Chapter 1
Sit, shit, SHIT! Dodging the sparkling lightning that hurt like no other Peter tried to think of plan to take down 'Electro'. He turned away Gwen even though he knew she had a plan, he wouldn't risk her life. But he could of at least heard her plan. Swinging back and forth dodging Electros attacks was distracting him.
"You don't have to this! You don't have to be this guy!" Peter shouted dodging yet another lightning attack.
"Yes, I do. Spider!" Electro shouted back, then shot another attack at Peter back. But this time it hit. Peter fell to the ground with a grunt, grunting he tried to stand up. Electro landed behind him and kick him back down, and kick him over so he could put his foot on Peters neck.
"You think your so mind. But you're just a spider. Tiny and easy to smoosh." He said while pressing harder on his neck.
"Stop, come on man. You don't have to do this." Peter said trying to reason with him. He looked around though trying to find something, anything. He spotted a fallen power cord, sparking with electricity.
"Of course I don't have to. I want to!" He turned his head to the sky and raised his hands up. "The world will soon see what will happened without its precious spider!" Peter quickly grabbed the cord while Electro wasn't looking. He lifted Electros pants leg up just enough to stick him with the cord. Electro screamed and tried to shove Peter off. Peter grabbed his leg causing a link of electricity to open. Peters scream united with Electros, but he wouldn't go.
"You can't kill me! You can't do this!" Electro screamed still trying to shake peter off.
Grunting, Peter tighten his grip. "Yes I can!"
Electro finally overloaded and exploded with huge flash. Taking Peter with him.
The final thought that went through Peter's mind was Gwen.
-Dododododo line break-
Bruce Wayne aka Batman winced as he stitched his arm. He lost focus while rescuing a woman from a petty robber. He lost focus for just one second and the robber was able to cut him.
"Yet another scar to add to the collection Master Bruce?" Alfred ask bringing over a clean bandage and some scotch.
"I think it adds character. Plus now this day and age girls are into guys with scars." Bruce said placing the bandage over his wound. Pulling on a clean shirt he winced a little.
"Of course, its adds to the face that you are a billionaire, have pretty impressive build. You needs the scars to get the women."
Bruce smirked. And grabbed the scotch Alfred and downed it. Placing it back on the tray he stood up. His muscle straining and screaming at him not too.
Padding Alfred on the shoulder Bruce moved toward the elevator the led up to the house. "Im going to get to bed. Try to get some sleep."
"You? Sleep? Master of the night?" Alfred said following Bruce to the elevator.
"Har har. Yes sleep. Even I need it sometimes. Good night Alfred."
"Good night Mater Bruce."
Stepping off the elevator Bruce headed toward the stairs. Taking them two at the time he reached his bedroom in no time. Closing the doors behind him he let out a tired sigh and ran a hand over his face. Moving toward the bed the stripped down to his boxers. Reaching his bed he tossed the covers back and slowly climbed in. Settling in he let out another tired sigh. Closing his eyes the Prince of Night fell asleep.
-Dododododo line break-
Wet, why did he feel wet? Peter groaned and opened his eyes. Rain, that was why he was wet and cold. He sat up and looked around. Peter was in a dark, dirty. Oh so dirty alleyway, with fog and garbage and everything. Peter stood up ever so slowly. He knew he had cuts and burns all over his body. A flying newspaper fluttered by on the ground. Crouching and grunting Peter grabbed his. Batman saves another life, was the headline. Batman? Who is that? Peter thought. Gotham? Peter searched his mind and the last thing he remember was Electro exploding after being overloaded. Sirens snapped him out of his thoughts. Peter was confused but he wasn't dumb. He needed to get a change of clothes then find out what was going on. He started to climb the walls to get to the roof when he heard a scream. Peter may be somewhere he doesn't know but he was still Spider-Man. Running but saying ow inside his mind, Peter moved toward the scream. Finding the source he saw a young woman getting grabbed but two men that had started prying off her clothes.
"Hey! If her clothes then you should just ask her where she got them! No need to steal them!" Peter said, trying to gain their attention. They turned toward Peter. His shouts being successful in gaining their attention.
"The hell are you? Some weird spider cross dressing freak?" One said letting go of the woman and pushing her back.
"Hey! At least I can work this spandex. I shudder and mere thought of you in spandex." Peter said taunting them hoping the other one will let go of the girl. He smiled behind his mask when it work. The two men turned their attention to Peter and forgot the woman. She was smart enough to take this chance and run.
"Im going to fuck you up for saying that." One said pulling a knife out of his pocket and flipping it open. He rushed at Peter. Peter, the amazing Spider-Man dodge it easily. He flipped over the man, turned around and tapped him on the shoulder. The man confused turned around just when Peter threw a punch that knock the man out. Shock thug man number two stood there for a second before charging at him too. Dodging his attack as well Peter webbed his feet to the ground. The man grunted and fell to his knees at the sudden inability to move. Peter hopped on his back and wrapped his arms around his neck. The man struggle but soon he passed out. Peter slipped his arm away and stood up. His adrenaline wearing off Peter remember his injuries from before. Groaning he straightened his back. Looking down and the man and idea popped in his head. He still needed clothes, and money he did not have. But they men did have clothes and probably some cash. Peter smiled behind his mask.
-Dododododo line break-
Groaning Bruce threw his arm over his eyes from the sudden light.
"Time to get up Master Bruce. There is something interesting in the paper that will most likely interest you." Alfred said. Placing and bed tray on the bed. Eggs, bacon and some toast laid on the plate with a glass of orange and mug of coffee. Beside it was the newspaper. Immediately Bruce saw what Alfred was talking about. Man in Red and Blue Suit Saved Woman from Rape. Picking up the coffee and sipping it Bruce read the article, finishing it within a few seconds he placed it back down. Downing the rest of the coffee he placed it back down.
"What do you think?" Bruce asked Alfred as he picked up his fork and started to eat.
"I think someone is just trying to be like you. Remember all this Batman wannabes? They almost died. This man won't last long."
Nodding in agreement Bruce pushed the tray to the side and tossed the blanket aside he stood up. "Whats on the agenda today?" He asked as he started to pull on his clothes.
"You have a couple of meetings and lunch with a CEO of a rival company. After that you have a night full of chasing criminals." Alfred said.
Bruce smiled and walked out of his room. "Sounds like fun."
End of chapter 1.
Please tell me what you think. Reviews help!