So this is our ANTI-Valentine's Day story, it was suggested by the lovely Sondra on Facebook. We hope you all enjoy this little tale.
All normal disclaimers apply, no copyright infringements intended in our use of character names and places from the Twilight Saga.
Huge thanks to the lovely ladies who keep us readable: AWayWithWords, Jess2002 and LaPumuckl. All mistakes you find belong to WeeKittyAndTAT, as does the story line.
Hallmark Holiday
Chapter 1
I look in the mirror as I put on my pencil skirt and fitted shirt. My hair is up and in a nice French twist. I'm wearing makeup, not something I ever did before I started working at Cullen Incorporated. I never wore any of this stuff, but now it's become part of my required uniform.
Once I feel happy with my appearance, I walk out of my apartment and get into my old beat up Chevy truck. I'm twenty-one-years-old, just turned it not long ago. I came to Seattle to attend college when I was barely eighteen. The last few years have been hard and a number of things have taken my life by storm.
I hate thinking about the past, because it doesn't change a thing. I grew up in a small town not far from Seattle. I had a decent childhood, but it seems like once I hit puberty everyone around me got strange.
I lived with my parents and I'm a single child. My parents seemed normal when I was younger, but around age twelve, they started arguing more. By the time I was fourteen, they were both having affairs and flaunting it around the small town we lived in.
It was embarrassing being the child of two people who both got caught with their pants down. They fought and cheated for two years before throwing in the towel. Sadly, they decided to use me as a bargaining chip in their divorce. I was pulled and pushed between them, and most of time I was nothing more than a piece of property.
By the time I turned sixteen, they were finally divorced, and I got my very first boyfriend. Things at first were okay between us, but it took less than four months for me to meet a side of him, I never wanted to see again. The day before I moved to come here, I broke up with him. I knew I had to do it in public, I actually thought that would save me, but it didn't. It still shocks me when I think back at just how many people passed by us, looking but not helping. It took the brass balls of one woman who stopped to help. A complete stranger at the time, but someone who was ready to kill for me. She not only stopped him, but helped me get away. I pressed charges, got a restraining order and got out of town.
My first year here went by quickly and I did well in school. I was always smart – just had a shitty home life. My mom remarried after my first year of college was complete, and of course, my dad followed suit; he couldn't let her one-up him.
I got a new boyfriend about the same time my second year of schooling started. He was super nice and sweet to me, and I never feared him hitting me. I really thought he cared and loved me. Of course, my wonderful life had to rear its ugly head again and shit started to landslide on me.
The bad luck started when I lost both my parents in an accident. Yes, they were together when they died. Yeah, funny thing, they hated each other enough to throw away their marriage by cheating, but then they cheated on their new spouses with each other. To say I had some very confusing parents was an understatement, but now I was an orphan.
I know it was my fault that I allowed the sadness of their deaths to get to me. I ended up failing some of my classes and was told to get my ass in gear or I'd flunk out. Then my wonderful and loving boyfriend turned out to be a douche canoe. I found him balls deep in a girl while some other guy had his dick in his ass. That was a sight I never wanted to see – and sadly there is no such thing as brain bleach.
Of course, according to the douche canoe, it was my fault. He said I wasn't paying him enough attention, and was sad all the time. He claimed he needed to let off some steam and relax. I'm not so sure how it is that he found a dick in his ass relaxing, but to each their own I guess. He even offered to show me some of his kinky stuff, and show me how to relax. I'm all about some kink, trust me, but my kind of kink doesn't involve more than two people. According to him, I'm the weird one, but somehow I doubt that. I walked away from him that night. He called me two weeks later asking for another chance. He claimed it would never happen again. I told him to take a long walk off a short pier and hung up.
After all of the drama from my parents and the douche canoe, I just lost the will to do anything. I didn't even want to get up in the morning. I knew I needed to do something else with my life, so I left college. I got the shitty little apartment I live in now and then got a job at a diner downtown.
The diner is great and it's owned and run by Esme Masen. She's the sweetest woman around, and her cooking is to die for. A vast majority of her daily business comes from the large office buildings around her diner.
It was during one of my shifts that I met up again with the woman who's responsible for saving me back in Forks: Rosalie Hale, Rose, to all her friends. We began talking each time she came in, and she introduced me to Alice Whitlock. They both work for Cullen Incorporated, which is owned by Edward Cullen and his two younger brothers, Emmett and Jasper. Rose and Alice are dating the younger Cullen brothers.
One of the times Rose and Alice came in, they had a backlog of paperwork. She had it all laid out on the table, looking it over. I noticed there were several errors and typos. I gently pointed out what I noticed and she looked like she was going to kill someone.
I right away offered to help her, explaining it wouldn't take me long to retype them for her, because I'm fast on a keyboard. They quickly agreed to my help, and with my shift ending in thirty minutes I went and helped out. Between the three of us, we got the job done with plenty of time to spare.
The next day Rose came back to the diner, and offered me a job as her personal assistant. Esme overheard the offer and agreed on my behalf to take the job. It has been six months and I seem to be doing well. I know that Rose, even being my direct supervisor, is first and foremost my friend.
I pull into the diner's parking lot and wave to Esme. I walk the three buildings over to Cullen Incorporated. I will not park in the employee parking ramp at work anymore, the one time I did, Mr. Cullen had my truck towed. I overheard him saying to Emmett and Jasper, it belonged in a dump because it was junk.
I walk in the front door and give a short nod to the security guards, Felix and Sam. I get into the elevator and press the tenth floor button.
"Hold the door," is called out in a deep, velvety voice.
I quickly press for the door to open again, hoping that this time I'm able to do it. I sigh out in relief when the doors open again, and Edward Cullen is able to step inside. Four out of the six mornings I work, I will get into the elevator only for him to yell at me to hold the door as they close. More than once I wanted to just say fuck it, and just wait for him at the door. I don't though, because it could be construed in a nonworking manner. I can't even pluck up enough courage to say anything non-work related to him.
Mr. Cullen, known as Edward to his close friends and family, is forty-three. He's about six-foot-three and is well-built. For an older man, he has a full head of copper hair and not a strand of gray. He has soft, green eyes that will fool you into believing he's a push over. Many people describe him as being smart, ruthless and cold-hearted in the business world. I've seen him bring grown men to their knees, first hand, so I agree with what others think.
"Miss Swan, I see you managed this time," Mr. Cullen grunts out.
Without his order, I press the button for his floor and look at my feet. I don't know what it is about this man, but he tends to make me feel shy and quiet; neither of which describe me normally.
"Yes," I reply meekly.
"Tell Rose I need the meeting moved to four today," Mr. Cullen barks out making me jump.
"Sir, she has a meeting with Volturi from two until half past four scheduled. After the meeting, she has three sets of appointments," I say quick, already knowing Rose's full schedule.
Mr. Cullen just raises his brow at me. "Then when is she free?"
"She has forty-five minutes available around one o'clock," I say. I manage to hold back the retort of the time you're already scheduled to meet with her.
"Are you attending the Volturi meeting with her?"
"No, Emmett ... I mean Mr. Cullen is attending with her."
"Is he now?"
I bit my lip, ducking my head a little more.
"Fine, then I will have to make do with you for the meeting then."
I turn and look at him as the doors open with a ding sound.
"I'll see you at four, Miss Swan," the doors start to close again, and I'm still standing here open-mouthed looking at him.
He reaches forward and pushes the door open button.
"Mouse, this is your floor, and as much as I would like to stand here all day watching you attempt to catch flies with that open mouth, I do have a business to run."
I quickly close my mouth and walk off the elevator. I freaking hate that he calls me mouse. It was bad enough he described me as a mouse when he was talking to Emmett, but now he's calling me that to my face.
I throw my bag on my desk, and make my way to the coffee machine I brought in with me when I started. Only Rose, Alice and I know about and use it. We actually hoard it, because it does make the best coffee ever. After getting a cup for me and one for Rose, I make my way to her office.
"Rose," I say walking in and placing the cup on her desk.
"I hear you're going to be meeting with Edward today at four, is that right?"
I give her a nod and huff as I sit down across from her.
"What has he done now?"
"He called me mouse again," I whine. I freaking hate feeling like a bullied teenager. I really thought I left that behind when I left Forks.
"Mice are cute little things, Bella."
I roll my eyes at her; I mean it's still a rodent. "Yeah, I guess and it's better than being called the rat."
Rose gasps and she looks at me.
"It's fine ... that happened years ago."
"Hmm, if any of the name callers from the past turn up here you let me know."
I just look at her.
"Hey, Bella, payback's a bitch and that bitch's name just happens to be Rosalie."
I shake my head chuckling at her.
"Well, Rosalie – the bitch – get to work. I'll be at my desk if you need me." I walk out and get on with my job.
"Hey, Bells," Emmett says as he jumps up on my desk and starts to look through my paperwork.
"Emmett, I'm working; what do you need?" I ask taking the papers in his hand away from him.
"I know you're working, but I'm hoping that if I piss you off enough, you'll help me just to get rid of me."
I stop what I am doing and look at him with a bitch brow.
"What in the blue blazes have you done this time?" I sigh knowing that this has to be something that I will have to hide from Rose, Mr. Cullen, or even both.
"I sort of misplaced the Hunter case file. I was hoping since you helped me with it, you'll have it backed up?"
"He's going to kill you," I sing-song as I open the drawer and grab the correct thumb drive I have the files backed up on.
"Not if you have it and save my skin."
"Hmmm," I hum out.
"I have everything but the stuff you had put on the bulletin boards," I say as I click print.
"You're a lifesaver, now if you could do one more thing?"
I look at him.
"PLEASE," he begs, dropping to his knees beside me.
I nod, but roll my eyes at him and grin; he's like the class clown.
"I need you to book a table for Rose and me for next Saturday, at Sky City."
"Are you freaking joking with me? That's Valentine's Day," I grit out in a hushed whisper.
"I know it is – I got her flowers and stuff, too. I just forgot to book the table."
I rub my head, having instantly gotten a headache.
"Why don't you just cook for her?"
"I can't cook, Bells. Come on, Bella, please," Emmett begs while stroking my arm like a five-year-old.
"You should know I HATE Valentine's Day; it's nothing more than a Hallmark Holiday. I swear to GOD, if I do this for you, you will owe me, HUGE."
He grins and nods.
"It's going to cost you a mint at Sky City, too," I say as he walks off. I shrug remembering he's a Cullen; he can afford it.
I pick up my phone and call Sky City, when they answer I jump into my character. "Hello, I need to speak to Marcus, tell him it's Mrs. Cullen," I say in a snobby voice.
"Marcus here?"
I smile shaking my head at how quickly the name Cullen gets me through to the right people.
"My son—God love him, booked a table for him and his lovely girlfriend, next Saturday night. Sadly, he's unable to remember if it was the theater then dinner, or dinner then the theater. Could you be a dear and tell me what time he has booked his table for two? The reservation would be under Cullen, of course."
"Yes, Mrs. Cullen, I can certainly find that information for you, please hold one moment," Marcus says.
I wait knowing that he will not be able to find the reservation, since it doesn't yet exist.
"Mrs. Cullen, thank you for your patience. I regret to inform you that there is not a reservation down for Mr. Cullen, party of two, on Saturday," Marcus tells me sounding confused.
"I'm sure there must be some sort of mishap. I'll tell you what, the theater starts at nine, and will not be over until closer to eleven. Since that's too late to eat, why don't you just pencil them in at seven, and we'll say no more about it."
"Mrs. Cullen, I apologize, but we are fully booked on Saturday," he stutters out.
"Marcus, I'm sure you can fit him in; normally, my Edward would deal with things like this," I say as Rose opens her door and just looks at me. I shake my hand at her. "But, he's been a real grump today, I would hate for him to lose it. I know how much he loves your restaurant."
"Party of two you say, Mr. Cullen – Edward?"
I hold back my chuckle.
"Well, Marcus, that boy does need a good woman, but no this is for my younger son Emmett and his beautiful girlfriend Rosalie."
"Thank you, Mrs. Cullen; we'll see them at seven on Saturday the fourteenth. I, again, am so very sorry for the mix up."
I almost let out a laugh at this point.
"Oh Marcus, it's fine my dear, these things ... happen. Ta-ta now," I say before hanging up the phone.
Rose crosses her arms and gives me a bitch brow. "He forgot to book the table?"
I nod and she rolls her eyes.
"Well, thanks for fixing that for him. I've got to say I love how you do that."
"It's all part of the job, ma'am," I say with my best southern drawl, which makes her laugh.
"Take petty cash, and go get us lunch, please?"
"The usual?"
"Yes, please," Rose says with a hum wiggling her brow.
"I really want to tell Emmett that you love the diner's cheesecake more than him."
Rose twitches her finger and glares at me. "You do, and there will be no pay raises for you."
I roll my eyes and pick up the phone placing the order. I get the money out of petty cash, and grab my jacket before walking out.
I walk into the dinner and trip, falling right into someone.
I groan closing my eyes – it would be him.
"Sorry, Mr. Cullen," I mutter out.
I peek out one eye and notice I drenched his shirt in the coffee he was holding.
"I can pay to get it washed for you," I say grabbing some napkins and wiping his shirt.
"This shirt cost three hundred dollars, it doesn't get washed."
I swallow stopping my hand movement.
"I ... I can pay for a new one?" I blurt out without meaning to.
"You'll buy me a new shirt?" Mr. Cullen mocks out.
"Yes," I say dropping my head. It's not like I need to eat this month. "I'll have it to you by Monday," I say moving away from him.
"Miss Swan." I stop and look up at him, but his cell rings, so he sighs picking it up.
I turn to the counter and see Esme. "Hi Esme, do you have our order ready?" I ask feeling down in the dumps.
"It's almost done; are you okay?"
I give her a weak smile and nod.
"You can come in and talk to me, dear, any time"
I nod at her. "Sounds good; thanks, Esme."
"You know what ... I'm going to throw in some chocolate cake for you."
I chuckle and smile a little more.
"Thanks," I say.
"Sorry about that, and the shirt's fine; don't worry about—" Mr. Cullen blurts out harshly making me think that it's not okay.
"Edward," Esme says sounding shocked.
"Yes, oh and, Esme, you really need to think about having that eyesore of a truck moved," he says.
I place the twenty on the counter walking away with our lunch and receipt. I really don't want to stand around listening to him mocking my truck.
I walk right into Rose's office finding Alice is now here, too. Alice is Edward's personal assistant, but I love the woman regardless of who she works for.
"Oh no, what happened?" she asks jumping up and looking at me.
"I tripped into stupid Mr. Cullen and he spilled his coffee down his fancy shirt," I say pouting.
"Oh no, he has on the new Ralph Lauren summer collection," Alice mutters.
Rose slaps the back of her head. "Friend is upset here; she comes first, not the rude asshole with the freaking high dollar shirt that he has like fifty of."
"Two hundred," Alice says sounding a little far away.
Rose rolls her eyes. "Bella, it's fine, don't worry."
I shake my head at her.
"He said that I can't wash it, so I'll have to pay for a new one."
Rose goes to speak but I carry on talking.
"Then he picked on my truck again."
Rose gets out our lunches, placing them down. "You do know what makes me get through the day in a male-dominant environment, don't you?"
"Knowing that all men are bastards?" I ask.
Rose just looks at me with a smirk. "Besides that."
"Knowing if they could suck their own dicks, they would stay at home?" Alice barks out laughing.
"Again, no but very true. I guess I'll just have to tell you."
I nod knowing that would be best, because guesses at this point will only get raunchier.
"Men are overgrown toddlers that have to have a woman make their appointments, check their spelling and make sure they are dressed right," she says pointing at Alice. "But, they still can only do half the work we do, and there's no way in hell they could ever do it in Jimmy Choos'."
I nod as Alice chants out, "here, here."
"Bella?" Alice calls as she wipes her mouth clean. "Don't worry about the shirt or the cost of it. I will bring you in a shirt to give to him, and he will be none the wiser."
"Alice, I said I'll pay for it."
"Bella, Alice has shirts for him coming out his ears, take this as payback for him calling you mouse." Rose talks with a mouth full of food.
"Fine," I say but feel glad that I don't need to shell out three hundred bucks for a fancy shirt.
The rest of the afternoon goes by slowly. Before leaving Rose fills me in on everything she wants to go over with Mr. Cullen. Even though I know everything inside and out, I'm still very nervous. At quarter to four, I walk to the elevator taking deep breaths as it takes me to the top floor.
I walk slowly to Alice's desk as she smiles broadly at me.
"Hey, you're early," she chirps and I look at the clock behind her seeing it says ten minutes to three. I glance at my watch that says ten minutes to four.
"I'm not early, your clock is slow, Alice."
Alice looks behind her and then at her computer screen. She frowns and slaps her desk. "Stupid thing stopped again."
She picks up her phone. "Edward, Bella Swan is here for the four o'clock meeting."
She hangs up the phone "He said he'd come and get you, when he's ready."
"Hmm," I hum out as I look down at her workload.
"Are you going to join Rose and me, tomorrow night?"
I shrug. "Not sure; are Jasper and Emmett going to be there?" As much as I like them, I still hate playing the fifth wheel. There's always the chance that Mr. Cullen will tag along, too. After all, Jasper and Emmett are his brothers and that worries me.
"Nope, it's our girls' night out, so just us," Alice says with a giggle. "Come on, Bella, you could pick up a young, hot looking guy, and take him home and have hot sex with him"
"That's not my scene, Alice."
"Fine ... an older dude who's hot and ready to fulfill your hottest fantasies."
"Well, I'm certain that would go peachy, right up to the point where I ask if I can call him daddy," I cheekily remark making Alice laugh.
"Is this what I pay you for, Alice?"
I jump turning around to see Mr. Cullen standing there, not looking very happy.
"Miss Swan, if you're done discussing your personal life, you can come into my office?"
Alice laughs again and Edward glares at her looking flushed.
"I mean, you can follow me, into my office."
I look at Alice who's still laughing, but she waves me to go.
"You're not sitting in on this meeting?" I ask in my best pleading voice.
"Alice has work to do, so do I; will you just get in here, so we can get to it?"
Alice cackles out again and I bite my lip as I walk slowly to him. The closer I get, the more of a buzzing electrical feeling surges through my body. I stop when I am standing next to Mr. Cullen.
"After you, mo— Miss Swan."
I walk into the large office for the first time and frown when it looks more like the hallway of a home.
"My office is this way," Mr. Cullen states as his hand lingers on the base of my back.
We move a short pace down the hallway, and off to the left is a wide open living room, of which I could see a dining room on the other side.
"Do you live here?" I blurt out. "I'm sorry," I murmur as my blush heats my face and I drop my head.
"No, I don't live here, but I do like to work in a homey environment. My office space includes: a living room, kitchen, dining room, gym, full bathroom, and of course, my office."
I bob my head and keep looking around. I wonder if there's a bedroom someplace, too.
"I can't answer that as it could be construed as a sexual question, Miss Swan."
I gasp, as I suddenly realize I must've spoken out loud.
"I have had harassment charges filed against me once, albeit unwarranted; I'd rather not go through that again."
"I wouldn't ..." I stutter as we stand outside a door.
"So, if I were to sexually harass you, you wouldn't tell?" Mr. Cullen asks almost hovering above me.
"That ... No! That's not what I meant. I meant, I wouldn't lie and get you into trouble," I gush out the last part quickly.
"Hmm," Mr. Cullen hums as he opens the door.
I walk into his office slowly – it's very large and spacey, and find myself smiling because I really like it.
"Are you okay, Miss Swan?" Mr. Cullen asks and I drop my smile knowing I must've been grinning like a fool.
"Yeah ... yes, Sir."
"Then please take a seat," he tells me pointing to a chair.
I nod sitting down, and right away my leg starts to bounce.
"Mr. Cullen," I say with a squeak making him raise his brow at me. I know right away this must be one of the reasons he calls me mouse.
"Mouse, I told you my name is Edward."
"And I told you my name is Bella," I say right away. I close my eyes knowing this meeting may end with me getting sacked.
"Touché, Mouse, tell you what, I'll call you Bella, instead of Miss Swan, and you call me Edward, instead of Mr. Cullen, agreed?"
"Agreed, Edward," I say.
As soon as his eyes leave mine, I let out a breath.
Edward and I go through all the points Rose wanted me to bring up with him.
"You, too, get a pay raise?" Edward asks.
"Er, I'm not sure ... I wasn't aware of that being in there," I say quickly.
"You've only been with us six months; all employees start at grade one for pay and that lasts for a year."
I nod knowing this. "Yes, Sir, I'm aware."
"Not only does it say you, too, get a pay raise, but you're being moved to grade three?"
I shrug again, not knowing what else to do. I know at grade one I get ten dollars an hour, but at grade three, I'd be getting closer to twenty dollars an hour.
"I really can't say Mr.—"
Edward raises his brow at me, cutting me off.
"Edward, I know Rose joked about it," I say looking down.
"Bella," Edward calls out. "Look up when someone is addressing you."
I look up, and he sighs out.
"In the business world, you can't show weakness, no matter what, do you understand me, mouse?"
I bob my head, but I haven't a clue what he's talking about.
"Okay, that's it then; we are done for today. I'll speak to Rose tomorrow about the subject you couldn't help with. Have a nice evening."
I jump up and just about run out of his office and personal space.
"Bella, you okay?" I nod at Alice.
"Yep, but I'm starting to agree with Emmett; I think Edward," I say pointing at his door, "needs to get laid, and bad."
Alice giggles a little.
"I swear, Alice, you could put coal up his ass, and in no time flat, it would come out as a diamond."
Alice laughs some more and I roll my eyes at her.
"He must have done something right, you're calling him Edward?"
I shrug. "See you tomorrow," I say walking out.
I get in my truck heading for Walmart, knowing I need some groceries.
I walk around getting some fruit and frozen meals for one.
"I need chocolate," I say to myself. Knowing aunt flo is making my life miserable, and the caffeine and sugar from it will make me feel better. I groan when I hit the candy aisle – Valentine shit is covering the shelves. I love the chocolates, but really hate the greeting card holiday.
"Twenty freaking bucks for a stupid, heart-shaped box of chocolate?" I huff out loud.
"Can I help you, Ma'am," one of the workers asks.
"Yes, I was wondering if I opened this and only took the good kinds out, and left the shitty ones nobody eats, can I get a discount?"
The poor worker just looks at me like I'm unstable.
"Um, no," he says slowly, looking around as if he thinks someone might jump out at him.
"Okay, where are the smaller boxes of these?" I say shaking the twenty dollar box.
"That's the only size we have left at the moment."
"It's almost Valentine's Day, and people usually buy them for others?" he says as if he was asking me.
"Ah, the rip-your-heart-out and send it to that special someone, only for them to refuse it and put return to sender on it, day!"
The worker just smiles at me as he backs away from me.
I turn back looking at the chocolate. I pick up another box looking at the back seeing the best-if-used-by date is 2017.
"I just don't get why people don't wait until the fifteenth and buy the discounted chocolate, and put it away for next year. All I want is some freaking chocolate that doesn't cost me two hours of work," I groan out and the worker actually runs away.
I really hate Valentine's Day, and not because I'm a younger version of an old spinster, I mean, I don't even have a cat.
A/N: Well there is no set posting schedule for this as of right now, and there is still a bit to write yet, but it will be completed 100% by the end of February. Let us know what you think. We love to hear your thoughts. Thanks for reading yet another of the stories by WeeKittyAndTAT, we hope you enjoy it. (Nikky) & Kasi~