Disclaimer: I do not own anything related to Sonic, just my own characters and storyline.
Chapter 4: Don't Deserve You
Sonic ran, the only thing on his mind was anger. He couldn't believe that Amy had been with Shadow and hadn't attempted to contact any of them. Cream has worried herself sick wondering where Amy had gone, thankfully her mother kept her occupied.
He had a good idea of where Shadow lived, he wasn't one hundred percent sure. He was going with the intent to give Shadow a piece of his mind. He came upon a house, Shadow's scent was heavy around it. He narrowed his eyes as he marched up to the front door. He banged on it three times.
The door flew open to reveal Shadow, his face was full of relief which soon faded to contempt. "What do you want Faker?"
"I want to know why you've been keeping Amy here without telling anyone?" Sonic ground out, his fists clenched by his sides.
"She couldn't come back," Shadow said crossing his arms and leaning against the doorframe. "And if I were her, I wouldn't want to go back." He smirked as Sonic's eye twitched. "Have I hit a nerve? You don't deserve her."
"And I suppose you do?" Sonic scoffed. "Just tell her I'm here to get her."
"Can't," Shadow replied, going to close the door.
Sonic stopped him, scowling heavily. "Look I don't know why she ran off, but I would like to talk to her."
"You can't," Shadow shook his head, if you looked closely you could see the hurt in Shadow's eyes, if only for a brief moment. "She disappeared."
"You lost her?" Sonic asked incredulously. Shadow glared at the cobalt hedgehog.
"I didn't lose her, she ran off. She needed some space, I am giving it to her," Shadow scoffed as he attempted to close the door again. Sonic finally decided, enough was enough. He barged through the door and threw a punch at Shadow. Shadow dodged, and landed a solid kick to Sonic's gut, throwing him back. "You probably didn't even know she left right away, why do you deserve to talk to her now?" He glared down at Sonic. "Do you even know the torture she goes through every day? It's because of you she came to me in the first place."
"She came to you?" Sonic looked like he'd just lost something important. Shadow decided he didn't owe faker any explanations.
"Get out, if she wishes to come back, she will." Shadow closed the door on the pathetic hedgehog on the ground.
Amy felt like she was being carried, she didn't even remember going to sleep. She had been running from Shadow, when she got lost in the woods nearby. She'd sat down to collect herself, when everything went blank.
"I can't believe I found you," a deep voice whispered near her. "I've never liked to leave loose ends."
Loose ends? She didn't know what he was talking about, but she couldn't move, even if she wanted to.
"Little Rose, you will help me ascend," he said, his voice suggested a smirk. Everything went blank again.
Amy opened her eyes, it was a huge struggle, more so than it had been for a long time. She was in a dark room, the bed beneath her didn't feel like Shadow's. "Where...am I?"
"H-Hello?" A woman's fearful voice spoke from nearby. "I-Is someone else there?"
"Hello? Where are you?" Amy squinted, hoping her eyes would adjust and let her see somewhat.
"Can you move?" The woman asked her voice trembling. Amy sat up, her body felt heavy as she moved.
"Yeah," she scooted slowly off the bed. When she touched the floor, she remembered she didn't have any shoes on. She stepped into something sticky. "Wh-what's your name?"
"Eliza," the woman sniffled. "If you can move, you should find your way out, before he comes back."
"Before who comes back?" Amy put her hands out blindly in front of her, searching for something to guide her.
"Aerron...that's what he said," Eliza whimpered. Amy heard a clinking sound, it sounded like chains.
"Are you….chained up?" Amy asked, fear swelling in her chest. She really hoped Shadow decided to come looking for her.
"Yes, find the wall and get out while you can." Eliza said quickly, her breathing heavy. Amy suddenly came to a sick realization, she was standing in blood. She pushed herself quicker, groping blindly. Her fingers came into contact with something soft and cold.
"E-Eliza?" Amy asked fearfully.
"What?" Her voice came from the left of Amy, who felt her heart stop.
"Are you alone here?" Amy asked her stomach churning.
"I don't think so," Eliza said her voice getting softer. "I haven't seen anyone else, but I'm sure there are more."
"Oh my god," Amy quickly wiped her hands on her stomach, cleaning them of what she'd touched. She quickened her attempts to find the wall, when the sound of a door opening made her freeze in her tracks. A light lit up the area right in front of Amy, a dead cat stared lifelessly back at her. She screamed, falling backward and scooting away.
"Well, well, you woke up quicker than I imagined." His deep voice sent a thrill of fear through Amy.
She looked to her left to see whom she believed to be Eliza staring fearfully at her. "I'm sorry," she whispered, her arms were chained above head.
"Ah, Eliza were you trying to hatch an escape plan?" He came into the light. He was a completely white hedgehog, with pitch black eyes.
"I-I no," she whimpered, he squatted down and grabbed her chin. "Please….I'm sorry…"
"Looks like today is the end of our time together," he said casually, as if he were saying goodbye to a friend. He pulled out a long, thin dagger from the robe he wore. "You mark 99."
"N-No…" Eliza's eyes flew wide in fear, he plunged the dagger into her chest. He pulled it out, stood and turned to stare at Amy. The blood on the dagger dripped for a few seconds, before being absorbed into the blade.
"It was very good fortune to run into you," he smiled down at Amy, his shiny teeth pointed into sharp points. "I never imagined I'd meet her daughter again, and by chance. What fun." He advanced toward Amy, who was frozen in fear in her spot on the floor. He knelt down in front of her, taking her hands in his. "I am Aerron, and you my dear are the daughter of a whore."
Amy couldn't form a word, she stared up at him trying to keep the burn of her tears from letting them escape.
"You see this?" He let the dagger glint in the soft light. The blade was a soft red color. "It is imbued with the blood of 99 whores, with yours it will be complete. I will be able to ascend to a higher plane when I use it. But before I take your life, I want to play."
Amy knew this could possibly be her end, the only thing that went through her mind was a name. Shadow. She hoped against all odds, at least he would come to save her.
Shadow paced back and forth in his living room, he kept glancing to the door. He hoped Amy would come through it soon, red faced and wanting to go to bed. It was starting to get dark, and he knew that it would be hazardous to her if she stayed out.
He sighed heavily, he made his way to the door. "Rose, you better be all right." He slipped out into the night, hoping he'd find her asleep in the woods.
He didn't realize he was being watched, the figure saw him run towards the woods and decided to follow.
AN: I know I haven't updated in awhile and this is just a short chapter, I hope its as good as everyone hopes it will be. If you do enjoy it and your new, leave a fave, a follow and a review. And as always, I'll see you, in the next chapter! Buh-Bye!