Lieutenant Brown stood in what had formerly been AJ's cell and took it all in as a wave of nausea washed over him. Blood smears on the floor and walls told the story of torture. The still locked ankle cuffs on the floor gave him hope however. If they had been removed by one of the kidnappers they would surely have used a key. He crossed to the window and looked out into the darkness, silently praying for his friend's safety.

He and his men had arrived at the house about an hour previously. They had had a relatively easy time rounding up the three remaining kidnappers. But a search of the house and grounds turned up only grisly signs of the missing Simon brothers. Nothing to indicate which way they had fled, if indeed they had managed to escape.

"Excuse me, are you Lieutenant Brown?" A soft voice asked, startling Brown out of his revere.

He turned and saw a man standing in the door way. He was dressed in slacks and a dress shirt but no tie. His loose fitting trench coat gave him an air of mystery but his kind eyes and wide smile cast all suspicious thoughts out the window. "Yes, and you are?"

The man smiled and stuck out his hand, "I am Special Agent Gideon of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit. I am here because we heard that some of Balducci's agents might be here. I have been keeping tabs on your case. I am here to help find your friends if I can."

Brown frowned, "How are my missing friends an FBI matter?"

Gideon shook his head, "It's not. However I am here and I want to help you. I would be reaching for help if it were my friends who were missing."

Brown nodded, "OK, then I accept your kind offer. I have men searching the woods for any clues. So these were Balducci's men huh?"

Gideon nodded gravely, "Yes. It seems that Algernon knew more than we originally thought. He had stolen some of Balducci's personal correspondence that ties him to organized crime back in New York as well as Chicago. He was discovered and a bounty was put out on his life so he tried to hide the papers. His plan was to give them to the Simon's at the circus but he saw one of Balducci's men in the crowd. He told them to meet him later but was intercepted by my man before he could get to his hide out. We have the papers and Algernon is set to testify. Balducci is going down."

"How come the BAU is involved? I didn't think organized crime was your thing?"

Gideon shook his head, "It isn't normally but the 25 deaths you mentioned before got us involved. We found victim number 20 and began pursuing a serial killer angle that lead us to Balducci."

Brown nodded, "So your case is closed. All we're missing are the Simons. Any idea where we should start looking?"

"Well I am guessing by these locked cuffs that your friends escaped. And the blood out in the front yard suggests someone was wounded, probably one of the Simons as none of the gang members are injured. I would start calling hospitals."

"Blood in the front yard?" Brown asked. He hadn't seen anything.

Gideon nodded, "Yes, I took the liberty of looking around outside a bit before I came in."

Brown nodded, "You're good. Thank you for the advice. I will get on that."

"We're here, Laddie," Daggett said, gently shaking Rick by the shoulder. "We've arrived at hospital."

Rick forced his eyes open and saw Daggett's smiling face swimming into view, "What?" he asked, still groggy, "Oh, we're here!" He sat up and checked AJ's pulse. Slow and steady. He shook his head to clear it then saw the aides coming with a stretcher and a wheelchair. With an effort he slid out of the seat and helped lift AJ onto the stretcher before collapsing into the wheelchair. Daggett walked beside as the two Simon's were wheeled into the emergency room. He followed Rick when the aides spilt off, some taking AJ to surgery and the others taking Rick to exam room one.

The exam room was like every other the older Simon had ever been in. White and sterile, smelling of carbolic and bleach. He looked over at Daggett who was making himself comfortable on a nearby chair. "Thank you for getting us here," Rick said, his voice thick with emotion. Now that he and AJ were safe he was bombarded with all the pent up fears and stresses of the past day and night. The aides left with the promise that the Doctor would be right in. "You don't have to stay, you need to get to your family." Rick told Daggett as firmly as he could manage.

Dagget smiled, a fatherly concern evident on his features, "If it's all the same to you, Lad I'll stay and see how it turns out. I haven't even really met your brother yet. You might say I have an interest in your wellfare."

Rick smiled, "OK if you want to stay I don't mind." He coughed and Daggett walked over to the small sink and filled a paper cup with water, bringing it over to Rick who drank it gratefully.

"Thank you, I needed that."

"Fancy another?" Daggett winked.

"Keep 'me comin' barkeep!" Rick said jovially. The door opened then and a tall woman with kind green eyes and grey streaked red hair stepped into the room. She was wearing a white lab coat and carrying a stethoscope. She looked to be in her forties but was still very pretty.

"Hello, you must be the patient," she said with a smile, "May I ask your name?"

Rick nodded, "Yes ma'am, it's Simon, Rick Simon. Yours?" He winked.

She shook her head, "Cheeky boy, my name is Dr Vance, Lydia if you like."

"I like," Rick smiled at the attractive woman. He grew suddenly serious, "How is my brother?"

Lydia smiled reassuringly, "He is in surgery but he is going to be fine. I saw Dr Addams was the attending and your brother couldn't be in better hands.

Rick nodded, "Thank you."

"Now is there anyone we need to contact? Family? Friends? Let them know you're here?" Lydia asked.

Rick nodded, "Yes, my mother and my friend, Lieutenant Brown of the LAPD."

Lydia made a note of their numbers then dispatched a nurse to make the calls. Then she politely shooed Daggett from the room as she made her examination.

"You were right!" Brown called to Agent Gideon excitedly from his cruiser, "I just got the call. The Simon's are at St Angelica's hospital back in the city!"

Gideon smiled broadly, "Wonderful!"

Brown shook Gideon's hand, "Thank you for coming out. I suppose you'll be taking the suspects back to Chicago?" He jerked a thumb at the three apprehended gangsters. Gideon shook his head, not directly. They will be collected later when the trial against Balducci starts."

"So you really did just come out to help me?" Brown asked, incredulous.

Gideon nodded, "I wish I could have been of more assistance but all's well. I should get back myself."

Brown nodded, "Safe flight!" He called as the man left.

Cecilia Simon took the receiver of the phone being offered to her by the big officer with trembling hands. He had said it was someone with news about her sons, was it bad news? She couldn't stop the tremor in her voice as she answered, "Hello? This is Mrs.. Simon."

"Yes ma'am, this is Lieutenant Brown. We found Rick and AJ! They are alive and at the hospital now. I am on my way there and I have given Officer Tyler instructions to drive you here."

Cecilia let out the breath she had been holding and sat down heavily, "Oh thank God!" She exclaimed, "And thank you!"

Brown chuckled, "You are most welcome. See you soon."

Cecilia nodded and handed the phone back to the officer, tears of joy in her eyes. He smiled, all of the Simons were known and liked at the precinct, "I am happy for you, Mrs.. Simon. Follow me, I will take you to see your sons." The burly Tyler said gently.

Rick leaned back into the soft pillows and sighed in pleasure. It felt like ages since he had relaxed on a comfortable bed. He had been assigned to a room after the exam. Dr Vance had diagnosed him with a cracked rib, torn labrum in his shoulder, dehydration and exhaustion. She had prescribed bedrest and an IV of nutrients. He now lay in the comfy bed and looked out the window. Things were looking up.

A soft knock on the door then it opened and Daggett stepped in and smiled. He walked over to the bed, "Well, Lad. You look better all cleaned up."

Rick nodded, he had washed and changed into hospital scrubs and a t shirt. "I feel better too."

Daggett laughed and sat down, pulling a chair close to the bed, "I checked up on AJ and he's coming out of surgery now. Dr Vance arranged it so he'll be in the same room."

Rick grinned, "And he was alright?"

"Right as rain they said, Just wanting some rest and recovery."

Rick nodded, "How can I thank you for all that you've done?"

Daggett shook his head, "Nay, Lad. I've done nout! Just if it were my sons in need of help I would hope someone would be there for know?"

"I do..."

The door opened again and this time it was two orderlies pushing in a gurney. AJ's sleeping form was transferred expertly from the gurney to the bed next to Rick's. "How is he?" Rick asked.

The orderly smiled, "He's just coming out of the anesthetic. He should be awake in a few minutes."

"Thanks," Rick said as the two men left. He looked over his brother's still form. Bruises still covered his face but he looked much better than he had back at the clearing. His cheeks had good color and his breathing was deep and even.

"He looks like he's going to make it," Daggett said with a smile.

Rick nodded his agreement, "I think you're right."

"He the younger brother?" Daggett asked.

Rick turned to face him, " did you know?"

"I can tell by the protectiveness in your eyes, Lad. I have six of me own, I can tell the older brother."

"Yes, I guess that's true." Rick said, he looked back towards AJ, "But he has had to be the protector from time to time too..." He let his voice drift off, thinking of the times when it had been him lying there while AJ looked after him.

"You two police?" Daggett asked.

"No, Private Investiagtors," Rick explained.

"Ah, I see. Must be a lot of danger in that line of work?"


AJ stirred and his eyelids fluttered as he started to wake up. Rick sat up, swung his legs over the side of his bed and reached across to AJ's. "Hey there, sleeping beauty. It's about time you decided to join the party."

AJ moaned and opened his eyes, "What happened?" He asked.

"You passed out," Rick explained, "We had to catch a ride to the hospital with this man here. You got blood all over his back seat too." Rick mock chided.

AJ blinked rapidly then pushed himself up into more of a sitting position. He looked over at Daggett and smiled, "Thank you, sir. You probably saved our lives."

Rick shook his head, "No probably about it! He saved our butts!"

Daggett laughed, "I did no more than anyone else would do. Pleased to finally meet you, AJ. I am Paul Daggett."

Just then the door pushed open once more as Cecilia and Brown entered the room. Cecilia ran over to her boys and threw an arm around each one. "Thank heavens you're alright!" She cried. She pulled back and looked each one of them in the eyes. "Don't you ever do that to me again! You hear me?!"

"Yes ma'am!" Both men agreed. She hugged them again then turned to Daggett and smiled.

"I am Cecilia Simon, these are my sons, I heard from the nurse that you brought them in to the hospital?"

"Yes ma'am, that I did."

Cecilia stood and crossed the room, she stuck out her hand then changed her mind and threw her arms around the startled Englishman. "Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Is there any way we can repay you?"

Daggett flushed, "Really there is no need for that. I didn't hardly do a thing to be made such a fuss over."

Cecilia smiled, "And if our situations were reversed how would you feel?"

Daggett nodded slowly, "Aye, reckon I'd be doin the same as you."

With a nod and a smile, Cecilia turned back to her sons. With laughter and tears the Simon, Brown and Mr. Daggett talked and swapped stories well into the night. It was nearing 4am when Daggett finally stood and said his goodbyes, promising to keep in touch and then he left. AJ and Rick had fallen asleep from pure exhaustion and Cecilia had talked the nurses into bringing her a cot to sleep on so she would be close to her boys. Brown waved farewell as he too left for home and some well earned sleep.

It was nearly a week later before either Simons felt up to returning to their office. AJ was still on crutches per Doctor's orders and Rick's arms was in a sling after a minor surgery to re-attach the labrum in his shoulder. The two hobbled up the stairs and into the office to find everything neat and tidy save the small pile of mail lying below the door slot. AJ stooped awkwardly and picked it up. "Bless mother for hiring cleaners," He shuffled over to his chair and plopped down into it with a groan. Rick grimaced and sat gingerly in his own chair. They sat in silence for a few seconds, both tired from exertion. Then AJ sat up and grabbed the packet of letters and started sorting. "Bill, bill, another bill...hmm." AJ stopped sorting and opened one letter. Rick watched his brother's face as he read. It broke into a wide grin and then AJ started laughing so hard he was holding his stomach. Rick looked on in confusion until AJ crumpled the letter and threw it to Rick. He opened it read it and then he began laughing and then he groaned and held his shoulder.

"Ah, what a pitiful couple we are," AJ laughed.

Rick feigned wounded pride, "Hey watch who you're calling pitiful!"

AJ shook his head, "So what do you think? Do we send her a check?" He asked, referring to the letter.

Rick shook his head, "No way! There is no way her dress cost that much!"

"It's amazing how we go through hell last week and then we come home to a bill for a buttered dress like nothing ever happened. Why couldn't those hoods have taken this?" AJ mock complained.

Rick smiled, "Ah go ahead and pay her, AJ. After all it was you who ruined her dress."

AJ crumpled another paper and hit Rick in the face with it, "What?! It was you who ripped the bag!"

Rick shook his head patronizingly, "No, I distinctly remember it was you who stole my popcorn in the first place."

AJ hurled another paper missile but Rick caught it and whipped it back at his brother. The paper fight continued with the brothers never reaching a solid agreement on whose fault the ruined dress was.