Shards of a Broken Mirror.
Genres: Romance, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Supernatural
Full Synopsis: An alternate universe to KHR. After being honest with his feelings and with a given opportunity, Hibari reaches out to a heart broken Chrome, abandoned by Rokudo Mukuro. Everything was finally falling into place for Hibari as he pieces together his life with Chrome, determined to protect her and keep her happy. But what was with these persistent dreams? Haunted by a pink haired little girl? A past life? Visions from a parallel world? Things he would do in his everyday life would trigger a dream. What did it all mean? It was starting to become a nuisance and Hibari had a bad feeling about this. Something was unnatural, not right. And sooner or later, it might just affect his peaceful life and relationship with Chrome.
(Possible / Future) Pairings : 1896, 6996. (OC x 18/69?) *all could be temporary pairings, try not to get too attatched!*
A/N: I made this AU story for fun awhile back and I liked it so I realized I might as well upload this one too. It might be slower because my top priority is Spring Winds. My OC will be the same in both stories but please note that these two stories will not affect each other in any way. It is completely separate. I hope you guys will enjoy reading this and the storyline because it's pretty fun to write. :)
I'm trying my best but I'm 100% sure Hibari will probably come off as at least a bit OOC because even though it's third person limited, Hibari's thoughts is really difficult to capture and if I leave him how he is, the story won't really go anywhere :c
Italics = dreams / emphasis (not as likely)
I do not own any of the characters.
Or the images I photoshopped together for the cover photo lol.
A bright silver full moon against the backdrop of a starry night sky.
The petals from the nearby cherry blossom tree danced to the silent music of Spring winds.
"Heyyyyyy," she sang out in her childlike voice, disturbing the silence.
"Hn, interesting," the man mused quietly to himself. He strolled over to the girl who was perched up on his stone wall, her short bare legs dangling joyfully. "Child. Are you lost?"
She studied his features. Pitch black hair, dark silvery eyes, pale skin, sharp features.
"Ah, that's it!" She pounded a fist against the bare palm of her other hand in recognition of a realization. "Vampire!"
"Hm?" He smirked, his eyes lit with a hint of amusement. His arms folded inside the draping sleeves of his black yukata.
"Are you Hibari?" she grinned, showing her pearls that rivaled versus the stars behind her.
"Go home, kid. Before you get hurt," his eyes glinted.
"You didn't answer my question."
"No need. You're invading my property, leave now."
"Mmmmmm, nope. I've decided," she said as she hopped down from the wall. Her long light pink hair trailing down behind her like a cape, her white dress fanning out around her in a short twirl.
He raised a single delicate eyebrow as she clung onto him with a chime-like giggle, arms wrapped around his neck. "I like you," she whispered, her light brown eyes glistened like jewels before pecking him on the cheeks.
He woke up with a jolt, his hand hitting the wood with a knock. He turned his head to the right, his cheek pressed against the cool floor. In front of him was the speckled gray stoned wall that his dream took place at. Hibari covered his eyes with his forearm, the sleeve of his black yukata slid down, wondering how that dream originated. He tried to recall his past few days going out, if he encountered or even seen a little girl with pink hair but of course there was none.
"Kyoya," a sweet familiar voice called out, interrupting his chain of thoughts. He removed his arm to look up at the indigo haired woman who lightly stepped onto the wooden patio. "Were you napping out here again?" She giggled softly.
"Hn." He made a small noise before he sat up while she seated herself down beside him. The woman rested her head onto his shoulder and he pressed his nose into her hair, taking in the scent of her coconut scented shampoo.
She tilted her head up with an evident blush and kissed him softly on the lips. They parted and looked at each other in the eyes before she whispered his name and leaned into him again.
They broke away for air and he leaned his forehead against hers. She giggled breathlessly and he gave her the smallest curve of a smile before resting his forehead onto her shoulder. Her slender fingers brushed through his disheveled smooth raven hair. She smells so good, like lotuses aside from her hair, he thought as he drank in her scent and mumbled her name.
He grunted as something hit his body. He opened one irritated eye to look up at the figure sprawled on top of his side. He found the light pink hair, that he started to associate with annoyance, and the ends of a plum dress.
"Hibariiiiiin," she called out disturbingly loud at this hour. He groaned and turned onto his back, causing her to roll off. "Oof," she hit the tatami mats lightly. "Meanie," the girl whimpered. "You never share."
He looked up at the clock as his eyes adjusted to the darkness. Two in the morning. "Share what?"
"You," she giggled.
"Go away," he grumbled sleepily, not in the mood for her silly jokes.
However, persistence was her most annoying trait. Instead, she crawled on top of him. He grunted again as she kneeled on his stomach, her small palms on his shoulder. She watched him with a mischievous grin.
"I want to play. Let's go hunt werewolves!"
"No," he frowned, not wanting any more of her ridiculousness at two AM. "Get off," he got ready to toss her aside. She puffed her cheeks and crawled off on her own, making sure to kick his leg before she got off. He would have spent a moment glaring at the bothersome little hamster but he felt too tired. Instead he closed his eyes only for a short blissful moment.
He opened them again to look at the little body cuddling up to his side, sliding under his blanket. His lips parted, ready to yell at her again but there was no point. She laid on his arm, looking up at him with those light brown eyes, blinking ever so playfully.
"What are you doing?" He grumbled, not expecting an answer, and turned his head to the side, closing his eyes.
"Well you won't play with me so fine. I'll settle with sleeping by you," she giggled softly.
He mumbled some negative adjectives but said or did nothing more. She gripped his yukata and slowly, her movements reduced.
He tried to fall back asleep but it took awhile. Soon, he barely noticed the light snores and found relief that she was sleeping. Now he can be at peace.
"No… No."
Nagi stirred in her sleep, muttering and thrashing slightly. Hibari groaned, almost hazily believing it to be the little girl. But woke up fully and realized it was just a dream. He smoothed her hair, brushed it out of her face, hoping to give Nagi some comfort. She did this often or at least once a week. She would have a terrible dream, haunted by that man. Sometimes Hibari would cringe upon hearing a whisper of his name spoken from her lips but he understood. He will heal her soon.
He will never forgive that man. The man that had all of Nagi's attention and love. The one that crushed all of it, leaving her a shattered mess with only pieces of her heart. He will never forgive that person but deep down, he had to thank that man. Because without that man, there was Hibari. He now had a chance with the woman he had always begrudgingly admired deep down. The woman he had only ever had eyes for but never bothered to admit because it wasn't in his nature.
Nagi had loved that man since the moment Hibari met her. She only ever thought of that person, his name was the only thing she whispered. However, that poor excuse for a human being only knew how to break her heart. The person would always leave her, left her incomplete. The man filled her with empty promises and convincing lies. Nagi wanted to be with him desperately but he rejected her honest attempts. Nagi had been through a lot, including a life threatening situation but that man simply did not care no matter what. Her heart was broken into glittering shards for the single last line he spoke to her. The most cruel thing anyone had ever said to Nagi, for something that she couldn't have fixed, that couldn't have possibly be her fault against such an accident like that.
"I can't be with someone who can't give birth to kids."
That man, Hibari Kyoya will never forgive.
Rokudo Mukuro.
Nagi was the first and only person he ever took interest in. Before, he would never admit such a thing. Sure, he would help her if she needed it in a stubborn way, pretending it was only because she would cause more of a mess for him later on. But truth was, he never minded helping her.
He found her different than the other herbivores. She was soft spoken therefore she wasn't annoying and screaming half the time like the types of people he hated the most. Her voice was calming. He noticed that she was timid, she didn't like to bother anyone either. Her innocence was also an amusing trait to her. She wasn't overbearing.
She was modest and honest. She dressed in reserved clothes, not too flashy like those women irked him. She was kind, not like that mattered to him but he supposed it would be the trait most herbivores looked for. And if he cared for such thing, he would say she looked better than all the other herbivores.
He was fine with just seldomly seeing her, keeping conversations to a minimal. It never bothered him. He wouldn't know what to do with a significant other anyways. He never really cared nor understood why herbivores wanted such an affection. It just sounded like a weakness to him afterall.
But then, that bastard named Rokudo Mukuro appeared. Apparently an acquaintance of her from America, one that saved her from depression. He came dashing in with his unnecessary false hopes and broken promises. She fell in love with him nonetheless.
There was nothing Hibari could do about that so instead, he focused on not caring. Something he did well. So he started working more, traveling more. He saw her less and less. He was convinced he didn't have an inkling of interest in her anymore. Out of sight, out of mind.
He went some years without really seeing her actually. Maybe when Tsuna forced a meeting on everyone, he would catch a glimpse of her and the bastard that always seemed to beside her. But he didn't care, willed himself not to care.
But then it happened. She got into a huge accident. He remembered freezing on the spot, unsure what to say or what to do. He remembered speeding to the hospital, meeting the other herbivores in the hallway. They were all pale and the other women were in tears. He remembered feeling more angry than anything. It was all a messy blur of thoughts and frustration until a nurse came outside, telling everyone the news.
He found that he was really glad she was alive. But the rest of the news were hard to take in. He got a small sight of her along with the crowd but he left soon after. Nothing he could, nothing he wanted to say.
A week later, he came to see how she was doing. Just part of the job, he told himself. As Hibari arrived at her room, the bastard rammed into his shoulder walking out. He only glanced back to give Hibari a sly smirk. Hibari found the annoyance rise up in him and his fury spilled over when he walked in to find her in sobs and hiccups. He was unsure what to do as those tears poured out of her. All he knew was that he was going to kill that man.
He didn't know he wouldn't get the chance to. That man left. Left Nagi there, broken. Broken from the accident and now broken by him. Rokudo Mukuro abandoned Nagi and he didn't give a crap about it.
Hibari visited her more often than he planned to. Slowly, she started opening up to him. Once a day she would mumble a thing or two about it. Then he heard the whole story, the indecency of that man. Hibari wanted nothing more than to pummel him into a pulp, any way of spilling his blood. He didn't know how much he could be angry, for someone else.
And since then, he vowed to her vaguely that he would be the one to make her happy, that no herbivore deserved her. He will always remember her reaction, the parted lips, the widening eyes. But soon enough, it was washed over by her gentle smile and the short nod.
"Okay," she said.
And "okay" was all he needed.
{ ... }
Hibari was actually walking among a crowd today despite every cell in his body telling him to give it up, begging him to go back to the comforts of home. He had no choice after all, Nagi really wanted to go to the festival today and no way in hell was he going to let her go with thirsty herbivores.
"Thanks for taking me here today, Kyoya," she smiled gently. Especially not when she was looking like this, Hibari thought. Nagi was dressed in her navy blue yukata with silver lotus flowers. Her hair was in a loose bun and she had light make-up on which consisted of a dark blue eye shadow.
"Hn." Hibari was watching his lover in modest enchantment and a small bit of pride. If he were a herbivore, he would have told her how beautiful she looked today. But such actions and words were not the ones of Hibari Kyoya. At least not often.
She giggled softly and looked into his cool gray eyes. "Can I hold your hand?" She asked with a light blush creeping up her cheeks.
He raised an eyebrow. She made it seem like they never held hands before. Hibari scoffed before grabbing her delicate hand in his, relaxing in the warmth it provided. They walked hand in hand like those herbivorous couples but this will be one of today's many exceptions. Although he didn't like the idea of being one of them, he enjoyed the moments they spend together.
The couple walked around the aisles of games and food, attempting to maneuver around the shoulders of a bustling crowd. Somewhere along the way, she started stumbling. Her attention caught elsewhere in the crowd.
"What is it?" he asked.
She looked up at him quickly and shook her head. "Nothing," she smiled and returned her attention ahead. He found it odd but he shrugged it off. It was something she didn't want to share, he wouldn't push it.
And somehow, Hibari managed to buy takoyaki for Nagi and some for himself even though he wanted to mow down everyone in his way. They ate together on an isolated bench, much to Hibari's liking. The two, as individuals, never talked much. So naturally they didn't have much to say when they were together. But they both liked it that way. The pair sat in comfortable silence as they ate their freshly warm takoyaki until a familiar group came their way.
"Chrome-chan! Hibari-san," Tsuna greeted them, the rest of their little group followed behind. Chrome was Nagi's name, the one she gave everyone when she moved here from America. However, Nagi was her real name. The one her parents gave her, the same ones that abandoned her. Only two people called her by that name now.
"Ah, everyone," Chrome smiled timidly and stood up, smoothing down her yukata. "How have you been?"
They all replied at once and the conversations just flowed on from there. Hibari felt suffocated, he hated crowds after all and even if he got a little bit more used to this specific one. Five or more years back, he would have glared daggers at them and perhaps he would've liked to pierce them with real ones for even daring to crowd around him. Not to mention the collection of death threats he would toss at them along with said daggers. But he made progress, maybe due to her.
He stood up and started walking away when Chrome called his name. "Are you leaving?" Her expression taking on one with worry.
"Hn. I can't stand crowds," he answered bluntly.
She nodded slowly. "Then, I'll go with you," she smiled and started gathering her things.
Hibari wanted so much to accept her offer but he remembered how she asked last week if he wanted to go with the rest of these herbivore. "Enjoy and take your time, I'll be waiting at the shrine," he managed to give her another a small smile. Hibari didn't smile often but he would if it was for the person he loved, one he wished to keep.
"Okay," she nodded and tip toed to give him a light peck on the cheeks. He scoffed and left on his way without another glance back. They were fairly close to the shrine so he wouldn't have to deal with too many people.
A few people were walking down the steps to the shrine as he made his way up. Hopefully no one was actually at the shrine, he prayed. Usually they would all be down at the stalls so it should be fine.
When he reached the top, he thankfully noticed that no one was there. He exhaled out of relief. The air felt so such nicer up here, it was no longer suffocating. He had peace to hear himself think and he had the space not to be trying to dodge someone every second. He has never gone to the festival just for himself. Years ago he went to collect money for the disciplinary committee and after that he hasn't gone for some years until now, now that he has Nagi to care about. After seeing the state she was in, he decided that he was going to make her happy. He'll be the one to do it, no one else. And he wasn't going to let her get hurt again.
Hibari walked over to the shrine when he noticed something peeking out from the corner. The person, seems to be female, leaning against the wall. He felt the corners of his lips dip into a frown out of disappointment.
He saw a peek of a black yukata with cherry blossom flowers. Not only a frown, but now his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.. And even if he was only imagining it, his nose wrinkled by the reminder of the scent. Oh how he hated cherry blossoms. He couldn't exactly recall the reason why he did but it probably had to do with the moment he met Rokudo Mukuro, every fiber in his being itched to beat him up under those accursed flowers.
He was so lost in thought and continued idly walking that he didn't notice or react until the person rammed into his shoulder lightly. Suddenly the corner of the shrine and line of trees focused in his vision.
"Ah," a small bell-like voice rang out. Hibari narrowed his eyes immediately and turned around, about to yell at the person. "Sor-"
He raised an eyebrow at this masked girl. She was wearing a fox mask over her face but it appeared like she was watching him. The girl stared at him for short moment but turned around and rudely left without another word.
Her pink hair whipped by him, trailing behind her, leaving a scent of cherry blossoms.