I had been in Louisiana for about a week now and was still not used to the humidity 'Why did I decide to move here again? Oh that's right,' Looking at the letter and legal documents some lawyer dropped off at my apartment in Virginia a couple a weeks ago. I thought to myself as I whipped away the sweat pooling at the back of my neck damn was I glad I cut my hair: What once was long and ebony was now a short, choppy pixy cut that had a mind of its own. I finally finished unpacking the last box to the house I mysteriously inherited from some grandparent not sure who exactly, my folks didn't mention family much. I sat down on the love seat next to the bay window alcove 0and looked up at the sky, "About midday." I muttered to myself taking note of where the sun was. Sighing I stood up and began to collect the empty moving box scattered around the house for the recycling. Folding the last one up I made way to the front door with just the screen door to deal with I was able to maneuver out to the porch with little difficulty.

"Would you like some help?" Came a female voice with a strong southern accent: it startled me making me drop some of my boxes. Turning to the lawn I saw women of average height, sporting a huge smile, along with a high blonde ponytail. She wore what I made out to be some sort of uniform a white t-shirt with green shorts along with pair of worn chucks. "Oh! I am so sorry I didn't mean to startle you." The woman ran up the steps to help pick up the boxes. "I'm Sookie! Sookie Stackhouse. I was walking home when I saw a moving van leave. I live just up the road about 10 minutes from here right past the cemetery. I never I thought this place would sell. The Blanchard's haven't been in the house since Mrs. May passed away last winter."

'My god she can ramble' I just stared at this woman, Sookie, who could put an auctioneer to shame 'And damn she was perky'

"Where are my manners?" She exclaimed. "I'm just sitting here babbling away and haven't even given you a chance to speak. Gran would be so angry with me!" I waited a good five seconds to make sure she wouldn't start up again.

"I'm Emilia Blanchard but most people call me Emily or just Em." I finally introduced myself as I lead her around the side of the house to the recycling. "I inherited the house from my grandparents."

"I didn't know May and Leon had kids?" Sookie said off handily as she dumped the flattened boxes into the bin.

"I didn't know I had grandparents until a few months ago." I said tossing the boxes. "My parents weren't big on extended family… never talked about any one, and when I would push it they would either ignore me or change the subject all together."

"Where are your folks now? Do they know you're here?" she asked as we walked back to the porch steps.

Sitting down I sighed. "No they died a few years ago when I was seventeen. Some sort of robbery gone wrong one night. That's what the police told me at least. I've been on my own ever since." Leaning back I stretched my pale legs out from under the shade of the roof. My dark wash jean shorts, worn from years of wear, dusty from the move. "I didn't move which is why I guess the lawyer was able to find me."

Sookie stared at me for a long moment before she spoke again. "Have you been to Merlotte's yet?" She asked.

"No. I just got here I barely know where anything is yet." I answered.

"Well! Em I would like to treat you to dinner tonight as a welcome to Bon Temps. And I won't take no for an answer!" Sookie proclaimed standing up and brushing some dirt of her shorts. "There aren't many of us on this road and being new and all it'd be nice to have some friends. I'll see you around five!" And with that she was off down the road before I could even protest.

"Well damn! She sure can talk." Getting up from my seat I went in the house to take a short nap before five. "At least I don't have to worry about dinner tonight."