Hey guys, sorry about the no chapter. I know you like this. I will take the time and answer the guest comments here as well as a quick announcement.

Guest #1 said: Another Creepy Story with a Yaio Rape fantasy. Disgusting and Clithe

Darling I told you in the summary. They are a bit OCC. Hell, I even mentioned it in the beginning of Chapter one that it's a bit harsher!

I absolutely love these two so you shouldn't hate. But whatever...

Guest #2 said: No one is going read a story like this.

Honestly, I don't care... I put my stories down because I want to, not so people can read them. If just one person reads them, even if its my friends, I won't really care. Despite all this, I always appreciate warm and kind comments! It's one of the things that keeps me writing!

Guest #3 said: It still does not change the fact you are fucked in the . you are dumb for not seeing that coming.0_0

Umm... Who are you talking to here? O.o I hope it's not me... WHAT DID I DO!? XC WAAAAA! Just kidding... But if its about a person, try to be nice, but thanks anyways for defending me! :D I don't really think I'm worth it... ^.^"

said: OMG I feel so guilty for liking this story. It's really good. Can't wait to know what will happen next! See ya!

Why thank you! I didn't think I was that good of a writer! I always love your comments! it's what keeps me posting these and not l;etting them rot away in my drawers! XD

So that was all the comments, so time for the announcements!

I am currently looking for someone to Beta my work! I may have mentioned it in another fanfic, but I want to post it here since it's getting attention too! If you are interested in becoming my BetaReader, please let me know through PM! I need someone who doesn't mind Yaoi stories or ones that have rape, blood, horror, and guts in them!

Next announcement! For those who watch Love Stage! I am currently writing a Rei X Shougo fanfic, but I'm kinda stuck with writers block, but once I get my inspiration back, I will post it up once I'm done, so i hope you all await it!

Anyways, that's all the announcements I have, so i'll see you all in the next chapter!

Thanks for sticking with me in this useless chapter!

Bai! :D