By the time Castiel pulled into the parking lot of the hotel he'd found on the Internet Dean was fast asleep.

Regardless of how hard his omega was to handle at times, Castiel missed Dean's constant chatter and energetic ways. The alpha thought the omega was beautiful when he was awake, but he was even more attractive when he was sleeping.

His plush lips were slightly damp with spit (Dean licked his lips alot in his sleep), his freckles were even more prominent in the soft moonlight, and his eyes fluttered constantly as if he was having a particurally exciting dream.

Not to mention the fact that Dean had nestled deeply into his side and despite the small amount of drool on his shoulder, he couldn't have imagined a more perfect moment to end this day.

Castiel cleared his throat in an attempt to stop himself from cuddling the omega ever closer when Dean groaned and snuggled further into his stomach.

He still couldnt believe that hed actually found his mate!

He parked the truck and took a moment to further examine his mate. The alpha really didnt want to disturb Dean's slumber, but he knew the omega would be more comfortable sleeping in an actual bed rather than the cramped front seat with Pierres carrier taking up most of the space.

Castiel shook his mate slightly, hopefully he wasnt a very heavy sleeper.

"Mff?" Dean groaned rubbing his eyes before glancing up at the alpha. "Wha-? Cas? Why'd you wake me up like tha'?"

"Because we are here Dean."

He was just the cutest little thing. Sleepy Dean was a pleasent change from awake Dean. But he couldn't deny that both were equally adorable.

The omega had spent most of the day all bright eyed and keyed up, almost like his brother Gabriel-

Oh no.

He couldnt exactly keep Dean a secret forever. His family would eventually have to know that he'd finally found his mate. But he barely managed to tolerate his bothers! How would Dean react to the uncouth mongrels? Especially Gabriel.

The two men were alike in some ways, and Castiel figured that the two would either be partners in crime or bitter enemies.

The alpha didn't know which was worse.

Dean looked almost dissapointed at being woken up from his slumber for a moment, but his expression faded and his usual boisterousness returned. "Already? Man I was having the most kick ass dream. You were there and-"

Well maybe he could keep it a secret. Not for long, but just until he had enough time to prepare Dean for what he should expect- Wait.

Dean had been dreaming about him?!

Maybe this was a sign, perhaps they really were meant to be!

"-you were the Butler and I was Batman and Pierre made an awesome Robin. You kinda sucked as a servant though. You kept spilling all the damn liquor."

Of course.

"Holy shit! This is a pretty nice place Cas!" Dean got out of the car, nearly falling over at the sight if the 5 star hotel complete with valet and a crystal water fountain. "Are you sure you can afford all of this?"

Now that Castiel thought about it he never did tell Dean much about himself. And he knew next to nothing about Dean himself. Was he even the omegas 'type' ? Most omega's usually went for the alpha's that were the most financially stable.

"I can afford this and much more Dean. I failed to inform you that I am the CEO of a prominent shipping company. I apologize for not telling you."

"Well that's pretty cool I guess. But I'm a mechanic. And I think my job is way better than yours." Dean smirked. "Definately more exciting than a boring office job."

Well it was worth a shot. And at least he wasn't a gold digger. But even if Dean didn't find his wealth all that appealing, he knew he would still buy the omega everything he wanted and more.

Regardless of whether his mate knew he wanted it or not.

The omega's expression softened and he placed an idle hand on his belly. "Thanks for the drink by the way. I really needed that. It's been a while since someone's treated me like a regular person instead of just some... weak little pregnant omega who must be dying for a knot and a steady hand." Castiel paused, Dean was confiding in him.

He gave the omega his full attention, so he would know his alpha would actually listen to him, and consider his feelings in every situation they came across.

Somehow the alpha was sure that this was something Dean's ex boyfriend had never done.

Dean took a reedy breath, and his eyes glistened for a moment, as if he was desperately trying to hold back tears. "It's nice to be treated like an equal every once and a while, and not some prized housewife. I-Im a good Dad you know? Despite the circumstamces I've never done anything that I thought would hurt the little guy."

He snorted. "The drink you saw me downing at the bar, it wasn't even alcohol. Just some cut up fruit and juice. I just needed the feeling. I needed to at least pretend that I had some sort of...control. That I could walk into a bar, get a drink and walk out sober, without somebody in between my legs. Even my own brother-" He froze, and snapped his mouth shut, wipin, at his eyes furiously.

"Sorry don't listen to me, it's just...hormones and shit. Damn things turn me into a big baby sometimes."

What was Dean about to say? That his brother had...touched him? Or maybe he just tried to control Dean, which is something Castiel knew he should never try to do.

He wanted the omega to make his own decisions. Dean wasn't an invalid, nor was he physically impaired.

"Dean. You are a good Father. And I took you to that drinking establishment last night because I wanted you to know that I think you are fully qualified to make your own decisions. After all you made it this far in life without me."

"Damn straight I did!" The omega preened. "Now let's go crash this joint. The little monsters ready to go to bed." He patted his belly and sauntered off toward the entrance.

"And stop staring at me. It's creepy."


"Cas, why is there only one bed?" Dean surveyed the room. There was no way in hell he was sleeping with the alpha, sure they were gonna be stuck with each other for all eternity but that didn't mean they had to sleep in the same bed.

"So we can sleep together Dean." Castiel replied were going to be together for a long time so the alpha saw no reason why they couldn't practice sharing a bed.

God his alpha was so weird.

The guy seemed like he didn't know how life worked. Didn't the guy understand social cues and the like? Maybe the man just didn't have many friends.

He just kept staring at him, as if Dean had hung the moon and shitted out the stars.

Okay that was a pretty gross analogy but still. Cas was a weirdo.

He hasent even tried to touch him or anything. At least not in the way that Dean was used to getting touched. The alpha was just so...gentle, like Dean was something delicate maybe even beautiful.

But the man also acknowledged that Dean was firm and unbreakable. He was wild and couldn't be tamed.

And for some reason the knot-head actually liked that about him.

God his heart was fluttering in his chest.

It was all...warm and fuzzy down there. And it would only be so long before he would have to admit it wasn't just his unborn child crusing around in his stomach. He'd have to put a stop to the feeling in his gut quick.

Only fools fell in love after all.

"Yeah no. Me and Pierre will just sleep in the bathroom or something." Dean was not going to sleep in the same bed as Cas. He was determined not to like him and god help him he wouldn't allow himself to get too comfortable around the guy.

The omega knew this..whatever it was wasn't going to last long. Eventually Cas would get tired of him and he'd move on.

And no his feelings wouldn't be hurt in the slightest when Cas eventually kicked him out.

Castiel furrowed his brows. "Dean! I told you to leave the cat in the car!"

"But he would have died!" And he was so cute!

He couldn't just leave him inside to suffocate. Apparently Cas would. What was the deal between him and that cat anyway? The alpha didn't even seem to like the damn thing.

Why would he keep an animal that scratched him peractically everytime he even went near it?

"Dean this hotel doesn't allow animals." Cas rummaged aroung in the duffel he'd brought with him before pulling out a pair of boxers, deoderant, expensive looking soap, and black silk pants. "Just...keep him quiet okay? I'm going to go take a shower and then I will give you a bath and we will go to sleep. Inside of the bed."

"Wait what? Why would you give me a bath?!" Did he look like some sort of cripple? I mean sure it was really hard to bend over but still.

He could manage it just fine all by himelf.

"Iv'e got two hands for washin' and two legs to stand on!"

Castiel sighed deeply, scrubbing a hand across his face. "Iv'e been doing some reading on my mobile device, and Doctor Brown says the best way to connect with an unborn child in through contact in a very warm bath with scented candles."

He pulled a large plastic bag out of the duffle before pulling out various candles of all shapes and sizes. "I purchased various ones while you were sleeping. Which scent would you prefer? Apple Blossom or Turpentine Meadow?"

"Turpentine-? No! You are not giving me a bubble bath so you can rub my stomach." He backed away from the bemused alpha, as if he was expecting him to make a wild grab for his small but prominent belly at any moment.

Castiel looked a bit dissapointed as he placed the candles back into the bag. And were those hannukah candles? They weren't even scented!

"Alright Dean. But we are still sleeping in the same bed tonight. We need to become more acompanied with each other. I don't want the two of us to be strangers."

God would this guy ever stop?

Dean rolled his eyes. "Fine. But if we're going to do this I'm gonna be the big spoon." The alpha nodded.

"Whatever you want Dean."

Damn straight.

But for some reason Dean couldn't help but feel like Cas was just humoring him.

Dean had busied himself with bothering Pierre while Cas was in the shower.

The disgruntled cat meowed loudly as he weaved in and out between Dean's legs.

Pierre was perched on his shoulder when he noticed the beast.

A spider had descended from the ceiling right above the king sized bed he and Cas were supposed to be sleeping on!

Okay Dean get it together, don't you dare freak out.

It's just a spider that's all.

He and John had been on a hunt in a cemetary. His Dad made him spend three hours in a crypt-


Don't even think about it.

Who cares if it's hairy? And big, with like a dozen legs perfect for jumping right on him and-

Suddenly as if the eight legged demon noticed the omegas plight, he swung off his web and right onto Dean's face.



Castiel had been in the middle of washing his hair when he heard his mate scream bloody murder.

Hearing his mates distress the alpha tore out of the bathroom naked, unfortunately his feet were wet and he slipped which sent him careening into the nearby wall as he stumbled towards the room he'd last seen his omega in.

"DEAN! What's wrong?!"

"Oh my god its a spider! I'll get Pierre, Cas you call the fire department! "

Dean was perched on top of the large bed, ashen faced shaking as he clutched a bored looking Pierre in between his fingers.

Castiel's look of concern quickly faded into that of confusion.

Dean was afraid of a little spider? It couldn't even hurt him.

Cas rubbed his face as soap dribbled down his forehead and into his eyes. "Dean it's no big deal-"

"Don't you say that! Don't you dare say that! That thing is an evil killing machine! Can't you see the crazed look in his eye?" Dean scooted away further as the spider advanced.

Castiel had to admit that the thing was too large to be a typical house spider.

It was about the size of Dean's hand and could be confused for a rat if you gave it no more than a cursory glance.

But still, it was just a spider.

"He's too small."

"God this is bullshit!" Dean squeaked climbing to his feet and stomping indignantly, wobbling a bit as the mattress dipped under his weight. He straightened before placing his hands on his hips defiantly. "I thought you said this was a five star joint!"

"It is."

"Then why the fuck is there a spider where I lay my goddamned head!?"

Castiel sighed. "Ill just kill it Dean. Then we can go to bed."

"That's not good enough!" Dean yelped as he jumped off of the bed and skirted around the spider before climbing on the table that sat below the flat screen television.

The spider turned, before advancing towards the panicked omega.

"Dean put the television down!"

The small flat screen flew from Dean's fingers before landing right on the spider with an all mighty crunch.


Dean, as if he realized just what he had been doing, blushed and scratched at the back of his head. "I panicked. Don't tell them I broke the TV Cas."

"I think they'll notice Dean." Glass was strewn around the carpet and a puddle of green goo had seeped out from under what was left of the electronic device.

"Well I at least I killed the son of a bitch."


Castiel trailed dutifully behind his mate as he marched angrily (more like waddled) towards the front desk.

Dean scoffed, rolling his eyes at the empty desk.

Where the hell was all the staff anyway?

"Maybe you should ring the bell Dean." Castiel reached for the silver bell only to have his hand smacked away as his omega proceeded to ring the tiny silver thing.

Rather aggressively if you asked Castiel.

"Just a minute!" A woman called out, the alpha could hear her rustling through something in the back.

Dean rolled his eyes and rang the bell again.

Castiel furrowed his brows as an all mighty crash resounded throughout the room. And a blonde haired woman in in a regulation suit jacket tumbled out of the door.

"We need another room." Dean said plainly.

The woman's eyes widened comically, and she nearly tipped over at the strong baritone of the omega. She looked as if she'd never seen anything just quite like Dean before.

Castiel could relate.

"Another roo-?" The blonde woman, apparently her name was Susan, glanced down Pierre, who at the moment was weaving in and out between Dean's legs. "Is that a cat?! I'm sorry Sir but we do not allow animals in this hotel."

"What's going on out there Susan?!" A loud and nasally voice echoed out from the back room the concierge had came from.

Susan looked terrified as an elderly woman with dyed red hair marched out of the room. She gave the younger woman a foreboding look. "Are you bothering these guests? Stop being so useless and give them a room omega. Wait a minute? Is that a cat?! You've brought a cat into my hotel?"

Dean's eyes narrowed. "Your throwing some serious shade right now lady. This-" He swept Pierre off the carpeted floor with a grunt. "Is my seeing eye cat. Because I cannot see and I am legally blind, incase you didn't know."

The old woman sputtered, choking on her own spit while Susan fought back a grin.

"Legally blind!? Your looking at me right now!"

The omega turned his head in the opposite direction as if the manager never said anything in the first place. "I don't know what your talking about."


"Hush Cas. I'm working."

"See?! There you just looked right at him!"

Dean gasped dramatically, clutching his chest as he pretended to swoon. "Ma'am I am appalled. I came here to have a nice ass night and a full nights sleep with my cat when all of a sudden a beast drops down from the ceiling! Do you know how that makes me feel?!"

"Dean it was hardly a beast. It was just a spider."

"Yeah! A big ass spider! This is supposed to be a high class joint! That is some motel type shit right there! $400 a night and that room ain't even the penthouse! What the fuck?!"

The old crone decided it'd be in her best interests to just ignore the omega and try to make an attempt at civil conversation with the alpha. "Sir, could you explain what's going on?"

"My mate would like another room." Castiel sighed, this was why he tended not to mingle with other alpha's.

Most of them thought that they were entitled to treat beta's like they were invisible and omega's like they were prized possessions that should be seen and not heard.

"I'm sorry for all the trouble but I'm willing to pay however much you want for the reparations. "

"Reparations? " Susan tilted her head, bemused smile perched on her face.

Apparently the woman found this entire ordeal to be more than a little entertaining.

Dean stomped his foot in protest. "Dammit Cas! You weren't supposed to tell her about that!"

"I apologize Dean. I forgot. So may we have the penthouse Mrs-?"

"I'm no longer married." The old woman glared at Dean. "And you should keep a tighter leash on your Bitch."

Dean snorted. It wasn't like his feelings were hurt, he'd heard and felt much worse in all the 19 years he had been alive. But still, he wasn't going to let the old cow get away with it.

" were having an affair? Because that ring shaped mark on your finger looks fresh and you kinda smell like two different dudes."

"Dean!" Despite the reprimand Dean could tell his lifemate approved of what he'd said to the witch.

So the omega decided he would play along. "What?!"

"That wasn't very nice." The alpha bit his lip.

His mate really was a spritely little thing. Castiel couldn't recall meeting a person like Dean before.

Not even Gabriel could measure up to the sassy omega; Dean's antics seemed to go above and beyond the stunts his brother usually pulled.

Dean rolled his eyes as he scratched Pierre behind his ears. "Well she should wear some better perfume."

"I'm am so sorry. Dean, apologize."

"Meh." The omega shrugged as Susan broke out into peals of laughter.

The omega female looked mortified, but Dean simply flashed her a charming grin and a dramatic wiggle of his brows which caused her to laugh even harder.

"Ms. Lothbrook!" The wrinkled woman growled. "Control yourself! One more peep out of you and it's back to scrubbing floors."

Susan sobered immediately before glancing down in submission. "Yes of course, I'm sorry Ms. Lynne." The young woman scrubbed at her eyes breifly before retreating into the back room she had come from.

Castiel glanced towards his mate, the boy's hands were clenched tightly and the alpha could smell the faint metal like scent of blood.


"I'm not sorry." Unknowingly the omega had relaxed at the soothing tone of his alpha's voice. But if you asked him, he would quickly deny it.


The omega threw his hands up in exasperation. "Fine. I'm sorry. There you happy?!"

"Yes." Castiel kissed his cheek.

Which was totally gross in Dean's opinion. And no he did not want the older man to bestow him with a million butterfly kisses-

Good lord he was losing it.

Ms. Lynne sniffed in disgust. "I'm sorry but I'm going to have to ask the both of you to leave. We don't allow animals in the hotel." She smirked. "Nor do we allow rowdy omega's. They are meant to be muzzled, seen and not heard, plugged up with a knot and kneeling."

Dean took a deep breath. He really didn't want to cuss out a wrinkly old woman, so he said the only thing he could think of. "Listen here lady! We need a room to stay in right now! And if we don't get one in the next five seconds lord help me I will give birth right on this swanky carpet! And don't think I wont. I'll make sure it's extra bloody and gruesome, and I'll scream bloody murder until everyone in this cheap painted shack wakes up and this shit hole will go from five starts to one real quick honey!"

Ms. Lynne paled before backing away from the redfaced omega. "R-Right away sir. I'm sorry about all of that."

"You better be. Now hurry up and cough up the keys. I'm sleepy."


Dean cackled the entire way to the master suite.

"See what'd I tell you Cas? It's the twitching that sells it." His wide grin was infectious and Castiel couldn't help but smile back, despite how much he was fighting the urge to return to the lobby to give the old woman a piece of his mind.

"I did not like that woman very much Dean."The alpha frowned.

Dean laughed, his belly jiggling slightly as he chortled and snorted.

Castiel couldn't help but wonder what it felt like. Would it be silky smooth, like the rest of Dean?

"Can I feel your stomach?"

"What? No! That doesn't even have anything to do with what we were-" Dean smacks the alpha's hand away. "Stop trying to touch it!"

Castiel supposed that they didn't know each other well enough yet.

In fact, he didn't even know the last name of his mate. "Dean. What is your last name?"

The omega squinted at the older man in suspicion. "Winchester. Why?"

"I want to know everything about you Dean."

And so the staring continues.

Dean couldn't help but be weirded out at his alpha's mannerisms.

Cas just looked at him all day. He hardly ever blinked when all of his attention was on was on Dean, and the omega couldn't decide if he liked it or not.

"...Okay. I'm just gonna go to the bathroom."

"Hurry back."

Dean hurried to the bathroom as fast as his bow legs could carry him.

He grunted as his zipper got caught in the flap.

On one hand, he actually liked the attention Cas gave him. It's been a while since he felt like someone actually listened to what he had to say instead of just humoring him in an attempt to get Dean into their bed.

But the alpha's unwavering stare often left the omega feeling raw and exposed.

It was almost as if Cas was dissecting him, trying to discovering what made Dean tick. And that notion was more than a little terrifying.

Dean shook his head, he couldn't think about that right now.

When he returned from the bathroom Cas was kneeling next to the California king bed, murmuring to himself.

"-And when my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher then I. Amen."

Dean waddled over to him. "What were you doing?"

Cas looked up in confusion. "What do you mean Dean?"

The omega frowned, scooting underneath the thick earth toned blankets."Just now. Who were you talking to?"

Castiel stood, brushing himself off breifly before moving the duffel bag off the bed. "I was praying Dean. Haven't you ever prayed before?"

"No." Dean sneezed as Pierre crawled on top of his face, settling himself on the omegas neck.

"Do you want to?"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"I don't believe in anything."


Dean turned over, keeping the cat stationary with his left hand. "Do you really believe there's some...guy up there looking down on us? How do you know that your not just, talking to the moon?"

Castiel sighed before climbing into the other side of the bed.

"You just have to have faith Dean. Everyone must believe in something, how could a person live without hope?"

Dean snorted. "Well I'm still living, and I've never set foot in a church before." The omega paused. "I don't want to talk anymore. Goodnight Cas."

"Goodnight Dean Winchester. "


"Dean. You are so beautiful. The prettiest thing in the world. Come here."

Hands all over him, touching him in places he'd never explored.

Leaving hot prickly feelings in his belly.

It wasn't right. But he couldn't make it stop.

He was afraid.

Sammy would help. His brother could save him.

But Sammy had left him behind.

Nobody was coming to save him.

"Just look at the flowers Dean. Don't cry."

Just look at the flowers.


Castiel had been woken out of his deep slumber by the lack of warmth by his side.

"Dean?" He sat up, wiping groggily at his eyes.

"Yeah, the one and only." Dean was unusually shifty eyed and he kept glancing nervous towards the door.

"Dean what did you do?"

"What?!" Dean sputtered. "I didn't do it on purpose I swear! One minute we were playing and the next poof."

"What?" Castiel stumbled out of the bed. "What are you talking about?"

"I kinda..." Dean scratched at the back of his head before laughing anxiously. "lost the cat?"

"O-Oh. Oh my."

"Yeah...sorry about that."


"Hey Dude check this out!" The brunette beta tire through the office, dodging his fellow co-worker's and he struggled to reach his closest friend.

Who also happened to be the most successful Lawyer of the century.

According to all those magazines he never admitted to reading.

He slammed the gossip rag on the desk of the shaggy haired alpha.

The man looked up, his expression was one of irritation. At least until he read the headline.

"Castiel Novak? Mysterious Omega mate revealed?"

The shorter man hoped he and down in excitement. "That's the kid you were looking for right?!"

The taller man snarled, crushing the magazine in his large hands. "It's him. Clear my appiontments for the next month or so Garth, I'm going on a little trip."


Happy valentine's day!

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