This story has Lisanna return before the Fantasia Parade, but Laxus still sees the guild as weak.
"Pathetic, weak, fake" Lisanna yelled at a bruised Lucy curled on the floor, as she swung another kick to Lucy's stomach.
She was crying and in pain all over, ever since Lisanna comes back she has been nothing but cruel and abusive towards Lucy. Calling her weak and stupid at first, Lucy didn't seem to take it in that much but when the abuse started, it got harder to keep a bright smile on. She started the fights behind the guild but about a week ago she started doing it in public, on missions, she even started doing it in front of everybody at the guild, but for some reason, no one stood up for her. They only watched.
Today Lucy tried to avoid the guild and Lisanna but she really needed a job for her rent as it was due in a few days, Natsu and Lisanna had kicked her from Team Natsu saying she was weak so she had been doing solo missions for a while now, she only was inside for a few minutes when Lisanna come up behind her and pushed her to the ground. Saying that she only ever complained about her rent and she only could manage a job because she hid behind her spirits. Lucy knew these things weren't true, they were just words but then she started to kick her repeatedly in the stomach.
"Oh look, little cry baby is whining again," Natsu said laughing walking over to the pair.
Natsu had started to follow Lisanna in everything she did, the abuse, the names and insults too
He stopped at Lisanna's side leaning in to give Lisanna a kiss, it lasted for a long while before a whimper of pain escaped Lucy's throat. Natsu pulled away from the kiss and turned towards Lucy's small form curled up on the ground. He kicked her in the stomach again spending her rolling across the floor to the middle of the guild. Lucy coughed up blood as Natsu slowly approached her fist in flames.
"Stop whining you stupid, weak cry baby" Natsu yelled at her before shooting his flames towards Lucy, burning the flesh on her arms and legs. Lucy screamed in pain, blood spilling over the floor, in her tear-filled sobs she was crying for someone to help her, she looked around to guild through blurry eyes and saw them watching, not doing anything. Why are they not doing anything?
Natsu lifted his fist up again, ready for another painful flame punch but stopped as the guild doors opened with a bang. Laxus walked into the guild followed by the Thunder God Tribe. Lucy had only met the guy and his gang a few times, Lucy didn't expect them to help either only watch, but she could hold on to a hope of a chance to run. Laxus and the group took a few steps into the guild before stopping, a look of pure shock written on all their faces. They stared at the scene before them, shocked and confused. Laxus' shocked expression soon turned towards rage and fury, the buff lightning mage stormed towards Natsu in long strides.
"Natsu, what is wrong with you?" he yelled, lightning sparking out of his skin. "You bastard" Laxus yelled before punching him in the face, his fist engulfed in lightning, sending Natsu across the guild hall.
Lucy saw this as her chance to escape and she quickly got to her feet, running past the still shocked Thunder God Tribe, out of the guild doors and running into to streets of Magnolia.
I started running as fast as I could, I had to leave that place, the place I once called home. My wounds were starting to reopen and I could feel it stretch further, bleeding out. It was late at night and clouds were forming across Magnolia. It started to rain masking my flowing tears with its salty drops. I tripped and fell to the concrete street grazing my knee, but I didn't care, I began to run again, blood flowing down my knee. The rain was heavy now as I ran faster, I made it to my apartment running up the stairs quickly and through the front door, closing it behind me. I pressed my back up to the door sliding down to the cold wooden floor, I pulled my knees to my chest, crossing my arms over them and pressing my face into my legs. I began to cry as the pain in my stomach and knee began to bleed further.
I heard a noise coming from the living room, sounded like a window was opening, I could hear the rain patter on my apartment floor and soon I felt the breeze from the cold outside brace my skin. My first thoughts raced to Natsu and Lisanna come to finish the job, to kill me finally. I looked up to see a tall, buff figure shadowed from the darkness of the night and my tears became stronger. It wasn't Natsu or Lisanna, but she didn't know who it was because it was too dark in her cold apartment. But do I trust him? Should I trust him? Before I could answer these question flowing through my mind, I was already on my feet. Tears streaming down my face as I began to run across my apartment living room. I cried like a child would when they trip and fall running to their parents for comfort. I run to him flinging my arms around his waist. burying my face into his hard muscular chest and cried. He placed his arms around me, hugging me back burying me in his cloak, his chin on my head.
I looked up through blurred vision to see Laxus, his eyes were shadowed, but I could see they were filled with sadness and concern. I reburied my face in his chest as my tears become harder. Laxus please take me away from this place.
"Lucy" I could hear softly behind the front door, It's Gray.
My crying continued as I turned around to face the door wanting him to go away. I opened my mouth to say it but firm hands turning me around stopped me. Laxus pulled me back into his muscular chest and into his arms again. He slowly moved his hands so one was on the back of my head and one was on my lower back. I looked up at him with tear stained eyes filled with sadness and confusion at his actions.
"Sorry, Lucy" was all he said
"Laxus, what are you..." but before I could finish my sentence, I felt sparks race through my body making me feel limp. I managed to let out a small scream before I felt darkness consume me.
Laxus caught Lucy's small form in his arms as she fell unconscious, lifting her in his arms bridal style. Laxus was turning around to leave using the window but stopped as Gray kicked down Lucy's apartment door.
"Laxus?" Gray said surprised at his presence but quickly recovered, he looked at the unconscious Lucy in his arms before yelling. "what have you done to Lucy?"
"She's unconscious, I'm helping her" was all Laxus said
"Laxus, let her go now," Gray said stepping towards the lightning mage
"Stay away from her you weakling!" Laxus yelled making Gray jump back with a shocked expression on his face
Laxus turned away from him, Lucy still limp in his arms. Gray ran forward to stop him but fell back as Laxus with Lucy in his arms surround in bright yellow lightning and disappeared right before his eyes.
"No, Lucy! Bring her back Laxus" Gray yelled at the space Laxus just was, but silence was all Gray got in the empty apartment.
I don't own Fairy Tail but if I did Laxus and Lucy would have more interaction (Edited)