Chapter 1 (rough draft)

Love is a drug

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto what a relief.

Sakura Haruno was a girl who took shit from no one. She got kicked out of all the schools in Konoha district except one. Konoha academy the school that was filled to the brim with rich snobby arrogant kids. Sakura just didn't fit in that category she was a troublemaker always got into fights even arrested a couple of times. She smoked weed and cigarettes, but she was trying to quit. She drunk beer even though she was underage. Sakura also went to all of the parties and bonfires and got shitfaced like every other teenager.

Sakura lived by herself and was just planning on dropping out it was way better than being around a group of pissy snobs.

Sakura Haruno had long pink hair which she kept in a high ponytail. Her pale complexion bought out her emerald green eyes that showed false innocence in them. She was glad that the school didn't have a dress code at least.

Sakura glanced at the clock in her tiny apartment it read 7:50. Sakura sighs sure she was definitely going to be late for school.

Sakura walks up to her closet and looks for something to wear finally she finds the perfect outfit. She grabs the clothes and walks into the bathroom and takes a 10-minute long shower to wake her up. The pinkette walks out of the bathroom brushing her hair down she wanted to at least look decent.

Sakura was wearing some black skinny jeans with a gray tank top that had pretty hurts on it. She sighs and starts digging through her closet for her black combat boots. Finally, she found it she slips on her black leather jacket. Now Sakura wasn't emo or anything like that she just loved the color black. She walks back into the bathroom and puts on some mascara and lip gloss.

She grabs her favorite pair of shades since the sun was shining bright outside and her bag and she was ready to go now.

"Here we go." She shut her door and was now on her way to her new school late.


The door to the office opened with a bang. "Yo I'm here to see baa-chan." The woman at the front desk raises an eyebrow at how rude she was being.

"Um excuse me but you're being a bit rude."

Sakura rolls her eyes. "Now I got to deal with this."

"Look I just want to see Tsunade." Sakura had to practically force the name out of her mouth.

"Mhmm please wait a minute I'll see if she's ready for you." The assistant walks away and after a couple minutes she comes back with Tsunade in tow.

"Oh, it's you. They gave me your records..." Sakura shrugs it's not like she's hiding something.

"I want you to listen closely you will not disturb the peace that I was able to maintain here at this school." Tsunade got up close and personal with Sakura and she wasn't even flinching.

"Baa-chan understand that if one of your snobby students touch me talk to me get near me or even breathe on me I'll hand them an ass whopping they'll never forget." Sakura smiles sweetly at her.

"Schedule please."

Tsunade sighs what was she going to do with her. "You're way more trouble than you're worth."

Sakura just grins "aw c'mon Baa-chan we go wayyy back."

"Tsunade-sama you know this girl?" Tsunade just nods her head not making eye contact.

"Yeah, I got her sorry ass out of jail and put her in my school." Tsunade pulls out her schedule and hands it to her.

"So cruel Baa-chan." Sakura looks down at the schedule her eyebrows raised. "What the hell is with these classes."

"Watch your language. I know you're smart and you're going to show me you're smart. Got it?"

"You're crazy if you think I'll be able to even pass these classes." Tsunade rolls her eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah just go to class you're missing your education and don't get into any fights on your first day of school." Sakura sighs and walks out of the office mumbling under her breath cursing her life.

"English 101 with Kakashi? Here goes nothing." Sakura opens up the door and was now in a pretty decent looking classroom. The teacher was just reading a book while the students were talking amongst themselves. That was until she cruised into the room giving off a don't fuck with me vibe.

"Finally you came we were waiting for you." Sakura shrugs not really caring.

"Why don't you introduce yourself," Kakashi says not even giving her a choice.

"Sakura. So where do I sit?"


"Hey Naruto!" A blonde haired boy with whiskers on his face turned to the owner of the voice.

"The principal wants you in her office ASAP." The one who called him was a guy with dark brown hair and slit eyes.

"Oh, uh thanks, Kiba." Naruto makes his way to the office.

"Oi Shizune is Baa-chan in there." Shizune was a dark haired woman in her mid-30s. She just nodded.

Naruto walks into the principal office with his arms behind his head. "Hey, Baa-chan you rang." The woman was doing some work on the computer with a cup of sake beside her.

"Naruto sit we have business to talk," Tsunade said.

"Look I swear I didn't do it I haven't pulled a prank in awhile," Naruto whines.

Tsunade raises a fine blonde eyebrow at the boy in confusion but quickly shakes it off. "I'm not talking about your behavior I wanted to inform you about a new kid that's going to be coming here today although she's a little...late." Tsunade sighs the bell was going to ring soon so she had to wrap this conversation up quickly.

"Naruto I do not want you provoking this new student. Do not bother her and do not joke with her. Don't get involved with her."

"Ok, I understand but why are you telling me?" Tsunade gives him a stern look that said are you seriously asking me that.

"Because I know how you like to give new students a 'grand welcome'." Tsunade was damn near glaring through his soul when she finished saying what she had to say.

"Ehehe." He nervously laughs. "I don't prank girls Baa-chan." He mutters under his breath. "Unless I feel up to it."

Tsunade narrows her eyes she thought to herself. 'What will it take for this boy to respect people. Maybe Sakura will have to show him.' An evil smirk appears to which Naruto begins to get weary about.

Tsunade clears her throat eyeing the clock, "get to class Uzumaki."

"Sir yes sir." With a final salute Naruto was off to his favorite class of the day with Kakashi.


"Aww dude you guys got to come to the party it's going to be turnt up." Kiba whines.

"Yeah guys besides it's a once in a lifetime chance to finally be able to go to one of Itachi's legendary parties." A girl with long platinum blonde hair and baby blue eyes says.

"I sa-" Naruto begins but was quickly interrupted by Kakashi making one of his famous late appearance it was a mystery how he is able to keep his job.

"Good morning class-" Kakashi scans the room almost like he was looking for something or someone. "So she's not here yet oh well. Do what ever you want." Kakashi pulls his smut out of his briefcase he takes to work.

After a few minutes the door opens not even a knock signifying a rude person.


Everyone sweat drops at the pinkette. 'So Baa-Chan was talking about her well she is cute though her forehead is sort of big but for some reason it makes me want to kiss it.' Naruto slaps himself he never focused on girls and he wasn't starting now.

"Uhh any last name interests hobbies?" Kakashi knew the girl when she was younger and was she a troublemaker he just hoped she wasn't going to cause any problem here.

"Ahh Scarecrow long time no see how the mighty falls." A sinister grin was flashed his way and his curious as to where this was going.

"How's Obito and Rin? I haven't seen them in forever." Sakura smiles thinking about them they were her first family like figure. Until they just stopped visiting her one day.

"Sakura..." Kakashi didn't want to tell her what happened it would just be devastating to her but, Sakura understood completely.

"I see you couldn't prot-" Kakashi slams his fist on the desk causing everyone except her to jump.

"Enough take a seat now!" Sakura gives him a blank look not even flinching at his tone.

"Oh my Scarecrow the mighty hasn't just fallen... The mighty died." With that Sakura whips her head and heads to a seat beside a red head with a tattoo on his face. It had the kanji for love he almost interested her.

"So you're the new girl Baa-chan was talking about!" Sakura turns her head to the loudmouth. 'So someone else also calls her that.' She wasn't even shocked to see a blonde yell.

She puts her feet on top of the desk ignoring the blonde. "Oi! Don't ignore me!" The blonde yells if possible even louder.

"Look Blondie I have three rules that all of you should follow. Rule number 1-" Sakura holds up her pointing finger with her emerald eyes on Kakashi the whole time.

"Don't touch me. Rule number 2-" this time she turns her eyes to the blonde who had whiskers on his face and pretty sapphire eyes. "Don't speak to me unless spoken to and rule number 3 do not touch my shit." Everyone was quiet until another blonde who had a lighter hair color speaks up.

"Who the hell are you you're just some new girl I think it's us who should be telling you the rules!" The blonde screams making Sakura inwardly cringe.

"Are all blondes annoying?" Right when Ino was about to snap Kakashi interrupts.

"Why don't we go around the room and you tell us your name, likes, dislikes, hobbies, and dreams for Sakura here. Ino you go first."

Ino nods. "My name is Ino Yamanaka I like Shika-kun, being popular, being cheer captain, makeup, shopping, and I guess my friends-"

"So she has friends surprisingly." Sakura smirks when she hears snickering and catch a glimpse of a smirk from the boy beside her. Ino glares at her and continues.

"Anyway I dislike pink haired bitches and girls who think their better than me." Ino waits for a smart remark from the girl and she wasn't disappointed.

"Well I've been in here for what 10 minutes and I already have enemies. Great." Sakura says with sarcasm inking out of her words.

"My hobbies are shopping and cheering. My dreams are to be a model." Ino sat down with a smile on her face.

"You're not going to get very far with that dream. Let's say you get into a car accident and your face gets messed up you're whole career would be ruined and they would find someone else to replace your ass. So it's good to have a backup plan." Everyone was staring at her it was indeed fine advice.

"I see." Ino mutters.

"Next volunteer." Kakashi smiles underneath his mask it was one of those mask you get from the hospital.

"I'll go! My name is Naruto Uzumaki my likes are ramen, pranks, and my friends. My dislikes are people who disrespect me and my friends my hobbies are hmm I guess playing pranks on people, football, and basketball. My dreams is to be in the police force." Naruto looks at the pink haired girl who was just looking out of the window he was going to go and confront her until she spoke up.

"You don't like when people disrespect you or you're friends. I see you do realize that this is real life right? You're going to be disrespected whether it's by me or someone else grow up why don't cha. Next person." Naruto now hated the pinkette he told Baa-chan he don't prank girls but she deserves it maybe that will show her who she's fucking with.

"Kiba Inuzuka likes the ladies and the parties dislikes when a pretty girl rejects me. Hobbies raising dogs and my dreams is to be on a veterinarian." Sakura was practically banging her head on the desk when they were almost done introducing themselves to her.

"Hn Sasuke Uchiha I have few likes and many dislikes I have hobbies and I have dreams." Everyone sweat drops he was worse then Kakashi when he first introduced himself.

"Itachi Uchiha's little brother huh?" Sasuke narrows his eyes at the girl. 'So she still remembers me.'

"Could you let Itachi know I'll be fashionably late to the party tonight. On second thought I'll text him." Her familiar sinister grin was now on her face mocking him. Sakura pulls out her iPhone 6 and starts texting well aware of all the eyes on her. After a second she receives a reply which she reads out loud.

"I see you know that the party doesn't start until you come." Everyone was shocked she knew Itachi and frequently went to his parties.

"Oh it's my turn. My name is Sakura Haruno I like messing with people, fighting, parties, and on my down time pranks. My dislikes are stuck up snobs who doesn't have any idea how life is like out in the world. Hobbies don't really have one (shrug) dreams also don't have one I'm more of a present person not future person." With that she goes back to her phone texting whoever. Right before the last person was going to go the bell ring. Sakura shoots up out of her chair and gets on top of the table she hops from table to table until she was out of that class.

"Man that class was so boring."

"Indeed." Sakura turns around a sees the red hair she was sitting beside and didn't get a chance to go.

"Hmm what's up..."

"Gaara." Sakura nods and starts walking away until he grabs her wrist. "You're interesting and I want to learn more about you." Sakura stares at him like he had three heads.

Sakura bust out laughing for a minute until she finally wipes a tear from her eye. She didn't need her mascara running.

"Seriously?" He nods she wickedly grins at him.

"Alright but I'm going to give you a nickname if you're going to be hanging around me." He nods again.

Sakura sits and thinks until it finally clicked. "Raccoon." At that moment the bell rings again it was the late bell.

"I got to go Raccoon."

"Wait. What's your next class?" Gaara asks.

"Psychology with Ibiki?" Gaara eyes widen slightly.

"You should get to class quickly." Gaara walks away probably walking to his class she shrugs and goes to class.

A few minutes late she arrives to a very dark classroom. When she walks in the door shut behind her. "You're late." Sakura laughs at their attempt to intimidate her it was petty. "Come on Scarface. You can do better then that now turn the lights on."

The lights turn on and a class full of students stared at her. "You're late." Ibiki was not a happy camper having her in his class in fact he was still trying to get her out of his class. Sakura had a cocky smirk on her face obviously enjoying Ibiki's unfortunate situation.

"Don't worry Scarface I'll probably be sleep the whole time in here anyway." Sakura takes a seat beside a guy with spiky hair pulled back into an ponytail he was also asleep. She liked the kid already Sakura looked around the classroom from the looks of it freshmen through seniors was in the class.

The pinkette drowns out Ibiki by putting her headphones in and pressing play on her iPhone she was listening to Coldplay Sky Full of Stars. After a couple of minutes Sakura was now asleep just like the other kid.

An hour goes by and a book was slammed down on their 2 person desk which wakes the two up. They looked around and saw they were the only two in class after looking around they notice Ibiki glaring daggers at them.

Sakura gets up and stretch a bit all while stifling a yawn. "Man was that a great nap right pineapple head?" The spiky haired teen stood up also cracking his back he glanced lazily at Sakura. "The name's Shikamaru. Sakura" Sakura raises her eyebrows.

"Ino wouldn't stop talking about you." Sakura laughs making her way out of the door. "So that Blondie is one of your friends?" Shikamaru also walks towards the door. "Unfortunately yeah. That troublesome girl is my girlfriend."

"Poor baby." Sakura grins they were walking side by side to their next class which so happen to be in the same direction.

"it's not that bad though we are on the verge of breaking up." Shika didn't know why he was telling a girl who he just met this but he felt like he could true her.

"Seriously? Why?" Shikamaru simply shrugs.

"We aren't really compatible and we fight alot." Sakura nods her head completely understanding. "Well that happens in a lot I relationships so don't it might be rough but later you'll understand that you made the right decision and I'm not just saying this cause I hate her. You two just don't fit right together." The bell rings signaling tardy.

Sakura sigh, "will I ever be on time to any of my classes today?"

Shikamaru yawns stuffing his hands in his pockets. "We could skip." Sakura face lights up like a kid in a candy store, but as quick as it came it disappears.

"Naw I probably shouldn't skip classes on my first day here." Shikamaru nods.

"What's your next class?" Sakura pulls out a crumpled piece of paper and hands it to him.

"We have the same class. Kurenai is pretty cool, but she won't let you sleep like Ibiki." Sakura smiles she was pretty much replenished so she didn't mind.

They both arrived at the door to classroom 130 pre calculus. Shikamaru slowly turns the door knob and walls straight to his seat leaving Sakura to deal with the questioning looks. 'Great thanks for leaving me hanging Shika I'm going to definitely get you back for that.'

Sakura snaps her head to the teacher not getting a good look at the students in the class. 'Alright Sakura just smile and greet the teacher.' Sakura forces a big grin on her face which ended up looking like a grimace.

"Hmm so you're the famous Sakura I've been hearing about." Kurenai says with a small smile on her face.

"Depends what are the saying about me." Sakura puts her hands behind her head with a smirk on her face.

Kurenai's small smile turns into a large one. "I like you why don't you introduce yourself to the people who don't know you yet." Sakura nods.

"My name's Sakura Haruno." A hand goes up Sakura already knew what was coming up. "Yes this is my natural hair." The hand slowly goes down.

"Alright then Sakura welcome to pre-calculus take a seat anywhere you like." Kurenai could tell that this school was going to get alot more interesting.

Sakura nods and takes a seat beside a beautiful girl with pale purple eyes that had no pupils she seemed shy too.

Shikamaru was sitting right in front of her so what does she do punch him in the arm. Shikamaru yelps in pain and turns around with a questioning look. Sakura grins evilly at him they just met and they were already communicating with just looks at each other. "Hey why did you punch my boyfriend?!" 'Damn. I didn't even notice her sitting there.' Sakura sighs and reluctantly turn to face the blonde. "It's none of your business."

Before Ino could go on a full rant Kurenai interrupts her. "Yamanaka is there something you want to say to the class before I send you off to detention?" Ino shakes her head no probably praying that she doesn't have to go to detention with Anko. A few people laughs at her including Sakura. Kurenai once again starts teaching Sakura could feel almost everyone's eyes on her which was starting to annoy her.

"Ok class why don't you guys pair up with someone to solve these problems." Kurenai says with a smile.

'Shit! I have no friends!' Sakura was about to bang her head on the desk when someone taps her shoulder. She looks to see the blonde from her English class with a huge earsplitting grin.

"Hey I know we started off wrong but I want you to be my partner." Sakura looks at him curiously if there is one thing she knows about high school students it's that they don't forgive and forget so of course she was on her toes.

People were staring at them it was like a western dual who would fire first. "Well since I have no one else to work with sure why not." Naruto sits down beside her not noticing the girl beside her.

Kurenai holds out a paper to them and they both reach out for it their hands mistakenly touching each other. They both felt the spark and was looking at each other with shock. Sakura snaps out of her trance first and takes the paper and writes her name on the paper using Naruto's pencil. She didn't bring one since she was not expecting to even do work today.

"Uh maybe I should do 5 and you do five." Naruto wasn't looking at her not wanting her to see the blush on his face. Sakura nods.

40 minutes later they were done for the rest of the class they had free time.

"So Sakura uh you seem like a cool girl and I want to apologize for earlier." Sakura stops texting whoever she was texting and looks at the blushing blonde. 'Why is he blushing.'

"Um ok I guess I should apologize too Itachi often told me I come off as a bitch." Naruto nods.

"I know we could hangout at Itachi's party so we could get to know each other better." Sakura was shocked.

"You're going to Itachi's party?" Naruto nods with a big grin on his face he leans back attempting to look cool.

"Have you ever been to one of Itachi's parties before?" Naruto shakes his head no with a weird look on his face.

"Itachi's parties aren't like any regular old party-" before she could continue she was cut off by Ino.

"What do you mean Itachi's parties aren't like regular parties?!" Sakura sighs they were going to the party having no idea what they were getting into.

"Itachi throws a party at least 3 times a year and you would be lucky to even get in. Itachi's parties are always crashed at 3:00am by the police and over half of the people there get caught by them and sent to jail. The party is so intense that you'll have the scent of weed on you for a week and it's most likely you'll get stupid wasted. People don't care where they have sex and beware the food. So are you guys still going to the party?" Sakura asked sitting back in her chair looking at the people staring at her."

"Hey teme is this true?" Naruto asks Sasuke who just simply nod.

Naruto wasn't sure whether he wanted to go or not she was right the party was going to be so intense. Kiba and Ino looked like they were second guessing on going. "Hey as long as you're there it won't matter you'll warn us and give us tips right?" Sakura looked at him like he was stupid or better yet high.

"Why the hell would I do that?" Naruto then turns to face her he takes her hand in both of his.

"Please Sakura-Chan I'm begging you. I want to experience this." Sakura and everyone was shocked his friends were shocked since he called her Sakura-chan and Sakura because he's touching her. Sakura looked from her hand to his eyes that was calling out to her for help.

Sakura sighs, 'this school is making me soft.'

"Fine you and whoever is going to the party meet me at this address." She takes his pencil and rips a piece of paper and writes down her address and phone number. "Come at 9:00 tonight." The bell rings and Sakura hands him the piece of paper. "One more thing you owe me one." She walks out of the classroom not even glancing back at them. She saw Gaara leaning against a locker.

"You know people are going to think we are dating if you're just standing there waiting for me. How did you know I was in this class anyway?" Gaara shrugs and walks up to her.

"I saw you and Nara walking to this class." Sakura raises an eyebrow then smirks.

"Were you stalking me?" Gaara eyes widen slightly and starts walking away. Sakura was amused she was laughing at him.

"You know it's ok to be stalking me Gaara just don't do it after school." Sakura was laughing even harder when she saw the small blush on his face it was so cute.

"I wasn't stalking you I was skipping and I just so happen to see you two walk to class." Sakura had a smirk on her face. 'Yeah right.'

"Ok Gaara whatever you say so where's the cafeteria?" Gaara points in a random direction so she guessed that it was in that direction.

They arrived at some double doors that had cafeteria on it. Gaara opens the door and walks in along with her. "Wow."


Naruto was internally happy that he managed to not only get her phone number but also score a "date" with her. He wasn't going to admit it to anyone but he was really attracted to her. He spent last class zoned out thinking about her, the way she looked, and carried herself. When he touched her hand he felt a spark between them and he knew she felt it too. His friends were all staring at him he didn't even realize he had a huge grin and a daze look on his face.

"Hold on! I know that look anywhere you have a crush on her!" Ino yells snapping Naruto out of his thoughts.

"Dude I understand she's sexy and all but are you sure you can handle her?" This time it was Kiba who spoke up. Kiba couldn't lie to himself but he had his eyes on her since he first saw her.

The other people at the table was Sasuke, Hinata, Shikamaru, Choji, and Shino.

"She's not really that troublesome." Shikamaru could understand why Naruto would have a crush on the pinkette, she was fun, outgoing, and pretty.

"What the hell you mean she's not really that troublesome?! She's so annoying with that huge forehead of hers. She's always trying to act tough I bet she doesn't even know Itachi. Right Sasuke?!" Sasuke glares at her he did not want to get involved into the conversation.

"She's actually like family we kind of grew apart when she started hanging out with Itachi more then me." Kiba then starts laughing earning a glare from Sasuke.

"So you were jealous that she wanted to hang out with your brother more then you." Kiba laughed harder even Naruto started chuckling a little.

"Aww come on Sasuke you have to admit it is pretty funny." Choji says in between mouthfuls' of food.

Sasuke was so angry he stood up and stormed out of the cafeteria.

"Look what you idiots did you made Sasuke angry." Ino says also getting up and storming away.

Everyone else looks at Shikamaru expecting him to get up and go comfort the blonde but, he didn't. "I've been thinking about breaking up with her and Sakura gave me some words of wisdom that had me thinking." Everyone was shocked they had fights, but they always made up everyone thought they were doing great. "S-Shikamaru-san wh-what words of w-wisdom?" Hinata asks timidly.

"She said that it might be rough but, later we'll understand that it was the right decision and we didn't fit together." Shikamaru gets up and leaves he needed a smoke.

"Wow Ino will be devastated." Naruto says not wanting his friends to break up he knew that if Ino found out that Sakura was pretty much the reason they broke up she'll want to kill Sakura.

Naruto looked around the cafeteria and saw out the window Sakura Gaara and Shikamaru!? They were all smoking a cigarette and slightly laughing.

Naruto sighs and gets up and dumps his tray ignoring the questioning look. He walked to the courtyard where they sat.

"Wassup Blondie?" Sakura says putting out her cigarette.

"Nun much so this is where you scurried off to Shika." Shikamaru shrugs shifting on the bench. Gaara was also on the bench but, sitting on the other side with Sakura sitting on the table.

"What brings you out here Naruto? You don't look like the type to smoke." Sakura passes the lighter to Shikamaru who had his hand out.

"Yeah well I don't but, like I said earlier I'm willing to try experience it." Sakura smiles and Naruto could of sworn his heart stopped when he saw it. It wasn't like her other smiles or smirks it was a sweet sincere smile.

She handed him a cigarette which he put in his mouth. She lit it up and watch him start couching. "Exhale baka." He does and smoke comes out of his mouth.

Everyone starts laughing at him but the only laugh he heard was hers.

Sakura was like a drug and he was hooked on it.

Author notes: This is the start where Sakura starts changing him but not on purpose. He starts changing so he could fit in with her type of lifestyle. Everyone who becomes friends with her will change I'm not spoiling who will change though but I guess you guys can guess who or not.

Yes I know another story but this one is really interesting to me and I really want to write it.