"Mom, dad, I'm home" Danielle called out

"No, she's too young, we should have never sent her to that academy" Dani heard her mom say with emotion

"Shes older than us Kim we were only 16 she's 17 now, you know we had no choice it was her destiny" Tommy said with a box in his hand

"Her destiny is to be a normal girl to live her life the way she wants" Kim said

"Kim she was never going to be normal she's the daughter of the original power rangers, she was always meant to carry the legacy, especially now since the academy is destroyed" Tommy said

"WHAT, No" Dani cried as she exposed her hiding spot

"Dani sweetheart its going to be alright" Kim said hugging her daughter

"What happened I was there earlier, everything was fine like a normal training day" Danielle asked

"They were attacked, the student, Sensai, everyone is gone, Im so sorry sweetheart" Tommy said with the box still in his hand

"Is that what I think it is" Dani said

"After we received word about the attack uncle Jason and I went to the academy in hopes to find students or anyone left behind, instead we found this, it was meant for you, there was a reason you weren't there" Tommy said

"Dad, you cant be serious I cant be a ranger, especially not now" Dani said thinking about Hunter

"Honey, if this is about Hunter, even if you weren't a ranger, dating a ranger is risky, dangerous, but dating a fellow ranger, apart from the no secrets, you two would be so focused on saving each other that it would put the team in danger." Kim said

"I just met him mom and apart from the one date and one kiss…

"Kiss, dating…I don't know whats worse my daughter being a ranger or my 17 year old dating" Tommy said

"Dad seriously, you and mom dated and got engaged during your time as a ranger" Dani defended

"Yes well she was also kidnapped, lost her power coin, and was turned evil, not saying any of this will happen to you but, lets not take the risk" Tommy said

"Ok thank you so much for that but i don't even know if he's my soulmate, it was One Date and One Kiss" Dani said

"None the less you will join the team in your next battle and only then will you reveal yourself, and please be careful, your mother and I know the dangers and the risk, always be on your guard and remember may the power be with you always" Tommy said kissing her forehead and placing the morpher on her wrist


"Good morning beautiful" Hunter smiled as he saw Dani talking to Kelly

"Good morning, thats a lot of caffeine you got there" Dani said as she saw two cups of coffee in his hand

"Oh uh ones for you actually, hope you like caramel" Hunter said

"I do, thanks, so um about last night" Dani said not sure what she was going to say

"If I moved too fast I'm sorry, I just never met a girl like you and I guess I pumped the gas to hard" Hunter said

"No, I had a great time last night, but I um received news that kind of puts this, us, on a halt, but I don't want to do that to you because you are an amazing guy and deserve to be with someone who can give 100% of herself to you, I'm really sorry" Dani said sadly

"Hey, you are an amazing girl, and if I have to wait a little longer to be with you, I'm going to wait because your special and I would hate to lose you" Hunter said lifting her chin up and kissed her cheek

"Hello I'm looking for Danielle Oliver" Roger Hannah asked coming into the store

"No way you Roger Hannah from factory blue, I'm Blake, Blake bradley 250 rider" Blake said pushing Hunter aside

"Nice to meet you Blake, do you happen to know this girl" Roger said

"Hi Mr Rodgers that would be me" Danielle said

"Well it is a pleasure to meet you, we've heard so much about the underage rider who went on to win nationals" Rodger smiled and shook her hand

"Oh sir that was a long time ago" Dani blushed as the brothers looked at her in shock

"Well I've seen all your videos of all your races and I am impressed there are not many girl motocross racers, and the few we do have, don't have that drive or passion that you do its easy to see in your riding" Rodger praised

"She is incredibly talented sir you should see her in person" Hunter said

"Wait you two are the bradley brothers, you've won 11 state champions, I'm so sorry I didn't recognize you, well this is a treat, how would all three of you like to be part of factory blue" Rodger said

"Thank you sir for this opportunity but at this time we respectfully decline" Hunter said with Blake agreeing

"Heres my card if you change your mind, and what about you Ms Oliver" Rodger asked

"Can I have a day to think about it" Dani asked

"Of course, I look forward to hearing from you, all of you soon" Rodger said as he left the store

"So I know why you turned it down, but Blake this is a huge deal" Dani said in shock

"Maybe in the future but right now I think there are more important things" Blake said turning to Hunter

"I should probably go find Kelly, I have some new employment papers to fill out" Dani said
"Ok dude she just turned down factory blue, I know why we did, but were rangers we have no choice" Blake said

"She didn't turn it down she told him she was thinking about it" Hunter said

"So how was your date last night" Blake asked

"Great, but something is definitely off with her today, I mean i don't know her that well but, she wants to hold off on having a relationship, which for me I get because it would be too dangerous for her, but I don't know she is definitely hiding something" Hunter said

"Ok , dude, you've known her a day give her a chance to open up, you of all people should know what being new feels like, and your keeping a secret from her" Blake said before they were interrupted by their morpher

"Duty calls lets go" Hunter said before glancing at Dani who was talking to Kelly


"Cam we need help here" Shane called through the morpher

"Did some ask for backup" Dani asked as she ninja streaked while attacking the Kelzaks

The five rangers frowned in confusion as the smoke cleared away they noticed a silver ranger kneeling on the ground in front of them. The uniform was all silver with specs of gold, her helmet had stars and a large crescent moon on the chest

"Another ranger" Zurgane said angrily

"You'll get used to me, Im here to bring some fresh light into this situation, Lunar light beam" Dani called out and slashed through a ray of Kelzacks, Zurgane retaliated by blasting her off her feet

"Hey are you ok" Hunter said running to her as the other helped battle Zurgane

"I'm good, seems like you got everything covered, I got to go" Dani said getting up and streaking out leaving Hunter in confusion


"I dont know how well I trust new rangers" Shane said

"C'mon it wasn't our fault we were spelled" Blake said in defense

"I dont think she's working for lothor" Dustin said

"Besides being the only girl on team is getting kind of lonely, no offense" Tori said

"Theres definitely something about her that I recognize" Hunter said standing farther from the team"

"Well, just don't be followed by this ranger, or be leaving any backpacks laying around" Cam said looking at Dustin

"I did chores for a month and said I was sorry like a hundred times" Dustin said in defense


"Thank you for the offer Mr Rodgers, but at this time I politely decline" Dani said on the phone as she continued icing her shoulder

"One fight and I'm already patching you up" Kim said

"Here's the bandage you asked for, so how did this happen again" Kelly said

"I'm extremely clumsy" Dani said looking at her mom

"Hey Dani, are you ok what happened" Tori asked as the team walked into Kellys

"Oh this, just a bruise, I can be really clumsy sometimes, I think that should be ok mom" Dani said finishing the ice pack

"Wait Kimberly Oliver olympic gold medal gymnast, is your mom" Tori said in shock

"Nice to meet you, Tori right" Kim smirked

"Yea, this is Shane, Dustin, Blake and Hunter" Dani introduced

"So this is Hunter, he's much cuter than you told me" Kim told her daughter as the team laughed and Hunter and Dani blushed

"Nice to meet you Mrs Oliver" Hunter said politely

"Nice to meet you too, well I have to get going, I will see you at home" Kim said

"So did you think about Factory Blue" Hunter asked when everyone went back to work

"Yea, I turned him down for now" Dani said

"Dani this is a great opportunity, I mean Blake and I have our reasons, but you have so much talent, but its your decision and I respect that" Hunter said

"I should get going, hey Kelly do you have everything covered" Dani asked

"All good, I'll see you tomorrow" Kelly called

"I'll call you later" Dani said to Hunter as she left leaving him behind in confusion