Ok, final chapter, time to meet Evergreen's parents! Evergreen will probably be way OOC, but she's about to get married, so I had to take that into account. Everyone wish Elfman good luck!
Evergreen practically skipped down the road.
"C'mon, I grew up in a country house just down this way, I'm so happy you'll finally be able to meet my parents, Mama will be so happy!" She exclaimed.
Elfman was visibly pale and looked as though he was going to hurl at any second.
Evergreen turned to her fiancee with worry sparking behind her glasses.
"Elfman, are you alright? Did you get motion sick on the train?" She asked as she tucked a strand of her long wavy brown hair behind her ear.
Elfman shook his head, "No way, I'm not Natsu or something! I'm way to MANLY for that!" He exclaimed, forcing a reckless grin he knew Ever loved onto his face and pumping his fist in the air.
The Fairy wizard smiled at him.
"I'm glad, I want you in tip top shape to meet Papa." She replied.
"Umm, just curious, what's your Dad like?" Elfman asked.
Evergreen shrugged, "You know Dad's, sweet, a bit brash, pretty overbearing at times, but he's always been there for me. This will be a surprise for them, they haven't seen me in so long...only nine or so months for me, for them it's been nearly eight years. I never got around to sending them a message I'm ok, god, I'm such a terrible daughter, oh well, they'll be happy either way!" Evergreen sighed dreamily.
"Oh, so, umm, how would you say he'll react to..see us?"
Elfman was more nervous than he had ever been in his entire life right at that moment.
Evergreen shrugged double time, "Ehh, he'll bear hug me, I don't know what he'll say to you."
Than her eyes like up as she seemingly recalled something that may help.
"I remember about five years ago when I brought Bixlow with me when I dropped by after a job, Papa punched him in the face and knocked him out because he thought that idiot was my boyfriend, like I'd ever fall for such a dope!"
Evergreen shook her head in frustration that her father could ever think such a thing.
Elfman was sweating up a storm now.
This guy sounds like a real MAN! He knocked out Bixlow just because he could have been Ever's boyfriend. Ulp, what'll he do to me, than?
Elfman thought frantically.
"We're here!" Evergreen chirped, Elfman looked up at a modest white painted house with a black slatted roof, a large green yard with a towering oak tree casting the place into partial shadow.
Evergreen ran up to the door, gripping Elfman's hand tightly with joy in her eyes, Elfman allowed himself to be dragged along in dread.
Evergreen rapped on the large oaken front door.
"Coming!" Came a cheerful voice from inside.
"Thats Mama." Evergreen whispered back to Elfman.
The take over mage sighed with relief, he wouldn't have to face his love's father just yet.
There was a click as the bolt was undone and the door opened with a soft creak.
In the doorway stood a woman with short bobbed hair in a light brown. She wore thin wire glasses, a simple blue dress with darker blue trimmings that went down to her knees with tee shirt length sleeves, tied tightly high on her waist with a thick black leather belt.
She wailed, throwing herself upon her daughter in an explosion of tears as the book she had been holding clattered to the floor.
Evergreen was teary eyed too, a smile on her face as she shoved her fan into Elfman's gut, signaling him to hold it for her, which he did as she freed herself to wrap both arms around her mother.
"Mama, I missed you so much." Evergreen sighed.
"I-I..." Elfman's future mother-in-law was gasping back more tears.
"C'mon, Mama, we can sit down."
Evergreen lead her mother inside, Elfman assumed he was to follow, and he did, closing the door behind him.
After a few minutes of Evergreen holding her mother's hand as she gasped and clung to her, and explaining what had happened on Tenroujima island, Evergreen's Mom began to calm down.
"Oh, sweetheart, when your Papa gets home he's going to be so happy, it broke his heart, both of our hearts, when we heard from your guild that you'd been killed on that wretched island!" She exclaimed passionately.
"Well, Mama, it wasn't really the island's fault..." Evergreen laughed.
That was when Evergreen's mother spied Elfman, shifting from foot to foot awkwardly behind the couch.
"Does your friend know how to sit? The couch isn't just for staring at, y'know!" Now the woman was displaying her true attitude.
"Umm, thank you Ma'am." Elfman took a seat.
"Well, I'm Rita, whats your name young man?"
Evergreen's mother questioned.
"I-I'm Elfman, Ma'am." Elfman shook her hand.
"My, my, you finally got a polite friend, dear, not like that brute you brought along last time you had company!" Rita exclaimed, shaking a playful finger at her daughter.
Evergreen waved her hands in front of her face.
"Bixlow's just a bit, well, thick, he's really quite a nice guy deep down."
She explained.
"Yeah? With that mask and those dreadful soul dolls echoing his every word three times over, I'd hope for his sake he's at least got a nice personality to offer, other than that I'm certainly not sold." Rita clucked her tongue as Evergreen and even Elfman snorted at her comments.
"So, umm, I have something important to tell you, Mama." Evergreen stood up, and with three long strides, came to sit besides Elfman.
"Oh, dear."
Rita sighed, putting a hand to her head as Evergreen put her hand on Elfman's.
"You two are dating, are you? Ah, well, at least he's polite."
She said contently.
"Yeah, Mama, we stopped dating a couple days ago."
Evergreen began, now nervous and excited at the some time.
Rita's head snapped up, "Y-You..."
Evergreen leapt up, seized both of her mother's hands, and allowed a wide happy grin to stretch across her face.
"Mama, Elfman and I are gonna get married!" She exclaimed.
Rita looked like she may faint for a moment.
"M-My word, t-thats.." She trailed off as she glanced at Elfman, as if sizing him up.
Strong? Check that.
Tall? If they get a home I pray it has high ceilings.
Handsome? Well, at least enough for her, I suppose, and looks aren't everthing.
Mage? Most likely, I see a guild mark on his neck.
"THAT'S AMAZING!" Rita pulled her daughter into an embrace.
Than, in pure emotion, she walked over and seized Elfman in her arms as well.
"U-Uh, I'm glad your happy, Ma'am."
Elfman had vowed on the train to be polite as possible even if it kills him.
"So happy!" Rita sobbed, then she turned to Evergreen.
"Do you have a ring yet, sweetheart?" She questioned.
"Yes, see, Elfman proposed to me and gave me it, I haven't taken it off since." Evergreen put out her left hand, and her mother inspected the simple diamond ring in a silver band closely.
Elfman let out a sigh of relief, so spending three hours standing in a jewelry store looking at every single wedding ring available hadn't been a total waste of time after all!
"Well, do you two have the time to spend dinner?" Rita asked after she calmed down again.
"Of course, Mama! We'd love too, but I've booked our tickets back home for the last trip tonight. Papa will be home by then, right?" Evergreen asked worriedly.
"O'course he will! He ought to be back any min..."
That was when the door to a magi-mobile slammed outside.
"Well, speak of the devil!" Evergreen's mother exclaimed.
"Papa!" Evergreen burst out the door, much like she had when she had been a little girl and her father had gotten home from work.
An imposing man slightly shorter than Elfman was walking around the car to head inside, he wore a snappy dark blue suit with a lighter blue tie. His hair was dark brown, which explained how Evergreen's hair was a mix between her mother's light colored brown and her fathers darker shade. He stepped around and saw his daughter run towards him.
"E-Ever!" He took three large steps forward ad scooped her up, spinning her around several times, then setting her down and holding her close, putting on hand on the back of her head and breathing in the sight of her, solid and real.
"Evergreen your alright. I'm so glad, I, I thought you'd been killed on that horrible island!"
"Why does everyone think that? It's not the island's fault!"
Evergreen laughed.
Evergreen than reached back and grabbed Elfman by the hand.
"Umm, Papa, this is Elfman." Evergreen said, gesturing to him.
Evergreen's father was instantly on guard, "Pleasure, names Jay." He said shortly, shaking Elfman's hand.
"Nice to m-meet you, sir."
As said before, if Elfman died, he wanted it to read, 'Died trying not to get killed by his fiancee's father.' On his gravestone.
"So, Papa, Elfman has something to say."
Elfman gulped and didn't say anything.
"Elfman!" Evergreen elbowed the take over mage in the ribs.
"Ok, ok. If I had known where you lived I'd have gone and asked you first, sir, but..." Elfman trailed off when Jay punched him in the face.
Elfman hit the ground with a thud while Evergreen wailed.
"It's a boy, is it? Name it after your grandfather, he was a good man."
Jay said nonchalantly.
"Papa! We didn't do THAT! How could you even say such a thing!?"
She demanded, prodding her father in the chest.
"Oh, well, sorry, than, son." Jay muttered as Elfman stood up and rubbed his head.
"Well, go on, Elfman!" Evergreen ordered.
"Alright, well, sir, I proposed to Evergreen a few days ago, and, she said yes." Elfman murmured.
Jay raised his eyebrows.
"Excuse me?" He choked out.
"Papa, we've been dating for over a year now! So now we're getting married." Evergreen proclaimed, trying to clear things up for her Dad.
"Oh." Jay said shortly.
Elfman hit the ground, splayed flat on his back, unconscious from Evergreen's father's powerful punch.
"Papa!" Evergreen shrieked.
"Is he a good man? I've not yet got to know him." Jay was, again, nonchalant.
"He saved me from a man that wanted to kill me on that island, it was him that took almost, almost too many blows, for me. Together we defeated that evil mage, but a different monster caused our island to be encased in Fairy Sphere." Evergreen explained.
Her father just stared at her, and Elfman was still on the ground.
"And?" Jay asked.
"Well, he's pretty simple minded, he always shouts MAN! The first time we met, under good circumstance's, he said I was a real MAN!"
Evergreen giggled at the memory of that moment.
"I slapped him, and then he said that my slap was a MAN, so I stoned him and left. A few weeks passed, we ended up getting closer. I fell hard for the big oaf."
Evergreen sighed, smiling.
"We never told anyone because we're the strangest pair in the guild, but, I hate to say it."
Evergreen looked her father right in the eye and smiled.
"I really do love him, Papa. And I know he loves me more than anything, thats why he was ready to die for me."
Jay frowned as Elfman slowly stood up and groaned, rubbing his head.
"Did anyone get the license plate number of that bus?"
Jay put out his hand to Elfman.
"Alright, I'll give him a chance, but I still got veto on this entire thing, you both got that?!"
"Yes sir!" Both of them cried.
Elfman then shook Jay's hand again.
"Welcome to the family, Elf."
So, my first three shot it finished! Was is a success or not so much? Please let me know! Also, go check out my other stories, Wrecked (On hold), To love a Reaper, Draconem Heart, The Chrysalis Academy, and The Dragon's Journey home! Thanks so much for reading, please review!