Standard Disclaimers apply: I don't own Gundam ~sigh~ wish I did... *cries really loudly* I love those
Parings: 1x2 3x4 5x?
Romance and Angst (gomen)
Please ignore my bad spelling and non-excitant grammar
Author's notes: Well guys this is it the end of my story... hope you have enjoyed this as much as I've
enjoyed writing it. Keep an eye out for my new story *smack* sorry T @_@ thank you time:
Jordon: thanks man for all the reviews ^_^
Amber InuYasha: *author starts to cry* oh my god! Were have you been all my life lotsa hugs and
Soulseacher Ironforge: Hehehehe...a death threat... you know I get a lot of those...
Heeros_spandex: hehehehe... I love the name... thank you for the reviw ^_^
Zoe Solange: Thank you and no worries hun I'm a die hard romantic ^-^
Shadow Girl: I WANT A DUO PLUSHIE!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! anyway hope you like
the chappie ^_^
Lilyblossom: bah you yell at me at school too @_@
Cassie: hehehehe... thank you I know I'm sooooo mean to Duo but wait and see
Kyra: Hope this ends confusion ^-^
Ryuu: Ok here all done *dancing around* hehe.. People actually like me!
Duo and Heero Lover: blah blah death to me blah blah
Angel of Death: *shaking fist* same to you ^ ~ ^
Belldandy: Thanks for the traslation ^_^ and yet anther death threat _
diane: *sniffs* yeah I lobe chibelry and romance too... thank you soooooo much for the nice none
death threat ~*cough, PSL, Belldandy, Angel of Death, Duo and Heero Lover, cough*~
Quatre's Angel: Arighto ^_^
PSL: Hope your hand is well soon luv, oh get working on that story! And thanks for once again anther
deth threat...
Well that's it, end of my first baby thanks again to everyone and espically my friends you guess for all
your insaults and beatings have a soft spot for me after all ^_^ well now to escape T... *smack, smack*
can't win... @_@
Dedicated to a good friend who lives on the other side of the world... Love ya always Cas...
Angel With Metal Wings
Code Name 11 Epilogue: So Ends the Story...
A sympathetic Quatre, sat before a rather sad looking Heero Yuy. "It's not so bad..." the blond man
whispered looking at his lover for some form of help. The green eyed man shrugged, the typical Trowa-
ish response. Heero sighed, "It's just some days are so hard... I get up in the morning and just say I
Have to take it one day at a time..." Quatre smiled wirily, "So the way life goes Heero".
Just then, there came a tremendous crash from the kitchen. From their position in the living room, of
Heero's house the three men were immediately on their feet headed towards the source of the noise.
Reaching the kitchen in record time, the threesome stopped short at the sight before them. Standing
amongst over turned pots, pans, broken dishware, and any number of kitchen utensils was a flour
dusted Duo.
Holding his knife on the defence, Duo slowly advanced on the slippery fish. Whose idea was it to buy
fresh fish for dinner any way? Duo sighed concentrating on his task, the still flopping fish looked at him
or so he thought. Still advancing Duo raised his knife only to stop in mid swing. He couldn't do it, he
couldn't kill the poor thing. There was something so unnerving about having your dinner look at you
with fish eyes. Behind him, Duo heard the sound of laughter. Blinking owlishly he turned to face a
hysterical Heero and Quatre. Trowa just stood by smiling.
Huffily putting hands on hips Duo glared. It was a good glare years of assassin training brought the two
out of laughter. "What exactly is so funny?" Duo asked crossing his arms. Heero just continued to grin,
picking his way delicately across the kitchen Heero embraced Duo. "Quatre, I would like to retract my
earlier statement. Everyday I wake up happy, and content at least till Duo attempts to cook.." Duo
gave a half-hearted glare at his koi, it was just so hard to be angry when Heero held him so tenderly.
Gaining control of himself Quatre smiled sweetly, " I guess we'll see you at the party tonight?" both
Heero and Duo nodded, they wouldn't miss it for the world. Taking their leave Trowa and Quatre bid
the couple fair well till this evening. Heero and Duo in the meantime decided to try and clean up the
Watching his braded lover pick up pots and pans Heero's mind drifted back to those events a year
iHeero had felt himself being pulled back from the abyss. Hearing Duo crying, he tried to call
out to his beloved, tried to tell him not to cry for him. Unable to reach the sobbing man Heero
was ready to give up when a strong presence pulled him back. 'No Heero Yuy, Duo needs you
just as you need him... return so this story may end happily...'
Needing no further instructions Heero, felt himself being once more pulled into his body. A
blinding light, then darkness. Heero woke the next morning in a hospital bed, a feeling of deja-
vu assailed him as his sleepy mind acknowledged the other presence in the room. Lying across
his bed was the fragile form of Duo. Reaching out Heero gently stroked that beautiful long hair
he loved. "Duo..." he whispered running gentle fingers through the silky strands.
Hearing his named murmured Duo groggily opened his eyes, only to find a pair of deep blue
looking at him. Jumping slightly Duo crawled onto the hospital bed to straddled Heero's hips.
Heero watched puzzled as Duo settled himself, looking his lover in the eyes Heero was unable to
read the emotions swirling in those violet depths. Staying like that with Duo sitting on Heero's
mid section, just staring intently.
The air was electric with tension as finally Duo slowly began to trace every feature on Heero's
face. Starting with his brow furrowed in bewilderment, Duo trailed his fingers over Heero's
aquiline nose. Gently tracing the shape of Heero's eyes, feeling those soft eyelashes brush his
finger. Moving lower till he outlined those lips that stole his senses, and sanity. Silent through it
all Heero just watched the look of concentration written on Duo's beautiful face. But why was
Duo doing this? It was almost as if Duo was memorizing him, committing the way he looked to
Done his inspection Duo removed his hands, allowing the ominous silence to fill the room so
more. "Why?" voice soft Duo began to talk, "Why did you do that you baka!" the volume
steadily increased till Duo was yelling at the man pinned beneath him. "Why? I'm not worth it!
Do you understand? I couldn't bare it if you died and left me alone! If you ever do that to me
again Heero I swear I'll follow you to the depths of hell and back!" Done his ranting Duo
collapsed forward against the solid warmth of Heero. Sobbing again Duo just held on for dear
life, afraid that if he were to let go he'd lose his love forever.
"Duo no baka, I'll love you forever. I promise I'll never leave you again". Sniffling Duo looked
up, "You promise?" Heero smiled and groped for Duo's left hand, lifting the appendage Heero
showed Duo the gold engament ring he had recently placed on Duo's graceful fingers. "You see
this Duo? This is the promise, a promise made so long ago... never again will I leave you alone.
Trust in me Duo, together we can be happy".
Duo saw the truth in Heero's eyes, it was finally over. All the pain the heartache, his past... all
wiped clean. Today was to be the new beginning for the two of them, the future for the first time
was not bleak and desolate. It was waiting...
Seeing Duo's state of shock Heero gathered the small man close. "You know Duo-koi we really
should stop ending up in the hospital". Duo smiled through his tears, burying his face in Heero's
neck. Wrapped around each other body and soul, the two lovers remained for a long while. By
the time one of them decided to move the sun was sinking in the sky. "Duo?" Heero whispered
at loth to end the embrace. "Hn..." Duo sighed sleepily, "Maybe we should get something to eat
ne? Duo nodded letting go of Heero reluctantly. Getting off the bed, Duo pushed Heero back
down on the hard cot when he too tried to rise. "No, Heero rest I'll get something for us to eat".
Obeying Heero once more relaxed on the uncomfortable mattress. Duo headed towards the door
hair free, flowing down his back in silken waves. Still wearing his black clothing now complete
with black boots and warm sweater. "Duo I love you", Heero called to the retreating back of his
koi. Reaching the door Duo turned to look at the one he loved more then life it's self, the one
man that loved him in return. "Love you Heero." he said smiling slightly. Reaching out Duo's
ring caught in the fading daylight, shining brightly Duo looked at the band. Life was worth living
as long as you have someone you love... just as the ring shone Duo and Heero's love burned
brightly. It was the end of a tale in their lives, now it was time to start anew.
Shutting the door behind him Duo grinned a true grin of happiness and relief. From this
day forward he was no longer an assassin, he would quit. Hang up his sword and retire, well he
had no more sword so that made it all the easier. Shaking his head Duo went out in search of
food, today was the first day of the rest of their lives.i
Shaking his head Heero realized Duo was trying to talk to him. "Heero I can't kill him, I mean he's just
a fish! He can't defend himself!" Heero smiled, it had been a year since that night. The night when all
their dreams were almost lost. Tonight was their anniversary, yes they'd been married a full year as of
tonight. So had Quatre and Trowa strangely enough both couples had been married on the same night
with out the others knowing. Apparently Quatre had been really shook up thinking that Duo and Heero
had died together. He hadn't wanted to lose Trowa.
Wrapping his husband in a tight embrace, Heero gently began to kiss his way across Duo's neck. The
long-haired man sighed losing his train of thought, just feeling the sensations running through his body.
"Heero we can't the - the party wi-will mis-s it..." Duo trailed off surrendering to the magical mouth of
Heero. They had time...
They were late to the party. "Gomen, Quatre we got a little sidetracked". The blond man was amused,
Duo still looked a little hazy, flushed cheeks, and hair unbound. "Glad you could make it eventually,"
Quatre slyly smiling, "This is the event of the year after all!" Smiling Duo entwined his fingers with
Heero's, the larger man looked down at his love and grinned. Since that night so long ago Duo had
come so far. Showing emotion, caring for things he never used to. Heero shuddered, although Duo may
like cooking he wasn't very good at it. Heero ate every thing Duo made, he didn't have the heart to tell
Duo no.
Walking across the floor in the main ballroom chatting with friends, the couple's progress was halted by
the sight of a one-year old Julia teetering towards them. "Dooooooooo-u" she crooned with delight.
Laughing Duo raced forward to lift the pink buddle off her feet. "Julia!" Heero smiled tenderly as he
watched the two of them. Julia had an obsession with Duo's hair, and every time they came to visit the
little one tended to use it like a chew toy. Tonight was no exception. As Duo cuddled the little one
against his shoulder, on pudgy hand clutched at the lose stands cooing in happiness.
Chuckling Duo pried the little digits away from his mass of chestnut hair. 'Duo' was, much to the cringe
of her parents, the first word Julia had learned. Still smiling in a silly way Duo began to waltz around the
floor with his small burden. Laughing like kids will Julia clapped her hands and wiggled trying to dance.
Heero took a seat in one of the near-by chairs set up for the people who needed to rest their feet.
"How are things?" Heero turned slightly to see Wufei take the seat next to him. Heero shook his head
and mock sighed, Wufei chuckled "He still bent on cooking?" Heero nodded. Giving his friend his best
forlorn look Heero told him his tale of woe, "We saw the rest of the Moulin Rouge the other day and
poor Duo nearly drowned in his own tears!"
Leaning back in his seat the black haired Chinese man rubbed his chin, "Bit emotional is he?" Heero
nodded again "I love it though, so much better then that cold closed expression he use to ware". It was
true, his assassin had come so far. Wufei just smiled, Heero had it bad he was head over heels over-
the-moon in love with his spouse. "I can't think of a better pair Heero..." the unruly haired man turned
to look at his close friend, "You think?" the Chinses man smiled "I always have..."
"Hi ya! Wufei, Heero!" the assassin walked up to the seated pair lacking a pink clad bundle of energy.
"What happened to your date?" Wufei asked seriously. Duo shook his head in mock sadness, "It was
her bedtime," he looked rueful "Her parents near killed me!" Heero laughed at that. He truly pitted any
feature boyfriends that one had. Wufei gained his feet excusing himself, it was time for the happy couple
to have a few moments alone.
Heero also rose to stand before Duo, extending one arm Heero silently asked Duo for a dance. Smiling
Duo reached out placing his small pale hand in the larger bronzed one of his beloved. Leading his love
onto the dance floor Heero gently pulled the smaller man close holding him tenderly. The two moved as
one, as they swept across the dance floor lost in each other. They didn't even notice the other guest
had stopped dancing to watch the couple. Totally absorbed in each other, Duo was reminded of that
night over a year ago, that night he was given a miracle he was given a second chance at life. Heero,
was his second chance...
That night both Deathsythe, and Wing Zero were destroyed killing Damon. It was also the night he
almost lost Heero to death. It was something Duo never again wanted to be witness to, he was content
here with the man he loved dancing on there one-year anniversary. Suddenly the song ended and the
lovers became aware of the audience they had. Blushing Duo tried to hid himself against Heero, still shy
around most people Duo didn't like the way he was the centre of attention. Smiling Heero steered them
onto the balcony. It was the same balcony the pair had stood on the night Heero preposed to Duo.
Still blushing faintly, Duo snuggled close to his husband as the wind picked up slightly. "Duo, do you
remember the last time we stood here?" Smiling Duo nodded how could he forget, that was the
moment that Duo knew he no longer wanted to die...
"Duo that night... I wanted to ask you sooner but it seemed wrong. So I want to ask you what
happened that night?" Duo stared out into the night, the calm all-encompassing blackness that once
represented his life. "Heero, that night what happen will remained a mystery even to me. All I know is
that I was given a second chance to be with you and that's all I ever wanted". The pair stood in silence
for quite awhile, until Heero became aware of Duo shaking. Whispering in his koi's ear Heero asked
what was wrong. Grinning Duo whispered back that he was cold.
Laughing out loud Heero swept the smaller man off his feet, "Come we return to this party!" Heero
proclaimed in his best commanding voice. Duo buried his face in Heero's neck smiling slightly "Ai
shiteru Heero Yuy..." Heero felt his lover move closer in his arms, "I love you too, Duo Maxwell..." the
pair returned to the party, content and happy in their life.
Somewhere beyond time and relevance, the fates smiled upon the two. There task fulfilled it
was time for them to once more rest. After all, Heero Yuy's life had been saved by an Angel With
Metal Wings...
Wilson: So this is the end of my story...
Wilson: @_@
Cas: Wilson no baka! We want more!
T: *shining gun* yeah now that your done how am I gonna get to hurt you?
Wilson: *gulps* well hehehehe.... you see
Casey: yeah I have so many more idea's for yaoi picture *off in lalalala land*
D: Mmmmmm.... candy....
Katie & Jay: More gay porn!
Wilson: Well... *smacked with lemons* Oro!
D: *springs into action* YOU CANNOT STEAL KENSHIN"S LINE!!!!! *steals T's gun and goes
after author*
All: *sweatdrop*
Wilson; Well that's it for this story but I'm working on a new one so keep your eyes peeled it's gonna
be called 'Fight From the Heart' anther lovely Gundam yaoi ^_^ *bang*
T: Hehehehe.... ^_~
Wilson: @_@
Parings: 1x2 3x4 5x?
Romance and Angst (gomen)
Please ignore my bad spelling and non-excitant grammar
Author's notes: Well guys this is it the end of my story... hope you have enjoyed this as much as I've
enjoyed writing it. Keep an eye out for my new story *smack* sorry T @_@ thank you time:
Jordon: thanks man for all the reviews ^_^
Amber InuYasha: *author starts to cry* oh my god! Were have you been all my life lotsa hugs and
Soulseacher Ironforge: Hehehehe...a death threat... you know I get a lot of those...
Heeros_spandex: hehehehe... I love the name... thank you for the reviw ^_^
Zoe Solange: Thank you and no worries hun I'm a die hard romantic ^-^
Shadow Girl: I WANT A DUO PLUSHIE!!!!!! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!! anyway hope you like
the chappie ^_^
Lilyblossom: bah you yell at me at school too @_@
Cassie: hehehehe... thank you I know I'm sooooo mean to Duo but wait and see
Kyra: Hope this ends confusion ^-^
Ryuu: Ok here all done *dancing around* hehe.. People actually like me!
Duo and Heero Lover: blah blah death to me blah blah
Angel of Death: *shaking fist* same to you ^ ~ ^
Belldandy: Thanks for the traslation ^_^ and yet anther death threat _
diane: *sniffs* yeah I lobe chibelry and romance too... thank you soooooo much for the nice none
death threat ~*cough, PSL, Belldandy, Angel of Death, Duo and Heero Lover, cough*~
Quatre's Angel: Arighto ^_^
PSL: Hope your hand is well soon luv, oh get working on that story! And thanks for once again anther
deth threat...
Well that's it, end of my first baby thanks again to everyone and espically my friends you guess for all
your insaults and beatings have a soft spot for me after all ^_^ well now to escape T... *smack, smack*
can't win... @_@
Dedicated to a good friend who lives on the other side of the world... Love ya always Cas...
Angel With Metal Wings
Code Name 11 Epilogue: So Ends the Story...
A sympathetic Quatre, sat before a rather sad looking Heero Yuy. "It's not so bad..." the blond man
whispered looking at his lover for some form of help. The green eyed man shrugged, the typical Trowa-
ish response. Heero sighed, "It's just some days are so hard... I get up in the morning and just say I
Have to take it one day at a time..." Quatre smiled wirily, "So the way life goes Heero".
Just then, there came a tremendous crash from the kitchen. From their position in the living room, of
Heero's house the three men were immediately on their feet headed towards the source of the noise.
Reaching the kitchen in record time, the threesome stopped short at the sight before them. Standing
amongst over turned pots, pans, broken dishware, and any number of kitchen utensils was a flour
dusted Duo.
Holding his knife on the defence, Duo slowly advanced on the slippery fish. Whose idea was it to buy
fresh fish for dinner any way? Duo sighed concentrating on his task, the still flopping fish looked at him
or so he thought. Still advancing Duo raised his knife only to stop in mid swing. He couldn't do it, he
couldn't kill the poor thing. There was something so unnerving about having your dinner look at you
with fish eyes. Behind him, Duo heard the sound of laughter. Blinking owlishly he turned to face a
hysterical Heero and Quatre. Trowa just stood by smiling.
Huffily putting hands on hips Duo glared. It was a good glare years of assassin training brought the two
out of laughter. "What exactly is so funny?" Duo asked crossing his arms. Heero just continued to grin,
picking his way delicately across the kitchen Heero embraced Duo. "Quatre, I would like to retract my
earlier statement. Everyday I wake up happy, and content at least till Duo attempts to cook.." Duo
gave a half-hearted glare at his koi, it was just so hard to be angry when Heero held him so tenderly.
Gaining control of himself Quatre smiled sweetly, " I guess we'll see you at the party tonight?" both
Heero and Duo nodded, they wouldn't miss it for the world. Taking their leave Trowa and Quatre bid
the couple fair well till this evening. Heero and Duo in the meantime decided to try and clean up the
Watching his braded lover pick up pots and pans Heero's mind drifted back to those events a year
iHeero had felt himself being pulled back from the abyss. Hearing Duo crying, he tried to call
out to his beloved, tried to tell him not to cry for him. Unable to reach the sobbing man Heero
was ready to give up when a strong presence pulled him back. 'No Heero Yuy, Duo needs you
just as you need him... return so this story may end happily...'
Needing no further instructions Heero, felt himself being once more pulled into his body. A
blinding light, then darkness. Heero woke the next morning in a hospital bed, a feeling of deja-
vu assailed him as his sleepy mind acknowledged the other presence in the room. Lying across
his bed was the fragile form of Duo. Reaching out Heero gently stroked that beautiful long hair
he loved. "Duo..." he whispered running gentle fingers through the silky strands.
Hearing his named murmured Duo groggily opened his eyes, only to find a pair of deep blue
looking at him. Jumping slightly Duo crawled onto the hospital bed to straddled Heero's hips.
Heero watched puzzled as Duo settled himself, looking his lover in the eyes Heero was unable to
read the emotions swirling in those violet depths. Staying like that with Duo sitting on Heero's
mid section, just staring intently.
The air was electric with tension as finally Duo slowly began to trace every feature on Heero's
face. Starting with his brow furrowed in bewilderment, Duo trailed his fingers over Heero's
aquiline nose. Gently tracing the shape of Heero's eyes, feeling those soft eyelashes brush his
finger. Moving lower till he outlined those lips that stole his senses, and sanity. Silent through it
all Heero just watched the look of concentration written on Duo's beautiful face. But why was
Duo doing this? It was almost as if Duo was memorizing him, committing the way he looked to
Done his inspection Duo removed his hands, allowing the ominous silence to fill the room so
more. "Why?" voice soft Duo began to talk, "Why did you do that you baka!" the volume
steadily increased till Duo was yelling at the man pinned beneath him. "Why? I'm not worth it!
Do you understand? I couldn't bare it if you died and left me alone! If you ever do that to me
again Heero I swear I'll follow you to the depths of hell and back!" Done his ranting Duo
collapsed forward against the solid warmth of Heero. Sobbing again Duo just held on for dear
life, afraid that if he were to let go he'd lose his love forever.
"Duo no baka, I'll love you forever. I promise I'll never leave you again". Sniffling Duo looked
up, "You promise?" Heero smiled and groped for Duo's left hand, lifting the appendage Heero
showed Duo the gold engament ring he had recently placed on Duo's graceful fingers. "You see
this Duo? This is the promise, a promise made so long ago... never again will I leave you alone.
Trust in me Duo, together we can be happy".
Duo saw the truth in Heero's eyes, it was finally over. All the pain the heartache, his past... all
wiped clean. Today was to be the new beginning for the two of them, the future for the first time
was not bleak and desolate. It was waiting...
Seeing Duo's state of shock Heero gathered the small man close. "You know Duo-koi we really
should stop ending up in the hospital". Duo smiled through his tears, burying his face in Heero's
neck. Wrapped around each other body and soul, the two lovers remained for a long while. By
the time one of them decided to move the sun was sinking in the sky. "Duo?" Heero whispered
at loth to end the embrace. "Hn..." Duo sighed sleepily, "Maybe we should get something to eat
ne? Duo nodded letting go of Heero reluctantly. Getting off the bed, Duo pushed Heero back
down on the hard cot when he too tried to rise. "No, Heero rest I'll get something for us to eat".
Obeying Heero once more relaxed on the uncomfortable mattress. Duo headed towards the door
hair free, flowing down his back in silken waves. Still wearing his black clothing now complete
with black boots and warm sweater. "Duo I love you", Heero called to the retreating back of his
koi. Reaching the door Duo turned to look at the one he loved more then life it's self, the one
man that loved him in return. "Love you Heero." he said smiling slightly. Reaching out Duo's
ring caught in the fading daylight, shining brightly Duo looked at the band. Life was worth living
as long as you have someone you love... just as the ring shone Duo and Heero's love burned
brightly. It was the end of a tale in their lives, now it was time to start anew.
Shutting the door behind him Duo grinned a true grin of happiness and relief. From this
day forward he was no longer an assassin, he would quit. Hang up his sword and retire, well he
had no more sword so that made it all the easier. Shaking his head Duo went out in search of
food, today was the first day of the rest of their lives.i
Shaking his head Heero realized Duo was trying to talk to him. "Heero I can't kill him, I mean he's just
a fish! He can't defend himself!" Heero smiled, it had been a year since that night. The night when all
their dreams were almost lost. Tonight was their anniversary, yes they'd been married a full year as of
tonight. So had Quatre and Trowa strangely enough both couples had been married on the same night
with out the others knowing. Apparently Quatre had been really shook up thinking that Duo and Heero
had died together. He hadn't wanted to lose Trowa.
Wrapping his husband in a tight embrace, Heero gently began to kiss his way across Duo's neck. The
long-haired man sighed losing his train of thought, just feeling the sensations running through his body.
"Heero we can't the - the party wi-will mis-s it..." Duo trailed off surrendering to the magical mouth of
Heero. They had time...
They were late to the party. "Gomen, Quatre we got a little sidetracked". The blond man was amused,
Duo still looked a little hazy, flushed cheeks, and hair unbound. "Glad you could make it eventually,"
Quatre slyly smiling, "This is the event of the year after all!" Smiling Duo entwined his fingers with
Heero's, the larger man looked down at his love and grinned. Since that night so long ago Duo had
come so far. Showing emotion, caring for things he never used to. Heero shuddered, although Duo may
like cooking he wasn't very good at it. Heero ate every thing Duo made, he didn't have the heart to tell
Duo no.
Walking across the floor in the main ballroom chatting with friends, the couple's progress was halted by
the sight of a one-year old Julia teetering towards them. "Dooooooooo-u" she crooned with delight.
Laughing Duo raced forward to lift the pink buddle off her feet. "Julia!" Heero smiled tenderly as he
watched the two of them. Julia had an obsession with Duo's hair, and every time they came to visit the
little one tended to use it like a chew toy. Tonight was no exception. As Duo cuddled the little one
against his shoulder, on pudgy hand clutched at the lose stands cooing in happiness.
Chuckling Duo pried the little digits away from his mass of chestnut hair. 'Duo' was, much to the cringe
of her parents, the first word Julia had learned. Still smiling in a silly way Duo began to waltz around the
floor with his small burden. Laughing like kids will Julia clapped her hands and wiggled trying to dance.
Heero took a seat in one of the near-by chairs set up for the people who needed to rest their feet.
"How are things?" Heero turned slightly to see Wufei take the seat next to him. Heero shook his head
and mock sighed, Wufei chuckled "He still bent on cooking?" Heero nodded. Giving his friend his best
forlorn look Heero told him his tale of woe, "We saw the rest of the Moulin Rouge the other day and
poor Duo nearly drowned in his own tears!"
Leaning back in his seat the black haired Chinese man rubbed his chin, "Bit emotional is he?" Heero
nodded again "I love it though, so much better then that cold closed expression he use to ware". It was
true, his assassin had come so far. Wufei just smiled, Heero had it bad he was head over heels over-
the-moon in love with his spouse. "I can't think of a better pair Heero..." the unruly haired man turned
to look at his close friend, "You think?" the Chinses man smiled "I always have..."
"Hi ya! Wufei, Heero!" the assassin walked up to the seated pair lacking a pink clad bundle of energy.
"What happened to your date?" Wufei asked seriously. Duo shook his head in mock sadness, "It was
her bedtime," he looked rueful "Her parents near killed me!" Heero laughed at that. He truly pitted any
feature boyfriends that one had. Wufei gained his feet excusing himself, it was time for the happy couple
to have a few moments alone.
Heero also rose to stand before Duo, extending one arm Heero silently asked Duo for a dance. Smiling
Duo reached out placing his small pale hand in the larger bronzed one of his beloved. Leading his love
onto the dance floor Heero gently pulled the smaller man close holding him tenderly. The two moved as
one, as they swept across the dance floor lost in each other. They didn't even notice the other guest
had stopped dancing to watch the couple. Totally absorbed in each other, Duo was reminded of that
night over a year ago, that night he was given a miracle he was given a second chance at life. Heero,
was his second chance...
That night both Deathsythe, and Wing Zero were destroyed killing Damon. It was also the night he
almost lost Heero to death. It was something Duo never again wanted to be witness to, he was content
here with the man he loved dancing on there one-year anniversary. Suddenly the song ended and the
lovers became aware of the audience they had. Blushing Duo tried to hid himself against Heero, still shy
around most people Duo didn't like the way he was the centre of attention. Smiling Heero steered them
onto the balcony. It was the same balcony the pair had stood on the night Heero preposed to Duo.
Still blushing faintly, Duo snuggled close to his husband as the wind picked up slightly. "Duo, do you
remember the last time we stood here?" Smiling Duo nodded how could he forget, that was the
moment that Duo knew he no longer wanted to die...
"Duo that night... I wanted to ask you sooner but it seemed wrong. So I want to ask you what
happened that night?" Duo stared out into the night, the calm all-encompassing blackness that once
represented his life. "Heero, that night what happen will remained a mystery even to me. All I know is
that I was given a second chance to be with you and that's all I ever wanted". The pair stood in silence
for quite awhile, until Heero became aware of Duo shaking. Whispering in his koi's ear Heero asked
what was wrong. Grinning Duo whispered back that he was cold.
Laughing out loud Heero swept the smaller man off his feet, "Come we return to this party!" Heero
proclaimed in his best commanding voice. Duo buried his face in Heero's neck smiling slightly "Ai
shiteru Heero Yuy..." Heero felt his lover move closer in his arms, "I love you too, Duo Maxwell..." the
pair returned to the party, content and happy in their life.
Somewhere beyond time and relevance, the fates smiled upon the two. There task fulfilled it
was time for them to once more rest. After all, Heero Yuy's life had been saved by an Angel With
Metal Wings...
Wilson: So this is the end of my story...
Wilson: @_@
Cas: Wilson no baka! We want more!
T: *shining gun* yeah now that your done how am I gonna get to hurt you?
Wilson: *gulps* well hehehehe.... you see
Casey: yeah I have so many more idea's for yaoi picture *off in lalalala land*
D: Mmmmmm.... candy....
Katie & Jay: More gay porn!
Wilson: Well... *smacked with lemons* Oro!
D: *springs into action* YOU CANNOT STEAL KENSHIN"S LINE!!!!! *steals T's gun and goes
after author*
All: *sweatdrop*
Wilson; Well that's it for this story but I'm working on a new one so keep your eyes peeled it's gonna
be called 'Fight From the Heart' anther lovely Gundam yaoi ^_^ *bang*
T: Hehehehe.... ^_~
Wilson: @_@