A/N: This is my first Inuyasha Fanfiction so please don't be rude. This is MY version of what happens before Naraku is defeated and after he's defeated. Pairings: InuXKag, MirXSan, ShippoXFemale OC.

Full Summary: Kagome finds a Dog Half-Demon pup when the group and decides to adopt him. Inuyasha isn't too happy about the new addition to their group and tries to find a way to ditch the pup but soon bonds with the pup when they get separated from the group. Inuyasha soon becomes very protective of the pup when danger threatens to harm him.

"Hurry up Kagome!" Inuyasha snapped as he impatiently waited by a tall oak tree near the well "Why can't you walk faster?!" Kagome rushed over to him "Sit boy!" She yelled as she walked past him just as he face-planted to the ground "Agh!" Inuyasha yelped as he fell to the ground, face first "What did you do that for, wench?!" He growls, through a mouthful of dirt but she was already gone.

Kagome and Inuyasha entered Kaede's hut just as "PERVERT!" was heard "Stupid monk" Inuyasha mumbled as he sat down and blinked as Kagome sat down beside him "Hello Kagome, We're glad that you're back" Sango smiled as she spoke "Yes, We're really glad" Miroku said with a goofy flirty smile "KAGOME!" Shippo shouted as he flung into the hut and onto Kagome "Shippo!" Kagome smiled as she hugged him "Did ya bring me anything?" He asked excitedly which made Kagome giggle "Yup" She reached inside her bag and soon pulled out a lollipop from her time then gave it to Shippo "Here" He took it and put it in his mouth after taking the wrapper off of it. Inuyasha groaned "Come on, Let's hurry up and leave already"

As the group traveled, Inuyasha would steal glances at Kagome whenever she wasn't looking and a smile would slip onto his face without him realizing it.

A/N: I know it's short but the next chapter will be MUCH loner, I promise! Please take the time to review and tell me what you think, But please no hate.