Something short. This will probably be a collection of unrelated one-shots because it's so small and sad with just seven hundred words. A/B/O although it didn't need to be.

Summary: Arthur Kirkland finds himself at a disagreement with the new vogue and the mass public indecency movement it spawned.

Naked sunbathing was not an uncommon occurrence in his neighborhood as of late, much to the distress of one Arthur Kirkland, and he wasn't sure who to blame. It wasn't a purely American thing, he knew that much.

And it wasn't as if society had finally come to the point where all people could be comfortable and confident in their bodies without fear of ridicule; the dress code for omegas in school was still as strict as it had been since at least 1970.

But recent beauty trends had evolved to suit the twenty-first century: the outdoorsy, adventurous alpha and omega, all sporting enviable, athletic bodies. While the new advertisements showed people of all backgrounds, the one thing they had in common was that none of the models had pale skin. There were even "modern" alphas proudly claiming they didn't want some pale-skinned omega relic from ye olde days as a mate.

However, Arthur Kirkland was a beta whose summer colors were aristocrat pale and boiled lobster; thus, he felt nothing for this new craze beyond a vague sense of discomfort at the sight of so many people lounging about on their front lawns as naked as the day they were born, as spontaneously as mushrooms after a rain shower.

"You're shitting me," Arthur said disbelievingly as he arrived at Alfred's house only to find the alpha sprawled out in a tacky pink lawnchair. Naked. On the driveway and in plain view of anybody who cared to see. (And if the muted gossip he heard around the school held true, more than a few people did care. Too much.)

Alfred looked absolutely unapologetic even at the look of dismay and disappointment that was probably clearly written on Arthur's face – and it was the kind of obvious expression that shouldn't exist beyond the realm of writing. But then again, Alfred had always been incredibly, incredibly dense, which was probably why he still acted more like a puppy rather than the hormonal alpha he should have been at his age. Even Arthur had managed to get a date with a charming omega in his English Literature class before Alfred did, even with the reputation of betas as second-choices factored against him. Nature had clearly wasted her time putting so much effort into such a clueless moron.

He smiled sleepily up at Arthur, roused from what looked like a pleasant doze. "Oh hey, Arthur! What's up?"

"I can't believe you," Arthur hissed, completely ignoring Alfred's question. It wasn't the polite thing to do, but polite people didn't engage in public indecency. "It's bad enough that Francis feels the need to expose his pasty arse and cock in public, now you're doing it too? At least with Francis it's expected of him."

Alfred blinked. "Woah there dude, calm down. This is the twenty-first century, not Victorian England or wherever you come from, old man. It's totally fine!"

"It's public indecency! Which remind you, is still very much illegal," Arthur spat.

Alfred had the nerve to roll his eyes at him. "Nobody's been arrested yet, Artie. Calm down. If it were a problem someone would have called the cops or something. Nobody's gotten hurt either."

He flashed Arthur a mischievous grin, one eyebrow cocked in the arrogant manner of the typical alpha. Out of all times to finally show the typical signs-! "Plus, I'm not "pasty," as you implied," he said, rolling over slightly to flash Arthur parts he had no interest in seeing. It so disgusted him that he had trouble swallowing, and he quickly tore his eyes away from Alfred.

Arthur scoffed. "You're right, roasted's more like it. I hope you get a horrible sunburn there, it would serve you right. I don't have the time to drill basic decency through that thick skull of yours." He then spun on his heel and walked quickly back to his own house, decidedly not fleeing.

"Back already, bear?" His mother called from the office. "I thought you were planning on spending the afternoon with Alfred."

"Change of plans. Alfred was busy," he answered as he went to go get a glass of cold water. He cursed his pale complexion for being so useless against the heat; his cheeks were burning.