Hey everyone… better late than never right? I won't make excuses for not updating sooner, I will reserve that right for another fic. Anyways, I hope everyone enjoys the end to Ispy, part one of it anyways. No worries about this being the end though, I have begun work on part two already.

The -Paragraphs- marked like that will contain the flashbacks of what happened to Jude, read them if you can handle that kind of stuff.

Chapter 10


We don't own anything; if we did life would have been much more entertaining.

When they found him he only saw the lights they flashed on him, he didn't see their faces or hear the voice he had come to know as a mothers. Jude hugged himself tighter when hands touched him and he started to cry again, but this time the hands pulled away instead of ignoring him. The hands returned with a blanket this time, and with them came voices he didn't know and more flashing lights; Jude wanted to die, he didn't want to live anymore because somewhere deep inside of what was left of him he could already see the way people would look at him now and he didn't want that, but before he could think anymore he felt darkness take him and watched as the many coloured lights faded.

-He felt the hand on his face turning it left and right. He saw their lips move but couldn't hear what they were saying, his ears were ringing far too much for that and even if he tried to focus on their faces he couldn't make out who they were.-

Jesus was with his sister when they got the call, he laid limp in her lap with tear stained cheeks. The teen came back to life when he heard the words, "They found him" and he felt relieved at first but when he heard, "They are taking him to the hospital, and we are going to meet them there" his heart fell again. The family was out the door quicker than they had ever been and on their way to the hospital to see the other member of this patch work family, to see the little boy who was a brother and son, the little boy that had been missing for almost two days.

-Everything seemed to be slow, the way the men who had taken him moved and the way they tore at his clothes but for all the hazy slowness things were going way too fast way too soon and Jude couldn't move a muscle to even try and stop it. They had drugged him; that was the only conscious thought he had until they forced water down his throat again and he went numb and blank again.-

The family had waited when they arrived, Stef didn't tell them anything other than that Jude was okay, but when she pulled Lena off out of earshot they all knew that Jude wasn't okay, and when they saw Lena gasp and bring her hand to her mouth they had their proof, they had it even more when the woman ran to the door that led to Jude's room and they saw her tears flow freely. It was an hour later that Stef walked over to them and took a chair and sat down in front of them that they finally heard what was wrong.

-Jude opened his eyes and screamed. Pain shot throughout his whole body, and he could do nothing but curl into himself as the pain burned through from his backside up throughout his body. "Seems his awake for phase two" someone said through the pained haze he was in, but when he felt large sweaty hands on his hips he tried to focus on what was happening and not on the pain but that was next to impossible as the man breached him again and the pain came back with renewed vigour.-

"His okay… but something happened to him" Jesus couldn't take it, he wanted to scream or something to get the answers to his questions but his sisters hand squeezed his shoulder and helped him to calm down. "We found Jude in a parking lot after a tip was left on my phone, but when we got there he was huddled in a corner… Jude…" Stef's own tears started up again but she wiped them away and finished, "Jude was raped" she finished and cried again and her children joined her, Callie falling to her knees with Brandon holding her as she cried.

-Jude tried to stay strong, Jesus' face alongside Connor's flashing through his mind as the man took his pleasure from him, "Ha, think you can hide in that head of yours, well I don't think so" the man was using him said before punching him in the stomach when he pulled out. The action had brought Jude out of his thoughts and left him gasping but his breath kept getting beat out of him every time the man pulled out before thrusting back into him with equally painful force.-

When Jesus saw Jude asleep in his hospital bed he looked okay, but the bruise's that he saw told him otherwise; they were on his face and even his neck and shoulders, and not even his small arms were left untouched and he couldn't take the sight and left the room with only Marianna following him. Jesus couldn't bring himself to visit Jude even once in the week that he had been in the hospital, and even though no one pushed him he knew they wanted to know why he didn't visit, even Connor who was also in the hospital from the beating he took visited the young boy, but Jesus couldn't bring himself to visit even him because he knew why they were hurt, he knew who to blame for what happened… he was to blame.

-When the man finished Jude was left lying in his own sweat and blood, he faintly heard people laugh and felt more hands on him; his mind couldn't think who it could be because the man who had caused him harm was standing before him smiling down at him.-

The first night when Jude was back he still hadn't said a single word, his eyes never stayed on any of them more than a second; Jude needed time to work through it Lena had said but everyone could see that he needed something else more, he needed to know that he was still loved by those he needed to be loved by. Connor he knew still loved him but when he got home and Jesus was nowhere to be seen he thought to himself that he had lost one of the people he loved most and that told him one thing… that some part of him was not worth loving anymore.

-Jesus' sheepish smile when Connor held both of their hands in public, and Connor's smile when he sat down to eat with him with his painted nails. These were the things Jude thought about; he tried to think about happier times as his body was used again and again, and while he was abuse over and over. Fists punched him out of his thoughts every so often and once or twice a swift kick did the same but he tried his best not to let them break him.-

Jesus had snuck in late that night when everyone was asleep and went to his shared room, he stood before Jude's bed and looked down at the boy and he couldn't stop the tears that came when he saw the fading bruise's and he couldn't help but fall to his knees and cry softly into the bed as his hand held onto the small hand of his little brother. When his tears stopped and he just sat there as empty as the boy next to him he felt the bed shake and he heard the small sounds, "Please… no… get away…" Jesus sat upright and looked at Jude was having a nightmare and he started to shake the boy awake gently.

-Jude couldn't see anything but he could hear the ocean, the same ocean he had come to love since he met Connor but now somehow it didn't make him feel the same way and he hated that. He heard people whispering but couldn't make out what they were saying. The people who had taken him and been abusing him must have seen that he was awake again because now they came closer from what he could hear from their footsteps.-

-"Finally awake again brat, how unlucky for you" one of them said but Jude didn't know the voice, it sounded deep but the next voice though sounded familiar but he couldn't place it, "Him being awake was the plan. I want him to remember this, so make sure he does" the female voice said and he was sure he knew it, and when he turned his head to look in the direction it had come from he almost thought he saw who it was through his swollen eyes but a slap to his face that sent him flying shook the thought from his mind.-

-"None of that brat, trying to find out who we are will only lead to you not making it out of this alive" the same deep voice said. Jude felt someone picking him up from the floor by the handcuffs that bound his hands behind his back which they must have put on when he blacked out after the last beating, "Make it hurt, a lot more" the female voice said again but this time he didn't turn his head towards it because now Jude was worrying about not surviving this, because he couldn't take much more of this pain.-

-The young boy was forced face first into the hard floor and he knew what was coming and he tried his hardest to get away but he could barely breath let alone get away, he didn't make it easy for them but nothing stopped one of his kidnappers from forcing himself into him without any prep except for the blood that hadn't dried yet. The man didn't give him any time to get used to him just like before and Jude couldn't take it. After a few minutes of being brutally fucked his head was picked up and a thick cock forced itself down his throat, he was thankful by only one thing at that moment, and that was that he tasted the fowl taste of a condom.-

-He was being used from both sides now, the men saying something but he couldn't hear anything, his whole body was shutting off to protect itself, but a quick jab of something small and sharp into his backside brought him back to the cruel reality. The man using his ass sped up and started to thrust into him faster until he stilled, Jude knew the motions well enough and was glad that it was over but he wasn't glad for very long though as another man took the first ones place.-

-Each time one of them finished they switched out, and judging from the many condom packages Jude heard being opened he knew that some of them were going more than once and that they were in no hurry to stop. When they gave him a quick break after who knows how long they gave him another drink of water and even if he knew it was drugged he also knew that he needed it to survive this. Jude to this time to look around before the drug to effect, his eyes barely able to see in the dimly lit room but he could see clearly enough the pictures displayed on the wall, his eyes widened as he saw himself with Connor and Jesus. "What's wrong kid, don't you like what you see. I thought it might turn you on to see yourself fucking your brother and your little boyfriend, it sure turns me on. I think we might have grabbed the wrong kid though because those two looks like they would be a lot more fun, especially your brother with your boyfriend fisting him like that" Jude wanted to throw up, someone had been spying on them when they shared themselves with each other… someone had taken something sacred to them and displayed it here on this wall for these people to see and it made him sick.-

-"I wanted to show you what we've been watching while fucking you this whole time" the thought that these people were getting off not only by using him but these memories of his too really did make him throw up. "What's wrong brat, I thought you enjoyed all that" the man mocked him as he gave Jude a swift kick in the side to make him lay on his back where the pictures were also on a loop. "Here's the deal brat. We're going to use you for as long as it takes us to grow tired of you, and then if you were a good boy we will let you go, easy right. Here's the catch though, if you ever tell anyone about what happened here, even just what colour the walls were then we will have to play with the other two and trust me when I saw that when we play with them you will never see them again" Jude cried as he listened to the man talk, he nodded his head to show that he understood and he only hoped that these men kept their word.-

-The men came back into the room, they whistled and joked about the images now that Jude could see them to, "Like to fuck your brother huh, hell if my brother looked like that I would too", "Boy is such a cock slut" and of course "What kind of disgusting person would even think of something like that, fucking your own brother is wrong boy don't you know anything" they kicked him and slapped him each time they said anything and even as they used his body for their own pleasure.-

-The words stuck in Jude's mind while he was used, his mind working the words into the pictures he was shown while he was raped and eventually he couldn't stop thinking, "Disgusting, wrong and slut" as he looked at the pictures; some other words stuck to his mind too but those three were the most powerful. Jude fought against the words but with each person that took their turn with him they came back to the forefront of his thoughts; he told himself that it was love, that no matter what anyone else said that as long as he, Connor and Jesus thought that it was love then he could endure this, then he would come out of this not having lost them.-

-Jude had laid there and let it happen, every time he would fade out they would bring him back with a quick jab from a knife the man with the deep voice held or the same way they did before, with a punch or kick. It had lasted for what felt forever, one man at a time up his ass and sometimes even two, though luckily only one used his mouth at a time. They used him again and again, mocked him over and over until finally they just resorted to beating him, to hurting him more than raping him. They kicked him, beat him and insulted him all through it; they were breaking him and they were succeeding in doing so, because by the time they picked up his motionless body he had already given up on life and had retreated into himself and no matter how many times they jabbed at him he didn't come out of it.-

Jude sat upright so quickly as he screamed loud enough to wake up the whole house, he felt someone holding him and he panicked and continued to scream as he tried to get away. Stef and Lena came running into the room to see Jesus on the floor by the bed holding his cheek where they could see blood coming from the scratch marks Jude had given him, Lena went to his side while Stef went to Jude who was looking at Jesus with such sorrow that it broke their hearts and the heart of the boy whom he had harmed.

Jesus couldn't help but cry softly as he watched Jude sit there in his bed with his blood on his fingers, and even though he didn't blame the boy for this he did blame himself for it. Jesus got up from the floor and stormed into the bathroom with Brandon hot on his trail, Jude followed him with his eyes and rested his gaze on his sisters peering into the room. Jude saw Callie crying while Marianna looked at him with pity, something Jude knew all too well and he wanted to scream at her to stop looking at him but he couldn't, he wouldn't and he never would.

Tears flowed in the Foster household that night and no one slept again, Marianna comforted Callie and listened as the girl poured her heart out to her while Brandon and Jesus were in Brandon's room; Stef and Lena stayed with Jude all through the night and didn't leave his side even once. Outside the house a man stood and talked on his phone, had any of them looked out the window then they would have seen the man that had broken Jude but no one did. But someone else did see the man in front of their house, but they left quickly down another street out of fear.

It was short and not as I had planned it originally but it came out well enough, and even though it isn't my best work it will do to end off part one. I dumbed down the non-con part so that people wouldn't skip it and miss some future hints that I dropped and then I added a lot more crying then I was going to but I felt like the sorrow and sadness would be great building blocks for part two which everyone can just think of as the second part of the ending of the first part, so in short a major cliff hanger. Thanks for reading ISpy and for all of the many reviews and follows, this fic would not have gotten to this point without any of you awesome readers so please keep up your support.

To anyone even thinking of flaming us for writing this fic, don't cause when you flame me your only flaming yourself cause nobody told you to read this fic, you read it from your own free will.

We do requests, from holiday (New Years, Halloween, Christmas etc…), birthday, or any other type of requests, just drop us a PM and we will give you a wet dream.

Written by Incubi. Work is at AO3 and FanFiction