4 1/2 months later {17th May 07}

Rory blinked as she stared at the clock on her bed side table '9;04', she yawned and turned round to find the other side of the bed empty. She glanced across the room as the bathroom light was on.

"Ssh baby boy" Jess voice said as he leaned over the bath tub as "we can't make too much noise or mummy will be very grumpy especially if we haven't made her morning coffee yet"

Rory smiled and grabbed her dressing gown from the chair in the corner and quietly peered in.

Jess was holding Harvey-James head as he squeezed the baby sponge over his stomach "we have to make a deal now Harvey-J, man to baby" he said "we are not going to mention anything that happened this morning to mummy or anybody else okay"

Rory leaned against the door frame as she put her finger to her mouth as Harvey had spotted her.

Jess sunk the sponge into the water in the baby bath "huh" he tapped his nose and Harvey giggled "I'm not sure why you like it when I do that" he smiled. Rory ducked as a square squishy toy came flying out of nowhere "Its rude to listen to peoples conversations" Jess stated.

Rory sat on the toilet seat as she watched Jess tap Harvey on the nose again and moved his tuft of hair back "I'm sorry I wasn't aware talking to a baby was a conversations"

Jess looked up up and squeezed the sponge out and put it on the side of the bath and lifted him out of the tub wrapping Harvey in the soft towel "Morning" he smiled. Rory licked her lips as Jess stood from his kneeling position infront of the bath "He's ready"

Rory took him as Jess placed Harvey in her arms, Jess wiped his hands to dry them on the back of his jeans.

Rory patted him down and stood from the seat "shouldn't you be off?" she asked glancing at the clock.

Jess followed her out of the bahroom and grabbed his jacket fromthe chair "Yeah, I'm not sure when I'll be back today?"

Rory nodded "okay" she laid Harvey onto the changing station placed a nappy after applying talcon powder. Jess leaned on the doorframe "hey" Rory looked up as she laid Harvey's clean clothes beside his head and looked up "Be good?"

Jess nodded and walked out of the room.

Rory returned to dressing Harvey and glanced up at the door as Jess walked back into the room nosily before kissing her on the lips "I love you"

Rory grinned and kissed him gently before pushing him away "Go before your late" she said as she watched him leave and hearing the door shutting. Rory shook her head and pouted "Why is he so sweet?" she asked.

Harvey looked up with his widened eyes with his fist in his mouth "he's mellowed out" she stated and buttoned his baby dungerees. She gently picked him up and walked over to the baby carseat and strapped him in.

Rory smiled and glanced over at her camera on the bedside tale and sighed. She glanced over at Harvey and licked her lips.


"My old friends I have returned" Rory waved at the camera.

Harvey snored lightly in the background, Rory licked her lips "it has been a while since I last updated and Harvey is now sleeping before his lunch feed so I have about" she checked the time "45 minutes to film this before I am busy busy" she smiled.

Rory clapped her hands "Lets start with my boys basic development at the moment. He is 15 pound and is currently 26 inches long so I have trouble in getting long enough trousers for him but other than that he is growing at a nice weight and is speeding ahead in the long height depatment"

"At the moment he is sleeping through the night, and is eating solid food due to him being too young for lumps but he loves discovering new textures" she explained.

Rory crossed her legs over her other "That is a quick rundown of the last 4 months since he's been home"

"My body is sort of back to normal but I'm unconfortable about the stretch marks so I've been applying cocoa butter. So far there is no difference at the moment" she bent to pick up the tub from the shelf on the desk "Its been costing me $20" she stated placing it on the desk "It smells so nice"

"I have a part time job at the book store still and Jess is working 2 jobs and he's so great for Harvey" she smiled fndly looking down at her hands "Me and Jess are sort of together but I think working and living is more important at the moment" she explained "we have a sort of a good routine and we are working so well together at the moment"

Harvey cried in the backgroubnd "I think 45 minutes is pushing it" she stated holding her index finger up "Hold on he might go back to sleep" she waited for a second "maybe not" she stated standing up and walking off the camera's view.

Rory returned a few seconds later with Harvey on her hips, she sat down on the chair and laid Harvey with his back on her stomach "Say Hi" she lifted Harvey's arm and waved it to the camera "This is Harvey-James William and he was born on the 11th Janurary 07 at 4.20am in the morning. He is currently 4 1/2 months old today and he is signing off youtube until next time "

Rory placed her hand on his stomach "See you soon" she kissed his cheek and he giggled.

The End!