Prologue Part 1: That Which Isn't Apparent

Gamemaker Facilities: Control Room

Head Gamemaker Magnus Erwin

It's at times like this that I wonder why I was ever insane enough to take the job as Panem's Head Gamemaker.

I mean sure, my position has its perks; I own a massive house along the Capitol Waterfront, I have the undying respect of the bulk of the city, and I was in President Cordelia's good graces. But was all of that really worth it when I have to sit here in my office at three in the morning for weeks on end, every year, knowing that if I didn't finish these damn arena design plans I likely wouldn't see another sunset? I remember the stories Fiora told me about Ackelberry, the Head Gamemaker before me. Apparently he didn't meet the deadline to finish the design plans for the 136th Games… and he, his wife, and their two little girls were found decomposing in a drainage pipe near the Waterfront several weeks later.

It's a lovely thought knowing that even the slightest screwup on my part could put my family in that position. I shudder at the thought. I can't mess up. I can't-

"Magnus? I didn't expect you to still be here."

I jump at the sudden voice, hastily spinning my chair about to meet the newest arrival. She's standing up beside the two metallic doors leading in and out of the control room, long and slender hands resting on the glass banister, gazing down from the raised platform at me with steely grey eyes. God, I hate those eyes. The cold emptiness to them was always so different from the bright contacts so many of my peers seem to have taken up nowadays. Hell, even I had started wearing a pair of radiant green contacts! But not her. Also unlike most other Capitol women, she isn't wearing some gaudy, magnificent outfit; only a long, silken black dress covers the woman's lithe frame, blonde hair tied back in a severe bun.

Gazing down upon me, like a sovereign addressing her people, is none other than President Cordelia Knighton.

"Ah, President Cordelia," I manage to get out out, quickly standing up from my glass swivel chair. "I wasn't expecting you here this late."

"Just thought I'd check on your work," Cordelia replies, stepping delicately around the railing and down the set of black stairs, heels clicking on the metal. "And we've been over the fact that there's no need to address me as President. I consider you my friend, so Cordelia will do just fine."

Isn't it funny how quickly Cordelia changes her opinion on someone? I'm willing to bet she said those same words to Ackelberry before she had him killed.

"Well it's very nice to see you," I smile nervously, watching as the president steps down between the rest of the empty Gamemaker control consoles until she stands beside me, looking down at the touchscreen in front of me.

"I'm sure you have something absolutely magnificent planned out this year, correct? I would love if you could outdo that incredible performance from last year. Need to keep the viewers coming back for more, am I right?"

It's not as if I have much choice. If I don't outdo myself, I'll get the Ackelberry Treatment.

"You bet they will be," I reply, feigning excitement, sitting back down in my chair and swiping various edit boxes across the screen. "Would you like me to show you the blueprints so far?"

"Yes, that would be lovely."

I continue to tap and scroll across the touchscreen until, with a glow of blue light, the massive arena blueprint manifests itself above the white holo-projector situated in the center of the control center. Text boxes and blinking arrows hover over various points on the map, indicating areas of importance.

I glance up at Cordelia, who's grey eyes are silently skimming the blueprint, praying for a positive reaction. Getting her approval means my guaranteed survival for another year.

Finally, after what feels like an eternity, Cordelia gives a light chuckle. "I must say, this is positively sadistic. The poor little tributes won't have any idea what hit them."

Cordelia seems to approve. At least, I'm getting some positive vibes off of her so far.

"Yeah, that was the idea," I reply. "I want the arena to seem simple and generic at first, make them comfortable with it. Then, when no one expects it, I'll show them the true terrors of my masterpiece."

Her long fingernails tap thoughtfully on the metal console beside my arm, each beat sending a wave of goosebumps up my arm. God, even when she's happy, Cordelia terrifies the living hell out of me.

"It's certainly different than what we've seen in recent years. A much more subtle delivery of majesty and creativity when compared with past arenas. I'll be honest with you Magnus, this is a much more interesting concept and idea than your last few maps. Even last year's can't stand up to this one."

"So… do you want me to get in touch with the build team? Tell them to start working while I add the last details to the blueprints here?"

"Yes, I'll review the blueprints in more detail tomorrow. Probably just a few touchups to make, and then it'll be ready to go."

I give an inward cheer. Cordelia is completely onboard with this year's arena. She didn't even seem to mind that the blueprinting wasn't finished yet. I made a mental note to thank Fiora for her help in brainstorming next time I ran into her.

"Well, I'll likely be heading home soon Cordelia," I smile, genuinely for the first time since my leader had arrived in the Control Room. "I would recommend you do the same. If we're getting in touch with Girdon, we'll want all of our energy. You know how he can be sometimes."

"Believe me, I most certainly do," Cordelia chuckled, making her way up the flight of stairs between the vacant control monitors. She stops at the top, momentarily, and glances back down at me, a pensive look coating her face.

"I really am glad I decided to recruit you from the districts Magnus. Your creativity and intellect truly is unrivaled. I can't think of another Gamemaker I've worked with in recent years who is so full of ideas as you. Never cease to impress me."

With that, Cordelia sweeps away, her sharp footsteps disappearing as she exits through the sliding metal doors. Gone just as quickly as she came.

But I can't help staying back and admiring my work of art one more time. The art that had likely saved me from Cordelia's wrath once again. It really was strange thinking about how much I owed to this mass of pixels and code. My entire lifestyle, and the very lives of myself and those I loved, rested with this computer program.

But no, I had to remind myself. It may be a computer program now, but once Girdon and his team got going, my magnum opus would become a reality. And finally, when 24 unsuspecting children were forced to experience my arena firsthand… well, that was when things would get very interesting.

That was when things would get fun.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, and welcome to the 148th Hunger Games! This story will be an SYOT (Submit Your Own Tribute) which, for those who may not know, is a type of story in the Hunger Games fandom where you, the reader, gets to create and submit the tributes that will battle it out in the arena. The character application and helpful tips on what to put and not put in your app can be found on my profile. I will be accepting applications until March 1st, though I may extend or reduce the deadline depending on the number of applications I get. Each person may submit up to 2 tributes, and may resubmit if their first applications are not accepted.

But the absolute most important thing to remember in this whole process is to NOT POST YOUR APP AS A REVIEW. Every character application should be sent to me as a PM. Any that are posted as a review will be disregarded and ignored.

Good luck with applications! I'm sure I'll see some great characters from this community!