Welcome to my first multi-chapter fanfic. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. Please follow/favorite and review.

It has been five years since the attack at the academy. I can remember it like it was yesterday. Everything we did that night. And even the rescue. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't enough to save her. We lost a few people. But most of all. We lost the last Dragomir. We lost Lissa. Sweet, sweet Lissa. I would do everything to go back and give my life for hers. But I can't. And I wouldn't be the only one. I see Dimitri struggling every day. Eddie never forgave himself for not saving her. He keeps blaming himself that the survived it in the caves, but Lissa didn't. But most of all, Christian. I am worried. He left after graduation and I never heard about him again. I tried. But he doesn't want to be found. We all grief about the loss of a friend. I, myself, am struggling every day without Lissa. When she died the bond between us broke. And it left a hole in me. I can't find the words to describe it. It's like a part of me is missing.

After we graduated we all went separate ways. I pushed Dimitri away from me. Blaming myself for the dead of Lissa. Just like he blamed himself. We stayed together until I graduated. But after it we just couldn't stand to be together without remembering her. We broke up and he went back to Russia. I've heard that he became a guardian at St. Basils. After he lost two of his charges they didn't know what to do with him anymore. So they placed him at the academy in Siberia. I think it's a bad place for him. He doesn't belong to be an academy guardian. As the God he was, he could at least be teaching them stuff. But they doesn't allow him. I guess I followed him better than I thought. I still haven't forget about him. He was my first true love. And I still love him. Even after all these years. I guess I was stupid for breaking up with him.

Eddie disappeared after graduation as well. But he went on a suicide mission to kill as many as strigoi as he could find. What I heard about it, it were a lot of strigoi. After three years he was still alive. Thank God. After that he came to court and he is a guardian to a Badica lord. I spoke to him when he came back. But the Eddie we all knew is completely gone. He took it hard when Mason died. But it isn't compared to the loss of Lissa. He was Lissa's guardian for the field experience. And after all, he saw her as his first charge. He was like Dimitri when I first met him.

Christian went to live with his aunt Tasha after graduation. She still live in the human world and so does he. I don't know what he does in his life. I tried to visit him a couple times, but he disappears before I get to see him. Tasha says that it is because I remind him of her. And he isn't over her. She told me that Lissa was the light of his life. And I get that. Before her he hide in the church attic all the time. After he and Lissa became a couple he was more social. At least to us. I still see him as a brother. And I hope that someday we can talk again.

Adrian went back to court as soon as he could. He is determined to find more information about spirit. He says that he owns it to Lissa. He still smokes and drinks. But he doesn't drink as much as he did. I talk to him every week. He travels a lot to find more information. He is the one that keeps me updated about Dimitri. He goes to the academy's twice a year. He teach students and teachers about spirit. And stays a little longer as the academy has a new spirit user. He even writes books about it. I guess that even Adrian isn't the same anymore.

And me? Well, at the moment I am a guardian at court. They don't know what to do with me. So they place me where they need me. And at the moment. They don't need me anywhere. So I'm stuck here. After graduation I went to court with all my fellow students. The moroi who needed a new guardian could request who they wanted. Nobody wanted me as their guardian. I guess that they all blamed me for the dead of the last Dragomir. They assigned me first at court, but then this guy showed up. Abe Mazur. Guess what. He is my father. He talked me into his business and now I chores for him. Picking up stuff and bring it back to him. Nothing illegal. But it pays well.

So, this was chapter one. I used this chapter more to explain a little to what happened to the charachter in those five years!