So just mentioning this is my first fanfic and I'd like as much constructive criticism as possible! Please please review, the more you guys review the faster I update!
Violets POV
I hurry to let Tate in, and only when I open the window and the cool air rushes in do I realize he's hanging from lattice three story's high.
"What are you doing up here?! Get in quick!"
He flashes me a mischievous grin, and I just about melt into a puddle of goo right there. Without even thinking I grab one of his arms and start to heft him in. I'm surprised by the strength and muscle that I feel in his forearm. Suddenly I have to desire to pull that baggy sweater off and reveal everything it's hiding. That thought is knocked out of my head when he lurches through the window and lands on top of me. He manages not to crush me but I can feel his full weight on top of me, and how lean and yet strong he is everywhere. Before I have time to enjoy it he jumps up and reaches a hand down to me.
"I'm so sorry!", he exclaims and appears to be one hundred percent sincere.
"I just wanted to apologize for being such a jerk earlier, and already I'm fucking up again." He rubs the back of his neck subconsciously and stares at me from under his lashes, suddenly shy.
"It's ok I guess, you just can't say anything to my dad. Why were you up here anyway?", I ask in an accusatory tone.
"Well... I have to admit I was kind of snooping around. I just have this feeling that this house has a lot of secrets just waiting to be uncovered."
" I know what you mean about getting a weird vibe from this house. But you didn't have to climb all the way up here to apologize! It's three stories high! You would have died if you had fallen!" Tate chuckles as if there's some inside joke and explains,
"I have superb juvenile delinquent skills, including but not limited to climbing lattice to girls windows at odd hours of the night. Don't you worry about me.", he says confidently and gives me a cocky grin.
I stare at my feet in a moment of awkward silence, not knowing what to do now, but Tate just makes himself right at home. He slips his shoes off and heads over to my cd collection, choosing a Nirvana album and popping the disc in.
"What now?", I ask him, shocked that the boy I've been thinking about all day is currently standing in my room like we've known each other for years.
"Welllll", he drawls out.
"Since I took all that effort to get up here we should at least chill out and listen to some music. You know I cut too."
"Really?", I implore. In response he pulls his sleeves up and shows me scares, explaining events that triggered some, like the leaving of his father. I do the same, pulling my sleeves up and citing my most recent cuts to be caused by the coke head bitches at my school.
"Where do you go?", he asks.
"Westfield High. I hate it."
"That place sucks, I got kicked out of there."
We sit for hours talking about everything from our hatred of California to our philosophies on life. The more we talk the more I feel like I've known Tate forever. I'm not consumed with anxiety like I usually am in social situations, but instead words flow from me with ease. He's laying across my bed on his back and I'm leaning up against my head board when he lights up a cigarette. He takes a drag and it's one of the sexiest things I've seen. I just watch him for a minute, wrapping those lips around the cigarette and seeming to cherish and drawl out each hit. I bet that's how he kisses, I think, and then it's all I can think about. After he catches me staring he offers the cig to me and we split the rest of it, and with each hit we take the air becomes more charged with sexual tension. He stares at me hard with those dark as and says,
"I saved the last drag for you."
As I cherish this "last drag" I at this point am praying that he kisses me before he leaves. And I'm not even religious. Tate gets up and stretches, which in turn gives me a wonderful view of his slightly muscled stomach. I sigh and try not to pathetically oggle. I really do. I and walk over to him at the window.
"I had a pretty awesome time hanging out with you", he says, and stares down at me and glances at my lips.
"Me too. But we definitely shouldn't tell my dad about this."
"Yeah, that's for sure. I don't have a session again for another week." He gives me a slight frown.
"Maybe I could come over again?" He asks, and looks unsure of himself, which I can't even understand. Does he really think I'll deny him? Even if I wanted to I couldn't, these few hours with him just leaving me wanting more rather than satiating me.
"Uh sure.", I respond in an attempt to be "cool" and indifferent. Better that than looking like that pathetic fan girl that I really am I figure. The cocky smirk is now back and he glances at my lips again, which I unconsciously lick in response. I only just notice that while talking we've moved so that I'm in between Tate and the wall. He takes a step closer and now he's near enough that I can feel the heat radiating from his body into mine.
" So this is goodnight then." His eyes are smoldering nearly black at this point, and his voice has become lower and gruff. He takes a step closer to me and we're touching now.
"Yeah, goodnight", I whisper, and before I know it his lips are on mine. At first it's soft and light, just gentle caresses of my lips with his own. He's dragging his fingertips up and down my arms and just these soft touches have turned me into a hot mess. But he's being too soft and gentle, and soon I start to become more aggressive with my kiss, wanting more. I open my mouth to hesitantly touch my tongue to his lips, and he gives me a startled but eager moan and dives into my mouth. I feel a hand move from my arm and tangle into my hair to tilt my head as he plunges deeper with his tongue. I moan appreciatively and start to subtly rock my hips against his own, seeking any sort of friction. Not one for subtly, Tate lifts one of my legs around his hips and starts thrusting directly against my now dripping core in time with his tongue in my mouth. His grip on my hair becomes tighter to the point of being painful and his thrusting hips even more urgent, but I'm far from complaining. To my surprise the dull pain in my scalp quickly turns into a throbbing pleasure. I'm mindless with desire for this dark and mysterious boy at this point, and against my will moan again. This seems to bring him back to the moment and he pulls his mouth away from mine quickly. I almost pout and pull him back to me but restrain myself. Where is this pathetic neediness coming from?
"Are you ok?" He questions, staring into my eyes seriously with a concerned look.
"Uhm of course, why? Did I do something wrong? That was my first kiss", I mutter embarrassed.
"No, no! You were perfect", and he smiles and pecks my nose
"I just wanted to make sure I didn't scare you or anything. I got a little carried away." He shyly smiles and I can't help the blush that heats my face.
"Your just saying that" I retort, but Tate's not having any of that.
"Well I guess I could be lying to you", he drawls out and a mischievous gleam lights his eyes. He closes in on me again, pushes my hair off my shoulder, and starts littering a path of soft kisses from my shoulder leading to my ear. His pace is achingly slow and by the time he makes it to my ear I'm on the verge of panting.
"But this can't exactly lie", he whispers, and I feel him thrust his hard bulge against my core. And then he quickly pulls away.
"Well I guess I better get going" he says, cool as a cucumber as I'm a hot mess leaning against the wall. This just isn't fair.
"Yeah, it's getting pretty late and I have to get up for stupid school is the morning"
At the thought of school my mood instantly crashes from the rare high it had reached. Tate can tell and he reaches forward to touch my face.
"Hey, hey. Don't let school get you down. If that bitch messes with you again you show her how tough you really are. I'll come over again as soon as I can get outta my house and you can tell me all about it"
"Sounds good" I offer him a smile.
He starts to lower himself out of the window and I watch as his entire decent down. When he reaches the lawn he triumphantly smiles up to me and waves. I wave back and watch him run off into the dark. As I collapse into my bed and let sleep consume me, all I can think is what a night.
Tate's POV
I didn't know how Violet would react to me climbing up the lattice to her room, but I knew from watching her she was shy yet fiery when provoked, and I didn't know what Violet I would get this night. All that I knew was that I needed to make up to her for encounter in the bathroom. I was startled by my desire for her and in turn things I wanted to say came out very wrong. Like how I knew what it was like to use cutting as an outlet, when you feel so overwhelmed that you need to just escape from everything and allow yourself to feel something. I mean everyone was entitled to that? Right? Feeling something? I wanted to tell her not to be ashamed. But instead I came off like a dick. And I wouldn't be getting any where with that behavior.
So I climbed up the lattice to my room- I mean her room, proud of myself for not falling even thought it wouldn't really matter. If I "died" I would just heal within a matter of minutes. When she saw me starring at her through the window she looked so surprised I thought she might not let me in. But then she rushed to the window to help pull me through, and of course I fell on top of her. While I enjoyed feeling her tiny body beneath mine I'm sure she didn't enjoy being crushed by me, so I quickly pulled her up and promptly apologized. Less than one minute around her and I'm already fucking up again. After we clear the air on the bathroom incident I try to make her feel more comfortable by telling her about my cutting. She seems surprised at first but then we're sharing personal stories about our self harm like we've known each other for years. When she tells me about the girl bullying her at school I'm filled with murderous thoughts. How dare anyone try to hurt this delicate girl?
The thought of her going through high school an outcast not only makes me sad for her but cements my desire for her even more. In every way she is turning out to be a kindred spirit. For not that first time I'm frustrated that I'm stuck in this house. But I guess it's better, considering that if I could leave the property I'd probably murder the teenage girl giving Violet a hard time. And even though Violet might not like her, she probably wouldn't like it if I killed her either. We may be kindred spirits in some ways, but I suspect that murder is where that ends.
Laying in bed with her, listening to music and talking, is the happiest I've been since I died. I notice when I'm around Violet the thoughts that normally consume me to cause havack in some way, whether it would murder or destruction, are quieted. The darkness that is always creeping in the edge of my mind is gone. All I can notice is the way she hides behind a curtain of her sun kissed hair when she's shy and blushing, and the way her lips curve in that delectable smirk. I want to bury my fingers in that hair and hold her in place. I want to dive into that mouth and never come up for air, and I want to do a lot more than just that. But despite Violets lack of innocence in certain areas, I'm almost positive she's a virgin. I don't want to push anything too fast and scare her away, so I light a cig to distract me. If my mother was good for anything it would be for the fact that she keeps me stocked up on cigarettes. I notice as I start to smoke that Violet is staring at me with blatant desire, and I offer the cigarette to her just so I can put my lips somewhere that hers have been.
I realize that she definitely wants me to kiss her, and I decide then and there it can not happen on the bed, I don't think I could control myself in the bed. And I want to make this good for her. I get up to leave and while we're saying goodbye maneuver us so that she's in between the wall and me. I looked into her eyes for confirmation, and then go for it. It starts out soft and innocent, and I can tell she's never even kissed anyone before which makes me even more aroused than I already am. But soon she gets then hang of it and I feel her tongue against my lips, asking for entrance. I can't help the startled groan that escapes my mouth, and I more than willingly oblige. We're pulling against each other, trying to get closer, and soon she's subtlety gently rocking her hips against mine, but at this point I'm losing my ability to be gentle. All I really want to do is strip her right her and fuck her against the wall. And then on the floor. And the bed. Actually everywhere. But instead I lift one of her legs around my hips and start strongly thrusting against her core, in time with my tongue in her mouth. I'm holding her head in place with tight fist in her hair which must be painful, but she doesn't complain and I can't really control myself at this point anyway. When she gives out a desperate moan it brings me back to reality and I step back from her.
She leans against the wall for a minute, panting and trying to gather herself. Then she shyly smiles at me and blushes, and it's so fucking cute and sexy and I just want to kiss her again, but I have to remind myself to stay in check. I ask if she's ok and she reassures me she is, and confirms my thoughts that this was in fact her first kiss. She's worried that she wasn't a good kisser and I can't help but playing with her a little bit and "showing her" what a good kisser she is. I leave promising her that I'll come visit her again as soon as I can get out of my house, but what she doesn't realize is that after I climb down the lattice I'll be back up in that room with her for the rest of the night.