Part One: Together At Last
A lot of those writing books would say not to describe a character as they looked in the mirror.
I broke that rule as I stared at myself in the mirror. My shoulder length darkish blond hair hid the scars that I had suffered nearly a year prior. I hated the fact that I had a piece of my ear missing due to the bullet that grazed my face the night my fiance Sketch was killed by Sarah Grange. The Psycho Bitch that had been my biological mother.
I was wearing one of my boyfriend's wrestling tank tops, and a pair of his boxer briefs, while I brushed my hair. The dark circles were not bruises from a fight, well not a physical one at least. It was because my son, Spencer, just didn't like sleeping at night properly. I didn't remember the last time I had a full night sleep.
Turing off the light, I walked out of the master bathroom and over to my bed. Though Spencer was three months old, and he was sleeping in the nursery just across the hall from me, I slept with the door open and the baby monitor on. My work laptop was still in the middle of the bed where I had been working on my new novel, or attempting to at least. After The Christmas Fairy, the publishing company wanted more supernatural fiction romance from me. While I was getting better at it and the fact that most of my Perry Miser books were steadily getting more famous, thanks to my WWE connections, my writing was a little on the decline.
As I stared at the screen where I had left off, nothing came to me. Laying my head down, I sighed. Maybe getting some sleep would be the best thing to do.
The screen saver came up and it was a slide show of the pictures that I had of Jon, Spencer and I together. They were the ones that were taken over the last couple months. Pictures of Jon sleeping with Spencer on his chest, Spencer's first smile at her and Jon as they sat together on the front room couch.
Those were the moments that I cherished.
"Love you, Jon." I whispered staring at Jon Good, the man that had unceremoniously entered my life.
I woke up to a light touch. It started with my thigh, the coarse fingers that had not touched me in a long time it seemed like. They traveled up to my hip as I felt the bed shift behind me. I could smell Jon's body spray, I felt his nose brushing the back of my neck as he smelled me.
"Jon, stop. I smell." I told him.
"No you don't." He said, his hand snuck up under the tank top to run circles around my belly button. "You smell great, Princess."
I whined, not turning around to look at him. When I was tired, I didn't want to do much of anything. And that meant I didn't want to deal with Jon. And we hadn't been together in about two weeks, he'd been gone on the European tour thing while being pushed for a title championship of some sort.
His hand went towards the top of the boxers and I didn't stop him. He was nipping at my neck, turning me on because he didn't bother to shave. Groaning, I then laughed as Jon's bipolar hand shot upward, fondling my breast. I turned my head to kiss Jon, which he allowed. I knew why he was doing this. I had been given permission from my doctor that three months after Spencer was born then I was capable of having intercourse.
Jon was making up for loss time, and I liked it.
"You've seen me jerking off, Princess." He mumbled against my mouth as his hand traveled south again. "You want to make it official? Do you want what you've seen?"
His fingers made it down between my legs, just rubbing the lips of my pussy. How many times had I touched myself in the last couple of months while talking to Jon on the phone. There were always other ways of pleasing yourself instead of just having sex. I reached back to run my hand along his right arm as it was the one doing the foreplay. I opened my legs so that he could have better access and pressed his hand tighter against the nerves that were exposed to him.
"Oh so wet, Princess. You're a Naughty Princess, aren't you?"
"Only when you're involved."
He shifted so that he could push down the boxer briefs that I was wearing and then I heard the distinct zipper coming down and I felt his cock resting against my ass. All the while we hungrily nipped at each other's lips.
"Ready for me, Naughty Princess?" He asked moving so that my leg was draped over his thigh to get better access to my opening.
"Uh huh." I mumbled trying to lay on my back.
"No, like this. I want to do it lazy. You don't need it rough." He coaxed for me to lay back on my side, returning my leg over his before playing with my pussy again.
Some times I was amazed at how well Jon was attuned to my needs and what he thought was best for me. I liked that, I liked that he was willing to make sure I was okay.
"Ready?" Jon asked me again, running lazy circles around my clit.
I groaned and nodded.
He eased himself into me and I won't hesitate to say it hurt. I hadn't expected it to hurt, and when I first tensed up Jon stopped.
"Are you okay?" He brushed the hair from the side of my head, where the scars were.
"I guess it's because I haven't had sex in a while."
"You mean not making love while you were cooking Spencer?" He asked pushing in a little further. "I had wanted to fuck you so bad during that time, but with everything going on, I don't think I would have wanted to scare you away."
"You pissed me off too much for the most part." I groaned as he moved further into me, then out a little and then in again. "But I was an emotional wreck. Half the time I wanted to kick you in the damn nuts. Shit, baby." I reached over my head to grab his head.
While he slowly worked his hips up against mine in lazy thrusts, his hand had found it's way up my top again, rolling a nipple in between his coarse fingers.
The ecstasy was there, it was starting to build bigger than any other that I had in my life it seemed. The times I was with Sketch were foggy at best as I tried focusing with Jon was doing to my body. When he felt that my body was accepting his cock he started to move a little faster, the impact of his hips against my ass caused me to jerk. My breast bounced in Jon's hand causing him to laugh with each whine I made as he did so.
"I have never heard you whimper like this, Princess."
"You make it happen, Jonathan." I slipped his real name in while involuntarily squeezing my channel around his cock, making him growl.
Jon sped up, rocking in and out a bit harder. He reached down between my legs and started stroking my clit. I started climbing high curling forward slightly to give Jon more access to my body. He grabbed my thigh lifting it up and started really going at me.
"Fuck, Princess, my naughty, naughty Princess." He grunted from behind me.
"Jon!" I gave a strangled yell as that electric overload happened.
I tightened up when my orgasm hit. Then Jon froze, his cock twitching in my tightened channel. There, we did it. Our first time together was blissful. It was peaceful, just what the both of us needed for being together for so long without getting a chance to go at each other like this.
"I love you." I sighed.
"I know," Jon mumbled into my neck. "I do too. I love you, my Naughty Princess."
"We can be more naughty together if you'd just move in." I said and then suddenly wished I hadn't.
The contentment stopped. Jon extracted himself from between my legs and I watched as he rolled away from me. I ruined the moment, I knew I did. This was one of the constant battles I had with Jon.
"I can't just do that, Annie." He said readjusting himself inside his jeans before walking towards the bedroom door.
Rolling off the bed, I pulled up the boxers and then I followed him across the hall to Spencer's room. I caught Jon standing at the raised rib looking at the little boy sleeping. Jon didn't look at me, instead looking at my son.
"Jon," I said, knowing that if I tried to touch him he'd just brush me off.
This was the constant battle for us in the last two months. Besides being on the road so much, Jon still lived in Las Vegas. He knew I refused to leave Pensacola because that was where my family was. The Anoa'i family, Annie Anoa'i was my name now. No longer was my name Annie Grange, but Annella Anoa'i, the adopted daughter to Sika and Patricia Anoa'i. I was Roman Reigns' sister, I was his daughter's Aunt Nella. I didn't want to leave my family again. But that didn't mean I was totally happy.
"I don't think I can." Jon said, looking down and then back at me. "I just can't change."
"Change what?"
"I've already changed so much, for you, for the company…my life isn't what it had been. I'm not me anymore."
I opened my mouth to say something but knew I couldn't. He was right.
Jon had started being seen as a father now, to a son that wasn't even his. He had been called Uce, a reverent word for brother, by Joe, it had even slipped into a skit once. And what was worse, the women were just as bad. Several times I had heard horror stories of Jon going to clubs with Colby and a few of his coworkers only to be surrounded by what I call the loose women. The Loose Women were essentially ring rats, buying him drinks in hopes of getting Jon drunk. His once happy life was so black, because now he was with me, and it just ruined the one thing I was willing to let him do.
"Never mind." I said quietly. "I don't want to push you away."
Jon sighed, turning away from Spencer's bed and facing me. "I need you, Annie. I know that I need you in my life but I don't have the answers that you want from me."
Just then Spencer started to wake up. He must have heard Jon talking or something like that. Of course he would, even inside my stomach, Spencer would react to Jon and the things that he would do. Apparently he knew when we were kissing.
On the changing table was a bottle of hand sanitizer and I went to go put some on my hands so that I could take care of Spencer.
"No, that's not going to happen, Princess." Jon stopped me by putting his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "You rest and I'll take care of our boy."
"Are you sure," I asked as I watched him sanitize his hands.
"Yes, I'm sure. Go back to bed, go to sleep and then maybe we'll have some more time together." He said, glancing at me.
How could I say no to sleep?
Well that's part one of three. I had this idea floating and after much editing I think I've managed to get it right for you guys.