"Alright everyone! Make sure to read chapter eleven by next Tuesday. Class dismissed." Professor Port returned to his desk as his class started their exodus. Some stayed to wake their teammates or friends that had succumbed to sleep, and others hung around to chat with each other.
Weiss and Ruby exchanged a glance, wordlessly agreeing to get the worst over quickly. Yang and Blake were waiting by the door for them but Ruby motioned to the professor to indicate their intention.
Blake took Yang by the arm and pulled her from the room, leading a crowd of the remaining students while Ruby led Weiss up to the desk.
"Oh, welcome back!" Port boomed, looking up from his papers. "To what do I owe this pleasure?"
"Sir, we wanted to know when we get our grades back for this project." Weiss said politely. She was thankful that she was so good at hiding her true emotions from people who weren't Ruby. Being nervous was never a good sign.
"Hmm… which project were you again?" He looked through the large pile of papers he had to grade. "Beowolves, correct?"
"Yup." Ruby popped the end of the word while she discreetly took Weiss's hand in her own.
"Ah yes." Port fished the document out of the stack and flipped through the pages quickly. "If you'd like, I can grade it now, but your presentation earned full marks."
"Thank you." Weiss nodded. "We'd appreciate it."
"It shouldn't take too long. You may take a seat while you wait." He said as he pulled a red pen from his desk and flipped the clipped papers back to the first page.
"Come on." Ruby pulled Weiss over to a desk and sat down, pulling Weiss onto her lap. Weiss wrapped an arm around Ruby's shoulders for support and they watched their professor tap his pen on his desk while he read.
They remained silent while he worked. To say the last few days had been exhausting was an understatement. They had luckily already finished the research, but writing a paper on it wasn't the easiest thing to do, not to mention planning a presentation to last an entire fifteen minutes. Weiss knew that a fifteen minute presentation was considered short in the business world, but when it came to talking about one specific species of grimm there was only so much that could be done to keep the attention of those watching. She was thankful that Ruby had been her partner since she managed to work some of the footage from their encounter into the presentation and Weiss felt she had done a good job of explaining the heuristic nature of the fight.
Really, she hoped the paper covered enough to be worth a decent grade. But at the same time, Weiss wondered why exactly she felt so concerned. There really was no reason to be other than the fact that it was what she'd always done, strive to be perfect.
But now it wasn't so much that she was afraid to fail. No, she'd failed plenty of times at more important things but everything had still turned out alright. This time would be no different, except it wasn't just her own future hanging in the balance. Ruby's grade would suffer along with her own if they did badly. She had been as near flawless prior to this assignment as it was possible to be, but she knew it would be a struggle for the girl who was effectively two years ahead of where she was supposed to be if she didn't do relatively well on the project.
"Alright, I have finished." Port broke into her thoughts and Weiss was quick to jump to her feet and pull Ruby up behind her.
"And?" Weiss asked as she stopped in front of the professor's desk. The paper he'd marked was face down in front of him as if he'd purposely staged the scene.
"Well ladies, I would first like to offer a commendation on your presentation, it was quite well presented given the amount of time I'm sure you had to rehearse." He stated.
"Thank you sir." Ruby squeezed Weiss's hand tighter, sensing she was getting impatient. "And our paper?"
"Yes, that is what you are here for." He looked down at the paper as he turned it over and then turned it so it faced them. At the top was a large red circle. Inside was a single number.
"Does that mean what I think it means?" Weiss could feel her pulse quiver as the number burned into her retinas. Was it one mark? One percent? Or maybe some other system, but there was no way it could be good. She just knew that she wouldn't dare to hope for a perfect outcome.
"Um… one?" Ruby asked cautiously, also thinking of its meaning.
"Exactly!" Port exclaimed. "I've noticed both of your absences in my class this past month. Therefore I know that you weren't in class when I explained how this assignment would be marked."
"We're sorry professor. We'll be here from now on, it was just some personal stuff we needed to resolve." Ruby replied for Weiss. "Would you mind telling us?"
"Of course, dear girl." Port moved to the large board behind him and pulled a stick of chalk from the ledge before starting to write. "Since this is your first year, I decided I would provide some room for error and the marks would reflect that."
He quickly drew the breakdown of the presentation on one side of the board and then the paper on the other. He drew one long line down the middle of the two descriptions and turned back to the girls.
"Your marks will either come from the presentation, or from the paper." He stated. "And the one that would receive the lower mark will provide a multiplier based on whether or not it was attempted. In other words, you presented an excellent project, and you attempted the accompanying paper, so you receive full marks!"
"What?" Weiss stood stunned, looking at the professor like he was insane. Ruby knew how she felt but she'd done things like this before where the teacher would allow you to choose what you focused on. Thinking about it now, it was fairly simple to see that the project was almost certainly going to be marked in that manner, but since they hadn't attended class they hadn't known.
"Thanks professor." Ruby said with a smile, starting to pull Weiss towards the door. "And I'm guessing that the one meant…"
"Top of the class. I can honestly say that almost nobody in their first year will be able to get a perfect score on their paper, and you two did the most thorough job of presenting in an organized manner during your presentation." Port nodded. "Enjoy your weekend celebrations, and I expect to see you in class come Monday."
"We wouldn't miss it sir." Ruby smiled as she pulled a still shocked Weiss from the room.
The two walked down the hall, their hands entwined, the rings on their fingers only too noticeable in the late afternoon light. Once they cleared the crowds that were all going to some other part of the school, Ruby turned and pinned Weiss to the wall.
"Rub-mmpf" Weiss was cut off as her lips were caught by Ruby's and then released.
"Thanks Weiss." Ruby's silver eyes reflected the sun beautifully as she looked into Weiss's eyes, a smile tugging at her lips.
"I don't believe we did all that for nothing…" Weiss sighed. "And it's lucky he marked it the way he did. With the amount of corrections he made, we would have been lucky to have gotten a D otherwise."
"Yeah… but still…" Ruby leaned in closer, her lips brushing past Weiss's. "It's the weekend, so maybe I can show you how thankful I am."
"That sounds nice." Weiss closed the gap and kissed Ruby passionately, not caring if anyone would see them. It was funny how an entire month of fighting for yourself and someone dear could help put everything into perspective. Not to mention that it made it abundantly clear to any onlookers, that both of them were taken.
Weiss broke the kiss as she felt something smooth and cold wrap around her neck. Ruby was laughing silently as she looked deep into Weiss's eyes, the look so loving and full of want that Weiss felt her pulse start racing just from the look. Ruby breathed slowly and leaned in to take her lips once more and Weiss remained still, enjoying the moment until Ruby once again pulled away.
"You said if we pulled this off you'd show me how much you love me." Ruby breathed intoxicatingly close to her wife's lips.
"Y-yeah…" Weiss knew she'd said that, but suddenly it meant something completely different than what she'd originally meant. Yet she was definitely not against the change in definition.
"So show me." Ruby dared, tugging gently at the collar she'd slipped around Weiss's neck. Weiss didn't know how long Ruby had been planning this but it seemed almost exciting. She shivered and just barely nodded as Ruby's hand gently traced the edge of the leather.
"Hey you two! I thought you'd be back at the dorm by now!" Yang called as she came around the corner. All three of the girls froze looking at each other as Yang took in the blushing faces of the newlyweds and the bright ruby that decorated an equally red leather strap that was hugging Weiss's neck. "Holy shit!"
Yang started laughing as Ruby moved as if to shield Weiss.
"Ruby." Weiss waited for Ruby to turn her head slightly in acknowledgment of her whisper. "Vale. Now."
"Uh…" Ruby hummed as she thought out a strategy as Yang started approaching them again, still laughing. "SorryWeGottaGoSeeYouMonday!"
With that jumble of words, Ruby scooped Weiss up into her arms and sprinted away, using her semblance and leaving a trail of rose petals in her wake. Even as they left, the two could hear Yang burst out into another gale of laughter which they knew would have no short lifespan. But the thoughts of their teammate didn't last long once they set foot outside into the cold air of the winter afternoon.
"Ruby, stop." Weiss ordered and Ruby let her down as they walked the shoveled paths. "I know it just looks like a fashion accessory, but if you're going to make me wear this, you definitely have to wear yours."
"I don't have it, sorry." Ruby giggled in triumph.
"Hmm… Weiss pushed her hand into Ruby's bag and pulled out the white strap. "I see."
"Wha- How'd you know?" Ruby gaped as she slowly backed away from her wife who followed with slightly larger steps.
"I saw you move it when you were getting a book out this morning." Weiss grinned. "Now unless you want a punishment later, I suggest you stop backing away."
Ruby froze for a second and Weiss had wrapped the cool leather around her throat, pulling the clasp tight at the back. She left just enough room to hook her finger in and pull Ruby's head forward into her waiting lips. Weiss broke the kiss and released Ruby as she turned to continue walking.
"Now hurry up. This weekend won't last forever."
Ruby smiled at the slight pout under the full blush that adorned Weiss's face. If every day made her this happy, every little action that Weiss did made her feel this important and special, then she knew she'd made the right choice in trying to become the heiress's friend. Everyone had called Weiss an ice queen, but Ruby had known that it depended on how you looked at her. From one angle she could be cold and calculating, but from Ruby's perspective she saw only loving and caring and so much more that it had driven her crazy. In fact, it had done so numerous times on the last true day of their honeymoon, and Ruby liked to think she'd done the same to her wife.
"What are you thinking about dolt?" Weiss asked, flicking Ruby in the forehead.
"Ahh! Abuse!" Ruby faked a stumble, trying to cover her lapse into her thoughts.
"If you want to play it that way, there will be much worse waiting." Weiss threatened.
"No! I… uh…" Ruby panicked, looking back and forth for a moment before stealing a quick peck from Weiss's lips. "I mean… you look cute with that collar."
Weiss's blush deepened, if that were even possible, and she looked down at her hands. "Ruby… lets just go."
"Okay." Ruby took Weiss's hand and led them to the where an airship would be headed to Vale within the next few minutes. "I love you."
"Dolt." Weiss mumbled as she leaned into Ruby's shoulder as they walked. "Love you too."
Well, that's a wrap everyone! Thank you to everyone who Followed or Favorited! Thank you to everyone who dropped me a review! And thank you as always to the late Monty Oum for creating RWBY!
I want to say that this has been a fantastic experience, but unfortunately this story is at it's end. While I am satisfied with its conclusion, I cant help but feel that I'm losing this project that I've worked on for more than one and a half years. But now that it's finished, I can turn my attention elsewhere and to other projects I've been neglecting.
Thank you again for all your support, and I hope you've enjoyed this story.
Until next time,