I kind of abandoned this story, but I'm back, and I'm fixing up some of these old chapters. Thanks for all the comments, you guys make my day!
Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter
Pink Hair and Pig Zits
Percy POV
"Valdez!" I heard Thalia scream. "Get your soon-to-be-crispy ass over here so I can fry you!"
Will he ever learn? I think to myself, leaving cabin 3 to see what Leo had done now.
"I-I-I swear, it was an accident," said Leo, snickering into his hand before bursting out into laughter. Thalia's hair and shoulders were drenched some sort of neon pink goo. She looked at Leo with her notorious "you-are-so-dead" look and said
with an icily even tone, "You have until I count to three. One… two… You will regret that, Leo Valdez!" The last part was screamed, as Leo had whipped out a camera and taken a picture of the already furious daughter of Zeus. Leo had done some stupid stuff before, but now, I'm convinced that the guy has a death wish.
"Percy! Help!" He screamed
"Sorry dude, you're on your own this time." I laughed. Ever since the hunters of Artemis had come to visit Camp Half Blood, I've had to save Leo twice. This is their second day here.
"Wait, how do you know it was Leo?" asked Annabeth, my beautiful, smart, sometimes scary girlfriend. Annabeth's
stormy grey eyes flickered with humor as she watched the small latino boy dodge an angry Thalia's lightning bolts and silver arrows. "He was standing outside my cabin with some weird contraption, giggling like an Aphrodite camper!" Jason commented offhandedly. He was visiting on official Pontifex Maximus temple business. "I resent that!" shouted Piper from across the newly gathered crowd.
"Whatever, now, where is he?" Thalia said, stalking up to the group of demigods. Leo had disappeared, probably to bunker 9, but nobody was going to tell Thalia that.
"Calm down,Thalia," Chiron said, his hooves scuffing the dirt. "I need you, Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Piper and Leo at the Big House in a few minutes."
"Um, Chiron, I don't think that putting Leo and Thalia in the same room is a great idea." I commented. Chiron looked at me confusedly, but then he saw Thalia's new hair color and sighed.
"Again?" he asked, sounding tired and annoyed by Leo's constant games.
"I'm afraid so" I replied.
"Very well, be there in an hour." Chiron said.
"But what about my hair?" Thalia demanded.
"Have Percy rinse it out,"
"Really? Is that all I am to you? A hair stylist? Come on, I mean, you save the world twice and you get put on hair duty?" I complained sarcastically "Have an Aphrodite camper do it," I didn't care, but I was desperate to try to lighten the mood.
Thalia POV
An hour later, we all made our way to the Big House. I had managed to get all of the pink dye out of my hair, but thanks to Kelp Head, it was sopping wet. I was so going to kill Valdez later, but Chiron demanded we be civil, and promised that I could go back to being furious later.
I sat with Annabeth and Piper and we talked for a while but I tuned them out a soon as they started talking about men. The names Percy and Jason were said about every five seconds. Sick, I thought to myself, just plain sick. Soon Percy, Nico, and Leo (a.k.a. Target Practice) walked in, followed by Frank, Hazel, and Jason.
"I thought you guys were at camp Jupiter!" I exclaimed to Frank and Hazel.
"We were. But then Chiron called us here for some 'super important' quest,"
Percy POV
"Another quest? No. Not happening. Good-bye."
i was done with questing. I had plans. I was going to college in New Rome, with Wise Girl. "Please Percy?" Annabeth asked, looking up at me with soft eyes. At that point, I knew Any attempt at denying her was pointless, so I sat back down.
Chiron continued, "You will be visiting a school called Hogwarts-" at this, everyone was laughing, even Nico, the most emo kid you'll ever meet, cracked a smile. And Leo? He was rolling around on the floor (after falling off his chair) shouting "Pig zits! Pig zits!" once we calmed down, Chiron started again.
"You will be going per request of my old friend who is headmaster there. Hogwarts is a school of witchcraft and wizardry,"
"Wait, witches and wizards? Like, Circe?" Jason asked,looking less than pleased at the possibility of meeting the sorceress again.
"Not exactly. The witches and wizards at Hogwarts are merely mortals blessed by Hecate, they can do simple spells, but they need to channel their magic through wands. They don't have as much magic as a direct descendent of Hecate, but they are highly advanced, and even have their own governments and schools" supplied Annabeth
"Yes, now, years ago, a wizard named Tom Riddle rose to power. Tom was ruthless, and would stop at nothing to wipe out the mortals, and gain control of the wizarding world. A prophecy was made saying that this one particular boy could be the Dark Lord's undoing. When the Dark Lord tried to kill this boy, the spell backfired, wounding Tom and leaving the boy with nothing but a scar. Recently, this wizard has re-risen to power. Your mission will be to go to Hogwarts,and protect this boy. His name, Harry Potter."
"I've heard of him!" Hazel exclaims. He's the "boy who lived", the only one to ever survive the killing curse!" At this, Nico looked uneasy.
"Killing curse?" He asked softly. Apparently, Chiron didn't hear.
"As I was saying, you will need to protect Harry. You will go undercover as witches and wizards transferring from Olympus Academy of Magic in America. And try not to get discovered, if you do, you must reveal yourselves as demigods to the whole school, and expose the gods. It is not a horrible idea, but the gods wish to keep themselves concealed from the wizarding world for as long as possible, understood?" Chiron's question was met with nods of agreement and a few mumbled "understood"s. "Good. Only the headmaster knows about you being demigods, because he himself is a legacy of Athena and Hecate, a powerful man. Any questions?
"Yeah, how will we blend in with witches and wizards if we can't do magic?" I asked,
"and why am I involved? What about my hunters?"
"Hecate has agreed to bless you all with magic for the time being," explained Chiron "as for the hunters, they can set up camp in the forest on school grounds. Now, go back to your cabins and pack. You will be staying with the Weasley family in England and your flight leaves early tomorrow. You will all need some rest."
I did a double take.
"F-f-flight?" I stuttered.