The tower wasn't as loud anymore.

The halls still had the occasional sound of foot steps, small conversations, and the large sighs everyone let out.

The tv remotes sat untouched on the living room table, the tv screen coated in a thin layer of dust. Even the video game boxes, console and controllers hadn't been used in months.

The Titan's refridgerator was always empty now, no one ever bothering to go out and buy healthy foods, everyone in the same slump of going off and doing their own thing, eating what they felt like. Making a plan for dinner would require actually talking to each other, compromising and talking.

Beast Boy sat on is bed, and as usual, was doing absolutely nothing.

The boy was now almost fourteen, his once spiky hair now looking like a mop of dark green.

The boy was staring at the wall in his bedroom. He had lost all interest in playing video games or watching movies and tv. He missed the fights the Titan team had three times every day over what to eat. Beast Boy always insisting on a vegetarian option, Cyborg wanting the exact opposite, Starfire suggesting a strange alien cuisine, Raven wanting nothing more than everyone to be quiet...and Robin...just rolled his eyes every fight and always came up with the compromise, because , being the good leader he was, he put his team before himself.

Eleven months.

Almost a year since Slade took Robin away.

Despite Beast Boy's young age, he knew.

He knew the Teen Titans weren't the same without Robin.

Their fighting skills were sloppier, less coordinated, and generally unplanned.

No one talked to each other anymore.

The Titans weren't a family anymore. No, the weren't even friends.

Beast Boy knew.

The Titans were falling apart.
