Author's Note:

Just like to say this is not a song fic, there just a song for this chapter because I think it went well with the concept. There will be quite a few of my own characters in this story. There will be mentions of Hook and Robin Hood, but this is a Swan Queen story, and of course Swan Queen is end game. This story will have a bit of everything, humor, romance, drama etc, anyway enjoy :).

When you wish upon a star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires

Will come to you.

If your heart is in your dream

No request is too extreme

When you wish upon a star

As dreamers do.

Like a bolt out of the blue

Suddenly, it comes to you

When you wish upon a star

Your dreams come true

When a star is suddenly born

They will possess a gift or two.

One of them is this

And will have power to make a wish come true.

Henry's POV:

I look up into the dark blue sky, almost black, the sky was filled with small twinkling white lights. However one of these lights stood out to me, it was so bright, so big, and it was different to the ones among the rest. It was a bright blue color and it seem to call out to me. I remember from the stories I read in my story book that such lights can grant wishes and I begin to close my eyes and hope with all my might that they do. Hoping that if they do I can wish for my mums happiness, ever since Marian has come back she has been sad, and I hate to see her this way. She thinks she can hide her emotions from me but she can't. So I wish for my mum to find her happy ending, to find her true love, for her to be guided to who her true soul mate actually is. Because if Robin Hood was her true soul mate I am sure some how they would have found a way to each other, I mean look at Snow and Charming, no matter how much they hated each other in the beginning they still managed to be together. No matter what was thrown their way they always managed to find each other, I mean they both went under a sleeping curse and they still managed to find each other and be together! So surly if Robin Hood was my mum's true soul mate they would still be together no matter if Marian was here, and they would have found each other way before Marian came into the picture.

I looking up to the dark sky again to see the bright blue light gone, and at this I let out a disappointed sigh. Maybe I just imagined it there I mean this is storybook, not the enchanted forest. When have wishes come true here? Not once. With that I make my way to by bed, hoping that maybe just maybe my wish will come true, that eventually my mum will find her happy ending and before I knew it my eyes began to slowly flutter close.

Author's Note:

So that was the Prologue of my story, hope you liked it.

Tell me what you think.