Mikey's Pov:

Looking around the room you could see the tension in the air like a thick fog. Sensei had left on a mediation trip before this all happened which only made it harder to deal with seeing as everyone was on edge. Right now Donnie was searching through the fridge muttering under his breath, Leo was sharpening his Katanas with a look of detachment and slight annoyance, and Raph was watching a tv show with the volume louder than normal. I just stood there at the door to the dojo, not knowing if I wanted to try cracking a joke or leave the room entirely.

It all started about a month ago when we had an unexpected run in with some foot ninja. Normally we were easily able to beat the living shell out of them, but this time we'd been badly outnumbered. Basically, we barely got away, Leo forced a retreat and Raph got pissed off. I had received a heavy injury on my right shoulder during the fight. I hadn't told Donnie due to the confusion, but that was probably a mistake, it now looked infected and I was afraid to tell them because they were already on edge. I had it bandaged and no one seemed to pay any mind to it... But it still hurt. At first Donnie was on my side trying to help keep the piece, but Leo and Raphs constant fighting had gotten to him. The only words spoken lately, were enraged accusations. Enough is enough! I finally decided.

I walked over to Raph and plopped down beside him on the couch. He simply ignored me and continued to watch... Whatever it was he was watching.

"Hey Raphy, what's with the long face? You look like someone ate the last slice of pizza." I said teasingly. This earned me a glare. Well, at least he's not ignoring me.

"Buzz off Mikey, and don't call me Raphy." He all but growled. He returned his attention to the tv and turned it up a bit more. This gained the attention of Leo.

"Geez Raph, could you possibly turn it any louder." Leo said with a bit of venom in his tone.

"I'm sorry, is it too loud? I'll turn it down for ya." Raph spoke sarcastically rolling his eyes and turned it up even more. Ah oh, this isn't going to end well. I looked at Leo nervously.

"Shell Raph, this is the exact same reason why we lost to the foot clan in the first place! You NEVER listen!" Leo accused. Raph instantly got up and stormed over towards Leo, leaving the tv blaring. The look on Raph's face was that of utter outrage. I ducked my head down, already knowing the outcome of this fight wasn't going to be good.

"Oh, so this is all MY fault? And I suppose it had nothing to do with you fearless leader?" Ralph's voice rose in volume to the point he was almost yelling. He stuck a finger out at Leo's plastron as if to prove a point.

"What are you trying to say?" Leo asked defensively.

"I'm just saying that if ya were all better fighters then maybe I wouldn't have to save ya shells every 5 minutes!" Raph yelled. I looked over to Donnie, whom looked as though he was about to snap. Oh crap! This is getting seriously bad!

"See, it's this kind of attitude of yours that makes you so intolerable! You think your so strong? Who kicks your shell every time we spare?" Leo Shoved Raph back a bit due to his unnecessary closeness.

In turn Raph grabbed Leo by his plastron. "And what makes ya think I couldn't beat ya, I've beaten ya plenty of times! In fact..." Donnie interrupted.

"Shut up!" Donnie yelled. Both Leo and Raph turned their attention over to him. "You think you guys are the only ones who have anything to say? If you had just followed my calculations we wouldn't have been in such a mess! But nooooo, you had to go and do things your own ways. It's all of your faults! If you'd only listened to me!" Now even Donnie was fighting. Shell, how did things get this bad? How do I fix this?

"Dudes, chill." I tried, but was entirely ignored. They were all arguing, yelling at each other as the tv blared on. The room couldn't possibly get any louder. My head began pounding, I felt sick, and my shoulder REALLY hurt. I AM SO SICK OF THIS!

"WOULD YOU GUYS JUST CHILL!" I all but screamed. All heads turned to me in surprise. "Why can't you guys just stop fighting already? It's been a month! A MONTH! Just GET OVER it!" At this point my head really hurt and my shoulder was throbbing. We all stood there in awkward silence for a moment, (besides the tv) Leo was the first one to speak up.

"Geez Mikey, it does matter, it means we need to train harder... Especially you. You never take things seriously, your always making insults as your fighting, do you even care if we win?" Leo glared at me. His words must have struck something in Raph because he joined in

"Yeah Mikey, if anything YOUR dragging the team down. Your nothing but dead weight." Raph said glaring at me as well. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I looked over at Donnie for back up, pleading to him for support... There was none to be found. They all looked at me disapprovingly. It hurt, it really hurt.

"You can't be serious? You all blame me now?" As I asked this I looked into their faces, searching for the answer, praying it was a lie. But all they reflected was disapproval, anger, and resentment.

"Well Mikey, your kinda always goofing off, even during practice and fights. It's not exactly hard to see that your the weakest." Donnie said all matter-of-fact like.

My heart broke. Even Donnie? They all blamed me for our loss. As if if I hadn't been there, they might've won. They all thought I was weak. They didn't want me here. My BROTHERS didn't want me here.

"Fine." I said as I left. None of them bothered to stop me, which only made me leave faster. I could feel the sting of tears welling up in my eyes. It hurt to know that they thought of me that way, but what hurt most was the look of hatred in their eyes...

To be continued...