Description: Having feelings for Jack for several years now, Bunnymund is ready to confess, but when a furry uninvited guest arrives, how is he to do so when said guest wants the boy for himself as well?

Disclaimer: I do not own Rise of the Guardians and if I did, I would enjoy making this an actual scene.

Notes: The idea of this came from the top of my head, so I'm not sure how it will go. I thought it was pretty interesting after reading another fanfiction involving the Groundhog. This might be several chapters long, so bear with me if I don't post a chapter up for a bit. Everyone enjoyed my other Rotg Fanfic, so why not make another? With our favorite couple/duo!

Chapter 1

Unexpected Visitor

Why did that boy have to be so damn gorgeous?

E. Aster Bunnymund would never confess such a thing to another person, unless they were his crush. And a specific white-haired Guardian.

Yes, that Guardian.

Jack bloody Frost.

It had been only a mere few months after Pitch's inevitable defeat that Bunnymund started to grow these feelings for Jack. It wasn't one of those love-at-first-sight things, for Bunnymund had continued to get angry over the fact that Jack had messed up his Easter in '68, but once he got over it and he started hanging around the boy more, he felt the feelings start to develop.

Agonizingly slow.

At first, he was in complete denial. It first started off with thoughts of why he would actually like the darn boy if all the kid ever did was mess with his egg hunts and cover early spring with snow, but it then turned into complete belief and realization that he actually did love the young Guardian. Everything about Jack he thought was annoying at first became beauty in his eyes, and the more he stared on, the more he couldn't stay away.

He thought that several years ago.

Now, the Guardians were relaxing after Easter this year and catching up on non-important things. North and Tooth had gotten into a debate over what cookies were good and bad for and Sandy had watched on in amusement. Bunny had sat there and tried to listen to them, but seemed almost nervous about something. Well, over someone.

Jack hadn't made it to the meeting yet, but that was normal. He loved playing around with the kids first before heading over. Well, Jamie wasn't much of a kid anymore, but he still believed strongly in the Guardians, and so did his friends and his sister Sophie. Jack would drop by to see them and play around before heading over to the meetings. Though, as time went on and Bunnymund had to wait, he grew more nervous.

Bunny was going to finally spill it out.

His feelings for Jack.

Well, not to the others, but to Jack himself. He wasn't ready to tell the others yet, but he knew he would have to tell them eventually. For right now, however, he was more concentrated on getting Jack and him alone somewhere so he could confess these feelings to him, but the more he thought about how it would go, the more worried he got.

'What if Jack doesn't even like me back..?' questioned Bunny as he thought to himself.

He was worried that Jack might not like him back the same way, or would reject him. That would send Bunny into a downward spiral if that was the case. He wouldn't know what else to do with himself. He knew he couldn't be too girly about this, wasn't like this was his first time trying to cope with his feelings, but he knew that if he messed up, it was going to be over for him. It would feel as if the world wasn't worth much anymore, as exaggerated as that sounds. All the things he was worried about were coming back to haunt him and it was probably going to only be a few minutes until Jack made it here.

Why was he getting so nervous over something so trivial?!

Before he could even contemplate the thought even longer and try to answer his own question, a window beside the fireplace had been forcefully opened and a cold gust of wind had made its way inside, followed by a slim figure.

Jack was here.

Said Guardian descended towards the table with elegant ease, staff in hand and a wide grin on his face. That grin made Bunnymund melt. It complimented Jack well and it was even more astonishing when Jack's blue shining eyes accompanied it. He knew it would be a matter of time before he got to stare into those eyes even deeper, but he couldn't help but stare into them now. It was funny, really. He first thought those eyes and that grin was annoying, but now he couldn't take his eyes off them.

"Hey guys! Did I miss anything?" Came his melodic voice and North quickly gave a hearty laugh at Jack's entrance.

"No, actually. Come join us! Me and Toothy were just talking about why my cookies good." Came North's thick accent, but Tooth interjected immediately.

"No, why they are bad. And I don't want you eating any of those things Jack. They could ruin your beautiful teeth." She added in quickly in an attempt to keep North from corrupting the younger ones mind before flying over to Jack to inspect his teeth, pulling his lips apart with delicate fingers to get a better look at those pearly whites.

Bunnymund wanted to break her fingers.

Okay, he knew she did this all the time, but it still struck jealousy into his heart as he watched Jack willingly let her see his teeth. He wanted to see his teeth close up too.

Well, taste them per say.

Wait, stop that Aster! Focus.

Tooth reluctantly pulled back as Jack laughed and swatted her away.

"I won't if I don't have to. I like eating them though." Jack replied with a shrug, causing North to grin and pat Jack's shoulder as he sat with them. "See Toothy? Even Jack think cookies good." He stated, and soon his and Tooth's debate continued, now adding in Jack every once in a while to get his opinion.

Bunnymund felt like he had been frozen in place. He had no idea how to go about this. He knew he could just pull Jack away and speak with him, but it was hard when everyone had their attention on Jack every few seconds. He just wondered how in the world he was to do this, but the realization that he had to got him to act.

Bunny got up from his seat and made his way around the table and over to Jack. He rested a paw on the boy's shoulder, causing the gorgeous Guardian to turn his head and stare up at him with those adorable blue eyes. Bunny almost hesitated to speak, knowing if he didn't have self-control, he would have pounced on the boy right then and there. But he eventually found the mental stability to actually speak words.

"Jack, can I talk to you in private?" Bunny asked, glad that his fur covered any sign of blushing or sweating.

"Sure." Jack said with confusion in his voice at his whole first name being said, which was rare from Bunny, and he got up to follow.

With the others occupied for now, their attention away from Jack, it was his best time to slip Jack away from them and finally spill the beans over the table. Bunnymund led Jack away from the table and out of the room, heading into a small, but fairly quiet hallway. Bunny stopped, causing Jack to stop as well. Jack looked completely confused, and he was. What would Bunny want to talk to him in private about? Was it about… what he thought it was?

Jack, though rather hesitant about it, had started getting the feeling that he had a bit of blatant feelings for Bunnymund. They didn't come out as strongly as Bunnymund's, but he knew that he felt some type of way around Bunny every time he went to bother the Pooka at his Warren. It was faint, but every time Bunny got too close when trying to catch him, Jack's heart would race even faster than it usually would when being pursued by the giant Rabbit. It happened every time, and Jack was sure that it meant something. So as he stood there, wondering what Bunny would possibly want to say to him in private, he hoped, wished, that it was what he wanted to hear for a while now. Knowing how Bunny felt about him would help him come to terms with his own unanswered feelings. His eagerness to Bunny's answer showed as his grip on his staff tightened slightly.

Bunny let out a huff of air, facing Jack with a look of nervousness, his ears pinned back against his head to show it.

"Jack… I wanted tah tell ya, for a few years now… that-"

Before Bunny could finish, a sound of the floor opening up met his ears. He turned his head towards a hole that had appeared a few feet from him and Jack and wished it wasn't who he thought. Out from the hole came a rather humanoid-looking animal, much like Bunnymund, but he had brown fur with faintly black patches. He had a rather medium-sized tail compared to Bunny's and it took Jack a couple of minutes to figure out who it was, using Bunnymund's disgusted expression and the mammals smug look to piece it together.

That was a Groundhog.

The Groundhog.

Welp, hope you guys are enjoying it so far. I hope I get the Groundhog to act properly. I'm not sure how he would act, but probably annoying to Bunnymund, since he hates him so much. xD

I'm just not sure how long I should make this. Welp, if people enjoy it, I guess I can go and try and make it as long as possible.

A bit of a slightly cliché ending, but meh. It'll be okay. I promise to make it better~ xD