Amen 1

Head Over Feet

"You know, I'm not sure there's any better way to end the day than to be sitting out here around the fire pit, drinking a beer, and kicking back with a friend," Owen mused. Amelia, her head leaning back against the back of the chair, took a swig of soda and affirmed, "Agreed. I could definitely get used to this." After Owen and Amelia asked each other about whether they had 'people,' Owen made a point of inviting Amelia over every now and then. He could only imagine having a social life that was limited to one's big brother and sister-in-law, and, besides, he wanted to get to know this compelling surgeon better.

What had started as an occasional invitation once a week or so had turned into an almost nightly event. The familiar routine of putting their feet up and ending their day around the fire pit was so natural and comfortable. Sometimes Amelia would bring over some fish or veggies; other nights, pizza fit the bill. Something about Amelia drew Owen in - not only sexually, but synergistically. They simply seemed to understand each other as if they were two lonely souls that had encountered one another as they blew with the wind. As they watched the sun set and the stars appear, the two would muse about their day and their observations on life.

Owen fixed his gaze on Amelia. He could get used to the routine of admiring her beauty, too. In fact, he was already pretty committed to it. Lately, he'd make sure to be home by 6 or 6:30 and he would sometimes move Amelia's surgeries on the OR board to earlier in the day if it looked like they'd go too late. Instead of putting the unending to do list of the Chief of Surgery first and foremost, Owen was learning to balance his time. Knowing he'd spend time with his new friend, it was no longer so difficult to extricate himself from the hospital. Being with Amelia made the new routine all the more compelling.

Amelia shifted her gaze from the stars toward her soda and lifted her head to take a drink. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Owen eyeing her. She smiled and looked toward him, asking, "What?" Owen pulled himself out of his imagination and shook his head a little, he chuckled and smiled, "Nothing. It's a nice night. I like being out here with you." Amelia smiled in response and looked back up at the stars as she pondered, "Do you think that heart-lung patient is going to make it? That surgery was touch and go for a while." Owen, keeping his gaze on the fire, added, "I was just thinking about that surgery. I left one of our best residents with the patient tonight. I'm hopeful but it's a tentative hopefulness. The patient's body has been through so much."

Just then, a large rain drop fell on Amelia's face. Seconds later, a few drops fell on Owen. The raindrops were quickly becoming more frequent. Owen groaned, "No, it can't be raining." Amelia clarified, "Well, I think it is." All of the sudden, the rain deluged and the duo began grabbing the food, bags, and chairs. Even though they each only made two trips back and forth, both Owen and Amelia were soaked. They stopped in their tracks, standing in the rain, and laughing at the scene. Their hair dripped with water, their clothes were beyond damp, and the peaceful air of nature had turned stormy. Owen suggested Amelia come inside to dry off, "I can't have one of my star surgeons getting sick. C'mon inside."

The two walked into the trailer as they shuffled and squeezed past each other to put the food away. When they caught each other's glances, they burst into laughter again. "I'm soaked," Amelia observed. Owen grinned in response, "Yep, me too. Lemme get you a towel for your hair." Owen walked toward the back of the trailer while Amelia stood by the door dripping water everywhere. She asked, "You don't happen to have a pair of scrubs or something, do you? I'm standing here getting your floor all wet." Owen peered around the corner of the bedroom, answering, "I'm sure I do, but they'll be way too big on you." Amelia laughed, "Well, at least they'll be dry." Owen threw a set of scrubs and a towel across the trailer as he explained, "I'll shut the divider and get out of my wet clothes. Let me know when you're dressed."

Amelia dried her hair with the towel and changed into the scrubs. When she looked down and saw the scrubs flowing far beneath her feet, she felt like she was playing dress up. "I don't suppose they make a capri length set of scrubs for guys, do they?" she joked. Owen laughed as he imagined being right next to her as they undressed. He'd observed for some time that he was really developing feelings for Amelia. Amelia asked, "How about a brush?" Owen responded, "Yeah, I'll bring one out. You dressed?" Amelia confirmed, "Yep, but no laughing. I look like a little kid playing pretend."

Owen slid open the divider and laughed, "Yes. Yes, you do." He handed Amelia the brush and then got down on his knees to fold up the bottom of the scrub pants. "It helps if you roll them up, you know," he kidded. Amelia responded with a grin, "I know. I just hadn't gotten there yet." Owen folded the hem slowly, savoring being so close to Amelia. His hands brushed along her legs every now and then, and his eyes met hers each time. When he was making the last fold, he made sure it was military grade so it had the best chance of staying put. As he did so, Amelia leaned down and whispered, "You're my knight in dripping wet armor." She laughed softly, adding, "Thanks for the loan and the help." Owen looked up at her from the floor and grinned broadly, "My pleasure." As they had done many times, the two hugged.

Amelia eased her grip first and sat down on the couch. In response, Owen slid onto the couch next to her and put his arm around her petite frame. He sighed, "Well, so much for the campfire. If you want, I can drive you home." Amelia leaned her head onto Owen's shoulder and suggested, "Why don't we wait and see if the rain lets up." Owen replied, "Sounds good." Amelia anxiously added, "Unless you'd rather be alone. I didn't mean to invite myself over to wear your clothes and hang around all night." Owen chuckled as he leaned onto the back of the built in couch, guiding Amelia alongside him in the process.

Amelia moved her head away from Owen's chest and looked at him. "This is nice," she said as she spotted some left over rain drops on Owen's forehead. She reached up with the corner of her towel and dried them off, "You missed a spot." Owen gently grasped her hand and kissed it, whispering, "Thanks." Amelia leaned in and kissed him on the lips. The two locked into a continuous kiss as their hands and arms grasped the other.

Owen tried to gently guide Amelia down onto the couch and lay on top of her. That was his plan, anyway. As he guided her back, his foot slipped and he ended up on the floor face up with Amelia on top of him. They both laughed after a brief observation that they were fine. "Well, this is awkward," Amelia mused as she continued to lay on Owen able to feel his growing excitement between the thin layers of their scrubs. Amelia began to slowly get up when Owen put his hands on her shoulders and looked deep into her eyes, offering softly, "You were fine there. Really." Amelia paused and smiled at him. Owen added, "Or we could move to the bed – at least it's not so narrow that we'll fall off it." Again, Amelia smiled in response. Owen's nervousness got the best of him as he added, "But I'm not trying to suggest anything. It's just…there's not…umm."

Amelia gently put her finger on Owen's lips as she began to stand up. "As long as you can lead me to the bed so I don't get lost, I think we're good," she said dryly. Owen grasped her shoulders as he stood behind her, "It's a confusing walk about 10 steps that way. I'd offer to carry you there, but the passage way is a bit narrow." They fell onto the bed and their lips met again. Their hands explored each other's body slowly and thoughtfully. Soon, the shirts were off and the kissing extended beyond their lips and onto their chests, shoulders, and necks. Amelia thought she would melt when she saw Owen's muscular physique. She'd always thought he was handsome, but she'd had no idea he was so sculpted. She'd mostly seen him in scrubs and lab coats, not the most flattering clothes.

One kiss led to another and each caress led to more caressing. Soon the two were making love passionately, slowly, and gently. Amelia felt like she was floating on a cloud. Owen admired Amelia's beauty and stroked her hair over and over. After hours of connecting, the two fell asleep in each other's arms, not waking until the morning.

When the sun began to shine through the window, Owen blinked his eyes and admired Amelia. He stroked her hair and whispered, "Good morning." Amelia stretched and yawned, "What time is it?" Owen replied, "6 a.m." Amelia took in a deep breath and stroked Owen's cheek with her hand. "Last night was wonderful." Owen smiled and said, "Yes. Yes it was." Amelia stared into Owen's eyes, hoping he felt the same way she did as she offered, "It was no mistake, it's just that one thing led to another, right?" Owen caught the nuance and nodded his head, "Absolutely. It's not good for the Chief to date another doctor on staff, and we're each just getting over a relationship, and all that." Amelia confirmed, "Exactly. But I can't lose you as a friend. You're my first Seattle friend." Owen shook his head, "Agreed. Absolutely – we're friends. Friends that just got a little carried away." He leaned over and kissed Amelia's cheek.

Head Over Feet

Alanis Morrisette

I had no choice but to hear you
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it

You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it, it's all your fault

Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it, it's all your fault

You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience

You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend, best friend with benefits
What took me so long?

I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now, I am aware now

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it, it's all your fault

You've already won me over in spite of me
And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it, it's all your fault. I couldn't help it, it's all your fault

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