. Keep the enemy's left wing from extending" ordered Schniezel without hesitation
"yes your highness" replied Gino as he went to carry out his orders.
(Avalon bridge)
"Checking my move, huh?" said Lelouch to no one in particular before he ordered the counterattack "move our left wing back"
"That will break the formation!" warned him Cecil
"Do it"
"Gino, halt your advance" said Schniezel as realized his younger brother's plan
"Why? We should strike now while their formation is breaking" questioned the blonde knight of the round
"He is baiting us with an opening. I'm not taking it." Clarified Schneizel with a smirk plastered on his face
(Avalon Bridge)
"Not falling for it, huh?" said Lelouch "switch main battle plan to Big Dipper formation!"
"Unit 6 follow Anya and move to the northeast, elevation 40 degrees!" commanded Schniezel
(Avalon Bridge)
"Bombardment unit, prep for anti-air combat"
"Anya, stop there and climb 200 meters"
(Avalon bridge)
"They're surrounding us" panicked Cecil
"Counterattack! Reinforce the front line with Suzaku's Lancelot. Hold at combat speed 4! Send ward's unit out as well"
"AHA you haven't changed Lelouch. You'd rather attack my front lines than defend your own flanks. I now have a small opening to use. Xingke?" summarized the blonde prince happily
(In The Sky)
"Heh.. he's already incorporated our skills into his tactics, has he?" said Xingke as he charged towards the Avalon along with Tohdoh
(Avalon bridge)
"Enemy left wing advancing!" cried Cecil
"They're breaking through" said another operative
"They're cutting us to pieces" mused Lelouch
"Shall I have Suzaku fall back" asked Cecil
"No, that's what Schniezel wants us to do. Withdraw the battle line, regroup our forces. Have the Guren fall back to protect the Avalon" ordered Lelouch
"Dreadnought destroyed. They're breaking through!" said Cecile completely alarmed
"So, the Black Knights are this strong an enemy, are they? However my side has motive" said Lelouch
"I suppose now is the time. Smash both wings" ordered Schniezel
"Bow-mounted Hadron scatter canon, set!" cried Minami
"Move the seventh squad out of firing angel" ordered Xianglin
"Gefjun control, synched" reported Hinata
"Ready to fire"
"Target both enemy wings" ordered Xianglin before giving off the signal "FIRE"
As the order to fire was given two red rays of Hadron energy were fired simultaneously at Britannia's forces destroying hundreds of their Knightmares in the blink of an eye as large area of blue dots that appeared on the monitors of the Ikaruga suddenly all turned to 'LOST' signaling their destruction.
'Zero, with all of us working together we can defeat you' thought Ohgi
"It seems Lelouch badly underestimated the fighting forces of the Black Knights" smugly said Deithard
(Albion cockpit)
"Well Lelouch" tired of waiting for the emperor to act, the Black Knights were ripping them to ribbons, at this rate they would reach the Avalon in no time and the battle would be lost. If Lelouch had some ace up his sleeve then now was definitely the time to use it.
"Right. I'm impressed they've forced me to use this plan" replied Lelouch calmly as he pulled a activation button shaped as a chess king and pressed the device that would be the doom of the Black Knights forces with a very evil grin on his face, for everything was going according to his plan.
(Ikaruga Bridge)
"Energy chain reaction, right below us" cried Minase shocked as she realized their fate
" WHAT? Impossible …. He timed this to?" shouted Ohgi panicking 'even with all of us working together this is the result' thought the deputy commander to himself before flaming rocks rained at the Ikaruga sinking the flying ship
(In the sky)
"All forces! Deploy radiant shields!" ordered Tohdoh through the speakers of the Zangetsu in hopes of saving at least some of his men but to no avail as the burning Sakuradite has already gotten to them. He himself was almost caught in the blast, luckily he was fast enough in deploying his shields before any serious damage was inflicted upon the cockpit saving him from any danger
"It.. it can't be" said Deithard in disbelief
"He used the Sakuradite in the mines" summarized Kanon taken aback by the brilliant yet inhumane move their opponent made 'but the radius of the blast will also include..'
"Yes he has" said Schneizel snapping Kanon out of his thoughts "sacrificing his own ground forces as well"
(In the sky)
"I was carless" cried Xingke despairing over his mistake "that's Lelouch's basic tactic, but how can he sacrifice his own ground forces" continued Xingke still stunned by the cruel act
'Ohgi, Minami, Rakshata. Everyone you're all fools' mused Kallen to herself as she watched the blazing balls of burning Sakuradite hit again at the Ikaruga. 'But still' decided Kallen as she piloted her Knightmare towards the sinking Ikaruga in hopes that she isn't too late.
"This has drastically depleted the enemy's strength" said C.C as she headed to her Knightmare
"Which leaves Damocles wide open" announced Lelouch
"Your majesty, the Guren has abandoned its post and is heading straight towards the Ikaruga" informed one of the workers in the bridge "do we send a special squad to retrieve it sir?" questioned the man his lord
'Feeling sentimental towards the friend you abandoned Kallen?' thought Lelouch to himself "no let her do as she pleases" ordered the emperor
"AHAAA good job gentlemen" came a very cheerful voice from beside the emperor as the white haired man putt down his phone and faced the emperor "Your majesty it seems that we've finished installing the device to the Shinkirou and it is ready to go" informed the earl of pudding as happy as ever "we've also readied lady C.C'S Lancelot and she has boarded it and left to battle"
"Very good" complemented Lelouch very happy with this development as he stood up heading towards the hanger to implement his plan
"Your majesty, incoming" shouted Cecile panicking before the emperor made it out of the room "it's a F.L.I. "
'So, you've finally struck back now that the Black Knights are gone huh, Schniezel?' thought Lelouch preparing to counterattack "special equipment division 3" ordered Lelouch
The men already knowing their suicidal job replied back dutifully "YES YOUR MAJESTY"
"Avalon will continue to fall back. All forces charge at Damocles. Make them keep firing until they run out"
(Near the Fuji mines)
"Ohgi, Ohgi" shouted Kallen yet again
"Come on, this is no time to play dead" mocked Tamaki
Ohgi's eyes slowly opened as he kept on hearing his name from two a very familiar voices. He took a moment to straighten himself up as he looked at the barely functioning monitors to see outside what had happened to the Ikaruga.
There in front of the destroyed and barely functioning bridge stood alone Knightmare all too familiar protecting them with its shields he stood there dazed rubbing his eyes and going back for a good look to make sure he wasn't hallucinating; there in front of them stood the Guren? And it seemed to be protecting them
"Kallen…what are you?" asked Ohgi in disbelief still trying to process the situation. "she protected the bridge" said Tamaki before Ohgi could complete his obvious question with a bit of disappointment .
"OHGI, GUYS!" shouted Shinichiro Tamaki as he rushed towards the now burning Ikaruga 'oh god at the very least please let me protect the Bridge' prayed Tamaki.
He charged through hail of fire towards his target with his shields already activated as he kept praying that he would make it in time to protect his friends. Finally reaching to the ship he made to the bridge to see that it wasn't completely damaged yet. Now he only had to protect it from the blasts with his shield until they crash-landed
The question was could he do it with only his Knightmare? Taking note of a piece of the burning rocks from the right of the bridge he charged at with his sword, one slash was all it took to destroy it. Not yet done he detected three more coming from the back and all greater than the one he just destroyed.
He charged at the first and kept slashing with his sword as he used his machine gun to further weaken it until it finally burst to pieces then he fired his slash harkens toward the second one without ceasing his gunfire at it, using his slash harkens to propel himself faster to that meteor readying his sword for one more slash all the while his machine gun still firing, once he reached the meteor using the momentum from the pull he sliced through breaking it to tiny pieces as his machine gun ran out of bullets to fire. 'Only one more left' but the problem was that last swing put him a fair distance away from the last meteor and he ran out of bullets not to mention it was also out of his slash harkens range. Left with no choice he charged towards the last one hoping his Knightmare would make it before the meteor.
It looked like an eternity as he made to the destroyed Bridge, every second passing by like years as he watched the meteor near the bridge while he was still a very good distance away. Rerouting all the power reserves of his Knightmare to the float system he hoped to at least get close enough to use his slash harkens like he did with the last one. Finally making it within a good distance of the meteor he wasted no time firing his harkens while still flying towards the mass of burning rocks.
The moment the harkens finally connected and landed on the giant fireball it suddenly started burning deeper crimson and burst into many pieces. 'What the hell? I could do that all along?' wondered the useless redhead at what had just happened. But to his disappointment the real savior appeared to him through the smoke as Tamaki could see only the figure of a lone Knightmare but it was one he knew very well.
Wasting no time the Guren charged right through the ashes and smoke of the meteor and made its way to the Ikaruga "what are you doing here? Kallen." the sudden sound of Tamaki stopped as he spat those word.
"We can discuss this after we save them. Now we should focus on getting the Ikaruga to land safely" said Kallen hoping that the idiot would make a wise decision once in his life
"LIKE HELL !" shouted the hot-blooded man as he charged towards her
'Well I tried' mused Kallen not so surprised at his action as she sent an energy disc at his float unit destroying it and a part of his left arm together, trying to finish up quickly without killing him she proceeded by giving him a high kick that knocked off his float system entirely sending him down towards the ground, but just to be extra safe she fired her slash harkens at his Knightmare targeting the area between the legs and the cockpit forcing him to eject the same direction of the Ikaruga.
With that taken care of she went back to destroying the meteors that rained upon the Ikaruga until it landed.
(Flashback end)
"After that I got out of the cockpit an made my way her to make sure you are all ok. Everyone's alive but they're unconscious so I woke you up first" explained Tamaki as he finished telling his friend what had occurred.
"Kallen, what is the meaning of this? are you..?" spoke Ohgi through the speakers that barely got the voice out, but before he could complete his sentence she cut him off with the firm answer to the question she already knew "No, however I will not stand by and watch as you die because of your idiocy"
"We don't need pity" cried Tamaki
"Friends don't pity each other" she said as she took off before he could utter another word.
(Avalon Hanger)
The doors of the elevator in the hanger opened and through them walked Lelouch towards his Knightmare.
Taking off his extra garments he entered the open cockpit hatch and was checking the system and reviewing the device when a very annoying voice rung through his ears.
"Hello there. You were going to leave without me, weren't you? I'm hurt" said the dark skinned idiot very dramatically "to think that after all what we've been through together you would abandon me like that, you're cold" continued the annoying kid with a smug smirk on his face as he kept on mocking the demon emperor.
"What do you want?" again ignoring his remarks Lelouch finally asked.
"I want to tag along"
"Then stop pestering me and go do as you please, you can take that Vincent it is fully functional. Hopefully I might be able to get rid of you through the battle" said Lelouch as he continued checking his Knightmare.
"No can do; the thing is" he stopped for a while "I don't know how to pilot a Knightmare"
"Then just stay her with the others" said Lelouch starting to get really annoyed
"Come on the cockpit of the Shinkirou is spacious enough to fit two people, I will crawl behind your seat you won't even notice my presence" said the boy pleading unlike usual
"Fine" agreed the young emperor " but if you disturb me in any way I will throw off mid-air"
"Understood" saluted the kid as he grabbed a backpack and went behind to his agreed seating place.
"What is that?" questioned Lelouch
"Cake" replied the kid looking at him very innocently
Sighing he choose not to argue any further as he closed the cockpit and dashed out of the hanger 'somehow I get the feeling this is going to be a very weird ride'
(Shinkirou cockpit)
" Royal guard division 2, Guren, Lancelot report to the Avalon" ordered Lelouch through the radio as a series of 'yes your majesty' was heard except for Kallen who merely followed his orders silently.
And before he could issue any further orders there was a sudden explosion. That could be felt even from inside the Avalon
The screen flashed showing Cecile with a disturbed look on her face "Your majesty, Twammi fleet completely obliterated"
"I see, mass all remaining forces around the Avalon and keep your distance from the Damocles, just out of its firing range."
The screen flashed up showing an injured Xingke from the cockpit of the Shen-Hu "Schneizel are you trying to kill the hostages too?" asked Xingke furiously
"Now that the Black Knights have been beaten…."
But before he could continue his sentence the Chinese warrior cut him off "We aren't beaten yet"
Taken aback by his sudden answer and enthusiasm he thought to himself for a few minutes before answering "fine then I'll wait 10 minutes"
"10 minutes!" said Xingke shocked at the very short period of time he was given
"Aren't you talking to me now because you're already in position to counterattack" challenged Schneizel
"Very well then 10 minutes" agreed Xingke having no other option as he ended the communication.
"That's a hefty loan sir, considering that we need 10 minutes to prep for our next attack" stated Kanon
"It'll save me the trouble of dealing with them after the battle" clarified Schneizel
"Are you saying you don't need the Black Knights anymore" asked Diethard
"What purpose is there for a collective military force?"
(In the sky, the Avalon)
As the forces Lelouch ordered arrived, he could see another small group of Knightmares also following, unfortunately the belonged not to Lelouch's forces but the Black Knights.
But before he could give them the order to eliminate the threat a sudden explosion hit the Avalon
Switching on the monitors to check the situation he found a large group of Black knights attacking from the back with the Shen Hu in the lead.
"Lelouch, your days of tyranny end now!" shouted the sick warrior as he moved quickly to attack and finally sink the flying ship.
"Sneaking from behind Xingke?" exclaimed Lelouch at the cowardly act
"I won't let the Avalon be shot down" screamed Suzaku as he fired his VARIS rifle stopping Xingke before he could get the ship again
Dodging the various energy blasts directed at him as though it was mere child's play he fired his wrist mounted slash harkens at the Albion. Seeing the attack coming the knight of Zero took out his MVS swords to block it with tearing through the iron wire that wrapped around his sword as though it was butter.
"Xingke you'll fail" informed Suzaku as he charged at his opponent
"Justice weighs on my side!" boasted Xingke as he intercepted his slash with his own sword not once but twice, being the stubborn fighter he is Suzaku moved in for a third slash only to get block again and kicked a fair distance from his opponent.
"KURURUGI!" shouted Tohdoh as he interfered into their battle with his barely functioning Zangetsu attacking his former disciple with the intent of massacring Japan's traitor.
"You dare fight in your condition?" cried Suzaku the near death colonel as he blocked his giant sword with his MVS
"You turned your back on your country in order to climb in rank, so here is the ugly way it ends" scolded Tohdoh "what is it you fight for"
"The one thing that I want that I'll fight for is a future" confidently answered Suzaku his former sensei
"Your future is worthless!" shouted Tohdoh as he broke of their sword clash but before he could strike down and kill his greatest shame, his former disciple used the great difference in agility between their Knightmares to his advantage and quickly moved behind his former master's Knightmare and attacked below the cockpit with his sword causing it to quickly eject and land swiftly into the hands of Chiba's Knightmare that came to back up her leader. After confirming the safety of the colonel she began attacking her enemy with her wrist-mounted machine gun and rockets.
Dodging his opponent's attacks swiftly and expertly Suzaku made his way immediately to Xingke who was positioning himself behind the Avalon to strike again, the last attack dealt heavy damage to the ship wakening the barriers protecting the engine room, another attack meant that the Avalon would sink.
They would board the Damocles if the plan went well but until then the needed the Avalon with them for it had the UFN hostages as a bargaining tool, not to mention Lelouch was still inside there.
He must not let Xingke sink that ship no matter what, but it was easier said than done; he was already near done charging his canons to attack and Suzaku was a fair distance away from the ship. Even with his supreme agility he wouldn't make it that far in time.
He could now only watch in horror as the Chinese warrior fire the damned weapon and a ray of heat energy mad it's way to where the ship was attacked before; it's engine room again only to be blocked mere meters before it reached by a radiant shield from a grey metallic claw.
"Kallen" exclaimed Suzaku completely surprised "nice timing" said the knight happy at the last minute save
"GET OUT OF THE WAY KOZUKI!" shouted Xingke as he readied a second attack
"Not happening" calmly replied Kallen "I won't let you sink the Avalon" with that she charged at him with her radiant wave surger planning to turn him to a crisp.
Trying to fend her off he fired his one remaining wrist mounted harkens only to be blocked off by a wall of heat before it burst into flames. With that he had no choice left than to fire the canon at her again and at this close distance she would stand no chance at repelling it like she just did. 'I wished that I wouldn't have to kill you Kallen but you leave me no choice' with that he waited until she was mere feet away from his knightmare and fired the canon like he had planned .
Kallen was just a hair's breadth from destroying the Shen Hu and putting one of the Black Knights greatest warriors out of the game when the Shen Hu's chest suddenly opened and in less than a second loaded and fired straight at her. She was able to deflect the first one with her radiant shield but this was different; she was going to be hit point-blank, even the Guren's advanced radiant shield won't be able to fend this off. As the Shen Hu launched the dreaded heat beam at her she reflexively moved her Knightmare away from the attack, normally it shouldn't have been possible, but thanks' to the Guren S.E.I.T.E.N's incredible agility that surpasses even the Lancelot's, this time it was, saving her from any danger and giving her the one time opportunity to strike the Shen Hu's float system, forcing it to land. But she wasn't don once that was taken care of, she swiftly and professionally planted her MVS into its Baryon canons just deep enough to render them useless without killing Xingke. And tied him down with her slash harkens keeping him suspended in mid-air.
"Oh how the tables have turned. I win Xingke, Now give up" she threatened smugly happy for paying him back for what he had done back in the siege of the Chinese empress.
Laughing lightly he replied "not quite yet" sensing her confusion he explained further "that last shot wasn't directed mainly at you"
Grasping the meaning behind his words she turned around at the direction of his previous attack to see that it hit the Avalon engine room directly, putting down it shields and leaving its defenseless from intruders.
She let go of him instantly and dashed to the falling ship 'Lelouch!' she screamed inwardly worry killing her at the black haired prince.
"All soldiers, the Avalon's barriers are down, this is our chance; board the ship and rescue the representatives" she could hear Xingke give the order from his Shen Hu as he was carried by another Akatsuki now that his float system was knocked off
"I WON'T LET YOU" yelled Suzaku as he raced to the ship destroying any Knightmare that got in his way.
(Avalon Hanger)
"The Avalon is falling" said Lelouch from the cockpit of the Shinkiro distressed at the fact that his ship got shot down.
The monitor of his Knightmare flashed showing Cecile "Your majesty our primary float system is damaged. We are sinking"
"I understand, holding out this long was good enough, land the ship in the pacific you will now follow mission….." letting her take in his orders he continued "I am grateful for the resolve you've all shown" with that he ended the communication and took with the Shinkiro before the enemy could get in.
(In the sky)
"Dammit they got in" said Suzaku panicking 'Lelouch isn't out yet and if they get to him before he can board the Shinkiro it is all over. And they are all probably wearing visors so using geass won't be an option' thought Suzaku to himself ' at this rate we'll have to board the ship and take care of them ourselves'
As he was moving in to get into the Avalon a tiny diamond-like object followed by a bright purple ray shot out of the hanger and split into many separate smaller rays hitting in the revers direction destroying several Akatsukis.
Following the place where it was fired from he saw the black and gold Knightmare that he was waiting for finally leaving the ship and several Akatsuki ejection pods flying out of the it.
"Lelouch" both he and Kallen cried in relief
"Royal guard division 2, Guren, Albion Follow me" ordered the commander through the radio
"Yes your majesty"
'Thank god you're alive, Lelouch' thought Kallen as she followed her orders.
"Should we fire another F.L.I.E.J.A now?" asked Schneizel to no one in particular
"We still have our Blaze Luminous, and should wait for criticality" stated Kanon simply
"Good point. But it's an excellent opportunity to eliminate the Black Knights" stated Schniezel "no I suppose we shouldn't it's too ambitious" continued the blonde prince as he fidled with his hair
(In the sky)
After joining up with the forces he ordered and C.C who came along forcefully Lelouch headed immediately with all of them towards the Damocles 'this is the decisive moment, this entire battle was for this attack. I've got to make this count. I have no contingency plans, but luckily we won't need any. Because Suzaku and I, when we work together' mused the Demon Emperor
'Nothing is impossible for us to achieve when we work together, me and Lelouch will make this plan work' thought the Japanese knight
They were almost there. They could even see the F.L.I.E.J.A launching device at the base of the Damocles through the Blaze, the mechanism that resembled a canon and was realigning its position to face directly towards them right now.
With the machine in position now three hexagonal pieces of the Blaze that stood in its way disappeared leaving nothing between them and the device. It stood still for a good three seconds, and then It came through the humongous barrel of the canon, the weaponry that killed whoever was unlucky enough to see it up this close.
It was then that all those who still had their will aside from the witch felt paralyzing fear; the fear of annihilation, the fate that awaited those who had faced this warhead, certain death, all of them felt this fear, all but two who were working on making a miracle of this situation; survival.
(Shinkiro's cockpit)
The moment Lelouch's amethyst eyes locked onto the bullet like warhead headed there way he started inputting data to the device without wasting any time for he didn't have much of it 'according to Nina I have only 19 seconds to input the corresponding environmental data correctly and then 0.04 seconds for Suzaku to execute. No room for mistake' with that in mind he proceeded with inputting the data that would save their lives, his fingers waltzing on the keyboard at tremendous speed.
He heard shaking and teeth hitting against each other from behind him as he was working "would you please stop your noise, I am trying to save us here" said Lelouch to the boy all the while still working.
"Why don't we just get out of its blast area, huh? It shouldn't be too late, right" asked the boy very still shaking
"Actually, it is too late" simply replied the demon emperor
"If that's the case then why don't you try doing something" screamed the boy in full scale panic mode now, and still making his disturbing noises.
"Well I am trying to do something to save us now if not for someone who keeps disturbing" retorted Lelouch still inputting the data 'honestly this boy will be the reason we fail, I just know it' thought Lelouch angrily
Having no other option but to obey the little brat crawled back in his position and prayed that whatever the hell his companion was doing would actually save them. He didn't pay much attention to the details of the mission, but what he knew was that Lelouch had 19 seconds to do something that would cancel the F.L.I.E.J.A out, 19 seconds of which 11 had already passed, which meant there was only 8 left, to their victory or death, only 8 seconds left.
Never before had 8 seconds been so long in his life, the long wait poisoning his brain, it was getting on his nerves, whether they were to die or win he didn't care anymore he just wanted to know already.
He could see the deadly weapon from the screen in front of his friend as it started glowing ominous pink slowly expanding enveloping everything around in the deadly ray. 'Zero, time's up Lelouch. Our fates are in your hands, so what'll it be?'
Just as those thoughts ran through his mind Lelouch pressed the final button finalizing the data
(In the sky)
"SUZAKU!" came Lelouch's voice over the speakers ordering his knight to do his job as a spear like device appeared on the side of the Shinkiro still connected to the Knightmare transmitting data to it.
"Yes, your majesty" cried the Japanese knight dutifully as he grabbed the spear from the Shinkiro and readied to throw it at growing mass of energy, 'our lives are ridding on this' thought Suzaku instantly as he pushed himself to the limit, his Geass command to live activating to give him a boost.
Kallen sat quiet in her Knightmare following Lelouch through his suicidal plan ;trust in him Kallen, trust Lelouch, he will get us through this' thought the halfblooded Japanese as she cringed in fear.
Finally ready the knight of Zero threw the spear-like device that would save their lives at the expanding F.L.I.E.J.A in an instant. Once it made contact the impact force of the explosion peeled away the surface of iron as if it was peeling glue, but it was irrelevant for all the crucial parts were still functional.
They watched in anticipation as the once expanding pink energy started shrinking slowly and suddenly disappeared into nothing.
Kallen couldn't believe her eyes, she thought they were dead for sure but then the threatening light, disappeared? 'I knew it, I knew Lelouch had something up his sleev that would turn the tide of this battle around' thought the redhead as tears started forming from happiness.
Time seemed to freeze for an instance as they took in the fact that they survived through death, before they regained their composure.
Not wanting to waste the opportunity handed to him at the risk of their lives, their leader advanced first ahead with his knightmare and through the opening in the blaze that was about to close and used his shields to hold it open for a while, just enough for his forces to get by.
"Fly in" ordered the emperor his soldiers who had already done so before he even gave the order.
As the last Knightmare made it through, he deactivated his shield and made through inside the flying fortress.
"They've gotten through the Blaze" panicked Kanon Maldini
"They have indeed" confirmed Schneizel calmly "I didn't expect them to have made a to like that"
Well people end of chap 7, I appologise for the delay but I had actually given up on continuing this story, but then re-watching the series changed my mind and to make up for that chap 7 is longer than any previous chapter.
Also sorry if the writing style isn't very good; this is really the first time I write a battle and I have been out of practice for the past half year
Well ubtill we meet again
Yours sincerely