Okay, this is a story that is kind of different. Tell me what you think.

Aria Jackson-Olympia got out of bed on Mount Olympus. The floor was freezing on her bare feet. Why did she have to be the most powerful demigod? Why did 10 out of 12 major gods and goddesses have to be her parents. Aria walked over to her closet and threw on an old t-shirt and a pair of jeans. She grabbed her backpack, slipped on her bracelet, typhònas, or hurricane, and stepped outside. Suddenly, father Hephaestus appeared at her side. "Ah, Aria." He said. "Hello, father Hephaestus." Aria responded, inclining her head slightly at one of her many fathers' appearances. "Where are you going?" Asked Hephaestus. "To the throne room." Was the reply. "Would you like me to accompany you?" "All right. I was just going to ask permission to leave Olympus." Hephaestus looked at her. "But your swim meet isn't until three, your workshop class isn't for another half hour, your mom is at work now, why do you need to leave?" Aria glanced at her father before saying quietly, "I was wondering if I could just go out. You know, see the rest of the city. I'm always up here, and I want to see some other demigods again. It's been 14 years since my last contact, I was 3." They didn't speak again until they reached the throne room. Hephaestus looked Aria straight in the eyes and said, "Aria, I want you to know, that I fully agree with you, and believe that you should go out. I will attempt to the best of my abilities to persuade the rest of your fathers and mothers." Aria gave him a thankfull smile before entering the large room.

"YOU WANT TO DO WHAT?" Bellowed Father Zeus. Aria looked up at him and said, "I want to leave Olympus for the day. Is,that such a crime? I never leave except for swim practice, workshops, and to visit my mom." Zeus looked angry, but Hera, not one of Aria's parents, said, "We will leave it to a vote. All in favor of allowing Aria to leave Olympus, raise your hand." Hera, Poseidon, Artemis, Hades, Aphrodite, Hephaestus, and Athena all raised there hand. "The majority of the Olympians have decided. Aria, you may leave. But, you must have a satyr with you, and make sure you have typhònas with you." Aria said, "Stepmother Hera, I always have typhònas with me." "Very well." Said Hera. "Go pick your protector, and you may go."

Grover ran into the big house. "You wanted to see me, Chiron?" Chiron wheeled around to look at him. "Yes." He said, "It seems you have been called to Olympus earlier than usual. Aria is waiting for you, and she is wishing to leave the pantheon to see the city." Grover's mouth fell open. "They're actually letting her? I thought she was only allowed out for her activities and to see her mom." "Yes, Grover." said Chiron. "But it seems the Olympians have taken pity on her today. You are just going to, what's the phrase, 'hang out' around the city today. That is, until her activities. But between them you two will be free to roam the city. Now get along, Grover. It is not wise to keep the Child of the Pantheon waiting.

Aria watched as Grover's taxi pulled into sight. Her satyr friend paid the driver and stepped out of the vehicle. "Hello Grover." Aria said. "Hey Aria." Grover replied. "Wow, this is so cool. When was the last time you were let outside to just chillax? When you were, like 3 or something?" Aria laughed. "So, my goat-legged friend. Where do we go first? Is there somewhere we can get breakfast, because honestly I am tired of Olympian food. I swear, those nymphs can't make anything out of the sacrificed meals we get. Plus, it's already way over cooked." "I know a place." Grover said. And with that, the two friends walked off to find something to eat.

"Swimmers, take your mark. Go!" Aria launched herself into the water, and Percy Jackson stared in pure wonder at the speeds she was going. That was his fastest time she was at! Right now! Oh gods, she was so fast. Annabeth looked bored. She did not like getting pulled to Percy's swim meets, especially because it meant sitting through race after race after race after race of people swimming in circles. Percy sat on the edge of his seat as he watched the girl in lane 3 catch up with lane 4. Oh, but lane 4 takes first! The last race of the meet was over, but Percy wished he could watch more. That girl in lane 4 had the same color eyes as Percy, and the same color hair as Reyna. There was something about her though. Suddenly, Percy realized that he needed to get up for the awards ceremony. Annabeth grumbled about how unfair it was that Percy made her sit through the whole meet, while the rest of his friends could show up for the awards only. Percy just smiled and got up to meet with the rest of his team.

"First place medal for the girls 100 yard backstroke goes to Aria Olympia." Percy watched as Aria's 10th medal was placed around her neck. "I really think there is something going on with that girl." Said Percy. Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Are you sure this isn't just because so far she's won 2 more first place medals than you?" Percy glared at her. "No Annabeth. It's not because of that. It's because she gives off a sort of Aura, it's definitely been tried to be covered up, but I can feel it's there. Also, her last name, Olympia. I bet that if you flick through the city records books you won't find anyone else named Olympia." "Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Like an ADHD dyslexic demigod would do that." She said. Suddenly her eyes widened. "Percy look! It's Grover!" Percy looked to where she was pointing, and sure enough, there was his best friend Grover. He was hugging Aria, and she was smiling with pride. "Okay, something definitely is up." Percy decided.