Oh...this. Well, this is ridiculous haha. Perhaps a little more humorous than hot, but oh well. Enjoy anyway :] all rights/characters belong to OUAT. If they were mine, we would be long past this point...

Damn this man. Emma tried desperately to pay attention to the movements of her blade and the way it cut through the green of the imported white calla lilies. Killian sat on the opposite side of the work bench with those focused eyes fixed on arranging the curved stems appropriately in the glass vases. His fingers moved gracefully, sliding along the rim of each container in a way she tried to ignore. He peered up at her, a smirk landing on his lips. Yeah, that bastard knew exactly what he was doing.

Anything she could do to sway him away from the rather interesting path they were headed for would be futile - her excuses tended to be rather futile when it came to his charming, persuasive words. Her attempts to brush off his suggestive looks and keep working were getting weaker by the second. Repeating the phrase 'hazardous work area' in her mind over and over was sure as hell not having the desired effect of blocking him out. Terrible, sexy, stupid Killian Jones.

Emma never ceased to be amazed by the unique situations that came with dating the man she'd once detested. She never imagined a time she'd be standing half undressed in the middle of a greenhouse during a torrential spring downpour, covered slightly with wet soil while being pressed gently against the glass wall. She'd also never contemplated the instance of laughing over broken glass vases they'd knocked off the storage shelves in the back of the floral shop when he tormented her with his tongue, allowing his hot breath to dance across every inch of her bare skin. No, those were things her mind never would have conjured up on its own - but count on the arrogantly persuasive florist across the street to make sure those things happened. Perhaps more than once...okay, definitely more than once.

Today was nothing of this scandalous sort - well, at least not yet. Emma had learned to never underestimate his ability to turn the most innocent of circumstances into a heated scene, one where they were usually missing several articles of clothing. She'd taken to just going with it over the past few months. That man had a way with words and a talent with using them to get exactly what he wanted and sometimes more. Today, however, she was determined. He had work to do and she'd committed to helping him. After all, floral centerpieces for some ridiculous city banquet would not create themselves.

The fact that he'd chosen to wear those damn work gloves wasn't helping much. There was something about those that made him look rather masculine and knowledgeable - as if he needed any more of those particular qualities. Emma had been coaxed into wearing a pair as well when he claimed there was a mild toxicity to the flower, a fact her brief and early morning research had highlighted as well. She had to wonder if the slight danger pertained more to the plant or the man. That answer was pretty easily ascertained.

There wasn't a chance in hell that she'd mention this to him. Killian didn't need any more fuel for this very slow burning fire. Instead, Emma tried to ignore his subtle advances and navigate using the far too big work gloves - both of which were making her delegated job difficult.

"Hey - easy with the knife there, love," Killian chided, winking flirtatiously. "We need angled cuts. Preferably about forty five degrees."

"Picky, picky," Emma taunted in return. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you don't trust my dexterity."

His eyes widened and that expressive eyebrow arched at her comment. She knew her words would ignite that sort of slow burning response. Being in a relationship with this confidently seductive man had taught her the power of a well placed innuendo. Dammit - no. She had to stop. They needed to get these flowers put together.

"It's not that at all, love," he assured her, his tone low and raspy as he moved behind her. "I am fully confident in your expertise. I just wanted to make sure you understood my directions. I'd be happy to demonstrate if you need it, Swan."

She knew exactly where that damn line could lead - and she also knew she shouldn't allow such a path. Yet as his eyes zeroed in on her with that darkening, bold blue, she found herself forgetting how to say no. She shrugged nonchalantly instead, almost all too aware that such a reaction would be met with a challenging response from the man. Damn him and his stupid, irresistible, smoldering gaze.

"Here, love," Killian said, sliding behind her and caging her with his arms as he took the tool to slice through the flower. "Like this - careful and consistent. Got it?"

She shivered a bit, a smile sneaking across her face as she felt his arms on each side of her. He did that quite often - that caging her in his embrace in a most intentional way. It never failed to put opportune thoughts into her mind - ones that were better let for a time when sharp objects weren't involved.

"I don't know," she replied without thinking, pressing her back into his torso. "Maybe you better show me one more time."

God, what the hell was wrong with her? This was not what she was supposed to be doing.

"Okay," he smirked, pushing back firmly. "Just take the blade, angle it just slightly to the right and slice."

Her eyes locked on the way his skilled fingertips assisted in the task. His breath hitched just behind her ear and she felt a subtle heat spread across the back of her neck. Yeah, she never stood a chance. Not for a single minute.

"Good thing I found a route to keep these arrangements within appropriate price range," he grinned. "Rather crafty if I say so myself."

Yes, her clever boyfriend had found a way to save the mayor's event budget by implementing a few silk flowers into the arrangements. He'd claimed it was a safer and somewhat cheaper method to filling the vases, setting them aside for the final touches to their floral creations. Emma, of course, wasted no time in teasing him about his sneaky frugality.

"It's not like most people will know the difference, Swan," he'd defended, digging his fingers into her ribs teasingly. "Plus, I clarified my choice with our rather prickly city secretary - and we both know that I do nothing less than keeping my promises."

"You know, Swan," he continued, keeping his stance just behind her as he swirled the stem around his fingers. "I don't believe I've educated you on the merit of this particular plant."

"Well, you know how I love a good botany lesson," she retorted, trying to keep her palms anchored on the surface of the work bench. "Care to share your knowledge?"

"The calla lily comes from a greek term for 'beauty'," he explained, pressing his lips gently to the side of neck. "Yet the meaning is rather dependent on color. For instance, yellow is gratitude. Purple is passion. Pink is admiration or the utmost sort of appreciation."

Emma closed her eyes involuntarily, biting her lip as she tried to hold back an impending moan. She'd never figure out how this man could get to her so easily, but for some reason in this moment, she didn't give a damn.

"But white-" he carried on, biting gently at the curve of her ear. "-denotes purity and innocence. That seems a bit out of place in this particular instance though, doesn't it?"

"Mmmm hmmm," Emma answered, tilting her head in accommodation. "Sounds like...quite the variety."

He laughed softly, placing a sultry kiss at the base of her neck. His fingers reached up to slide the thin strap of her sundress down her shoulder as he laid his lips against the revealed skin. Emma felt her body begin to tingle as she succumbed to his actions, digging her fingernails into the wood surface of her work space. Killian picked up a single calla lily from the table and held it petal side down to drag it down her arm, laughing successfully when she shuddered. It wasn't quite as cold as she'd anticipated, a quick thought that made her question if the procured plant was one of the real ones or not. Likely not with Mr. Safety right here, she mused silently. She shoved him back gently as she spun around to face him. That lust filled stare told her exactly what he had planned - and for a moment, the thought of complaining seemed totally unrealistic.

"Killian," she tried feebly. "You...ah, need to get...these centerpieces finished."

"I will," he promised her, reaching for the zipper on the back of her dress and sliding it downward. "But I don't think there's anything wrong with taking a little break."

As he started to slide her dress down her body, he backed away just enough for her to get her bearings. Her expression grew unintentionally playful as toyed with the buttons on his flannel shirt. She had to get the upper hand back somehow. With a smirk, her fingers began a torturously slow process of undoing each button. Emma felt a bit of pride seep into her actions as she watched him take a deep breath as he braced his hands on the work bench while keeping her firmly trapped between his arms.

She loved him like this - the way he'd get that territorial glare while invading her space in a most passionate way. She could feel the heat radiating off his skin as she pushed his shirt off his shoulders, allowing it to fall to the ground at his feet. Emma reached for the waist of his jeans and yanked him a bit closer. The action prompted him to drop his teeth back down onto her neck, kissing and nipping all the way to her collarbone. She gasped and ran her hands up his bare back to his scalp. He groaned a bit at the way she dug her fingers into his hair, pulling a little harder than necessary so he's move his lips back up to hers. The kiss was fierce in a way Emma needed and his fingertips wandered to the back of her dress. He tugged it down her body, pushing it to the floor alongside his shirt as a knowing expression took over his face.

"If I didn't know any better," he began, following the length of her spine with his hands. "I'd say it's you trying to avert my attention this time."

"Well," she breathed, trembling slightly under his touch. "I learn from the best."

He smirked at that, gripping her legs gently and lifting her to the frigid surface of the work bench. Her scorching skin tingled against the cool table and Killian's exploratory fingertips made her quiver just the slightest bit.

"Bloody hell, Swan," he breathed, a thickly accented tone taking over his voice. "I don't know how I could be expected to work under such challenging conditions. But you know, I think you like being a diversion."

"Well, maybe I-"

Her rebuttal died in her throat in the form of a tempted moan and she bit her lip when his lips grazed her shoulder. Killian laughed against her skin, a way he did when he knew he was getting to her - and dammit, he was.

"Lucky for you, Emma," he taunted in a near whisper. "I can appreciate a worthy distraction."

She felt the slow drag up her skin and it took only a moment to realize that the tormenting friction was that of a flower stem. He moved it up her side, pulling it gently along her collarbone and then carefully down the smooth space between her breasts. Emma couldn't help the way her head dropped back at the touch of the bent petal on her flesh any more than she could stifle the gasp that left her mouth when he followed the calla lily's path with his lips.

"What are you-" she tried, tilting her head when his teeth moved back to graze the space behind her ear. "-trying to do, Jones?"

"I should think that would be quite obvious, love."

Emma closed her eyes at the unexpected action, the plant now trailing up her spine as she gasped softly. The contrast of her heated skin with drops of water fall sporadically from the flower's stem was excruciating and she didn't know how much longer she could take his tedious ministrations.

Killian had used his work against her many times in quite the variety of ways - but never like this. No, this was was a whole new level of intriguing.

She felt her very weak sense of control fading as the petal brushed against her neck in a tickling manner and he set the flower down for a moment, resuming his gentle assault on her lips. Emma knew she needed to gain the upper hand again somehow. Her hands moved to his chest, her dull fingernails tracing the length of his chest and falling to the belt and button of his jeans. She angled her head into the kiss and allowed him to cup the back of her head as she made skilled and quick work of the denim. His pants dropped to the floor near her dress and his boxer briefs followed as he pushed them down his legs swiftly. His movements were firm and calculated, the mark of the man who ravished her on a much more than regular basis. Before Emma knew it, the only place any of their clothes could be located was in a haphazardly thrown pile on the ground - work gloves included.

Emma dropped her head to the side as his teeth moved gently up her neck and down her jaw line. It took a moment for it to register, but there it was - those damn faux flowers. Her mind tried to conjure an idea, struggling through the heated haze he'd created in her mind. Finally, her hands took charge and she lifted a silk calla lily by the stem as she pushed him back oh so lightly. His grip squeezed the edge of the work bench, assisting in anchoring his feet as he gazed down at her with a fire that she'd become all too familiar with. God, this man would be the death of her.

"Swan," he started with hesitant amusement, smiling at the way she twirled the flower between her fingers. "You look as if you're wrestling with an idea - perhaps a rather scandalous one."

"Maybe," she replied, glancing up at him from under her dark eyelashes. "Or perhaps I'm just trying to figure out the best way to distract you."

"Is that so?"

Emma nodded, hitching her foot carefully around his leg as she pulled him back to her. She moved to the edge of the table, the coldness of the smooth wood biting a tantalizing friction into the back of her thighs. Killian's expression was curious at first, but it quickly shifted to attentive and almost erotic.

"I think I like the calla lilies," Emma admitted, savoring the way he trembled under the flower's touch along his ribs. "Quite the creative choice, Mr. Florist."

"Yeah - ah," Killian groaned when she pulled the petals across his abs and down to his hipbone. "I thought they'd work well with...the occasion...but I must say that I didn't expect this, love."

It was her turn to smirk and she did so rather teasingly. He bit his lower lip hard as Emma brushed the wetness between her legs against his length, sliding over him several times before moving back just out of his reach. Killian leaned forward, his lips reaching for hers in a desperate attempt. The moment her mouth fused to his, Emma moved the silk calla lily's stem from his waist to the base of his erection. Killian nearly moaned at the sensation, nipping at her lip with anxious teeth. He returned his eyes to hers and the playful demand she found in his glare caused her hand to move without thinking, her slender fingers dragging the bottom of the flower along the hardness between his legs.

"Dear god, Emma," he growled, swallowing hard and trying hard to catch his breath.

"Mmmm, you know the stem of this flower-" she retorted, kissing his collarbone. "-is quite thick. Probably strong and maybe quite...durable."

"Ah, y-yes," Killian stuttered, definitely affected by her innovative torment. "Very flexible and...god, easy to...work with."

"Oh, is it?"

Before he could answer, Emma curved the stem loosely around his hard shaft. His breath halted and she grinned as she wondered just how far she could take this. Emma pinched the end of the stem to the top of it where it was holding up the pristine white petals, creating a firm hold on him. Her fingers pulled carefully on the flower, causing it to drag along the entire length of him in a back and forth motion. She had to smirk at the pleading curse that fell from his mouth - the one that told her exactly what his opinion now was regarding calla lilies.

"You-" he breathed, a needy expression taking over his features. "-are a bloody tease. Get over here."

He interlocked their fingers as he yanked her close, pulling both of their hands to her lower back so she was forced to drop the flower to the floor. Killian lifted her with skill and she drew her legs around his waist firmly. He didn't take his eyes off hers, knowing exactly where they were going as he turned them around. Taking a couple of short strides and surging forward until Emma's back braced against the wall. She moaned at the contact and Killian jerked, thrusting upward as he entered her. He dropped his forehead against her shoulder and she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, adjusting to his size.

Emma heard his soft gasp as he raised his vision back to hers, his eyes a bold and bright blue. They shared an honest moment - one that meant everything, even if it was in the midst of their insane seduction antics. It reminded her of the look between the two of them the very first time the found themselves in this position. His lips twitched into a sweet smile, triggering an identical one from her. God, she loved him. That thought filled her head and he pushed her hard against the smoothness of the wall.

Killian shoved his hips experimentally into hers, pressing his lips to her jaw and then back into the whirlwind type of kiss he knew she loved. Emma dug her fingernails gently into his shoulder blades as her mouth dropped open in pleasure. Each time he moved, she exhaled hard and pulled him tighter. Bloody hell, he was good.


"Harder," she whimpered, letting out a heated sound. "Please, Killian - just...harder."

That wicked smile found its way to his otherwise primal expression and he bit down on her shoulder a little more firmly than necessary. Emma moaned, gripping the hair at the back of his head as he continued to grind her into the wall.

"God, Killian..."

"Emma," he shot back, nearly chanting her name. "Emma, yes. God, so close. Please-"

Losing any sort of control still in her possession, Emma felt the heat spread throughout her entire body as she came with a most sated sound. He jolted up into her twice, letting out a deep breath and a near yell as he followed her. Killian kept moving, rutting his hips against hers for another minute or so before he turned to press his own shoulders into the wall. Still holding her up, he carefully slid his back down the surface until they had collapsed on the floor. He planted his feet so his knees were bent and Emma could remain firmly on top of him. She leaned her forehead against his and they paused to regain some type of composure - although it was quite difficult to consider being composed after that. After a few moments of breathing forcefully and fighting for air, Emma leaned back to look at him. His eyes were closed as he exhaled and rested his head against the surface behind him. Moving her the pad of her thumb over her cheek, she coaxed his eyes open. Clever, brazen, and that beautiful blue - just the way she liked them.

"Have I ever told you-" Emma started softly, punctuating her admission with a kiss. "-how much I love working with you?"

"Well, that's wonderful to hear," he laughed, tickling her back absentmindedly. "Because I love you."

"So," she replied with a grin, nibbling on her bottom lip. "Calla lilies huh?"

"Absolutely-" he grinned as he pulled her fingertips to his lips. "-and remind me to never doubt your creative eye again, darling."

*Hemingway says you should write while drinking, but edit while sober. I may have disobeyed one of these rules so any mistakes are all mine :] Also, I adjusted a few things from the original post...for safety reasons haha.