Hello fans and/or writers alike! I am coming to FanFiction with a brand new story.

Now some of you might be wondering why I am not adding another chapter to Zero in the Mojave, or Hail to the Zero Queen. The answer is due to my long absence my writing ability has faltered, and I am currently unable to bring forth new content with the level of quality I demand. Zero in the Mojave is especially difficult for me.

Admittedly, college has been quite stressful on me and my writing faculties have been hard-pressed to keep up with weekly essays and assignments. Now that those classes have ended (I am enrolled in new classes, but I digress) I'm prepared to return full-time to FanFiction. After getting my new custom PC I have been racking up an enormous amount of hours in games such as Warframe, and Minecraft (my old laptop was too weak in the CPU department to enjoy it).

That being said, I feel its time to start again and build another franchise while I prepare to continue my current stories.

Behold, my Minecraft and Familiar of Zero crossover, Absolute Zero =)

The Overworld

Day 683

Benjamin Alvarez opened his eyes as freezing rain slammed against his bedroom's windows. He groaned before sitting up and looking out into the near-blizzard outside.

It had been nearly 2 years since his arrival into this strange land, a land of made of exact one square meter blocks. He had emerged with nothing but the clothes on his back – little more than a pair of jeans and a t-shirt – and been immediately forced onto the defensive. While the daylight was relatively safe it was the dusk and following night that proved all preconceptions of this world wrong. The denizens of the night were a terrifying wake-up call, and Ben had spent nearly three days running before winding up in a natural orchard with a small cottage.

It was the first sign of civilization he had seen, and its contents only proved just how alone he truly was. Several journals of the cottage's previous inhabitant – along with his body – were littered across the floor, all of which told about the mysterious land Benjamin had landed in.

It was a place called the 'Overworld' a kind of alternate dimension where monsters and the ruins of man could be found. The journals also revealed the man to be of British descent who had disappeared from the Isle of Man in the 1870's.

Finally, the books explained how to survive in the Overworld – the art of crafting. Benjamin was never good with his building things, but he quickly adapted and was able to recover from nearly three days without food and water.

After a few weeks, he was confident in his ability to move on from the cottage and its surrounding orchard. Both tools and armor had been forged, and along with a considerable food supply Benjamin set out towards the mountains. One of the books had spoken with great detail about how rarer materials – particularly gold and precious gemstones – allowed for even greater potential improvements to his own life.

Before he left however, he properly buried the man, one Sir Alfred Kingsby in an unmarked grave underneath a nearby tree.

Barely out of high school, Ben was in the prime of his life. Both a scientific prodigy and fantastic physical conditioning gave him the intellect of a Nobel Laureate and the physique of an Olympian. He had far less difficulty adjusting to the extreme workloads that came with heavy mining and fighting off both the undead and the abominations that lurked beneath the ground.

After nearly a month of underground work and labor, Ben made the decision to settle in a valley between a massive scorching hot crag to the west and south, a bitterly cold snow covered mountain towards the east, and a tropical ocean to the north. The unusual locale created wild weather patterns and sudden wind shears capable of sending a man flying to his death. This made the cultivation of crops nearly impossible anywhere except at the bottom of the valley, but served to isolate him from the hordes of enemies who drowned, were frozen solid , or fell to their deaths attempting to reach him.

His daily routine involved milking his three cows, shearing sheep and tending to his fields of wheat, potatoes, carrots and even a small cotton plantation. After performing his agricultural work, he withdrew inside the crag towards the true heart of his endeavors – a massive, underground industrial installation.

His superb intellect and strength allowed him to both plan, dig out, and create a 40+ story facility with over ten square kilometers of useable space. Most of it had been filled with a massive cold fusion reactor, which drove eight turbines the size of airliners. That reactor was supplemented by additional fuel sources, including steam boilers and conventional generators powered by highly refined petroleum.

The site had an entire wing filled with Ben's exploration of the occult, paranormal activities and magic. Tremendous achievements made in the field of Eldritch Science had aided Ben in finding new realms to explore and mine for resources.

Halkeginia – Tristain Academy of Magic

"The Zero still has to summon her familiar Professor!"

Louise Francoise Le Blanc de La Valliere groaned in exasperation as she walked up to the summoning circle, all the while being heckled by her classmates/tormenters.

"By Brimir Louise! You'll kill anything that you summon!"

"Yeah, like she could even manage that."

Laughter only proved to enrage the diminutive magic student, causing veins to pop out, followed by a instantly visible, twitching wand. The sudden appearance of the instrument that was renowned to cause more damage to Tristain than her adversaries managed to silence all as she began to ritual.

Benjamin looked out his homestead's window and sighed, "It looks like we won't be getting much done outside. May as well head into the base and start today's work."

"My familiar, who lives somewhere in the universe!"

The sip of water he had begun to take flew out of his mouth as he jumped to his feet. Lessons about 'familiars' were mentioned in passing by the journal of the Englishman, and that it involved a portal to an unknown land. He knew nothing more than that, as neither he nor the Englishman had ever attempted to walk through such a portal.

Ben realized this may have been the opprutunity he had been waiting for, a chance to return home and began to pull out his bug-out kit from cyberspace. In a matter of moments, he was covered head to toe in a suit of custom powered armor. Arrayed in his inventory included a blade strong enough to cut through stone, a multi-use tool capable of nearly everything imaginable, a magnificent longbow made from equally magnificent material and bags full of usable items for currency.

After securing his items on his person, he remotely activated the complex's automatic shutdown functionality that effectively froze the base in time. Reactors powered down, machines shut off, and the massive digital storage network that ferried items across the facility went dark.

"Well, this is it. I'm finally going to go home-."

"My strong, sacred, and beautiful familiar. Heed my call and appear!"

In less than a second, Benjamin Alvarez was pulled from the Overworld, destination unknown.

A blast of soot and ash knocked down all within Vestry Court as Louise finished her incantation. As ears rang, an unnatural buzzing sound emerged as the ash cloud suddenly vanished. Louise's eyes widened as she saw what appeared to be a man-sized golem standing with a clawed object in its right hand. Her face paled as she saw the heavily adorned magic staff in the being's left hand.

'Did . . . did I summon a mage?!'

Professor Jean Colbert, as a combat veteran and skilled mage was instantly on guard after the cloud's disappearance. The golem, or man in the center of the summoning circle was clearly well-armored and equipped, given the quality of both the staff and jet black sword at the subject's hip.

Benjamin on the other hand was confused, yet relieved when he saw the non-blocky people all around him.

'Am I really home?' He examined his arms and staff, all of which were no longer shaped like square blocks but various other shapes. What was strangest of all was the people's dress around him, they were wearing two distinct uniform types, a white blouse for both genders, but a skirt for the ladies and dark slacks for the men.

He froze when he saw that each of them carried a wand in their hands, while both an older man and extremely petite girl both wielded a staff that was particularly bare.

'Hell, their wands and staves appear dull and boring compared to my own. My old wooden wand with iron caps was more flashy than those chopsticks.' The realization he had definitely not returned to Earth hit full force, 'Magic doesn't exist on Earth!'

Laughter immediately emerged as the chesty red-head made a comment – obviously rude – towards a ridiculously petite pinkette who flushed before screaming back at the crowd. 'So, that's my summoner. They all seem to be speaking French, I wonder if English is spoken here.'

Benjamin waved before speaking up, "Hello, my name is Benjamin. Can someone tell me where I am?"


The previously arguing aristocrats stopped talking as the 'golem' spoke up.

"Ha! So the Zero did manage to summon a commoner after all!"

The 'golem' held up a hand, "Commoner? What in the Nine Hells are you talking about here?"

Laughter emerged causing said golem to facepalm before channeling energy through the exotic staff in hand, launching a gout of fire into the air.


"Now, do I have your attention?" Several nervous nods answered while the staff wielders took combat stances, "My armor is rated to absorb magical attacks, I would recommend against doing something foolish."

A random no-name character perked up, "What is this madness? Are you a noble?!"

Nervous chatter emerged throughout the group only to be cut off by a staff tapping the ground twice, "That is enough!" The bald man looked to Benjamin, "Sir, I don't believe we have treated you with the respect fitting of your station."

An open handed palm proved to relax those surrounding the 'golem,' now clearly identified as a human being, "That is fine mister. My name is Benjamin Alvarez, and I have quite a few questions for those in charge here."

The bald man nodded, "We should go speak with the Headmaster then." He turned to the pinkette, "Miss Valliere, please come with me as well, as this concerns you as well."

The already pale student shrunk further before nodding.

After three minutes of climbing stairs – an activity nearly unnecessary after utilizing elevators powered by Ender Pearls – the two mages and their summon walked into the office of Headmaster Osmond.

'Old Osmond' as his detractors (and friends) called him had led the Tristain Academy of Magic for nearly four decades. The nearly ninety year old Osmond was one of the most respected members of the Tristainian aristocracy, surprising given he had dedicated his life to education rather than politics.

The man was nearly untouchable in battle, even as he reached the end of his life. As a Square-class wind mage, Osmond was one of the most powerful casters in Halkeginia, matched only by the Duchess of Valliere, the legendary 'Heavy Wind.'

When Osmond saw the armored man walk into his office he knew it would be wise to tread carefully.

"Welcome sir, I am Headmaster Osmond of Tristain's Magic Academy. Please take a seat."

The man responded in fluent, yet clearly accented Albionian, "I am Benjamin Alvarez. Thank you for your hospitality Headmaster."

"Would you like some tea?"

A nod, "That would be lovely Headmaster."

Osmond glanced at his assistant Miss Longueville, who made her way to the kettle on her desk, "I don't want to alarm you Sir Alvarez, but you are currently in the Kingdom of Tristain-."

A sudden smile and nod cut him off, "It's quite alright Headmaster, I was trapped in an alternate dimension for some time now and heard of the possibility of being summoned back to the real world. Although this isn't the same world I was born in."

Osmond's full attention went towards Ben, "You're from another world?"

Awe and disbelief filled Colbert and Louise respectively as the man nodded, "Indeed Headmaster. Miss . . . Valliere was it?" A nod, "Miss Valliere summoned me from an alternate dimension where the rules of reality were somewhat skewed. I lived in that reality for nearly two years on my own, needless to say I've seen quite a bit."

Looks of curiosity bade him to say more, "For one, on my home world, magic doesn't exist."

Benjamin swore he could hear a record scratch as the four individuals around him froze in place, "Impossible!"

A facepalm later, the visitor from another world knew he was in for a long afternoon.

Nearly three hours later, Benjamin stepped out of the tower more than a little weary. He had gone into detail about his own world of Earth, and the strange, pixel-shaped land of the Overworld, and came out of it realizing he had gained nothing but displeasure.

'The people are ruled by a mageocracy that by its very design destroys free thought and ingenuity. This culture has existed for over six thousand years, meaning that any attempt at change is curbed, and done so violently. The Church possesses nearly godlike power and can intervene in the affairs of sovereign nations on a whim. What the fuck did I get myself into?'


"First lesson about the land I come from Headmaster, anything is possible, although it can be extremely difficult. The humans of Earth are capable of creating artificial life, building artificial organs to replace failing ones, and even able to preserve a human body for revival for extended periods. All of this is done without magic, as Earth's population has managed to do so for millennia."

While Louise was still frozen in shock, Osmond and Colbert both looked at one another – a considerable amount of interest in the latter's eyes. "Is there anything the humans of your world can't do?"

A chuckle, "We can't live forever, although that doesn't stop people from trying. What's the average life expectancy here in Tristain?"

Osmond answered, "Around 55-60 for commoners, 65-75 for members of the nobility."

"In my home country, the average life expectancy for the typical man is about 85. Mind you, that's an average in a well developed part of the world, but many live into their 90's and even past 100-. "

Louise interrupted any further response from Benjamin, "I'd like to know how you're able to use magic! You don't dress like a noble-."

"And I am getting to that Louise, be patient." He cleared his throat, "I am able to use magic because two years ago, a mysterious portal opened up and took me into an alternate dimension." The silence allowed him to continue, "This dimension's own rules of reality were vastly different than those on Earth. Climates were unusually located, with deserts being surrounded by tundra for example. While many animals found on Earth could be located there, many others thought to be legends were as well.

"The undead roamed the hills at night, the sun able to incinerate them in moments. Massive insects prowled dark forests and underground caverns, seeking out a potential meal. There were even creatures I began to call Creepers, who would wander to the surface during the night, and roam about, even during the day for a target. When they would reach said target, they would explode violently, killing the target and allowing its body to feed the spores it released.

"The strangest of all were the Endermen, a race of three meter tall giants capable of teleportation and devastating attacks. They are mostly passive, and rarely attack, but when provoked will chase down a target for hours."

As he finished, he noticed that all in the room were paying complete attention to him. "I barely survived my first few days there, and if I hadn't found an old abandoned cottage I would've died long ago. Inside was the remains of a knight, long since dead. His journals, which I still carry to this day gave me the insight I needed to survive." He turned to Louise, "The answer to how I can use magic is quite simply Louise, I'm self-taught, almost completely by accident I might add."

-Flashback End-

He had later told them he wasn't a noblemen at all, even if he could use magic. That led to the question of him being a disgraced noble, which he also denied. In the end, the Headmaster did approve of the 'bonding' as familiar and 'master.' A fact which I strongly spoke out against once learning there was a mental compulsion factor that was included in a familiar's 'bond.'

As a Thaumaturge, Ben had delved into using constructs for menial tasks – specifically golems. The constructs, little more than tiny human beings with no sense of direction of their own were little more than laborers. Even then, golems could only handle a few, repetitive tasks. The idea of enslaving a sentient being though was one he would never even consider, let alone attempt.

While different from his current situation, the Headmaster believed that the binding should continue anyways. That was the reason Benjamin was running like hell as he desperately dug through his bags, hoping to find the Linkbook home.

As he quickly jump-jetted to a rooftop and dropped low to avoid detection, he found his portal back home, along with an unlinked book ready for use. He quickly opened it, locked his astral position into the book's magical pages, and stowed it.

"There he is!"

After he saw several levitating mages point their wands at him, Ben pulled his Multi-Tool out, he activated his 'Blink Drive' and teleported to the top of the Wind Tower. He dove off the side of the structure towards the ground, where his impact dug a small crater.

As he stood up, a massive impact threw him to the ground, as his shields strained to compensate. A huge weight fell on top of him, pinning him to the ground. He shakily grabbed his wand before pointing it upwards, "Uprising!"

The massive blast of air magic blew the dragon and its rider clear off of him as Ben flew through the air. His excitement at being freed was quickly replaced with horror as the young dragon's tail lashed at him, sending him flying back to the ground. His shields flatlined as their emitters overloaded, followed by the sound of ribs cracking.

He spat a glob of blood from his mouth onto his faceplate as he realized he was unable to move, and unconsciousness soon followed.

A short chapter to get us started! Get those reviews sent out readers! I wanna hear your input on this! Good night!