RIP! Goes the ED! ch.2



Eddy thought long and hard about their predicament. "Double dee? Any chance you could just rig us up some clothes?"

Double dee sighed. "In our current situation; anything I could make would be sub-standard at best...And given our usual luck-" "It would be doomed to fail." Finished eddy.

Double dee nodded. Then a thought occurred. You know eddy; with the way this trees positioned. It would be a simple matter for us to drop on the other side and away from prying eyes...And with all the kids here we could probably get home without being seen no problem!

Eddy thought about it...They probably could...Things had already backfired horribly...maybe it would be better to call it a day...but would that just be it though? that how things were supposed to be?...Just one failure after another?...

No, he refused to accept that...but where did that leave them then? They couldn't show up as they were...making their own clothes was a disaster in the making...Gah! He didn't know!

He looked down at the kids as they had a good time. This was so irritating! Was it really asking so much that he just have the same luck as everyone else!...Wait...The same everyone else?

Eddy then had his trademark grin; he had a plan. "Hey lumpy! You haven't washed your hair- what am I saying of course you haven't. What I mean is, any new friends living up there?"...



Also don't forget to give a shout out to my mom's birthday story on my page!

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