It happened again. Again. Except this time, it wasn't really his fault. This time, he was aware of the consequences. This time he was ready for them. He knew Mabel would be able to handle everything. He walked her through it beforehand. He trusted her.
He'd screwed up. Again. Again.
Just hours prior, Dipper had been sleeping soundly. His dreams were haunted by promises of mystery; of Soos fixing the shattered laptop, of his questions finally being answered. Abruptly, he had been startled awake - and upon opening his eyes, found his sister across the room, a belt fastened around her neck. He had known she was suffocating, she was in danger, in pain, but she had shown minimal signs of struggle. He had rushed to her, reached her in time to hear her last breath. He began to panic, screaming and crying, wondering why, why could he not have awoken sooner, why was he unable to stop his sister from taking her own life.
No one had burst into his room upon his wailing. Dipper had been completely alone. Dipper, the lone twin, had been the one to numbly raise his feet, to stumble towards his uncle's room, to shake Stan awake and blubber in anguish that Mabel was lying dead on their bedroom floor. Stan had slowly sat up, stunned, and put one hand on Dipper's shoulder.
Can you tell me what happened?
No, no- I- I didn't see her- I didn't know-I didn't-
You didn't know? Or you didn't help her?
I-I didn't-Either. I didn't- Mabel is-
Mabel was dying and you didn't do a thing, is that it?
Dipper's eyes had widened. Stan was right. Who knows what Mabel was thinking, why she would feel the desire to off herself... and Dipper was right next to her, yet couldnt (didn't) do a thing to prevent her death.
The realization had crushed him, and the rest was a blur. He had answered the voices that were biting at him, unsure of whether he was hearing Stan or his own guilt-ridden subconscious. Eventually, the voices blended, and he came to the conclusion that-
He would give anything to make this all disappear.
And just like that, Dipper had awoken. He then had looked across the room, but instead of his sister's broken body, he found his own. His mirror image had glared at him with a blank expression, and within seconds it contracted a manic grin.
"You did say 'anything'."
Mabel you have to promise me, really promise me and mean it that you won't let him get into your head. He played a trick on me, a really bad one. There was no way I could've seen through it... He's dangerous, Mabel. He's not me, no matter what he says. I know he's after the laptop and the journal... He wouldn't have returned at this moment unless we were closer to learning something.
But at this point - Mabel you have to listen to me! -I don't care about the journal, or the mysteries of Gravity Falls, or- or anything! He's serious this time, Mabel. Just give him what he wants, and get as far away from here as possible. Please, Mabel. I can't stand you getting hurt over this. I don't care if I never get my body back. Just...
Just save yourself.
"Give him back."
Two yellow-tinted, reptilian eyes widened with glee.
"Give my brother back to me!"
And what'll you give me in return?