Something Bad

Chapter 3

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

June 29, 2014

12:00 p.m.

Merle and Daryl both rushed to the car, looking inside, they both jumped back.

Beth's face was against the steering wheel and her blonde hair was covering her face so Merle couldn't tell what kind of injuries she may have, or how how badly she may be hurt, but from the amount of blood in her hair, it was serious.

"Merle," Daryl called as they heard the sirens approaching. "What do we do?"

Merle shook his head and cursed.

What were they supposed to do? They couldn't very well move Beth, and he was sure Tara was in as bad a shape as she was. To top it all off, they were in a stolen car.

He had to think fast or they'd all be in trouble, and no amount of talking would be able to convince the cops that the girls weren't involved.

Merle hurried over to the passenger side to assess how serious Tara's injuries were before they tried to move either of the girls. Daryl stood frozen in place until Merle pushed him out of the way and told him to keep an eye out.

Tara's head was against the window and her eyes were closed, but the only visible wounds she had were a few small cuts on her forehead and chin.

Going against his better judgement, and knowing it was the wrong thing to do, he opened the door.

"Go pull Beth out an' put 'er in the car," he called out to Daryl as he began to lift Tara out of her seat.

Once they had both girls in the backseat of his car, he and Daryl made sure they took out the few things the girls had in the car, and put them in the trunk of his car.

"Here," Merle tossed a rag to Daryl. "Wipe of the doors an' dash on the passenger side an' I'll do the drivers side."

After they had quickly wiped down the car so the cops couldn't lift the girls' fingerprints, or theirs, Daryl climbed into the backseat with the girls, sitting between them to make sure they were as secure as they could be while Merle started the car and took off in the opposite direction of where they had been headed.

He knew what they were doing was wrong because their lives were in danger, especially since he had no idea about where they could go or how to help them.

But damn it, all thought of what they had just done being wrong left Merle's mind as soon as they passed the police cars and ambulances heading to the scene of the crash.

Sometime after they left, Tara moaned and tried to lift one of her hands but Daryl immediately held her hand down so she wouldn't touch her face.

"Don't," he grumbled. She didn't protest, just kept her head leaning against his shoulder.

He gently reach over and brushed some of the hair out of Beth's face but he didn't say anything or try to wake her up. He did catch Merle looking back at them in the rearview mirror for a second.

"How does she look?" Merle asked.

"Not good," Daryl mumbled. "Think she may have a concussion. She's bleedin' a lot an' got a bunch of cuts. She should be at a hospital, they both should be there, not here."

"Don't ya worry, baby brotha, I think I know someone who can help us."

"This ain't no time fer one a yer buddies or whores, Merle! Beth an' Tara need ta go ta tha hospital!"

"This ain't one a my buddies or some whore but they do owe me a favor fer takin' care of a problem an' savin' their ass. They can help us out, help out tha girls, baby brotha. Ain't that what ya want?"

Daryl didn't believe him but he stayed silent. For the first time since they started doing this, he wished they had been caught back there in that stolen car, instead of risking Tara and Beth's lives. It would be easier to explain the stolen car than it would if one or both of the girls were to die. He was praying that wouldn't happen.

FBI Atlanta Field Office

February 10, 2015

3:00 p.m.

"We canvassed the area but didn't find so much as a shoe print and none of the neighbors saw anything," Abraham informed Michonne.

Michonne picked up one of the crime scene photos and leaned back in her chair as she studied it.

"What about security cameras?" She asked. "It's a high end neighborhood, everyone there is rich, and I'm sure they would want to protect and keep what's theirs. They may not have seen anything, or be willing to admit they did, but we can get a subpoena for any of the security cameras that are facing the victims property or even along the outside fence."

"I'll get on that," Abraham replied.

"No," Michonne held her hand up. "Put one of the other agents on it. I want you to come with me to the morgue."

"Agent Owens, Agent Ford, we have a problem," Agent Alisha Collins announced as she swung the door open.

"What is it, Alisha?" Abraham asked.

"The victim, Gary McLeod, his wife is the Governors ex-wife. She's here to report that her daughter with Governor Blake is missing. Apparently she was supposed to be in the house last night when her stepfather was murdered."

Michonne and Abraham both jumped out of their seats.

"We've already issued and Amber Alert," Alisha added.

"Good. But is there a chance she could be with her biological father?" Michonne asked.

"No," Alisha shook her head. "Not unless she can teleport. Governor Blake isn't even in the same country. He's in London meeting with the Prime Minister."

"I want someone on him now! Dig into his past, his relationship with his ex-wife, find out everything we can on him, and find out when he'll be back in town," Michonne said as she rushed past her.

"You think the Governor had something to do with the murder and his daughters disappearance?" Abraham asked when he caught up to Michonne .

"I do," she replied. "And I don't think those girls had anything to do with it but if the did, it wasn't something they were willingly involved in."

Bug Hill, North Carolina

June 29, 2014

1:00 p.m.

"Where tha hell are we?" Daryl asked as Merle pulled the car onto a dirt road.

"It don't matter where we are. All that matters is that those two girls are gon' get tha help they need."

"Yeah? An' what if this friend a years don't want t help 'em? Ya don't even know if they're home."

"They'll help an' if they're not home, we'll wait 'til they are."

When they pulled up to the house, it looked as though it had been abandoned, Merle turned the car off and turned around in his seat to look at Daryl.

"I'ma go in an' talk to 'em, tell 'em what's goin' on. You stay in here with tha girls an' don't move 'til I come get y'all. Ya hear me, baby brotha?"

Daryl answered with a nod.

He watched as Merle got out and knocked on the front door.

He didn't see who answered the door but when Merle stepped inside, Daryl let out a deep breath and prayed that for the girls' sakes whoever was inside would be willing to help them.

A/N: I am so sorry for how long this story sat here without being updated. I hope y'all enjoyed this new chapter and I look forward to seeing what y'all think of it and what's happening. :)