Thanks to nicolft, Lizinka, Big Eater Queen, TheWorldwideDuo, Calistrophia, ABCSonicKirbyWarriors, AphHetaliaLover, InterDimensionalStoryteller, Nomadic Defender, Skye Phoenix Dove and Cardfighter By Maple for reviewing.

For most, this shouldn't come as a surprise, since he's probably the only canon character that's left.

Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia.

Chapter 30: France and India

India sighed, glancing towards France.

The other spoke of l'amour, and was normally friendly towards each of the other nations. But he couldn't help but feel that he had been ignored lately.

He did wonder, though, with all of the nations having to change seats throughout the conference, why he never had to move seats.

He knew that France was in control of the seating arrangements, and couldn't help but wonder why France had arranged their seats next to each other throughout the conference. Did France actually want his company?

He couldn't help but think otherwise. Why else would the Frenchman ignore him most of the time? And why would he speak French to the other two? Was there something that France didn't want him to hear?

And if France would speak with him, he noticed that France wasn't as flirtatious as usual. And if France was a little flirty, someone would interrupt them.

Frankly, it annoyed India.

Canada glanced towards France, and he immediately noticed that there was some sort of tension between him and India.'

Canada had managed to figure it out a while back that France's thread was connected to India, but he was surprised that France hadn't acted upon it yet.

Could France actually be afraid of rejection from India?

"So," Romania said, distracting the Canadian, "what are you going to do when this conference is over?"

"I'm probably just going back to my house," Canada said.

"Anyone going to visit, or are you going to visit anyone?"

"No. People rarely visit."

"Really? Why?"

"Most people forget about me."

Romania frowned.

"Well, I won't forget about you," Romania said. "So be prepared for my arrival."

Canada chuckled, smiling warmly.

"I will."

Scotland looked over towards France as well.

France had yet to make a move on the nation destined for him, and it frustrated Scotland.

France had been working so hard to get everyone else's threads untangled, but had done nothing for his own thread.

It made France seem a little hypocritical.

If France didn't do something about it, then Scotland would have no choice but to help his friend out.

France sighed. It was about time.

"How have you been enjoying the conference?" France asked.

India seemed surprised that France had addressed him, and took a moment to think about it.

"It was rather boring," India admitted. "I couldn't exactly converse with any of my friends during the meeting, and afterwards they seemed to be mostly distracted. Something tells me that you planned it."

"Oui," France said, smiling softly. "Nations that I believe would get along well together, even if they usually don't interact."

"And tell me something. Why are you ignoring me?"

France froze for a moment, and India watched him intently. Finally, the European sighed, turning to the Southern Asian.

"Tell me, what did Angleterre say about me in the past?" France asked.

India frowned in confusion.

"Since when do you care about England's opinion?" India asked.

"Many nations avoid me because of what other nations said about me," France sighed. "I was afraid to see the aversion in your eyes when I spoke to you."

"But, why me?"

France looked towards him, and India could feel his heart stop.

"Je t'aime."

"Finally," Monaco muttered.

She and Picardy had been listening to France and India's conversation.

"At least it's not too late," Picardy said.

"So, are we going to look for Luxembourg and Osaka during lunch?"


And, c'est fini. The oneshot collection will need to wait until after my exams.

I've gone through a few pairings before settling on this list of pairings. I originally intended to add nations that were at least only mentioned in the past, but I decided against it because then there would be too many characters that would be considered OCs. I also intended to include Nyo, 2P and 2PNyo. Originally, instead of Monaco and Picardy, France was assisted by his alternate counterparts. The first list had France with Ecuador. The second time, I decided to remove non-canon nations, but keep the other three alternate versions. France was with New Zealand that time. And then the third list is what you see here.

I can't remember all of the former pairings, since my computer threw them out. But I do remember a few that I would like to write, such as ChinaX2PCanada, EgyptXFemCanada, 2PFemItalyXFemPrussia, etc. I might still do it for HCSS.

Now, as promised, the list for navigation:
Chapter 1: Belgium and Seychelles
Chapter 2: China and Lithuania
Chapter 3: Egypt and Bulgaria
Chapter 4: Taiwan and Wales
Chapter 5: Hungary and Iceland
Chapter 6: Estonia and Greece
Chapter 7: Japan and Mexico
Chapter 8: America and Australia
Chapter 9: Hong Kong and Prussia
Chapter 10: Lunch Dates (interval chapter)
Chapter 11: Korea and Turkey
Chapter 12: Austria and Portugal
Chapter 13: England and Cyprus
Chapter 14: Hutt River and Scotland
Chapter 15: Ireland and Romano
Chapter 16: Italy and Russia
Chapter 17: Denmark and Macau
Chapter 18: Belarus and Spain
Chapter 19: Canada and Romania
Chapter 20: At Last (interval chapter)
Chapter 21: Netherlands and Switzerland
Chapter 22: Cameroon and Germany
Chapter 23: Cuba and Norway
Chapter 24: Northern Ireland and Thailand
Chapter 25: Molossia and New Zealand
Chapter 26: Poland and Seborga
Chapter 27: Finland and Ukraine
Chapter 28: Sweden and Vietnam
Chapter 29: During the Meeting (interval chapter)
Chapter 30: France and India