Saving Severus
He threw back the shot and slammed the empty glass on the counter, signaling for more.
He'd had enough, enough of that woman.
He downed another glass.
Enough of her back talk. The woman had gotten far too cocky the past year, using that weirdness of hers.
He stared at the amber liquid in his glass.
Far too full of herself, and it all started after that freakish kid of hers got his letter to that fancy, freak school.
He emptied the glass and tapped his finger against it, ordering another shot.
She'd only gotten worse as the years passed, and now that spawn of hers had gotten cocky as well.
He downed the drink and upended the glass.
It was time to teach them some manners.
Tobias Snape left the bar and stumbled his way down the street towards his house.
"Woman!" he bellowed, throwing open the door.
A plate crashed in the kitchen and with a leer he headed in that direction. The freakish brat he was forced to call a son stood in the doorway, blocking him.
"Severus, go upstairs."
"No, Mum, I'm not going to let him hurt you." The boy glared at his father.
"Out of my way, boy!" He reached for the brat and his hand twitched away like it had every time he'd tried to touch the bastard child the past two years.
"Not this time," Tobias growled and forced his hand to grab the boy, throwing him to the side.
"Don't hurt him!"
"Shut up, woman!" he roared and slapped her across the face. "I've had it with you, your freakish ways, and your back talk."
Tobias raised his hand and hit his 'wife,' sending her crashing to the floor.
"Leave her alone!" Arms wrapped around his waist and tried to pull him away from the groaning woman.
"Get off, brat!" He pulled the boy off him and threw him from the room.
Severus hit the wall hard and slid down, dazed.
"I'll deal with you later," Tobias promised, slamming the door.
"No, you won't." His 'wife' staggered to her feet, gasping and wrapping an arm around her ribs. "You won't. . hurt him. Not. . .any. .more."
He snarled at her, fists clenching as he walked over to her.
Outside, Sev picked himself up off the floor, rubbing his head where it had hit the wall. A cry of pain cleared the fog from his mind and he shot up.
"Mum!" Severus yanked open the door to see his mother drop to the floor. "No!"
Sev launched himself at his 'father,' knocking him off balance and bringing both of them to the floor.
"Why you li'l-!" A large hand grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and pinned him to the floor, the motion jarring his necklace loose from under his shirt.
"What's this?" An alcohol drenched voice slurred above him. "You been holdin' out on me, boy?"
A hand grabbed the pendant and Sev yelped as the cord cut into his neck before snapping.
"This looks pretty, should fetch a nice price."
Sev's heart sank as his father pocketed the bright red raven.
"I'll teach you to hide things from me!"
A fist slammed into his face and Sev's vision blurred.
"Freak!" the man above him yelled as a loud crack split the air.
"Release the child!" The voice was cold and furious.
"Who're you? Another freak?" Tobias Snape spat at the barely visible figure.
"I repeat, release the child!"
Sev watched his father sneer.
"Make me!"
A loud bang and Tobias Snape was flung across the room, where he dropped unconscious to the floor. Footsteps approached, and Sev felt hands pull him up and settle him against a broad chest. A vial was pressed to his lips.
"Drink." The voice was softer now.
Severus did, feeling the pain fade and the swelling go down.
"Ah, child," a voice murmured in his ear, "I am so sorry."
Gentle fingers brushed across his face and through his hair.
"I had hoped you would never need me." The voice sighed softly and when it spoke again it was filled with anger and regret. "And I was late when you did."
"It's ok, 'm alright," Sev mumbled as the pain induced fog lifted from his mind. "Stopped him 'fore he got going. Mum's the one who – Mum!" He shot up, staggering a little, "Please, you have to help my Mum!"
"Of course," his rescuer stood up, "but you should rest."
A gentle hand pushed him back down and Sev sat and watched the man move to his mother. Sev was fairly sure it was man as the chest he'd been propped up on had been too flat. Although he couldn't be sure as it was surprisingly difficult to follow and focus on the figure as he kept fading in and out of focus.
The person waved their wand, muttering spells Severus couldn't make out before lifting his mother's head and pouring several potions down her throat. She groaned, but remained unconscious. The man waved his wand again and she floated into the air.
"Where is a good place for her to rest?"
Sev hopped up, "Follow me."
Severus led the person up the stairs and into his parent's bedroom, his mother floating along behind them.
"She will need lots of rest," he told Sev as he gently laid her on the bed. "It'll take about two weeks, but she should recover fully."
The door closed softly behind them and they made their way back down stairs.
"Are you sure she'll be ok?" Sev asked, glancing back at the door.
"Yes, I've stopped the bleeding and healed the worst of it. Sadly, I'm not a doctor or a healer, so while I do have knowledge and training of emergency medicine I would still recommend seeing a professional, just to be safe."
Sev squirmed, money had always been a problem and there was no way he could afford treatment. As though sensing the issue, the man continued.
"However, I understand if you wish to keep this quiet and will do the best I can to make sure such a visit would be unnecessary." The man placed a reassuring hand on Sev's head and Severus felt a weight lift off his shoulders.
"Are you the Guardian?" The question burst from him, and Sev bit his lip as the figure paused on the last step.
". . .I am. I hope I didn't scare you."
Sev looked at the towering, shadow–like figure whose face was hidden behind a mask that looked, to Sev, to be like a broken helmet. It was the image of a fallen warrior.
"No," Sev answered honestly. "I feel protected."
A smile appeared on the partially masked face and a hand ruffled his hair before the man led him into the sitting room.
"You will need someone to watch you while your mother recovers. Do you have a place to stay?"
"I'm not leaving my mother!" Sev crossed his arms and glared defiantly at the Guardian who merely raised the one visible eyebrow.
"I'm not asking you to. I am asking if you have someone to look after you, to make sure you eat right, get to bed on time, do your homework and such, while she is healing."
Sev deflated a little, "Oh."
"If you don't, I can stay, not all day, but often enough and long enough to ensure both you and your mother are taken care of."
"You. . you'd do that?" Sev asked, astounded that anyone would be willing to do so much for him and a little unsure what to think or feel.
With a smile the Guardian flicked his wand and Severus' necklace flew into the man's hand.
"I promised to protect you, didn't I?" The man slipped the now repaired necklace back around Sev's neck. "Although, I was under the impression you had a friend nearby?"
"Wha-? Oh, Lily!"
"Would her parents be willing to let you stay over? Or at least check on you from time to time?"
"I think so," he answered hesitantly and the man nodded.
"Why don't you go ask. I'll still be here when you get back," he added quickly when Severus hesitated. Sev smiled, relieved, and left.
It was a quick run over to Lily's, whose parents insisted on coming over to talk to the mysterious 'Guardian.' Nervously, Severus led them and Lily, who flatly refused to be left behind, back to his home, enormously grateful to see the Guardian waiting in the sitting room drinking from a hip flask.
Mr. and Mrs. Evans paused in the doorway, staring at the strange person in front of them. Lily gaping openly until Sev elbowed he in the ribs, snickering, though he noted the place was much cleaner and airier than he remembered it.
"Mr. and Mrs. Evans I presume? A surprise and a pleasure to meet you."
They blinked as the figure rose to greet them.
"Yes, well. ." The elder Evans were finding it extremely hard to focus on words when they couldn't focus on the person they were talking to. Apparently realizing the problem the figure removed his cloak.
"My apologies, does this help?"
"Much," Mrs. Evans said, relieved when she was able to follow the man's path. "Now, what is this about Severus and his mother?"
They were quickly told the basic story. That Mrs. Snape was injured and Severus needed someone to check on him from time to time while Severus looked after her. Sev was relieved the Guardian hadn't mentioned his injuries or his father's involvement, though the look Lily gave him said he would be explaining in greater detail later. Once the adult Evans agreed to help they left, Lily giving Severus another significant look.
"Well," the Guardian stood as well, picking up the cloak and putting it back on. "Now that that's settled I should be leaving as well. I will send over potions for you and your mother every other day and will come back to check on her progress at least once a week."
He placed several vials on the table.
"These are for your mother and these," several more potions were placed in Severus' hands, "are for you, and I expect you to take all of them."
The tone and stern look told Sev the man knew he hadn't been taking all his potions, and Severus squirmed uncomfortably.
"The instructions," the man continued with a flick of his wand, "are on the table along with the recipes, if you're feeling curious."
Sev stared at two papers and swallowed the lump in his throat. No one had ever done so much for him, or showed him so much care, except his mother and Lily.
"Thank you."
The man knelt in front of him.
"You are not alone, Severus. Not now, not ever. I promised I would protect you. I did and I will continue to do so until you are able to protect yourself." The man gave him a small smile. "Which, given how strong you are now, should be soon."
Sev did something he never thought he would ever do to anyone other than his mother; he threw his arms around the stranger. Strong arms returned the hug.
"What about him?"
The man tightened his hold. "I will be taking him with me, if you don't mind?"
Sev shook his head. "Take him! Please, please take him and don't ever let him come back!"
"I will never let him hurt you again."
Severus nodded and scrubbed his eyes as the Guardian stood and made his way back to the kitchen. A wave of his wand and everything was fixed and back to normal. Sev watched as his father and the Guardian disappeared with a loud crack, feeling a heavy weight lift from his chest.
Briar watched the body of Tobias Snape burn, acid churning in the back of her throat. When she'd first felt the raven on her necklace heat up she'd frozen. Then it was a blur of movement as she'd grabbed her stuff, snatching up as many potions as she could fit in her pockets and stuffing the first hair she'd grabbed into a vial of polyjuice potion, leaving before it had a chance to fully change her.
Arriving to find a man sitting on top of Severus with his fist raised had had her seeing red. She'd used much more force than necessary to throw the man across the room and had thoroughly enjoyed hearing a couple of bone break.
Of course seeing Severus lying on the ground with a blood covered face had sent her into panicked medic mode. It didn't help that Severus's black hair and pale skin reminded had her flashing back to all of the times she'd come across Harry covered in blood and her guilt at not arriving in time increased. It diminished somewhat at the gratefulness Severus showed her after she'd taken care of his mother.
Explaining the situation to the Evans without giving too much away or embarrassing Severus had been challenging, but watching Lily throw suspicious looks at Severus had been amusing. By the end of the conversation her nerves had been fried and she was ready to go.
Briar blinked as the fire went out and stared at the pile of ash. Letting out a long, slow breath she banished the ashes and turned to leave. It was a long walk back to anywhere and Briar used the time to clear her head. She had promised, in not so many words, that she would help Severus with his mother which meant spending time with him as the Guardian. Briar was not looking forward to that and her mind raced as she tried to figure out how to salvage the situation without sacrificing any of her other plans.
She stopped when she reached to edge of a cliff and heaved another sigh. Her lips twitched in a smile.
The hug had been a surprise.
Author's Notes:
In case any of you are wondering why Briar appeared as a male Guardian. Well, she can't let anyone know she's the Guardian, plus polyjuice (in my theoretical opinion/nerd based pondering) gives the drinker the abilities of the person they are impersonating, which Briar takes advantage of in order to be stronger and/or faster than her opponents. That and (like I think I mentioned in the story) she just grabbed a random hair.