A/N So this story was posted in 2015, but a wonderful reader by the name of GoldenPotterFan noticed I forgot the epilogue, so belatedly, here it is! Cheers, GPF!

It was a lovely day for a wedding. The grounds of Potter Manor had never looked better. Neville had done wonders with the garden, and it was in full bloom for today's special event.

Dobby was in his glory. He had borrowed some house elves from Hogwarts for the occasion, and he was in charge of them. Today was most important to Mistress Ginny, and Dobby would never let her down.

To the tune of the traditional Muggle wedding song, Hermione came down the stairs of Potter Manor. Remus was waiting for her at the bottom, to escort her to the aisle where Bill was waiting for her.

Rose and Vicky were slightly ahead of her, already walking down the aisle in their pretty pink dresses.

Ginny was just a couple of feet ahead, and she turned to give Hermione a reassuring wink.

Remus led her to the aisle. He then handed her over to Ronnie. "Ready Mum?" he asked.

Hermione looked up and met Bill's loving gaze. "Yes, son. I'm ready."

Ginny set off, looking lovely in a pale blue dress. When Hermione looked at Harry, she could see he couldn't take his eyes off her. She smiled at that, glad that her best friend and sister-in-law had found true love.

"Now, Mum?" asked Ronnie.

Hermione looked down at her son. He was so much like Ron. Hermione had a crying jag last night, worrying if Ron would think it was wrong of her to marry his brother. Ginny had calmed her down, reassuring her that Ron would want her to go on and be happy.

"Now, son," she said.

Together, they walked down the aisle. Hermione chuckled as she could hear her son count his steps. Finally, they were at the front. Ronnie put Hermione's hand in Bill's.

"Is that it? Are you my Dad now?" he asked Bill.

Smiling at him, Bill patted his head. "Not yet, Ronnie. Your Mum and I have to say a few words, then I will be, okay? Good job walking her down the aisle, buddy."

"I counted and everything," said Ronnie, proudly.

"Why don't you go and stand with Rosie. We won't be long," smiled Hermione, bending down to give him a kiss.

"Mum! Not in front of everybody," he protested, wiping the kiss off his cheek.

The assembled guests chuckled. The Minister coughed, to get the attention back to the ceremony.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, friends and family, we are gathered here today..."

The bride and groom circulated amongst their guests after the ceremony. It had been a morning service, with a buffet lunch provided in the conservatory. Hannah, who had catered Remus and Tonks's wedding, was again catering for this event. Neville was following her around, on the pretense of being hungry. Harry and Ginny knew he had a thing for her.

Tonks was sitting down, waving her wand in front of her face like a fan. It wasn't an overly hot day, but at nine months and one week pregnant, she was certainly feeling it. Remus hovered over her, which only made her more adjitated.

"I think I'll just go and jump in the pool," she said, eyeing it off, as it was in the room next to the conservatory.

Remus chuckled nervously, not one hundred per cent sure Tonks was joking.

Augusta and Andromeda were talking. They were admiring Neville's work on the garden, although Augusta was keeping an eye on Neville's luck with Hannah. Likewise, Andromeda was keeping a close eye on Tonks.

Sirius joined Harry, who was getting a drink from the bar staff. "Where is your lovely wife?" he asked.

"Just wanted to go and check on the wedding cake," said Harry.

"She looked bloody gorgeous today," smiled Sirius.

"Yeah, she did," sighed Harry, a look of pride on his face.

To Harry's relief, Ginny embraced Sirius as the parental figure in her life. She was happy to have him over to their house often, even insisting on setting up one of the many bedrooms in the Manor as his. "For those nights you come over, and we reminisce, then you're too drunk to Floo home," she would tease him.

"You wouldn't think she had a melt down earlier this morning, would you?" confided Harry.

"Really? About what?" asked Sirius.

"The bloody dress didn't fit. It fitted her last week, but it wouldn't do up this morning. I, er, sort of told her I'd noticed things were getting bigger," said Harry, putting his hands in front of his chest to indicate her boobs.

"Harry James Potter! What are you saying to Sirius?" demanded Ginny.

Harry gulped and turned around. "Nothing, love. Sirius was just saying how gorgeous you looked today, and I agreed."

"Did you tell him about my dress? Is that what this was?" She copied his hand signals for her bigger boobs.

Harry flushed. "Well, er, they're bigger. You're bigger."

Sirius cringed, waiting for the explosion.

"So, you're saying I'm fat," cried Ginny, tears welling up in her eyes.

"No, not fat. You're curvy. I like it. More of you to love," said Harry, with a desperate look at Sirus.

"Ooh, that's good," said Sirius to Harry softly.

"I can't believe you," said Ginny, storming out of the conservatory.

"Ginny, wait." Harry rushed off after her.

"Is everything all right?" asked Hermione, worriedly.

"Yeah, but Harry's a dead man. Sorry about the excitement," said Sirius.

Bill shrugged. "Hey, we're all family."

They moved slightly so they could see what happened between Harry and Ginny. They saw Harry catch up to Ginny near the swimming pool.

"Ginny, wait. I'm sorry. You know I don't care how big you get. I love you. All of you," he said.

"Uh-oh," said Sirius and Bill simultaneously.

"You dumb ass! You want to know why my boobs are so big. I'm pregnant, you git," shrieked Ginny.

And with that announcement, she pushed Harry into the pool.

By now, all the attention was on Harry and Ginny. As Ginny spun around to leave, she realised everyone was watching her. She burst out crying, and headed for the other door, anxious to get away from everyone.

Harry surfaced, shaking his head. Pregnant! She was pregnant! He caught a quick glimpse of his wife as she headed for the door leading to the garden.

"Accio Ginny!" he cried, desperately.

With a shriek, Ginny found herself being pulled into the pool, and Harry's waiting arms.

"You're pregnant? We're going to have a baby?" asked Harry, increduously.

"Yes, you dumb ass," said Ginny, looking into his eyes.

Harry let out a whoop, took her in his arms and kissed her. "I love you so much, Ginny."

"Even when I'm as big as Tonks," whispered Ginny.

"More of you to love, remember," smirked Harry.

"Hey, what's going on?" called Neville, emerging from the kitchen with his hair all mussed and shirt pulled out of his pants.

"We're having a baby," yelled Harry, delirious with joy.

"In the swimming pool?" asked Vicky to Hermione, confused.

"Oh boy, we can go swimming in our clothes. Come on Rosie," called Ronnie, grabbing his twin's hand and jumping in.

Neville scooped up a flushed Hannah, and jumped in with her in his arms.

"What do you say, Mrs Weasley?" asked Bill to his new wife.

"Last one in is a rotten egg," laughed Hermione, jumping in. Bill was right behind her.

Suddenly, Tonks gave out a groan. Everyone stopped their laughter and turned to look at her.

Remus went very pale. "Tonks, what's wrong?"

"What do you think is wrong, Remus? See that puddle of water at my feet. That isn't from ME jumping in the damn pool, that's for sure!" she snapped.

Andromeda hurried over to her daughter, as she gave out another loud groan.

"I don't think you've got time to get to St Mungo's, love," she told her daughter.

"I want to push," groaned Tonks.

"Already?" gasped Remus.

"Help me lay her down, Remus. Sirius, could you get the guests to move back to the conservatory, please? I would say to tell them there's nothing to see here, but I'm afraid in a few minutes, there'll be plenty to see," chuckled Andromeda.

"You got it, Andi," said Sirius. "Won't be long, Moony."

Remus nodded, incoherent as Tonks groaned again.

The guests were ushered out of the pool. Some chose to leave, giving Tonks and Remus their privacy. Hermione and Bill gathered up their kids and said goodbye to Harry and Ginny.

"Thank you again for letting us have the wedding here. It was beautiful, and-" Hermione broke off as Tonks let out another groan.

"-one we'll certainly remember," laughed Hermione.

"We're thrilled for your news," said Bill, kissing his sister on the cheek. "A baby. It's the best news, Gin."

Ginny smiled as she hugged her brother.

"We'll let you go. We'll drop the kids off tomorrow about midday," said Bill.

Harry and Ginny were looking after the three children for a week while Bill and Hermione had a honeymoon.

Within minutes, it was just Harry, Ginny, Sirius, Remus, Tonks and Andromeda left. Ginny ran a drying charm over her dress, and hurried to Tonk's side, as she had promised her friend she would be.

"I can't believe some witches actually want to do this naturally. I wanted potions. Lots and lots of potions. I wanted to be in my happy place when I gave birth. Right now, I want to rip this baby out of my body," said Tonks, bearing down.

"Baby's crowning," called Andromeda.

"Your baby is nearly here, Tonks. You're going to be someone's Mum," cried Ginny, wiping the sweat from Tonks head.

"I'm not ready, Gin," said Tonks, groaning again.

Andromeda called out, "Just got to get the shoulders out, then my grandchild should slip right out."

Ginny scoffed. "Of course you're ready. I'm ready. You and me are going to be the hippest, coolest mums in the world. Our kids will be best friends, just like you and me, or Sirius and Remus."

"Shoulders are out," called Andromeda. "And...here it is. Or should I say, here HE is."

"A boy. I've got a son," said Remus, weakly.

"Let me see him," said Tonks, trying to sit up.

"Lay back Tonks. Daddy will be bring his son to his Mummy," said Ginny, brushing hair off Tonk's face.

She kissed her best friend's cheek. "You did it. You were amazing. I'm so proud of you."

Tonks looked at Ginny gratefully. "I'm glad you were here. You will be his god-parents, right? You and Harry? I can't believe we forgot to ask."

"We'd be honoured. Here he comes, Tonks. Look at Remus, holding his precious baby so carefully," said Ginny.

"He's a good man. I love him so much. I love them both," cried Tonks.

"I know. Now, let's meet the new man in your life," teased Ginny.

Remus brought the baby over and placed him in Tonks's arms. Ginny moved away to give them some time together.

She went over to Harry, who opened his arms and gathered her close. "Do-will you have to go through that?" he asked, shakily.

"Hell no. I'll start taking potions from the eighth month," joked Ginny.

"Is it real. Is there really our baby in there?" he asked in wonder, his hands cupping her fuller belly.

"Did you really think I was just putting on weight?" chuckled Ginny.

Harry shrugged happily. " I don't know what to say that won't get me in trouble."

Ginny smiled. "It's okay. After what just happened, it's not possible for me to be angry. They want us to be god-parents, you know."

Harry nodded. "Remus mentioned it awhile ago. I told him we'd be honoured."

Ginny chuckled. "I just told Tonks the exact same thing."

Harry drew her close. "I love you."

Ginny kissed him. "I love you too."

Sirius coughed. "Sorry to break up the love fest, but Remus and Tonks want us all back."

Harry and Ginny walked over to Sirius, who hugged Ginny. "Congratulations, it's wonderful news."

Ginny smirked. "Thanks, Grandpa!" She walked over to Tonks.

Sirius watched her walk away in shock. "Grandpa? Me?" he asked Harry.

"Who else, Sirius?" asked Harry, gently.

Sirius grabbed Harry in a bear hug. "Congratulations, Harry."

"I still can't believe it," chuckled Harry, as they made their way to Remus and Tonks.

"Everyone, we'd like to introduce to you our son, Theodore Remus Lupin. But you can call him Teddy," said Tonks, absolutely glowing.

"Teddy. I like it," said Sirius. "He looks like you, Tonks."

"Thank Merlin," said Remus, shaking his head.

"Teddy, this is your family. Your grandma, your uncle and your god-parents. We all love you so much," said Remus, pressing a kiss to his son's head.

"To Teddy, second of the next generation of Marauders," called Sirius, winking at Harry.

"To Teddy," they all cheered, raising imaginary glasses, and laughing.

Harry looked contented as he held his wife and looked around at his family. Everything he loved, everybody he loved, was here in this room, including his unborn child.

At this moment, he wouldn't change his life for anything.