An alarm went off waking Harry and Lucius. Harry was shocked to see that Lucius had slept with him. Harry took the first shower and dressed before running down stairs to try and find Remus. Remus was just getting a plate of food. He was dressed in his best casual Muggle clothes and was ready to help at the shop. Walburga, Orion and Regulus were already sitting down eating. Harry greeted them quietly and sat down.

"How is Papa?"

"He's fine." Walbuga replied sharply. " He's resting. He should be awake when you come back after work."

"Okay." Harry agreed. "Morning, Padfoot."

Sirius came in looking beat. He patted Harry's head and sat. Lucius was the last in. He looked Prim and Proper.

After everyone was finished eating Sirius, Lucius, Remus and Harry made their way to the fireplace.

"Have a good day." Lucius kissed Harry's head then flooed to work.

"Have a good day, pup." Sirius patted his head , "Keep an eye on him, Moony."

"I will." Remus swore. Sirius nodded and flooed. "Lets go, Pup."

Harry and Remus opened the store right on time. It was close to closing when a man came in. Remus knew him as Crabbe Sr.

"Where's Snape?" the man demanded. "Well, boy?"

"Papa's not here." Harry replied, looking up from his book. "Papa's sick. May I help you?"

"Get me everything on this list as fast as you can." Crabbe growled, "Now!'

Harry looked at the list and hit the silent alarm to alert Auror's like his Papa had taught him. Then picked the list up.

"I'm sorry, sir." he said, "I cannot do that. We don't carry these items as they are illegal."

"Get me them now!" Crabbe grabbed Harry and raised his fist. " I know you have to sell this stuff you're Snape's boy!"

A spell sent Crabbe flying. Sirius and Remus had their wands raised. Aurors entered the store. The customers watched.

"You called?" Sirius asked, "What's up, pup?"

"That man wants illegal ingredients." Harry explained handing over the list. "Adding those ingredients together would create the Squib Testing Potion . That Potion has been illegal for over two thousand years. Papa would never make one."

"You did the right thing." Sirius patted his head. The other Aurors had arrested Crabbe. "Thanks, pup. We'll take it from here. "

"Thanks for coming so fast, Padfoot." he called, waving. "See you at dinner right?"

"Yeah, I'll be there." Sirius called, back waving. "See ya', Remy."

Remus waved absently . He was now checking Harry over. The costumers were soon talking about how brave Harry had been and wondering how he had called the Aurors so fast. They seemed to buy more than normal.

Harry ran to Walburga as soon as he was back at Grimmauld Place. She nodded and took him to see Severus.

Severus smiled as his son threw himself on him hugging him tight. Severus hugged him back. Half of his face was covered in green goop.

"I'll be fine by tomorrow." Severus told him. "Thanks to Walburga I wont even have any scars. Now tell me what happened at work today."

Harry told him about all the costumers and all their chit chat then took a breath.

"Then a man I've never seen came in." he frowned. "He looked like Vincent Crabbe from Slytherin. He demanded to see you but I told him you were sick. He layed a list down and told me to get everything on it. We didn't carry any of it. But he insisted we did. It was for a Squib Testing Potion. I activated that alarm you installed and kept insisting we didn't have ingredients for it. He grabbed me but Moony and Padfoot sent him flying. I gave the list to Padfoot and told him what it was for. They took him away. It was scary. "

"I'll kill that man." Severus growled and hugged his son to him. "Harry, I have something I have to tell you."

Severus explained about being a Death Eater for part of the first war then turning spy. He told him that he managed to stay out of Azkaban at the trial because of it. He was cleared of all charges. He showed his son that he no longer had a Dark Mark and explained that it had vanished when Voldemort was killed. He told him that none of the other Death Eaters except for Lucius had ever known he'd switched sides not even Lucius' wife. He told Harry about his past also. Harry took it all in and thought everything through.

"So he thought you would have those things and would make the potion because you were an ex Death Eater and would want Pureblood Superiority and therefore not want a Pureblood family having a Squib in it?"

"Exactly." Severus looked worry. "I was confused , Harry."

"I know that." Harry beamed at his Papa. "You did what you thought was right but when you discovered you were wrong you switched to the right side. It's okay. " Harry leaned against his Papa. "I'm glad you're okay, Papa but who did this to you?"

Severus sighed.

Harry was not happy. He was clinging to his papa on a couch in the living room at Grimmauld Place. He hadn't left his Papa's side since he told him. He'd said that he hadn't wanted to tell him because he didn't want Harry to be upset but Harry had insisted and now knew that his mama had hurt his Papa because she was mad at him. His Papa wouldn't tell him why his Mama had been upset with him only that he had asked her where she had been all night.

"Papa , you said I shouldn't break my promise to Mama about where she was unless it hurt someone." Harry said, "But isn't not knowing where Mama was how you got hurt? So that means I should tell you where she was right?"

"That's not..." Severus started.

"Mama said she was going to visit her friend Atricilas Nott and would be back in a few hours." Harry told them. " Then she sent a Patronus and said she'd be home by Noon. I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"It's not your fault I got hurt." Severus sighed and kissed his son's head. He watched Harry's face light up. He swore to show more affection to his son. "It was between me and Lily. Now would you like me to read to you?"

"Yes, Please!"