Short Epilogue.


The sun enveloped the tall and strong Jedi Temple. Light seeped through the blinds of the windows into the classroom where a certain Padawan Pantoran was sitting surrounded by younglings.

"And that's it." Eleesha finished her tale with a smile.

"That's it!?" Kalle yelled. "But what happen to the evil Sith and the rune?"

Eleesha stroked her chin, "Well, the rune wasn't destroyed and since the blue moon, the only thing that could destroy it, passed we decided to keep it here. As for the Sith, that's a story for another time." She ruffled Kalle's hair.

"Awwwww." The said youngling pouted.

Eleesha gave a grin, "Patience, young one." She looked to the other group of younglings, "See the others are not complaining. They are doing just fine."

Kalle crossed her arms and turned away from the Padawan, "Yeah, well, they are them and I am me."

Just as Eleesha was about to reply a familiar voice spoke, "Eleesha, are you telling that story again?"

The Pantoran glanced at her Master. "No?"

"Master Bonteri, Padawan Altari just told how awesome her mission was!" Kalle yelled. The other younglings murmured in agreement.

Eleesha glared at the noisy youngling as Ahsoka laughed. "Did she now?"

"Yeah, you were so awesome!" Kalle exclaimed.

Dara joined in, "Defeating your enemy like that, you are so strong!"

Ra'kk bowed, "It is my wish to be as skilled as you, Master Bonteri."

Ahsoka gave a warm smile, "I am sure you will. I'm sure you all will."

"Your really think so, Master Bonteri?" Tru wondered.

"Yep," the Togruta confirmed, " Here's how I know. You all thought quickly and made a plan when Padawan Altari was captured and because of your efforts you successfully rescued her. These are the marks of a Jedi."

Eleesha sheepishly grinned, "Ah, so you know about that, huh?"

Ahsoka crossed her arms, "Yep, looks like we need to do a little more training."

"Hey! I rescued you, I have skills!" Eleesha retorted.

"Hm." Ahsoka hummed in response, "I say you have decent skills."

The younglings tried to maintain their composure but giggles broke through their filter.

"Decent? Aww, Master, you wound me!"

"I can go get you Barriss if you like. I just saw her around her somewhere."

Eleesha sighed. Typical. "Why are you here, Master?" Eleesha asked exasperated.

"Ah, right! We have a mission." Ahsoka replied. She turned and bowed to the Younglings, "My apologizes, young ones, it is time for Padawan Altari to leave. She smirked at Eleesha," After all, it's not good manners to keep your cousin waiting."

Exasperation was soon forgotten, "We have a mission with Riyo, Master?" Eleesha excitedly inquired.

Ahsoka nodded, "Yep, escort mission." The Jedi Knight's comlink buzzed, "That's probably them, excuse me." Ahsoka stepped out of the classroom.

"May the Force be with you, Padawan Altari!" Ra'kk bowed once more.

"Thanks!" Eleesha returned the bow.

"Hey, Padawan Altari, I want to show you some moves when you get back!" Kalle declared.

The said Jedi laughed, "Sure, thing. I look forward to it!"


"Coming! See you guys later!" Eleesha ran for the door.



"See ya!" Kalle returned.

Eleesha ran through the door only to find her Master quite some yards away. She raced to catch up with Ahsoka.

"Anyone else coming along with us?" Eleesha asked.

Ahsoka shook her head, "Nope, just us. Although, we are meeting up with other senators who have their own Jedi escorts. Seko included."

Eleesha suddenly found the patterns on the floor interesting.

"What's wrong?" The tone was unmistakable and both knew it held a certain message: Tell me.

Eleesha looked up, "Well I haven't really talked to her, since you know. She was pretty badly injured an-" Eleesha stopped when she felt Ahsoka lay a hand on her shoulder.

"You're worried that she has changed or that you're relationship would be all weird because you saved her."


"Don't be. Trust me, I had the same thoughts about Barriss when I saved her from the brain worms. This trial will just strengthen your bond."


They continued their walk in silence for a few moments. Ahsoka nudged her Padawan, "You know, I'm very proud of you, right?"

Eleesha grinned while nodding her head, "Yeah, I know."

"Good." Ahsoka stopped at the hangar door, waving her hand over the Jedi panel. The door slide open. "You're sure getting popular with the younglings." Ahsoka commented.


Ahsoka chuckled, "You wish."

"Eleesha! Ahsoka!" Riyo yelled in greeting across the hangar.

"Riyo!" Eleesha yelled back, running to hug her cousin.

Ahsoka smiled as she continued to walk through the busy temple port. She might be the youngling's favorite Knight but Eleesha was definitely the youngling's favorite Padawan, the young Pantoran visiting the classes 3 rotations out of the week. It seemed Eleesha had inherited Ahsoka's talent for teaching and in some ways was even better. Especially at politics. Soon, Eleesha would become a Jedi Knight and have her own student to teach.

But for now, Ahsoka and Eleesha would remain as the Master and the Apprentice.


Sorry about the ending, I have no idea in the world where I was originally going with the story. -_- I really wish I did.

But hey, Thanks for reading and reviewing and spending your time with this story.