Imagine Person B has written a song for Person A on the ukelele. Person B plays it to Person C just to get C's opinion on it. Turns out that the song is horrible. When B goes up to A with ukelele in hand and starts strumming the song, C swoops in and smashes the ukelele right before B has a chance to sing it. C tells B: "Just take 'em on a date."

"What is this?" Alec sighed, as Magnus appeared from their bedroom, carrying a ukulele.

"That looks like a ukulele to me," Jace replied, as he slouched over the armchair. Alec gave Jace a look before turning back to his boyfriend.

"This doesn't look good," Clary said, as she hung her legs over Simon's.

"I wrote you a song darling," Magnus said, sitting down on the coffee table, deliberately knocking Jace's feet off of it.

"Please don't," Alec said burying his face in his hand. Magnus ignored his request and strummed the horribly out of tune ukulele.

"You are my Shadowhunter beau," Magnus started and immediately the red crept up into Alec's face while Jace raised his eyebrows at Simon and Clary.

"The only one that can slay demons and my heart, with your black hair and your blue eyes, baby you are my Shadowhunter beau,"

Alec couldn't even face Jace; he could see from the movements in the corner of his eye, that Jace was laughing, Simon and Clary were exchanging looks.

"You are my Shadowhunter beau," Magnus began a second verse, but before he got any further Jace stood up and grabbed the ukulele out of Magnus' hands and smashed it violently on the table, until it was in several broken pieces on the floor.

"Y'know instead of writing a song, you could just sleep with him." Jace said, sitting back down. Alec blushed again and Magnus glared at him.

"I had ten more verses,"