This has so much fluff and nerdiness that it will give you a toothache. I hope you all enjoy it.

They break apart in the next moment and stare into each other's eyes as if the other's has some answer that they need. If they should continue or not with the path that they had chosen. Both of their hearts feel as though they will come out of their chests and all they can think about is locking their lips back together.

Percy moves his head slightly towards Nico again, silently asking for permission to continue their kiss and it's thankfully accepted. Nico ends up slipping into a sitting position as the kiss becomes more heated and Percy just follows him down into his lap, replacing his left hand where his right hand resided, behind the pale boy's neck. He starts to grind their lower bodies together, getting Nico to open his mouth in a moan. In a moments notice, Nico notices their tongues are intermingling in the unknown space between their mouths.

They continue for Gods know how long until the tension has become too great. They pull back, panting and trying to conjure up more thoughts on the present moment. Nicolas is the first to come out of the haze and ask the most daunting question he needed to be answered before anything more was to progress.

"Percy?" He starts, just to catch the other's attention more than anything else. "Are you sure you want this to progress any further? I don't want you regretting this later. I know you've been vulnerable since Annabeth and you broke up, and I don't want you to make a hasty decision in just picking the closest person to you. I just-" he was interrupted mid-sentence by a quick, but clear,

"What?" He was about to repeat what he had just said, that is until he looked back up into the Sea Prince's face that was displaying incredulity. What is he so surprised about? Nico pondered for a moment. Percy pulls apart from Nico in disbelief that he had thought that.

"Nico, I don't know why you think I would regret this, let alone think that I'm making a, as you put it, 'hasty decision'. Annabeth and I have been split for two months now. It kind of sucked for a bit, but I realized soon after that the fates and Aphrodite had someone else in mind. You have been through a lot, especially the last two months with dealing with my sorry ass. Di immortales, diAngelo. I like you, alright? I have for the past months and I fully realized it a week ago. I don't want to force you into anything with what I just said, I just had to let you know because I don't want you thinking that you're my rebound from Wise Girl." He finished with a deep breath out.

What words was he to look for? Nico had just been confessed to and for once had been rendered speechless by Seaweed Brain. He had been hoping for that, but now that he had it, what could he reply with? His mouth stood slightly agape as he stared into the deep, sea green orbs that were shining like the sun on the ocean. He loved him, he knew it, but would that be too much for Percy? His brain had short circuited and spoke the first thing that came to his mind without another hesitation.

"I like you, too, Percy." His heart felt as though it has stopped, along with time as soon as the words were uttered. Percy smiles after what seems as forever and cups his cheeks, running his thumbs over the soft, olive skin.

"Then that means, that I can continue kissing you, right?" Percy asks somewhat hesitantly. He hears a small laugh pass through the other's lips.

"Yeah, you can continue kissing me," Nico replies and pulls Percy's face towards his. It was more than Nico could have hoped for over the years since he had met his knight in shining armor. He wanted to tell his ten-year-old self that life does get better. That he shouldn't be angry at everyone, that he does earn his father's approval, that everything will be okay.

Eventually, they do pull apart when both of their stomachs growl in time for lunch. The Sea Prince laces their fingers together and starts for the door before he is pulled back by Nico's unmoving body. He glances back and notices Nico's shyness and asks him what's wrong.

"Are we b-boyfriends now?" The younger of the two apprehensively asks. His dark, obsidian eyes display the uneasiness he feels, walking out of here, not knowing the answer to the question. Percy can only smile and gets down on one knee in front of Nico before speaking.

"Nicolo diAngelo," he starts, "will you be my boyfriend? The one who I can rely on whole-heartedly when I'm feeling down. The one that I will steal food from and apologize as I take another piece." They both let out a breathy laugh and smile once more. "Be the one who will call me some pet name and hit me when I do something stupid."

"Which will be often," Nico adds in playfully.

"Hey, I'm trying to make a meaningful and heartfelt speech to you!" Percy buts back in. "Now, where was I? Oh, yeah. The one that I can couple cosplay with at conventions. Then be asked to kiss you when we're someone's favorite pairing. The one that I can make nerd jokes with during superhero movies and animations. The one that I can call mine." He smiles softly and looks up expectantly at his Ghost Prince.

"Well, when you put it like that," he pauses, putting the other on hold just for suspense, "I mean, I guess I could say yes." He smiles as the other smile broadens and stands back up, fingers laced back together and walk out to display their newly found relationship to their friends and fellow campers.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Many moons later (Just a few months really)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"C'mon Nico, we gotta get goin'!" Perseus yells as he gathers up a few more snacks and throws his bag in the trunk. He had reserved his and his mother's favorite cabin just for him and Nico for their second summer together without a huge battle going on. To say he was excited was an understatement. Since that day, when he had asked Nico to become his boyfriend, they hadn't had a moment alone together. Nico hadn't used shadow travel since the fight against Gaea when he had almost turned into a ghost, so they couldn't just leave to somewhere more private. Thus, lead to Percy asking his mother if he could take Nico to Montauk for the weekend, just the two of them. Thankfully she had said yes, but not without giving him a knowing smile. She couldn't let him go without embarrassing him just a little bit by a small comment about protection in front of Nico. He had hoped that Nico didn't notice, but when he looked at him when they had gotten into Percy's car, he saw a slight blush on his cheeks.

The car ride itself there had been fairly nice. Both of them had made playlists for the hours it took to get to Montauk on Percy's laptop. It had mostly ended up being Fall Out Boy, Panic! at the Disco, Foster the People, and the Arctic Monkeys. Most of the ride consisted of purposefully bad singing and their plans for the weekend since Nico hadn't been to Montauk. Surfing and wind surfing had been on Percy's plans along with a nice restaurant date and swimming in the lake. To which, Nico had poked fun at the fact that most of what the Sea Prince had wanted to do was be in the water. Nico had looked up a few attractions such as the number of parks around and the movie theatre where they would be able to see the latest Disney movie, Big Hero 6. There was such incredible hype about it and the Ghost Prince couldn't wait to watch it.

By the time that they had arrived at their cabin, it was already seven o'clock on Friday night. It was best for them to rest up for the next day and all of their planned activities. So, they gathered each of their bags out of the car and hauled them into their living quarters for the next two days and evening. Both boys changed into their boxers and climbed into their bed that they would be sharing. That was the entire point of the weekend getaway, to add in more intimacy that they couldn't quite get when surrounded by their friends and family. They both had so much responsibility each day because of their classes and homework assigned. Nico on top of that constantly iris messaged his father to talk about battle strategies and the responsibilities that he now held being his general and only son. Percy normally hung out with Jason and Piper when Nico had meetings, just so that he could give them privacy and since his uncle still wasn't entirely fond of him. They wanted to use this weekend to release all the tension that had accumulated over their year together. Just to relax and have much needed fun for just the two of them. They snuggled closer together, Nico being the little spoon and fell into a deep sleep.

Nico had awoken to light kisses on the back of his neck and smiled sleepily. He cuddled back into Percy's warm embrace and turned his head to give a small kiss on his lips. This is what he had looked forward to since he had been told about the weekend trip. Just the two of them being able to cuddle and be with each other without any distractions or stress. He smiles and turns over to face his boyfriend of a year to peck him back on the lips.

"G'morning Perseus." Nico sleepily starts. He lets out a small yawn and rubs the morning sleepies out of his eyes. "What do you want to start with today since we only have all of today, and only half of tomorrow to ourselves?" Percy's smile morphs from one of joy to slightly sinister, it doesn't take more than a second for Nico to find out what he wants to start with. He is quickly pecked on his lips and climbed on top of.

"Oh, you know," Percy slowly starts out, "a little of this," he pecks him underneath his jaw line, "and a little of that." He smirks slightly as his left hand travels around Nico's lower abdomen. He looks up into Nico's dark, obsidian eyes to ask for permission to continue his planned morning activity. The Ghost Prince nods once while smiling unbelievably at his Sea Prince's antics.

It wasn't as if they hadn't done this part before. They found time to be intimate with one another, it was just the problem of how long it could last. This time, they were able to prolong the foreplay itself to their content. Percy continues with his light kisses down his boyfriend's body while running his hands up and down his sides. The slight whimpers and gasps from above urge him to keep going lower until he reaches the black panther boxers Nico is sporting.

He quietly laughs, more to himself, that Nico would be wearing geeky underpants right now. He gets a small nudge and a pout for the slip and he smiles in return only to grab his waistband with his teeth to pull them down. It takes the band smacking back down on his hips to get Nico realizing that he needs to lift his hips up for them to be pulled down the rest of the way.

Percy looks back up as he takes the slender member into his hand and lightly strokes it to full mast, just to see Nico's blush to travel across his face. He lowers his head towards the tip and gives it a teasing lick. There's a loud groan and he smiles as he lowers his mouth over the length to hear more of the sounds.

"P-Percy, f-fuck, I-," he can't form one coherent sentence and moans loudly when he feels the back of his throat constricting around him. Percy pulls off and grabs the small bottle of lube from his bedside drawer and a condom, then closes it, returning to his spot before Nico.

His hair is still disheveled from sleep and his eyes are half-lidded, staring at the son of Poseidon. He watches as the other's boxers are removed and whines in the back of his throat, wanting him to hurry up. The Captain America boxers are tossed to Gods-know-where and he uncaps the bottle to squeeze a small amount onto his three fingers. Percy reassuringly rubs his left hand back and forth on Nico's thigh as he places his middle finger at his entrance. His mouth slides back over his member and hums to distract from the temporary uncomfortableness of his finger entering him. It enters smoothly and after a few moments, he enters in his ring finger, scissoring the entrance open. It earns him a groan of pleasure when he crooks his fingers to hit Nico's prostate and he happily hums in return. He finally enter the third and makes sure to keep it as pleasurable as possible for Nico. Fingers are threaded through his hair and tug only slightly to tell him he's ready.

He sits back up on his heels and tears open the package to slide the pre-lubed rubber onto himself. He leans over Nico and kisses him passionately on the lips and whispers,

"I love you, Nico." before he starts to push in. He knows it's uncomfortable for the other and goes as slowly as possible to not make it any worse. He constantly kisses him and gives encouragement, telling him how good he feels and that he's doing so well. When his hips meet Nico's thighs, he pauses, waiting for an okay to move. Percy keeps kissing his chest and teasing his small, pink nubs till he hears a small,

"Move, please, Percy. Please, just move already." and he glides himself out fully, and slowly glides back in. He wants Nico to ask for more and keeps at the same pace until he feels nails scratching across his back. He picks up more speed and starts more into a harder rhythm, relishing in the feel of his boyfriend. He lays hickies upon his collarbone and loves the marks that are left on the olive skin. He can't get enough of the feeling or taste of Nico. They continue to gyrate against one another, desperate to keep the deep connection with one another, but also to hit their climax simultaneously.

Nico is the one closest to his tipping point. It's expressed through his increased roughness in scratching and biting, but also in the increased tightness that Percy can feel. He feels the irritation in his skin from Nico's actions, and it drives him more to finish his boyfriend. He grasps his erection and starts to move it in contrast to his thrusts and crashes their lips together in a finishing passion. His hips stutter as his climax hits and he holds onto Nico as they both moan from the heat.

Percy slips out of Nico and pulls off the latex to throw in the trash bin next to his nightstand. He lays down beside his Ghost King and kisses the corner of his mouth and Nico smiles sleepily. His hands glide over the barely formed bruises on Nico's hips while he continues to kiss him lightly on the lips. It was by far their best morning wake-up since becoming a couple, besides the first night they were able to wake up next to one another. They continue to lay in their bed until it comes around to eleven in the morning and they take a shared shower, then proceed to get ready for their entire day together.

Just the two of them.

They both had only dreamed of being able to reach this much happiness and peace with someone, but walking hand in hand along the beach while conversing about their shared friends and future, they're happy they had found this wholesome feeling with the other. It's almost as if it's the ending of a fairytale.

Sorry for the wait. I needed to write something dark for Black Butler so that I could continue with all the fluff. I don't know why, but I can only write so much niceness and fluff because then I just feel drained from it. I needed to write something dark and challenging and Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler), was the easiest route to go. Plus, I felt an extreme urge to write Sebastian and Ciel together. If you want to read it, it's on archive of our own, but I can switch it over to if you don't feel like going on there. It's called Until I Fall Asleep and it's by my same pen name, but also with an alias as Kaneki_Ken13 . I'll probably write a lot more on them often since I really need something dark to write for awhile. It's a possibility that it can help me get more updates out for the other two Percy Jackson stories, but we'll see. Anyways, thank you for following and favoriting this story, I hope it wasn't a disappointing ending!