Disclaimer: I do not own Code Geass or Rosario + Vampire, and the views expressed in this story do not match those of the author.

A/N: technically this is a reboot of my Dominion of Darkness story, which I will change its title very shortly before I delete that story once I redirect viewers of that story to this one.

Recently I have gone back and began redoing some of the chapters and made some serious changes, so anyone who had read the story previously should re-read the first chapter.

I have done some changes which I hope would be some improvements such as keeping Tsukune in the story while removing the High School of the Dead characters who I ultimately saw no need for them. The harem I will keep, but I am redoing it so it's not too easy for Lelouch which I am also applying to his abilities as well as he is starting off from a fledging in this chapter about to make that final transition into becoming a true vampire.

I will be using a mix of elements and characters from Castlevania, the Lords of Shadows reboot and a few elements of the Hellsing Ultimate series with this story adapted for the CG and RV universe, but primarily it will be between Rosario + Vampire and Code Geass.

For instance I am using a modified form of the conversation process of a vampire and the fledging system from Hellsing Ultimate, but this would be an ability possessed by those of Dracula's line or those who had their vampire blood infused with it granting them this ability as one member of the Shuzen Family in this chapter will reveal…how it happened will be revealed later on.

It's a little late, but here is the summary: Lelouch Lamperouge is no longer human, but rather due to events when Japan fell to Britannia five years ago he made the choice to become a vampire for the sake of vengeance and for his sister. Even though he was told he was the successor to a legacy known to his and his sister's bloodline through their mother he never quite grasped the possible sacrifices he would need to make to inherit the power of the King of Vampires and to ultimately take his place. But as Lelouch continues to grow stronger he not only comes close to potentially losing his humanity, but also he is unaware of the other supernatural forces at work not knowing he'll inevitable be drawn into a conflict that will change the world forever or destroy it.

Anyway let us move on with the fic, so I hope you will enjoy it.

I observe him quietly as I did all those years ago when we found him. He was such a weak boy then, but he never once realized the blood buried within his humanity, but five years later we have cultivated and trained him preparing him for the day to assume my old friend's mantle. He has grown and gotten stronger, but there is still much more that must be done. Very soon he must take the next step, but does he have it in him to do what must be done so that he may gain the power he is meant to inherit. I will continue to watch him closely.

Tonight will be a test of his combat skills against armed humans. I doubt they will be a challenge for him now, but I wonder if he can face the greatest challenge to come.

Lord Zobek

February 5th 2015 A.T.B.

Chapter 1

Under the Velvet Moon

It was almost midnight as a full moon was out over the casino district of the Toyko Settlement which on the outside was an appealing place and usually a place that attracted only the most wealthy and influential of men and women from around Area 11, the country once formerly known as Japan. One of the more famed casinos in the area was a place called the Gold Palace that had a reputation for being a five-star hotel with one of the largest casinos in Area 11, but that was merely its public image to hide its much darker side. Underneath the bright lights, and busy casino floors was the place where much of Area 11's seedy underbelly gathered or conducted a range of different business deals which just about anything from black market auctions, drug trade and business deals and human trafficking.

One such meeting was happening right now at the penthouse of the owner of the building and also one of the most notorious gangsters of the region, but standing upon a rooftop opposite of the glamorous hotel a woman in a black cloak bore a grin on her face. In one hand she held a stopwatch, which she was ready to start at the proper moment.

"Now it is time to see if all of the training will pay off." The woman said before starting the stopwatch. After putting it away the woman drew a cell phone from her cloak. After dialing a number she held it to her ear.

"Yes could I order a dinner reservation for," The girl said before pausing to think for a moment, "Twenty one…yes that is fine."

A short time later inside the penthouse there were at least a total of twenty people with the majority of them wearing black suits and sunglasses posted around the windows and elevators leading out of the penthouse acting as guards. The elevator chimed and its doors opened prompting two guards to look inside where they saw a teenage boy standing there. His attire consisted of classic Victorian fashion, including a dark purple suit, black leather boots, and a white cravat. Worn over it was a full-length, black frock overcoat with a cape while possessing a red interior. On his head he wore a black fedora with a wide floppy brim.

"Excuse me just what are you doing here kid? This floor is off-limits."

"Don't worry…" The young man said looking up at the two guards. The teen had pale skin and blood red eyes with a slits in them. He also had black hair as well too. "I am expected, so please escort me to the meeting and protect me from harm." The young teen said with a hypnotic tone in his voice as the expressions of the guards turned from worried and annoyed to blank slates baring a look of almost complete ignorance in their eyes.

"He is expected, so let's escort him to the meeting to ensure no one troubles him." The first guard said.

"Yes we should protect him too." The second guard said while the boy grinned wickedly.

Much to the confusion of the other guards the boy was lead to the meeting which was happening in the large living room inside the penthouse, but despite their uncertainty the other guards did nothing to stop them. Arriving in an extravagant living room adorned with what one would expect from a powerful mob boss who controlled much of the organized crime in Area 11.

There were several men each of them wearing their own style of business attire standing around a table looking at some objects and paper work on a table before them, but the young man's target was a large muscular man who wore a white suit and had combed back brown hair with green eyes. As he approached the gathering one of the men noticed him approach. The man in the white suit gave a displeased look at his guards before addressing them making no effort to hide his anger.

"Who the hell let this kid in here?"

"I am actually here to see you Mr. Samuel Bigglesworth; who publically is the owner of this casino and a munitions company that is one of three top weapon suppliers to the Britannian Empire. However underneath it all you are the lead mobster for the Britannian Mafia here in Area 11 that has dealings in just about everything from the black market, slave trading and drugs." The teen replied with a dark smile on his face.

The mob boss's eyes narrowed in repressed anger, "Kid you are not going home tonight, but I'll kill you quick if you tell me why you are here."

"I am here for two reasons really. One…I am going to take the money you have brought for your little transactions and any files of value from your office." The young man replied as the men drew their guns with Samuel glaring at him.

"Oh and how did you intend to do that?"

"That is where reason number two comes in…all of you so called armed and dangerous mobsters are a test for me."

"Then you just failed kid…waste him." The lead mobster ordered as five of them prepared to open fire, but the two guards who had been hypnotized acted drawing their guns before a shoot-out ensured.

The fifteen year old teen merely stood there with a smile as bullets continue to fly pass him, but even some bullets meant for him seemingly passed right through him. Inevitably the outnumbered guards were killed when the other guards rushed into the room and gunned down their former co-workers leaving the young man alone in a room full of angry mobsters.

"How the hell did you people miss him?"

"Oh no their shots did hit me, but in reality they merely passed right through me." The young man explained before removing his hat. "I am Lelouch Lamperouge, be sure to apologize to the devil for the inconvenience when I send you all of you to hell."

Just as they opened fire Lelouch quickly moved out of the line of firing as he began attacking the guards one by one. Each one fell to the ground after Lelouch dealt them a bone-crushing blow to their chests shattering their rib cages. One blow from either a quick kick, an elbow blow to the stomach or a punch to the chest was enough to shatter any bones in the way along with causing any organs to violently burst from the impact killing the target instantly. Those that tried to flee were struck down with knives throwing from Lelouch's hand composed of what seemed to be his own blood. The last one tried in vain to shoot him, but this time Lelouch created a sword out of blood and beheaded the last guard. After the last guard fell to the ground some of the mod leaders tried to flee, but Lelouch leapt into the air where he unleashed a technique releasing his arms in a fan like motion.

Hyakujin Ryouran (Profusion of One Hundred Blades)! Lelouch thought as he literally one hundred invisible blades that slashed through all of the gangers cutting them down leaving only Mr. Bigglesworth who managed to flee. Unconcerned Lelouch pursued his fleeing target while the terrified mafia boss was trying to escape or at least take refuge where he could hopefully hold out until help arrived. With no other way out the man retreated into his value to lock himself inside until help could arrive.

Unfortunately it was a futile effort.

"Sorry, but hiding in your vault was a bad idea. It could have worked if I were human, but how unfortunate for you that I have abilities that far surpass the average human." Lelouch said darkly entering the vault by becoming intangible to pass right through the heavy reinforced door.

Panicking Samuel drew his gun and unloaded his entire clip against Lelouch, but due to still being intangible the bullets passed right through him.

"Stay back…you monster!"

"You tried to kill a 15-year old boy and call him a monster." Lelouch asked with a look of mock surprise before his eyes narrowed in anger, "Such pathetic and despicable behavior...this is why I enjoy targeting people like you because of your vileness." Lelouch said before creating another sword out of his blood before rushing the man and beheading him in one swift attack.

Once the man was dead Lelouch drew out a sack he was carrying within his coat as he began filling it with all of the money and jewels he could find, but he took care to make sure he took any important documents from Bigglesworth's office including anything regarding any shady business deals so that he could plan future targets for later.

As he was about to leave the cloaked woman who had been watching him was in the living room enjoying a cup filled with blood, but this time she had her hood down revealing the face of a teenage woman who was around eighteen years old though she looked younger than that due to her being only five foot three which was shorter than Lelouch.

"Aiya…you did better than I thought and I am pleased with your use of Hougetsu Jigen-Tou."

The woman praised before taking a slip from her drink.

"You killed all of them quickly too and you even cast a youjutsu barrier that blocks off sounds to keep anyone else from becoming aware of what was happening. Then you went further by hypnotizing the men in the security room to further ensure no one else would be aware of what was happening before becoming up." Akua Shuzen said with pride before taking a slip from her cup. "BUT you get a B- as your final score because you didn't drink the blood of any of these poor pathetic excuses of humans."

"These lowlifes aren't worth it." Lelouch pointed out.

"Maybe so, but Evildoers are easier to feed off of, and not to mention they taste better. However I think the real reason is that you are still feeling reluctant to feed off of humans directly instead of transfusion bags am I right?"

"It's not like that." Lelouch admitted with some reluctance evident in his eyes.

"Well you need to stop being suck a picky eater and get over this limitation especially if you want to become a full-fledged vampire and end being my fledging." Akua pointed out with a matter of fact tone.

"Wait you mean I am ready then?"

"Yes…almost, but to finally complete your transformation into a true vampire there is one thing you must do."

"What is it?"

"You must drink the blood of a virgin of the opposite gender, which for you means you must drink the blood from a living human female who still has her virginity."

Akua finished off the last of her drink before setting the cup down.

The female vampire shrugged her shoulders as she dwelled on the thought for a moment until, "That might be a challenge these days I know, but I am sure you'll find one easily enough in Ashford Academy."

"So are you proposing I just feed off of some random girl?"

"Not really considering that you will probably end up killing said girl since the amount of blood you'll need to drink will ultimately kill her as a result of blood loss." Akua explained, but seeing Lelouch's concerned expression she quickly added. "On the other hand you could convert the girl into a fledging of your own which all you have to do is feed them some of your blood. In fact that will all but guarantee your graduation and transformation into a true-vampire."

"So you are suggesting I just use any girl who is a virgin, but in order to avoid killing them I should make her my fledging?"

"Yes, but determining if they are a virgin might be an issue. However I have confidence you will complete this final lesson. Unless of course you like the idea of being my fledging servant, although I would have no problem using you as my servant if that is the case…right?" Akua said trying to push Lelouch towards seeking out his first human victim.

The woman whose blood he would drink held the key to not only completing his transformation into a true vampire, but also it would free him from the bound that ties him to his mentor and creator Akua. The older vampire knew Lelouch hated the idea of being subordinate to someone else, so she knew the idea of being his own vampire at last free of her would motivate him.

"How are you certain I can convert someone whose blood has been drained to the point of death?"

"Because I did it to you…don't you remember?" Akua replied with a sly smile on her face.

Lelouch paused at her words as he recalled the day it happened when his days as a weak and frail human child came to an unexpected end, but had he not made the choice he had to make then neither he and his beloved sister would be here now.

It was five years ago and the white van he and his sister had departed in after leaving behind the children's only friend they had made in Japan. They were forced to take a long about route through the mountains, but along the way they were attacked by a group of Britannian black-ops soldiers who had been instructed to kill the young prince and princess who had been exiled to Japan to use as political barraging tools. But when Japan was invaded it soon became apparent to Lelouch that his father the 98th Emperor of Britannia Charles zi Britannia wanted him and his sister to die in Japan so he could make effective use of their deaths.

Their van was knocked off the road crashing into a tree after flipping over. His sister Nunnally was still inside the wrecked van, but Lelouch had been thrown from it when his seatbelt broke on him during the flip so he was lying on the ground unable to move because both of his legs had been broken. Yet he could see the soldiers of the black ops unit approaching to see if the siblings were dead, but Lelouch despite not wanting to die like this knew this was it.

Damn you…damn you Britannia…I swear I'll destroy you! Lelouch cursed as his eyes burned with rage, but his body was broken and he was bleeding badly from his injuries.

However just before the soldiers arrived a younger Akua who was thirteen years old who quickly attacked and brutally used her signature technique he would one day learn from her the Hougetsu Jigen-Tou to effortlessly cut down and decapitate the enemy soldiers. Once they were all dead Lelouch watched as Akua slowly approached him before a black portal of shorts opened behind him. Stepping out of the portal was a man in a black suit wearing a red-tie complete with black gloves upon his hands while he had short white hair and a beard as a sign of his old age, but his eyes were black and yellow signifying his hidden inhuman nature.

"So this is the chosen successor." Zobek began before shaking his head at him. "I suppose he'll have to do, but the blood has thinned yet his blood is within him."

"Talk about scrapping the bottom of the barrel."

"Your grandfather nearly wiped out the family line until a daughter remained, so we have no one else to choose from."

"Aiya I know, but I hope this will be worth the trouble." Akua said shaking her head in slight disappointment as well. "But we'll just have to make do with what we have."

"What do you want?" Lelouch asked before coughing up some blood as a result of his injuries.

"We're here for you little prince and today is your lucky day." Akua began waving her right index finger in a gesture. "As it turns out you are one of two still living blood-related successors to the Prince of Darkness, Count Dracula."

"That's ridiculous," Lelouch muttered weakly.

"Yet you saw me cut down all of these soldiers so easily, which if you don't believe I am human after that then your eyes must not be functioning correctly." Akua pointed out with an amused smile causing Lelouch to become quiet but he look at the older girl intently.

Akua studied the look in Lelouch's eyes causing her opinion of the young man to change as she recognized what she saw within him prompting her smile to grow.

I know that look, Akua thought recalling in her own memories the terrible image of someone very dear to her having suffered a horrific end, eyes that hold hate for a world that has wronged them.

"I am here to offer you the choice of becoming a vampire in exchange for becoming the successor to the legacy of the man whose blood flows in your veins."

"You can't be serious that I am related to Dracula?"

"I know its shocking isn't it," Akua said with an amused smile, "but his true identity was that of former Brotherhood of Light warrior Gabriel Belmont who was even made God's chosen one. But when he became a vampire he became a great vampire lord without equal until tragedy his own child alongside my grandfather betrayed him to humanity and after a great and terrible battle that lasted for a month during which he was slain."

"If he is dead how did he have a successor?"

"His son who betrayed him father a child of his own, but perhaps in a ironic fashion he was betrayed and killed by members of the Brotherhood of Light who feared he would become like his father," Akua explained before adding, "leaving my grandfather who fought alongside him as a friend and comrade to rule changing his name to Alucard so that he could use his reputation to easily assume control of Wallachia and continue the original Alucard's dream."

"Akua Shuzen is the descendant of the original mother and Queen of all Vampires; Carmilla." Zobek noted before joining the conversation while offering an introduction. "I am the last surviving Lord of Shadows and Lord of the Necromancers…for I am Death."

"Just what exactly do you want with me?" Lelouch demanded as this offer was too good to be true. "There has to be a catch to this right? You can't be offering this power out of the goodness of your hearts."

"You're right about that, but there is trouble that threatens my interests as well as those of Akua." Zobek replied honestly before further adding, "However we are willing to help you towards your goal if you help us in turn."

"You are the only one who can inherit Dracula's power as the living blood that coursed through the castle seeks a successor to his power." Akua explained, "Would you be interested to inherit the power of the greatest vampire who ever lived."

"Just like that," Lelouch said before coughing up some blood, "nothing is free."

"You are not wrong on that, which of course means you'll have to work your way up. But looking at you now and seeing how weak you are…isn't there anything you would want to do with the power that becoming the new King of Vampires would bring you?"

"This is crazy…I must be dead or something."

"Well you're going to be soon if you don't make a decision. You have lost a lot of blood already." Zobek noted.

"Even if you survived this…what is there for you? You and your sister being kept as mere insurance for the sake of the Ashford Family, but what happens when they decide to use you and throw you to the sharks to save themselves? Or what happens if the royal family finds out you and your sister are alive. I think these soldiers they sent to kill you are a clear indication of what would happen." Akua said gesturing to the dead soldiers behind her.

Whatever reluctance Lelouch had was beginning to dwindle down to nothing.

"You are lucky we had been keeping tabs on you before this happened otherwise you would be quite dead right now. If not for yourself then think about your sister." Akua said tempting Lelouch to accept.

As unbelievable the situation was Lelouch couldn't deny that Akua was right. What was there for him and what did the future hold even if he survived this day. His life would be hanging by a thread which could come crashing down on him at any time if he isn't careful. All in all Lelouch knew his options would be few and if he was very lucky an opportunity would come along in which he could carry out the vow he made to his only friend.

I swear Suzaku, so help me…one day I will obliterate Britannia!

Seeing what Akua was offering, although it was too good to be true. But seeing how she dealt with those soldiers using abilities and speed that were clearly well-beyond that of a human. The power was tempting and considering the risks and his current position in life…

What did he have to lose?

"Alright I agree, so what happens?"

"First you have to become a vampire like me, which is why I am here." Akua said as she knelt down near Lelouch before picking him up before skinning her fangs into his neck. "Before coming here Zobek had me take part in a ritual that allowed some of the living blood that carried Dracula's powers to be carried within me so I grant it to the true successor during his conversion into a vampire, which can only be done by someone of the opposite gender."

Modern vampires like Akua lacked the power to convert humans into vampires, but Lelouch's vampire blood that had been kept dormant through spells and seals placed upon it by his mother had surpassed it to the point that he lived his life as an ordinary human. However thanks to the ritual Zobek conducted allowing her to drink of the castle's blood which not only allowed her to act as a carrier for the powers of Dracula to be delivered to his intended successor through a bite, but the second reason she was chosen was because she was related to Carmilla.

Dracula had originally gained his powers as a vampire by drinking all of the blood of Carmilla daughter and the castle he inhabited had previous belonged to Carmilla.

As one of the last living descendants of Carmilla you alone could act as a vessel for the castle's blood and power so it can reach its heir and be revitalized once more, but even through it will not accept you as a successor to Dracula's power you will benefit from this ritual as you will gain power by awakening the powers held by Carmilla.

Akua remembered Zobek's explanation and the ritual was an old and arcane task in which she drank of the Vampire Castle's demonic and vampire mixed blood which nearly killed her, but being the descendant of Carmilla enabled her to survive.

The black-haired vampire could feel the blood and the power she was carrying growing excited as she stood near Lelouch confirming he was the successor both the Castle and Dracula, whose will lived on within the blood of the castle, had chosen.

"Even through you'll become something more, but I am sure you'll understand that this will hurt." Akua admitted as knelt down next to Lelouch who offer his neck with no hesitant on his part before Akua opened her mouth to sink her fangs into the young boy.

Strangely there was no pain, but he could feel himself getting weaker as the blood was being sucked out him by a very eager Akua who had seemingly taken to enjoy the taste of his blood. Lelouch almost lost consciousness by the time Akua finished, but he was much closer to death than he was before now as his vision was beginning to fade but he heard Akua's voice.

"Now drink of my own blood, which will replace your human blood and begin your transformation." Akua instructed cutting open her arm to allow her blood to drip out before bringing her arm to Lelouch's mouth allowing the young man to drink on. After the first few drops entered his body Lelouch felt a feeling of renewed strength as he grabbed Akua's arm and began drinking her blood from the open wound. The more he drank the stronger he felt his body becoming.

Even through Lelouch fed on her blood greedily the sensation wasn't very painful, but even Akua felt like Lelouch was taking too much from her.

"Stop that's enough," Akua said trying to stop Lelouch from drinking more of her blood. But the young man kept going until Akua managed to pry his mouth off of her arm freeing her with Lelouch's body beginning its transformation.

As Lelouch cried out as the magical sealed placed upon him to surpass his vampire blood within him were quickly shattered as the blood of the demonic Vampire Castle that carried the blood of Dracula surged through his body. Instead of dying and becoming undead like some vampires he had heard and seen in movies and read in books Lelouch felt his body grow stronger, but at the same time he felt all of his previous wounds instantly regenerate themselves.

However Akua herself began to undergo a transformation herself as she felt an icy torrent shoot through her veins while a dark voice whispered to her.

You have done well and awakened the vampire within my chosen heir, so I shall grant you a gift as a reward. Through the blood of the castle an echo of Carmilla lingers and through you carrying her blood I will grant you the power meant to be inherited by those of her line.

For a brief moment in her mind's eye Akua saw a man with long brown hair, a beard and blood red eyes wearing a red coat with leather armor padding on the shoulders trimmed with gold giving it a sense of authority and power.

The blood of the castle that lingered in Akua awoke something within her. It wasn't like she was being given anything, but the sensation was more like something carried within her blood that passed through each generation of descendants starting with Carmilla had thinned and became loss with time. Even so the dark will within the blood of the demonic castle she had carried used the echo of her ancestor to reawaken and regain the power her ancestors had lost.

This feeling…I can't describe it, but…I…I like it. Akua thought with a smile as she could feel the power coursing through her veins.

Use the power to protect my heir and train him. He is your fledging until he is ready to drink the blood of virgin to complete his transformation.

"Earth to Lelouch," Akua asked snapping Lelouch's mind back to the present.

"Huh…sorry I was just thinking."

"Well you don't need to do it right this minute, but it's something I insist you think about and chose soon." Akua said before she heard the elevator open.

A few moments later a group of large humanoid slugs slithered into the room with two of them carrying supplies for waste disposal, another was holding two large rolls of plastic while the last one was pushing a flat-bed cart. On the company shirts they wore the titles on their backs read: Joe's Waste Disposal Cleanup.

"Good evening Joe…I am glad you could make it." Akua greeted.

"It's always a pleasure doing business Miss Shuzen." Joe said bowing politely to the vampire.

"Likewise," Akua said before paying the slug with large diamonds that were the size of golf balls, "The usual work and cover up of course."

"Of course…consider it done."

Leaving the slugs to do their work Lelouch and Akua left the penthouse together as these slugs Akua typically hired were very good at cleaning up dead bodies and wiping away any evidence in the process. By morning it would be all of those men vanished under mysterious circumstances with no trace of their bodies or even signs of a gunfight had taken place. It sickened Lelouch to think what they did to the bodies, but even he couldn't deny they were extremely good at what they did so much that Akua had hired their services whenever she performed an assassination and needed a cleanup done to cover it up.

Sometime later Lelouch returned home which was the Student Council Club House which had some of the rooms reserved as Lelouch and his sister's rooms since the dormitories do not have any kind of handicap assistance. He lived next-door to her room just so he could be on hand for any problems, but they had their maid Sayoko Shinozaki to help them. Nunnally remained unaware of Lelouch's transformation into a vampire, although the idea of drinking her blood to complete his transformation and then turn her did come to mind Lelouch was against it.

She wouldn't enjoy this life that I am sure of.

As Lelouch quietly entered his room he changed out of his clothes and changed into sleepwear, although it was better he was active during the night than the day he did have a civilian life to maintain after all. For the first few years the sun did bother him slightly, but as powers grew under Akua's brutal and strict training while Zobek taught him sorcery and other forms of dark magic he developed a better tolerance to the sun although it still weakened him a little.

He lay down on his bed staring up at the ceiling wondering how he was going to solve this problem. He didn't like the idea of killing a girl to obtain greater power, but if he could find a target that was of a criminal background then it would be easier to kill her for it.

Yeah like how many criminals or murders are you going to find who happen to be virgins? Lelouch thought in a moment of self-mockery.

Deciding he would consider the issue again tomorrow Lelouch rested, but either way he was determined to find a way to break his tie to Akua so he could at last become his own vampire and be his own master as Zobek and Akua had promised him five years ago. He felt so much stronger than before now and a part of him was eager to know how much stronger he would become once he became a true vampire.

All Lelouch vi Britannia could do was wait and see what tomorrow would bring.

A/N: So who will Lelouch suck the blood from to complete his transition into a full-fledged vampire?

As Akua hinted at there are no storage of possible candidates in Ashford Academy, but could he really kill a young girl for the sake of growing stronger or would even consider making said victim his own fledging.

Regardless the girl could end up being a romantic interest to Lelouch, but I hope to choose someone who wouldn't be seen as an overused choice or a predictable one. However bear in mind that being that Lelouch is only fifteen years old at this time it will be awhile before we get into any romantic build ups, but that doesn't mean I can lay the foundations for it now.

So read and review and tell me what you think. I have some of the other chapters done, and I intend to get some of my other works caught up in the meantime.