Hey Guys! I haven't been on in a longggggggg time and I am so so so so SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! This is a small update on what's going on, and what my plans are for this story. Please read this, it involves the story and what I plan to do :).
So I haven't been on in a longgg time, and I want to update people on my outside life and why I haven't been on. To be honest, I sort of stopped writing completely, I went through a huge downhill moment for the past few months. I haven't been on since around Jaunary (I think?) and i hinestly have no reason, I just sort of gave up. But then I remembered leaving YOU GUYS on an incomplete story that you have ALL supported me through since day 1, and just today thought how unfair that is for you guys. You have all been there and gave me encouragement to continue, and nothing but positivity but I threw it out the window and threw this story out the window as well. That's not fair at all, you guys deserve the best story in the world and that's what I'm going to give :).
Over that time, I had went downhill majorly. I have suffered with self harm for 4 years now, but over those few months it had gotten extremely bad. I would isolate myself, sleep all day, hated talking to anyone or interacting at all, cried (a freaking lot), hurt myself a lot more then usual, like it was just bad. So recently I have started going to therapy for help, hopefully to cure this problem and to make me start going back uphill. She told me to find outlets or something to help me with my "urges" and asked me what I enjoyed, and that's when I thought about this story and YOU GUYS. I'm so sorry for that break, but I am back in business and I'm going to finish this story and make it so good and make it worth the support you guys have given me since I've started.
My plans for this book, I plan on rewriting it. I'm not sure if I should keep this one up and make a new book with the same story but improved, or if I should just go back through this one and edit it. What do you guys think I should do? I'll most likely go back through this one and edit it to be better then before, and if you guys want to you have the option to go back and reread, or if you want you can stay in the position this book is in now and just wait for the new chapter :). But either way, this book is going to have a better storyline, character build up, everything. I will most likely change it to first person POV as well, unless you guys want to keep it third person POV. Just review or message me and tell me your guys thoughts and opinions, please, I need you guys to make this story a better version of itself, so if you want to tell me your opinions (GREATLY APPRECIATE EVERY OPINION I CAN GET) I will get back onto working on this story as soon as I hear you guys still interested and your opinions.
I thank you guys so much for sticking through with this book, and I really hope I didn't lose anyone along the way to now. So sorry for that break in between, but I am back and ready to write. Have a good day guys, until next time!
Peace. Love. Bye :) -