Hodnes Laik Gonplei

Lexa centralized story. What events have led up for Lexa to be the way she is? The beginning of this story takes place before The 100 have reached the earth. It will be turned into a Clexa / Commander Princess story later on, but it will mainly be focussed on Lexa.

Rated: T
Pairing: Lexa/Costia, Lexa/Clarke

The beginning of this story takes place before the 100 are sent to earth. If you think I'm writing Lexa out of character at the beginning of the story, I have succeeded. This will eventually turn into a Clexa story, but will mainly be fixated on Lexa at the beginning. Clarke and the rest of the Sky people will be introduced later on.

I really wanted to write a story about Lexa before she got into the picture. Since there has been some unclearity about Lexa's and Anya's relationship (Lexa was Anya's second, though she was already the commander before she became the leader of Anya's people), I decided to include this in the story to give you my idea of their past.

I apologize for any spelling mistakes. As a non-native English speaker and without a spellingcheck (WordPad for life) I can't always make sure to remove all mistakes.

This first chapter will be a short introduction to give you an idea of what this story will be about. I have written about three chapters so far, which I will be publishing if there is any interest in this story.

If there are any questions, feel free to ask me. I will try to reply to all of them.

You squint your eyes against the bright sun as you focus them on your target. Your fingers grip the spear in your hand tightly. You bring your arm back, ready to launch it forward to hit your target.

This will be an easy kill.

You feel a hint of excitement at the realization of your soon to be victory. As you go through the natural movement of releasing the spear and sending it to your oblivious opponent, you unknowingly grin to yourself.

However, that grin is quickly wiped off your face when your target falls to the ground before your spear has even reached it. Damn it.

"Too slow," you hear the familiar voice come from about 20 feet next to you. Anya.

You groan as you both step out of the bushes, walking towards the dead deer to retrieve your spears. It would have been a nice kill, had you been faster than the woman beside you.

"Why do you always do that?" you groan accusingly.

"Speed is essential, Lexa. The faster one will get the first kill in battle," she says as she ties the deer's legs together with a rope.

Anya's hard voice reminds you of the things she has gone through. Things you can hardly imagine. You have never had to fight in a battle. You have killed before, but not like Anya has.

The tone in her voice tells you not to mess with her. You nod your head to the right, motioning towards the creek that flows there. Anya nods in response, putting the rope attached to the deer over her shoulder, pulling it along.

You take the lead, stabbing the point of your spear in the dry soil with every step. You hear Anya's light footsteps close behind you, followed by the dragged deer. It doesn't seem to take her much effort.

You're nearing the creek when Anya's arm suddenly wraps around your upper body and pulls you against a tree. You know better than to yelp out in surprise, but Anya's hand covers your mouth anyway. Your eyes search your surroundings frantically, curious to know why Anya hid both of your bodies behind the tree.

Your body is squeezed between the hard bark of the tree and Anya's rigid body, making it difficult for you to see. It is then that you hear the footsteps against the gravel over the sound of the water.

The hand is released from your mouth the same time Anya's other hand raises her spear, ready to attack. You quickly do the same, determined to get the kill this time. Determined to beat your mentor.

You skillfully step around the tree, careful not to make any sounds. Your target is still hidden behind the bushes near the creek. You're ready to throw your spear when the footsteps suddenly stop. You freeze, unsure of whether your footsteps have caused your new target to stop its movements.


You release the breath you didn't realize you were holding when you hear the familiar, warm voice. You drop your raised arm to your side and see Anya do the same. You manage to catch the roll of her eyes before the voice steps in sight.

"Costia, you're not supposed to be out here." You try to sound stern, but you know you failed miserably when you hear Anya make a not too subtle gagging sound behind you. You glare at her in response.

"The commander asked for you, Anya," Costia says, "that is why I came."

"My mother sent you out here alone?" you ask her incredulously, cocking your head to the side.

Costia smiles widely in response, kicking her feet against some stones. She shrugs, "I might have accidentally sent my guard the wrong way."

You return her smile, full heartily grinning at the girl in front of you.

"I will leave you two to it then," Anya says knowingly and moves to leave.

"I will beat you next time," you assure her. Anya doesn't turn around, but simply scoffs in return.

Your eyes follow her and the deer she drags behind her until they're out of sight. As soon as they're gone, your eyes turn back to Costia, who you find smirking at you. You raise an eyebrow at her and step closer to her until you're close enough to grab her hands.

"So, you are certain this guard is not around?"

Your question is answered when soft lips meet yours.